@misc{Cosimini, author = {Cosimini, Seth}, title = {Review Thorpe, C.: Necroculture}, series = {Lateral - Journal of the Cultural Studies Association, No. 6 (2017), 3 pp. [ISSN 2469-4053] [doi.org/10.25158/L6.2.19]}, journal = {Lateral - Journal of the Cultural Studies Association, No. 6 (2017), 3 pp. [ISSN 2469-4053] [doi.org/10.25158/L6.2.19]}, abstract = {Charles Thorpe's >Necroculture< attempts to demonstrate that the variegated experiences of alienation under the technocratic culture of neoliberal capital are experiences tantamount to a culture of death. Thorpe suggests that the root of the necrophilia that denes contemporary capitalist culture is in the valuing of non-living objects over living human beings. In the alienation and replacement of imperfect human labor with automated dead labor and in a highly atomized consumer culture where social participation is mediated by commodity fetishism, the non-living are given priority over the living.}, language = {en} }