@misc{Yao, author = {Yao, Ruonan}, title = {Fromm's Inheritance and Development of Marx's Freedom Thought, Master thesis, Philosophy, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China 2022.}, abstract = {From ancient times to the present, the issue of freedom has always been a hot issue of people's attention. People's yearning and pursuit of freedom is an inexhaustible driving force for the progress of human society. In the twentieth century, people found that the development of industry and technology did not bring true freedom and happiness, but made people's hearts more lonely and spiritually empty, and gradually fell into the contradiction of pursuing freedom and escaping from freedom. Fromm saw the suffering of people. He approached from a microscopic psychological point of view, inheriting and further developing Marx's free thought on the basis of Freud's psychoanalytic theory. First, Fromm's inheritance of Marx's idea of freedom includes: First, both men have taken the actual individual as the subject of freedom, and have set achievable goals of freedom. Second, both men applied the method of integrating theory with practice and unifying history and logic to study the question of freedom. Third, Fromm's free thought embodies a strong critical and humanitarian spirit, which is consistent with the inner spirit of Marx's free thought. Secondly, Fromm's development of Marx's free ideas includes: First, Marx tried to achieve the free liberation of man through social revolution, while Fromm wanted to achieve the free development of man through psychological revolution. Second, Marx's theory of labor alienation strongly criticized capitalist society; Fromm put forward a new theory of alienation, which examined the unfree phenomena of capitalist society from a psychological point of view, and usefully supplemented Marx's free thought. Third, Marx put forward a beautiful vision of the future society, advocating the establishment of a communist society to achieve the free and all-round development of people; Fromm envisioned the establishment of a sound society through political, economic and cultural reforms, which is a supplement to the future free development model of mankind. Fourth, Fromm's focus on the analysis of human freedom from a personal, microscopic and psychological perspective is an innovation in the perspective of the study of freedom issues. Finally, reflection and evaluation: First, it is pointed out that the defects of Fromm's inheritance and development of Marx's free thought, the exaggerated role of psychological factors, the lack of a thorough path to solve the problem, and the unrealistic method of seeking positive freedom. Second, analyze the contemporary values and practical enlightenment of Fromm's inheritance and development of Marx's free thought. It provides a new direction for people to pursue freedom and a new perspective for the analysis and solution of social problems; it is necessary to attach importance to the issue of human freedom and development, attach importance to the coordination of the relationship between science and technology and humanities, and pay attention to strengthening the construction of social spiritual civilization. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} }