@misc{Cui, author = {Cui, Huiying}, title = {Alienation in >Villette< [《维莱特》中的异化], Master thesis, World Literature, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available.] Charlotte Bronte, one of the most celebrated English writers of the nineteenth century, >Villette<, as the last autobiographical novel of her life, has traditionally been considered a classic in the tradition of the novel. The novel's heroine, Lucy Snowe, embodies Charlotte in her journey from the acquisition and deepening of self-consciousness to the stage of self-struggle to reach a life of self-realization, showing the current state of existence. This thesis intends to explore the issue of alienation in >Villette< from the perspective of Erich Fromm's alienation theory. Erich Fromm's alienation theory is divided into three important parts: the theory of human nature, the theory of alienation and the theory of love. The theory of human nature is the starting point and basis for analyzing the problem of human dilemma and helping people to get out of it; the problem of human alienation is the core problem of the impact of capitalist society on people; and the theory of love is a path proposed by Erich Fromm to help people to seek happiness under the influence of other ideas and combined with his own experience path. This thesis uses Erich Fromm's theory of human nature, theory of alienation and theory of love to explore in depth the alienation that exists in >Villette< and the reasons for it from both the individual and social levels, and to explain how to rescue the alienation from the perspective of Erich Fromm's theory of love. By applying Fromm's theory of alienation to analyse the phenomenon of alienation in >Villette<, the following points are found: Firstly, the impact of alienation in the novel is not only on the external social environment in which people live, but also on the spiritual world of those who live in it. Therefore, the causes of alienation must be analyzed in relation to both individual and social factors. Secondly, escape is not the answer, but rather a comprehensive and correct understanding of oneself, breaking the illusion and facing the reality. Active participation in society and the establishment of positive relationships with people through genuine love will help people to escape from their alienation. Thirdly, Charlotte Bront{\"e} expresses her concern for human society and the environment by describing the alienation of human nature in the Victorian era, and shows where the hope for the salvation of human alienation lies. The struggle of Lucy, the protagonist of the novel, has inspired countless readers to keep pursuing for their own ideals. The study of alienation in >Villette< provides a new perspective on the analysis of this work from the perspective of alienation, and also helps to give modern people a profound reflection on their views on life, love and career, and provides some reference for subsequent research. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 9/2021]}, language = {zh} }