@article{LiWang, author = {Li, Qingxia and Wang, Xi}, title = {A Study on Similarities and Differences of Alienation Theories between Fromm and Luk{\´a}cs [弗洛姆与卢卡奇异化理论的差异性探究]}, series = {Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) [东北农业大学学报(社会科学版) ], No. 6 (2011), pp. 113-117.}, journal = {Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) [东北农业大学学报(社会科学版) ], No. 6 (2011), pp. 113-117.}, abstract = {The main representative Lukacs of the early western Marxism and important representative Fromm of the Frankfurt School have inherited the alienation theory of Marx, and they also carried on the in-depth research on the emerging of alienation phenomenon in the 20th century, and they both had a profound criticism on modern capitalism by using the alienation theories. However, the emergence of the backgrounds and concerns of alienation theories are different, meanwhile, the analysis on the causes of alienation, and the discussion on elimination of alienation ways also show the great difference. Therefore, this paper aims to compare the similarity and difference between Fromm and Lukacs' alienation theories, and provides a new understanding on contemporary alienation phenomena.}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Xi}, title = {Luk{\´a}cs' and Fromm's Theory of Alienation [比较卢卡奇、弗洛姆的异化理论]}, series = {The Border Economy and Culture [边疆经济与文化], No. 4 (2011), pp. 42-43.}, journal = {The Border Economy and Culture [边疆经济与文化], No. 4 (2011), pp. 42-43.}, abstract = {卢卡奇指出,由于科技理性思想和合理化原则对社会生产的逐步渗透,人越来越被当成物来看待,工人阶级的命运逐渐转变成整个社会的命运;弗洛姆从人本主义立场出发,通过对精神、心理的分析,指出晚期资本主义社会的人日益沦为商品,人完全被异化。但不可忽视的是:他们二位都从具体的历史现状出发,对>人<予以足够的重视。}, language = {zh} }