@article{Burston, author = {Burston, Daniel}, title = {Modes of Authority and Social Character Research Paper presented at a Meeting on Social Character in Washington, May 1996, 32 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} } @article{Burston, author = {Burston, Daniel}, title = {Modes of Authority and Social Character Research}, series = {ocial Thought and Research. A Continuation of the Mid-American Review of Sociology, Lawrence (The University of Kansas) Vol. 21 (No. 1 and 2) 1998, pp. 231-252.}, journal = {ocial Thought and Research. A Continuation of the Mid-American Review of Sociology, Lawrence (The University of Kansas) Vol. 21 (No. 1 and 2) 1998, pp. 231-252.}, language = {en} } @article{MclaughlinBurston, author = {Mclaughlin, Neil and Burston, Daniel}, title = {Letters to the Editor}, series = {Society, Vol. 30 (No. 2, February 1993, pp. 4-5.}, journal = {Society, Vol. 30 (No. 2, February 1993, pp. 4-5.}, language = {en} } @article{BurstonMclaughlin, author = {Burston, Daniel and Mclaughlin, Neil}, title = {Letters to the Editor}, series = {Society, Vol. 30 (No. 2, February 1993, pp. 4-5.}, journal = {Society, Vol. 30 (No. 2, February 1993, pp. 4-5.}, language = {en} } @article{Burston, author = {Burston, Daniel}, title = {Fromm's Social Psychology and His Left-Wing Critics: A Historical and Theoretical Approach. Presentation given at the 34th Winter-Meeting of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, December 9, 1990, in San Antonio/Texas in Commemoration of Erich Fromm's 9}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} } @article{Burston, author = {Burston, Daniel}, title = {Fromm's Reception Among Psychologists and Psychiatrists}, abstract = {Der Beitrag >Die Rezeption von Fromm bei Psychologen und Psychiatern< entspricht einem Kapitel der Dissertation, die der Autor unter dem Titel Fromm's Legacy: A Critical Appreciation 1989 an der York University in Toronto abschloss. Mehr als irgend ein anderes Kapitel der umfangreichen Studie ist das hier erstmals ver{\"o}ffentlichte der >kritischen Geschichtsschreibung der Psychologie< von Kurt Dan-zinger verpflichtet, der die Dissertation betreute. Am Beispiel von Erich Fromm werden die Probleme und T{\"u}cken einer lehrbuchm{\"a}ßigen Geschichtsschreibung aufgezeigt. An ausgew{\"a}hlten, repr{\"a}sentativen Beispielen wird gezeigt, wie Fromms Originalit{\"a}t in Unkenntnis seiner fr{\"u}hesten (deutschsprachigen) Schriften in der englisch-sprachigen Sekund{\"a}rliteratur unterbewertet wird und wie sehr die Wirkungen der deutschen Kultur des sp{\"a}ten 19. Jahrhunderts auf Fromms Denken und auf seine Ansichten verkannt werden. Meistens beschr{\"a}nken sich deshalb die amerikanischen Referenten und Kritiker darauf, Fromm zu etikettieren: Er sei ein >Environmentalist<, ein >Umfeldtheoretiker<, ein >sozialer Lerntheoretiker<, oder auch ein >intuitiver< oder >utopischer< Theoretiker. Tragischerweise wird dabei die besondere Freudsche Dimension im Frommschen Werk {\"u}bersehen. Werden jedoch nur Kategorien herangezogen, die im amerikanischen Kontext entstanden sind und die wenig oder {\"u}berhaupt keine Bedeutung f{\"u}r je-nen Kontext haben, der f{\"u}r europ{\"a}isches Denken typisch ist, dann beg{\"u}nstigt man nur eine Trivialisie-rung der grundlegenden Ideen Fromms und ihr grunds{\"a}tzliches Missverstehen. So muss man den meisten amerikanischen Kritikern auf Grund ihres >gesellschaftlichen Filters< bzw. wegen ihrer Vorurteile, die in ihrer eingeschr{\"a}nkten Auffassung von dem, was Psychologie ist, liegt, eine kollektive Unf{\"a}higkeit at-testieren, sich wirklich mit dem Frommschen Werk auseinander zu setzen. Die amerikanischen Etikettie-rungen erfuhren andererseits ihre Pr{\"a}gung durch die besonders in Amerika strenge Freudsche Orthodoxie bzw. durch die mehr und mehr positivistischen und behavioristischen Str{\"o}mungen in der akademi-schen Psychologie gerade in jenen Jahren, in denen Fromm sich in der breiten {\"O}ffentlichkeit einer all-gemeinen Beliebtheit erfreute. In anderen Abschnitten geht es um Fromms Verh{\"a}ltnis zur Humanisti-schen Psychologie in Amerika sowie um die weitverbreitete Verwirrung und Unkenntnis bez{\"u}glich seiner Vorstellungen zur Ethik und zur Psychotherapie, wobei Fromm zu dieser Verwirrung und Unkenntnis selbst unbeabsichtigt beigetragen hat.