@article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Dominance-Feeling, Behavior and Status}, series = {Psychological Review, Vol. 44 (1937), pp. 404-429.}, journal = {Psychological Review, Vol. 44 (1937), pp. 404-429.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Self-Actualizing People: A Study of Psychological Health}, series = {Moustakas, C. E. (Ed.): The Self-Explorations in Personal Growth, New York (Harper \& Bros.) 1956, pp. 160-196.}, journal = {Moustakas, C. E. (Ed.): The Self-Explorations in Personal Growth, New York (Harper \& Bros.) 1956, pp. 160-196.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Personality Problems and Personality Growth}, series = {Moustakas, C. E. (Ed.): The Self-Explorations in Personal Growth, New York (Harper \& Bros.) 1956, pp. 232-246.}, journal = {Moustakas, C. E. (Ed.): The Self-Explorations in Personal Growth, New York (Harper \& Bros.) 1956, pp. 232-246.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {A Theory of Motivation: The Biological Rooting of the Value-Life}, series = {Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Calif. 1957, pp. 93-127.}, journal = {Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Calif. 1957, pp. 93-127.}, language = {en} } @book{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Toward a psychology of being, Princeton (D. van Nostrand Company) 1962.}, language = {en} } @book{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Religions, values, and peak-experiences, Columbus (Ohio State University Press) 1964.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {The Experience and Psychology of Selfrealization}, series = {J. Lachs and Ch. E. Scott (Eds.), The Human Search. An Introduction to Philosophy, New York / Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1981, pp. 163-189.}, journal = {J. Lachs and Ch. E. Scott (Eds.), The Human Search. An Introduction to Philosophy, New York / Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1981, pp. 163-189.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Zu einer Psychologie der Gesundheit}, series = {Stalmann, F. (Ed.): Lust an der Erkenntnis: Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts. Eine Lesebuch zur Psychotherapie, M{\"u}nchen/Z{\"u}rich (Piper, Serie Piper 1063) 1989, pp. 119-132.}, journal = {Stalmann, F. (Ed.): Lust an der Erkenntnis: Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts. Eine Lesebuch zur Psychotherapie, M{\"u}nchen/Z{\"u}rich (Piper, Serie Piper 1063) 1989, pp. 119-132.}, language = {de} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Self-Actualization and Beyond}, series = {The Growthful Encounter, pp. 279-286.}, journal = {The Growthful Encounter, pp. 279-286.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Toward a Psychology of Health}, series = {Matson, F. W. (Ed.): Being, Becoming and Behavior. The Psychological Sciencesl, New York (George Braziller) 1967, pp. 165-172.}, journal = {Matson, F. W. (Ed.): Being, Becoming and Behavior. The Psychological Sciencesl, New York (George Braziller) 1967, pp. 165-172.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Toward the Study of Violence}, series = {L. Ng. (Ed.), Alternatives to Violence. A Stimulus to Dialogue, New York (Time-Life Books) 1968, pp. 34-38.}, journal = {L. Ng. (Ed.), Alternatives to Violence. A Stimulus to Dialogue, New York (Time-Life Books) 1968, pp. 34-38.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Peak-Experiences as Acute Identity-Experiences}, series = {Ch. Gordon and K. J. Gergen (Eds.), The Self in Social Interaction. Vol. I: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives, New York (John Wiley \& Sons) 1968, pp. 275-284.}, journal = {Ch. Gordon and K. J. Gergen (Eds.), The Self in Social Interaction. Vol. I: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives, New York (John Wiley \& Sons) 1968, pp. 275-284.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Religious Aspects of Peak-Experiences}, series = {W. A. Sadler (Ed.), Personality and Religion. The Role of Religion in Personality Development, New York (Harper and Row, Harper Forum Books) 1970, pp. 168-180.}, journal = {W. A. Sadler (Ed.), Personality and Religion. The Role of Religion in Personality Development, New York (Harper and Row, Harper Forum Books) 1970, pp. 168-180.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {A Theory of Human Motivation, (Chapt. 4):}, series = {Motivation and Personality, New York (Harper \& Row) 1970, pp. 35-57.}, journal = {Motivation and Personality, New York (Harper \& Row) 1970, pp. 35-57.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Self-Actualizing People (Chapt. 11) Love in Self-Actualizing People (Chapt. 12) Normality, Health and Values (Chapt. 16)}, series = {Motivation and Personality, New York (Harper \& Row) 1970, pp. 153-203, 265-281.}, journal = {Motivation and Personality, New York (Harper \& Row) 1970, pp. 153-203, 265-281.}, language = {en} } @book{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {The father reaches of human nature, New York (The Viking Press) 1971.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Some Fundamental Questions That Face the Normative Social Psychologist}, series = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 318-333.}, journal = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 318-333.}, language = {en} } @article{Maslow, author = {Maslow, Abrham H.}, title = {Politics 3}, series = {Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 17 (No. 4, 1977), pp. 5-20.}, journal = {Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 17 (No. 4, 1977), pp. 5-20.}, language = {en} }