@misc{Yu, author = {Yu, Xianghong}, title = {An Analysis of the Alienation Theme in Mr. Sammler 's Planet, Master thesis [《塞姆勒先生的行星》中的异化主题分析], English Language and Literature, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Saul Bellow is one of the greatest writers after the Second World War, and his works have attracted the attention of the world. Through the depiction of modern intellectuals, the works of Bellow reveal profoundly the spiritual crises existing in the contemporary western countries. The protagonists of Bellow never escape from the reality, but explore their spirits insistently. They courageously get to know themselves and learn to come to terms with the world. Readers will always find a ray of hope from the protagonists who are in dilemmas, loneliness and alienation. There are already scholars in China analyzing Bellow's Herzog from the perspective of alienation. But due to the scarcity of the studies on >Mr. Sammler's Planet< in China, there are still no scholars who analyze the novel from the perspective of alienation. In the reading of the novel, the thesis writer recognizes the theme of alienation in the novel. The thesis provides a new-perspective for the analysis of the novel Saul Bellow is one of the greatest writers after the Second World War, and his works have attracted the attention of the world. Through the depiction of modern intellectuals, the works of Bellow reveal profoundly the spiritual crises existing in the contemporary western countries. The protagonists of Bellow never escape from the reality, but explore their spirits insistently. They courageously get to know themselves and learn to come to terms with the world. Readers will always find a ray of hope from the protagonists who are in dilemmas, loneliness and alienation.- There are already scholars in China analyzing Bellow's Herzog from the perspective of alienation. But due to the scarcity of the studies on >Mr. Sammler's Planet< in China, there are still no scholars who analyze the novel from the perspective of alienation. In the reading of the novel, the thesis writer recognizes the theme of alienation in the novel. Through the application of Marx and Fromm's theories on alienation to the analysis of the alienation in characters like Mr. Sammler, Wallace, Angela and Shula, the thesis exposes the living conditions of intellectuals and the social realities of the 1960s. The thesis provides a new perspective for the analysis of the novel.}, language = {zh} }