@article{BaiBu, author = {Bai, Xuehui and Bu, Shu}, title = {Fromm's Alienation Theory and Probing the Way of the Discard Alienation for Human Being [弗洛姆的异化理论及其对人的异化扬弃途径的探索]}, series = {Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities (Social Sciences) [内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2011), pp. 80-83.}, journal = {Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities (Social Sciences) [内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2011), pp. 80-83.}, abstract = {After human being coming into the 20th century, alienation problem that always talking about by Marx doesn't be weaken, it assumes intense trend on the other hand, that is the total alienation between human and society. How to treat the phenomenon of total Alienation between human and society in modern society? Does alienation can be eliminated or discarded? Fromm's answer is a representative during many scholars' thinking undoubtedly. Although he has been dead for many years, his thought still has learning value and theoretical and practical significance as we see today. Thus, this article will induce the clues of Fromm's alienation theory, propose the alienation problem again.}, language = {zh} } @article{CulkinShu, author = {Culkin, B. A. and Shu, Bai}, title = {Fromm's Humanitarian Utopia [弗洛姆的人道主义乌托邦]}, series = {World Philosophy [世界哲学], No. 4 (1983), pp. 37-44.}, journal = {World Philosophy [世界哲学], No. 4 (1983), pp. 37-44.}, abstract = {席卷当代资产阶级社会整个政治文化上层建筑的深刻危机,迫使当代西方理论家对社会哲学和政治观念进行改旧翻新,以便理解该社会内部发生的社会和文化进程。除了传播各种旨在维护当代资本主义社会政治基础的辩护理论之外,某些揭露资产阶级社会制度黑暗面的作者们的理论,也赢得了广泛的社会反响。这些作者提出了自己改造现存社会的积极纲领,但却不去触及该社会的根基。目前,包括各种抽象人道主义理论在内的社会批判主义观念,在}, language = {zh} }