@article{Lue, author = {Lue, Ang}, title = {From Marx to Sakyamuni - The Deduction of Fromm's Logic in Humanistic Alienation Theory [从马克思到释迦牟尼——谈弗洛姆的人本主义异化逻辑何以展开]}, series = {Journal of Hengshui University [衡水学院学报], No. 6 (2012), pp. 45-47, 50.}, journal = {Journal of Hengshui University [衡水学院学报], No. 6 (2012), pp. 45-47, 50.}, abstract = {Logically, there are layers in Fromm's theory of humanistic alienation. On the one hand, his interpretation of Marx is a critique to all the social formations can arise and the individuals. On the other hand, he has remolded Freud's psychoanalysis from individual psychology to group psychology as a critique to the unsoundness of the whole society. Consequently, a theoretical starting point from psychology has led Fromm to mysticism of humanistic Buddhism.}, language = {zh} } @article{Lue, author = {Lue, Ang}, title = {Who's Who of Psychoanalysis and Zen - Comparative Analysis of Zen Buddhism from Freud to Fromm [谁的精神分析与谁的禅宗——关于弗洛伊德到弗洛姆与佛教到禅宗的对比分析]}, series = {Journal of Ezhou University [鄂州大学学报], No. 1 (2013), pp.12-15.}, journal = {Journal of Ezhou University [鄂州大学学报], No. 1 (2013), pp.12-15.}, abstract = {精神分析学派的理论与佛教思想有一定的相近之处,弗洛伊德的理论核心可以从人性论、文明观、宗教性几个角度找到与佛教的共性。在对比中可以发现,弗洛伊德的思想接近原始佛教,弗洛姆的思想贴近禅宗,二者的转变与原始佛教到禅宗的转变是有相似性的。}, language = {zh} }