@article{Wang, author = {Wang, Xia}, title = {Pathological Society Struggling - >The Catcher in the Rye< Interpretation after Fromm [病态社会里的挣扎——《麦田里的守望者》的弗洛姆式解读] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Young Writers (Foreign Literary Version) [ 青年作家(中外文艺版)], No. 3 (2011), p. 33.}, journal = {Young Writers (Foreign Literary Version) [ 青年作家(中外文艺版)], No. 3 (2011), p. 33.}, abstract = {《麦田里的守望者》通过讲述主人公霍尔顿离开潘西中学后在纽约的游荡经历,深刻地揭示了现代社会中人的孤独感和失落感。本文以弗洛姆的健全理论为基础,旨在探讨霍尔顿对不健全社会的反抗和自我追寻的历程,反思人的存在本质和人生的价值意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Xia}, title = {Struggling in the Insane Society - >The Catcher in the Rye< Fromm Interpretation [病态社会里的挣扎 - 《麦田里的守望者》的弗洛姆式解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China, 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {J.D. Salinger's >The Catcher in the Rye<, one of the most controversial novels in the contemporary American literature, is recognized as a >modern classic<. The novel profoundly exposes the sense of loneliness and loss through Holden's wandering in New York after his expulsion from Pencey Prep. Based on Fromm's theory of the sane society, this thesis aims at exploring the protagonist's rebellion against the insane society, and his pursuit of self. This thesis is composed of an introduction, three body chapters and a conclusion.- The first part, introduction, summarizes J. D. Salinger's background and literary status, and briefly introduces the main content of the novel, the critical reception home and abroad, and Fromm's theory of the sane society on which the thesis is based on.- The first chapter analyzes the phenomenon of alienation among people in >The Catcher in the Rye<, concluding that Holden feels lonely and depressed among alienated people.- Chapter two discusses Holden's rebellion against the anonymous authority-conformity, and the principle of non frustration prevalent in his time, concluding that Holden struggles to remain innocent.- Chapter three reveals that Holden realizes that love can change the insane society during the process of his pursuit of self.- The last part probes the pursuit of self of the human race in the modern insane society, and examines the essence of being and the meaning of existence. It also reveals Salinger's humanistic concern about the fate of the mankind and sums up the thesis by reaffirming Salinger's profound exposition of the contemporary world.}, language = {zh} } @article{XiaWang, author = {Xia, Guhua and Wang, Xin}, title = {Alienation of the >Jazz Age< - Erich Fromm Visual Theory of Alienation under >The Great Gatsby< Alienation Interpretation [异化的>爵士时代<- 弗洛姆异化理论视觉下《了不起的盖茨比》异化解读][application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Chifeng University (Philosophy and Social Science) [赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)], No. 3 (2013), pp.115-116.}, journal = {Journal of Chifeng University (Philosophy and Social Science) [赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)], No. 3 (2013), pp.115-116.}, abstract = {>爵士时代<的代言人菲茨杰拉德在他的小说《了不起的盖茨比》中鲜活地再现了那个时代的社会风貌。其主人公盖茨比为了实现自己的梦想,经历了深刻的异化过程。本文从盖茨比变质了的美国梦,盖茨比和黛西物化的恋爱婚姻观,人与人之间功利的人际关系三方面来分析《了不起的盖茨比》中的异化现象,探索了异化的根源,揭示了美国梦背后所蕴含的深刻社会问题:正是资本主义制度下人与其所创造的物之间的异化,以及人和人之间关系的异化造成了盖茨比的悲剧命运。}, language = {zh} }