@misc{Du, author = {Du, Haiwei}, title = {Analysis on the Thought of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< [解析弗洛姆的>逃避自由<思想], Master thesis Foreign Philosophy, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2012.}, abstract = {>Escape from the freedom< is the core of Fromm's academic system. The main content of >escape from the freedom< contains following five aspects.- At first, the psychological mechanism of escaping freedom forms in human history. As human get rid of natural bondage, our ability of using reason to control natural is stronger and stronger, the Degree, etc of our freedom seem to higher and higher. At the same time, individual's loneliness, anxiety and insecurity have been deepened. When human history came into the capitalist society, the contradiction reached incompatible limit, and society appeared the psychological tendency of escaping freedom and giving up themselves. Investigate the cause of phenomenon, because, in the whole course of human history, human only realize negative freedom of getting rid of external bondage, people want to escape negative freedom of full of internal contradiction, and realize positive freedom.- Secondly, the psychological mechanism of escaping freedom results in three escaping forms, namely the authoritarianism, desire of destruction and automatic adaptability. These forms are different ways, but giving up individual integrity is their common feature, people is trying to setup some new relationship between themselves and others or organization, so as to get rid of insufferable loneliness and insecurity. But because of the rational mature, human have already known that they are independent, so people only just take various ways to evade the problem but not really solve the problem.- Thirdly, the phenomenon of escaping freedom also has special social reason. As individuation and loneliness increase together, the inner contradiction of negative freedom gets the maximum in capitalist society, the reason is that aspects of social alienation produce, including economy, politics and culture etc. And, alienation of economic life leads to entrepreneurs, senior white-collar workers and workers become gears of a big economic machine; Democratic election is only a meaningless term. Voters are fooled dolls, and those candidates are also used tools by big corporations; In cultural life, no matter family education, school education or social education, we just know the official facts and knowledge according with some political ideology and social moral needs, we are molded into a kind of people, not the unique personal.- Fourthly, to eliminate alienation, realize positive freedom, we will work hard to achieve overall revolution in individual and society; as for individual, to learn to love and creative work. Inner qualities of loving contain giving, care, respect, understanding and responsibility, love is the psychological foundation to realize positive freedom. Creative work is to make the job itself into a demand. The realization of the positive freedom also needs social revolution to do guarantee. In short, social revolution is to establish a new democratic socialism country that people become important participants and managers of national economic life, guarantee the people's democratic rights, and make the people become the nation's true master, at the same time, attempt to establish the human harmony cultural system.- Finally, the >escape from the freedom< thought has important theoretical value. It reveals the essence of alienation, explores a new way of researching freedom and saves the individual's value. At the same time, it's able to help us to reflect on modern materialistic society life and improve our mental consciousness. But the theory also has some limitations, it don't see the fundamental economic cause of the phenomenon of >escape from freedom<, the method that he attempts to achieve positive freedom though changing individual's thought is worth weighing deliberately, and Fromm's some measures of changing social haven't feasibility.}, language = {zh} }