@misc{Hao, author = {Hao, Hongcui}, title = {Response to the Behavior of Parents of Young Children's Favorite Cartoon Hero Type [基于幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片的家长回应行为研究], Master thesis, Pre-primary Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2011.}, abstract = {Any questionnaire survey and It does not the present paper took the hero-type cartoon >Ultraman< as an example to study the actual state of the children's love about hero-type cartoons and the parents' response behaviors to it The author also in-depth analyzed the possible effects on children and reasons of parents' response behaviors. The survey found that most children like the hero-type cartoons. They like watching the cartoons, talking about them, imitating the hero and asking their parents to buy related productions for them. The reasons are that the great heroes, simple and repeated stories and the strong stimulation from screen not only attract children, but also cater to the children's psychological needs. In addition, the environments of family and community are influencing factors too. Based on the four types of children's reaction to the cartoons, parents' response behaviors are divided into four corresponding aspects. As for the first type that children like watching cartoons, parents' response behaviors are letting children watch TV themselves or watching cartoons with other children. In terms of children's talking about cartoons, parents usually refuse them, but only repeat what they say, or teach them what they should learn from the cartoons or rearrange and continue the stories. For children's imitating the hero, some parents prohibit their conducts while some other parents allow them to do so. For children's requirement of buying related productions, parents may refuse them, or meet their requirement immediately but with conditions.- According to Erich Fromm's viewpoint, the author analyzed the possible effects which parents' behaviors may bring to children. The result is that parents' supportive actions ie watching cartoons with children, talking with children about cartoons and allowing them play games of super hero, are in favor of children's growth. On the contrary, the averse and restrictive behaviors are bad for children. The study analyzed the reasons of parents' behaviors using Charles H. Zastrow's Social ecosystem theory. The author found that parents' own factors are the main reason, while other persons' effects are the direct reasons for parents' response. Children's pressure of communication with companions makes parents have less control, and the social environment also imperceptibly influences parents' behaviors.- On the basis of the above results, the researcher gives some suggestions to parents and the society in order to help parents make better response to children. Parents should have correct ideas toward children. They may study by themselves and the society should set up schools for parents. In practice, parents must give children the correct guidance. They should watch cartoons with children together, talk with children about cartoons, allow children to play and meet children's requirements latterly. This study proposes the positive impact on children and takes away the negative impact. Consequently, children can get more benefits from the hero-type cartoons.}, language = {zh} } @article{Hao, author = {Hao, Hongcui}, title = {A Study on Parents' Response to Children's Love for Hero Type Cartoons and Suggestions [对家长就幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片所作出的回应行为的研究及相关建议]}, series = {Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 36 (2012), pp. 40-42.}, journal = {Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 36 (2012), pp. 40-42.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available.] This study, using questionnaires and interviews, investigates how parents respond to their children's love for the hero type cartoons such as Japanese cartoon >Ultraman<, analyzes the influence their education opinions may have on their response. Based on these, the researcher puts forward some related suggestions. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 8/2021]}, language = {zh} }