@article{LiZhou, author = {Li, Jianhua and Zhou, Ping}, title = {On Fromm's Care Ethics (2003) [论弗洛姆的关爱伦理思想]}, series = {Tsinghua Philosophical Almanac [清华哲学年鉴] 2003, Editor: Wan Junren, >Tsinghua Philosophy Yearbook< Academic Editorial, Publisher: Hebei University Press (2003), pp. 62-91.}, journal = {Tsinghua Philosophical Almanac [清华哲学年鉴] 2003, Editor: Wan Junren, >Tsinghua Philosophy Yearbook< Academic Editorial, Publisher: Hebei University Press (2003), pp. 62-91.}, abstract = {弗洛姆是20世纪西方杰出的社会心理学家和人道主义伦理学家,然而,他所思考和研究的范围,却远远超出了心理学和伦理学的理论领域,几乎涵盖了从宏观的社会政治、经济、文化到微观的个人心理、行为、情感、品格等绝大部分社会人文科学主题。20世纪的人类在各个方面所遭遇到的变化,可以说是史无前例的。弗洛姆思想的形成,必须受到时空环境变迁的影响,他必然撷取人类往昔的生活资料,加以分析研究,以了解人类行为的演变,从而增加对现代人的了解,并进而归纳若干重要原则,让后来人引以为鉴。作为一位观察敏锐、思想犀利的学者,他的研究范围广及现代人所面临的各种困境。亲历世界大战、饱受极权政治迫害、目睹经济大恐慌等灾难的人为数不}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Ping}, title = {Social Character and Social Unconscious - Comments on Fromm's Economic Base Ideas Intermediary Doctrine [社会性格和社会无意识——谈谈弗洛姆经济基础与思想观念的中介学说 ]}, series = {The Friend of Leaders [领导之友], No. 2 (1988), pp. 36-37, 41.}, journal = {The Friend of Leaders [领导之友], No. 2 (1988), pp. 36-37, 41.}, abstract = {经济基础决定思想观念,这一历史唯物主义基本原理已为人们广泛接受,但经济基础是怎样决定及如何转变为思想观念的?美国著名心理学家、社会学家、哲学家弗洛姆在他的《在幻想锁链的彼岸》一书中,提出了社会性格和社会无意识学说,认为正是通过社会性格和社会无意识这一纽带和中介,才使经济基础决定并转变为思想观念的。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiPing, author = {Li, Huawu and Ping, Jiang}, title = {The Constructing of Healthy Personality of University Students in the Internet Society from the Perspective of Fromm's Thought}, series = {International Journal of Social Sciences in Universities, Volume 3, No. 3 (2020), pp. 237-239.}, journal = {International Journal of Social Sciences in Universities, Volume 3, No. 3 (2020), pp. 237-239.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] In December 2017, the outline of improving the quality of ideological and political work in colleges and university was issued by the education ministry of the Communist Party of China, which listed "psychological education" into the top ten education systems of universities. College students can be regarded as one of the main citizen groups in the Internet society. Internet brings the fulfillment to young people's life; however, it also brings the problem of individual alienation. From the perspective of Fromm's Need theory and individual alienation, the individual alienation in internet society can be seen as the external alienation of individual demand and the internal psychological alienation, including Internet social rationality, consumption, relationship, spirit as well as personality alienation. The accumulative alienation of individuals may grow to substantive psychological issues, which hinders the sound development of college students' personalities. Ideological and political workers and teachers in university hence should solve the problem of personality development from the aspects of constructing a healthy personality in order to achieve the all-around development of university students in morality, intelligence, physique fitness, beauty and labor, which lies in the core of mental health education in thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristic for a new era. [English version: www.cnki.net, 9/2021]}, language = {zh} }