@article{KupriianovaKupriianova, author = {Kupriianova, L. S. and Kupriianova, D. S.}, title = {Fascism and Nazism under the Prism of the Antic Low Doctrines. Historical Justification against Modern Criticism. The Phenomenon of >The Moral Stability of Nation<}, series = {Conferences in UA >Сучасні тенденції розвитку української науки< - Секція: Історичні науки, Випуск 6 [Conferences in UA >Modern Trends in the Development of Ukrainian Science< - Section: Historical Sciences - Issue 6 (2011), pp. 9-12. [repo.odmu.edu.ua:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/3461]}, journal = {Conferences in UA >Сучасні тенденції розвитку української науки< - Секція: Історичні науки, Випуск 6 [Conferences in UA >Modern Trends in the Development of Ukrainian Science< - Section: Historical Sciences - Issue 6 (2011), pp. 9-12. [repo.odmu.edu.ua:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/3461]}, abstract = {If we speak about Fascism and Nazism, we think at the same time mostly about Germany at times of Hitler's epoch; because of the fact, that it is an inter-historic phenomenon of cruelty and egoism relatively to human nation. In practice, it is not oppositely even an independent historical study; it is just a compilation of few the most famous political doctrines of all times though. Moreover, after a detailed scientific research of previous century, Fascism and Nazism were manifested finally as different, according to level of radicalism, directions of the Totalitarianism, and it stood even on the same stage with Stalinism. According to this fact, it would be absolutely justified, if at the time of describing of criticism relatively to the rule of Hitler, we would emphasize a historical parallel with criticism of The Soviet Union times and Stalinism as well. However, the last doctrine, since a long time ago, was postulated as more officially justified political system comparing with the first one. But, when we begin our research using doctrinal sources, as well as when we begin analysis of the historical and political studies under the prism of few epochs; I this case a similarity in the positive aspect could be pointed as such logic and clear, that it could be justified as well as perspective enough to speak in our article only about negative aspect of Fascism and Nazism, and, consequently, injustice of this regime. According to the fact, that the main topic of our article is investigation of - injustice‖, in particular, - illegality‖ of Adolf Hitler's rule; as well as discussion about main doctrinal epithets under the prism of fundamental political studies of all times.}, language = {mul} }