@article{Su, author = {Su, Die}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Consumer Alienation and Its Meaning Today [弗洛姆的消费异化理论及其当代思考]}, series = {Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 7 (2022), pp. 109-112.}, journal = {Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 7 (2022), pp. 109-112.}, abstract = {消费作为一种现象存在于人类的日常生活中,是人类生存需要使用的手段。随着科学技术的进步、生产能力的不断提高,人们在消费过程中其消费方式、消费目的不断发生着变化,甚至说是发生了某种程度上的异化。西方是最早进入消费社会的国家,消费异化现象较为突出,弗洛姆作为法兰克福学派的代表人物之一,他在认真分析并借鉴马克思的劳动异化理论和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说的基础之上,又借鉴于卢卡奇的物化理论及马尔库塞的单向度理论,把社会批判理论作为其立足点,从社会心理学这样的全新视角诠释了他的乌托邦救赎之路。他针对20世纪资本主义社会的现实情况,剖析出消费异化的表现、危害、根源及其消除路径,指出消费不能仅仅是对消费品的消耗和浪费、占有和享乐,而是要在消费的过程中充分展现人的主体性,体现生命的价值和意义。消费应该是理性的、适度的,而不是盲目的、无止境的占有。在中国,伴随着全球化的发展,西方社会的生活方式、文化、价值观念等逐渐渗透到我国日常生活领域,因此,面对如今不同于20世纪的新的时代,弗洛姆的消费异化理论给我们带来了哪些思考,这是本课题的研究目的所在。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Su, author = {Su, Die}, title = {Research on Fromm's Consumption Alienation Theory [弗洛姆的消费异化理论研究], Master thesis, History of Economic Theory and Ideology, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2023. [doi.org/10.27123/d.cnki.ghlju.2023.001682]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, consumption occupies an increasingly important position in People's Daily life. The >productive society< of Marx's era was gradually replaced by the >consumer society< whose main activity was consumption. When the West first entered the consumer society, the consumption problem was more prominent. In this regard, the Western Marxists gradually turned from abstract theoretical research to positive exploration of reality. Fromm, with his unique perspective, revealed the consumption problem from the perspectives of psychology, sociology, philosophy and so on. Fromm believes that modern society is an unsound >artificial world<, where everything created by human beings is high above him. Individuals are integrated into a cultural chain woven by science and technology, mass culture and bureaucratic state, forming a cultural object lacking in criticism and self-awareness, which also causes the alienation of human nature. This alienation of human nature is especially obvious in the field of consumption.- This paper mainly discusses the consumption alienation in the developed industrial society. First of all, it combs the conditions of Fromm's theory of consumption alienation. Fromm's theory of consumption alienation came into being under the influence of the cultural crisis of Western society in the 20th century and the social critical theory of Frankfurt School. Secondly, it traces the influence of Marx's labor alienation theory, Freud's psychoanalysis theory and Luk{\´a}cs' materialization theory on Fromm's consumption alienation theory. Then, it introduces the connotation, origin, harm and solution of Fromm's theory of consumption alienation, and compares it with those of Marcuse, Baudrillard and Ben Agger. Finally, based on Fromm's theory of consumption alienation to reflect on the development of today's world. The limitation lies in the fact that Fromm's humanistic tendency lacks materialist foundation, and the utopian revolutionary road of subbing consumption alienation proposed by Fromm is bound to be unworkable. However, it is undeniable that Fromm's consumption alienation theory provides practical reference and reflection for China to avoid the phenomena caused by this theory in the new era. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024]}, language = {zh} }