@misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Jing}, title = {Existential Alienation and Humanism - Interpretation of Fromm's >Marx's Concept of Man<] [生存异化与人道主义人性观 - 对弗洛姆《马克思关于人的概念》的解读], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2007.}, abstract = {Marx's >Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844< (hereinafter referred to as >Manuscript<) has had a profound impact worldwide since its birth. Fromm believes that >Manuscript< is one of Marx's most important works. >Marx's Concept of Man< is based on the manuscript, and makes a unique interpretation of Marx's concepts of historical materialism, humanity and alienation. The full text is divided into four parts: The first part briefly discusses some scholars' distortion of Marx's historical materialism, and Fromm's criticism of Marx's distortion of historical materialism. The root cause of this misunderstanding is modern society. Universal alienation of survival. The second part mainly discusses Fromm's survival alienation theory. He expanded Marx's theory of alienated labor and believed that alienation is everywhere and from time to time. Human history itself is a history of continuous human development and alienation. The third part mainly expounds Fromm's humanitarian humanity view. His questioning and criticism of vulgar materialism and his theory of survival alienation are all ultimately due to the reconstruction of full humanity and humane care for humanity. He believes that the essence of Marxism is humanism, and the goal is to achieve humanitarian socialism. The fourth part evaluates Fromm's theory of survival alienation and humanitarianism, and points out its essence and its dross. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Jing}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Alienation of Consumption and Its Enlightenment for China Building a Conservation Oriented Society [弗洛姆消费异化理论对中国构建节约型社会的启示], Master thesis, Fundamentals of Marxism, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, Shaanxi, Xi'an, China 2017.}, abstract = {自改革开放以来, 国人在较短的时间内实现了从温饱型消费到享受型消费的转变, 个人的消费需求得到极大满足。然而, 生活质量的提高不但没有降低人们对消费品的占有欲望, 反而造成了消费过程中的过度消费、超前消费、盲目消费等消费异化现象。基于此, 本文通过对弗洛姆消费异化思想的研究, 结合中国当前消费领域存在的问题, 提出科学合理、适合中国国情的消费理念和消费行为, 有效避免陷入西方式消费异化问题。弗洛姆在马克思主义劳动异化理论的基础上, 从社会心理学的角度批判资本主义消费中的不合理现象。他认为消费异化是把消费本身变成目的, 个体的消费行为受到外界的干扰, 使人变成贪婪的消费工具, 同时人们对物质无止境的追求而引发了一系列的社会及生态问题。他认为消费异化的产生是利己主义与资本主义共同作用的结果, 所以要消除消费异化必须要从政治、经济、文化、个体等方面着手, 找出导致消费异化产生的根本原因, 从根源上避免消费异化。当前, 随着我国生产力的持续发展和科学技术水平的不断进步, 人们的生活质量快速提高, 人们的消费需求也在不断增长, 且消费需求的快速增长逐渐成为我国经济社会发展的强劲动力之一。但伴随人们迅速增长的消费欲望, 我国消费领域也出现了类似弗洛姆所批判的消费异化现象。与此同时, 目前我国还存在较为严重的收入差距问题, 这在客观上加剧了消费领域的异化问题。不论是高收入者的奢靡消费还是低收入者的超前消费、盲目消费, 都面临消费异化倾向。当人们沉溺于过度消费的快感之中, 被物所束缚, 在消费中体验虚假>自由<和>幸福<, 并逐渐在异化消费中迷失自我。据于此, 展开对弗洛姆消费异化理论的深入研究, 对避免消费异化问题具有重要理论价值和现实意义。本文主要通过三种方法对弗洛姆消费异化问题进行研究, 一是文献分析法, 研读马克思主义及西方马克思主义学者的消费异化理论, 以期对本文研究提供理论支撑。二是历史与逻辑相结合的方法, 从历史角度阐释马克思主义经典作家及西方马克思主义学者对消费异化理论的研究, 重点分析弗洛姆有关消费异化的理论, 揭示消费异化产生的根源、表现极其影响, 总结克服消费异化采取的措施。三是理论联系实际的方法, 将弗洛姆消费异化理论与我国当前现实相结合, 从社会学、生态学、伦理学等角度分析, 为解决消费异化问题指明出路, 为我国建设节约型社会提供理论引导。通过以上三种方法对西方马克思学者消费异化理论进行深入研究, 以弗洛姆的消费异化思想为主线, 为我国研究消费异化问题奠定理论基石和消费理念。在消费主义盛行时代, 研究消费异化问题, 可以帮助人们审视自己的消费理念, 自觉抵制消费异化行为。引导人们以马克思主义理论为指导, 树立正确科学的消费观, 发挥社会主义核心价值观的价值引领作用, 在人们心中播撒绿色消费理念, 引导我国民众进行理性消费, 有力推动我国构建节约型社会的步伐。}, language = {zh} }