@misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Yue}, title = {Loneliness - Beyond >Opium in the Clouds< [孤独—《云中鸦片》的彼端], Master thesis, Spanish Language and Literature, Beijing International Studies University, Bejing, China [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {《云中鸦片》是哥伦比亚作家拉菲尔•查帕罗的代表作品,获得1992年度的哥伦比亚国家文学奖。作为作者仅有的发表于生前的小说,这部作品在哥伦比亚国内反响巨大。而又因其主题表现了城市中年轻人的生存状态,在年轻读者中引起了广泛的共鸣。小说的创作手法非常新颖,多个叙事者,片段式结构,时间、逻辑顺序的混乱,独白、呓语、文字游戏的穿插,使作品语言带有明显的实验性。就其内容而言,反传统的人物设定,弱化的情节以及作品中荒诞的世界,也使这部小说与传统作品割裂开来。《云中鸦片》主要描写了一群社会边缘的年轻人,孤独的他们终日沉迷于酒精、毒品和性爱,而行尸走肉般的生活的使得他们既无法挽救他人,也无法实现自我救赎。于是,有人浑浑噩噩日复一日重复着这样的生活,也有人无法忍受而最终自我了断。整部作品虽然都在描写日常的生活,反映的却是城市生活中年轻人的孤独与痛苦。本篇论文首先介绍了作品及作者的概况,提出其中的孤独主题,并介绍了对这部小说各方面以及对孤独这一人类共有状态在心理学及哲学方面的研究现状。孤独是世界文学广泛关注的主题之一,而拉美地区又因其独有的历史与现状对孤独有着特殊的敏感,因此拉美文学格外关注孤独。海德格尔,弗洛姆等哲学家阐释了人类孤独的来源,而现代人又因其与自然环境的隔离,承受着一种异于农耕时代的新式孤独。作品所指的城市是哥伦比亚首都波哥大,工业的发展让城市生活日益现代化,而长期的武装冲突又让社会动荡不安。小说三要素的情节、人物、环境,以及作者重复使用的意象,和贯穿全文的摇滚音乐元素,都深刻反映出当时波哥大年轻人的孤独。本文作者尝试通过文中人物的行为方式,结合作者的自身经历及其发表的各种作品,探讨作者对于孤独的思考及写作意图。文中人物实则主动选择了孤独,作者这样的安排与其想要表达的思想密切相关,即当时年轻人内心对混乱社会的不满与排斥。本论文认为,《云中鸦片》无论从表达手法还是作品内容上,都反应了孤独这一主题。作者虽然描写的是城市中年轻男男女女的日常生活,但他们的离经叛道和消极颓废都只是其内心孤独的外化体现。书中那个淫雨霏霏的城市实际上脱胎于哥伦比亚首都波哥大,而这些年轻人的生活方式便是波哥大现实的文学体现。作者通过描写这些年轻人的主动孤独,表达了对于那个时代社会乱象的无声抵抗。孤独固然痛苦,但选择孤独就是为了不让自我意识消亡于城市机制的吞噬。《云中鸦片》看似呈现了一幅没有理想的年轻人的群像图,实则揭露了隐匿在当时社会繁华之下他们精神上的孤独空洞。愤怒而忧虑的作者,观察这个他深爱的城市,极冷的批判,却恰好吐露出他极热的心,折射出他对现代人生存状态的思考。}, language = {zh} } @article{WangChen, author = {Wang, Yue and Chen, Yan}, title = {On the Phenomenon of >Buddhism< among College Students Based on Fromm's Theory of >Escape from Freedom< [从弗洛姆>逃避自由<谈大学生>佛系<现象]}, series = {Journal of Beijing City University, No. 1 (2023), pp. 65-69.}, journal = {Journal of Beijing City University, No. 1 (2023), pp. 65-69.}, abstract = {The >Buddhist< culture itself, as a subculture, is usually characterized by the coexistence of rationality and sensibility and the coexistence of aggressiveness and anxiety. The choice of "Buddhist" life for college students is an escape to a certain extent. They leave their families and come to a relatively free university. A sense of loneliness and powerlessness is generated, which leads them to defend themselves to relieve pressure, thus the psychological phenomenon of >escape from freedom< appears. However, there is a certain pragmatism while escaping. This seemingly free and easy >Buddha system< Mentality actually has a negative impact on the subjective well-being of college students. In Fromm's view, freedom has dual meanings. These college students who advertise as >Buddhist youth< are in the predicament of freedom. However, in reality, some college students choose to escape from negative freedom to overcome their inner loneliness. This paper analyzes this phenomenon based on Fromm's >Escape from Freedom<, and attempts to propose a path to achieve positive freedom and help college students pursue positive freedom. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} }