}, language = {en} } @article{Burston, author = {Burston, Daniel}, title = {Freud, the Serpent and the Sexual Enlightenment of Children}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 3 (No. 4. December 1994), pp. 205-219.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 3 (No. 4. December 1994), pp. 205-219.}, language = {en} } @article{BurstonOlfman, author = {Burston, Daniel and Olfman, S.}, title = {Freud, Fromm, and the Pathology of Normalcy}, series = {M. Cortina and M. Maccoby (Eds.), A Prophetic Analyst. Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis, Nothvale and London (Jason Aronson Inc.) 1996, pp. 301-324.}, journal = {M. Cortina and M. Maccoby (Eds.), A Prophetic Analyst. Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis, Nothvale and London (Jason Aronson Inc.) 1996, pp. 301-324.}, abstract = {Critics continue to discuss the work of Egon Wolff with respect to his plays written before 1973. However, most have failed to recognize seven of his plays written after the military coup that changed the face of Chilean politics, economy and culture. I have studied Wolff's complete works in order to determine whether the conditions under which he wrote had somehow affected his dramaturgy. In addition, the high international acclaim given to Los invasores (1963) and Flores de papel (1970) indicates that Wolff had begun a theatrical career comparable to that of the greatest playwrights of this century. This fact alone merited further investigation into his theatre after 1973. - My study is a sociohistorical approach integrated with Erich FROMM's humanistic psychoanalysis in order to understand Wolff's cultural production during critical periods in history. Allusions to the Chilean historical moment throughout Wolff's production reveal a concern for the oppressive conditions, yet they do not fall into the brash political criticism increasingly prevalent throughout the Pinochet era. Surprisingly, a comic spirit and technique prevails in Wolff's work of the period. This contrasts sharply with the tragic mode of many of Wolff's first era plays, but serves very well to provide hope for a better future for the Chilean spectator. The hope in Wolff's Secon-era plays is possible only if traditional values of love and humanism are retained by individuals and society alike. Brotherly love and humanism are the unifying themes of Wolff's entire repertoire and reflect Erich FROMM's concerns for modern society.}, language = {en} } @article{OlfmanBurston, author = {Olfman, S. and Burston, Daniel}, title = {Freud, Fromm, and the Pathology of Normalcy}, series = {M. Cortina and M. Maccoby (Eds.), A Prophetic Analyst. Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis, Nothvale and London (Jason Aronson Inc.) 1996, pp. 301-324.}, journal = {M. Cortina and M. Maccoby (Eds.), A Prophetic Analyst. Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis, Nothvale and London (Jason Aronson Inc.) 1996, pp. 301-324.}, abstract = {Briefly discusses current dissatisfaction with Freud's theoretical framework and considers the difficulties in seeking and establishing a new paradigm. Such a new paradigm should allow for the integration of the field of psychotherapy and be coherent with other psychological theories. Based on the work of H. S. Sullivan, A. Adler, K. Horney, and E. FROMM, a new paradigm is proposed that eliminates the false dichotomy of >interpersonal-intrapsychic< through an analysis of the concepts of physical and phenomenal (i.e., experiential and psychological) space. It is suggested that psychoanalysis reveals that human behavior is goal-directed and social and that social and biological approaches to the study of human behavior are not mutually exclusive. A new conceptual framework of psychoanalysis is offered that is based upon the small social group in a unification of the studies of psycho- and sociodynamics. The group schema serves as a cognitive map, a practice ground for social training and problem solving, and a source of substitute rewards. Examples are presented to illustrate how psychoanalytic ideas may be conceptualized in the group model.}, language = {en} } @article{OlfmanBurston, author = {Olfman, Sharna and Burston, Daniel}, title = {Freud, Fromm and the Pathology of Normalcy: Clinical, Social and Historical Perspectives Typescript 1994, 24 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} }