@book{GolecdeZavala, author = {Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka}, title = {The Psychologx of Collective Narcissism. Insights from Social Identity Theory, London and New York (Routledge) 2024, 251 pp.}, abstract = {The Psychology of Collective Narcissism is a ground-breaking text that presents a new theory of collective narcissism, a belief that exaggerated greatness of one's own group should be but is not sufficiently appreciated by others. The book presents this concept against the background of social identity theory and research. It explores antecedent as well as social and political consequences of collective narcissism. The author discusses how this burgeoning theory and research can help to elucidate a wide range of psychological dynamics involved in pressing societal issues, such as the declining appeal of democracy, increasing populism, decreasing social solidarity, increasing societal polarization and prejudice, intergroup hostility and political violence, social inequality, and fake news and belief in conspiracy theories. Also referring to societal problems exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, this highly topical work explores socially shared beliefs as risk factors when predicting responses to crises and highlights conditions in which collective narcissism can be expected. The author also reviews research on interventions reducing the link between collective narcissism, prejudice, and retaliatory intergroup hostility focusing on her recent research on mindfulness. This is a valuable read for academics and students in psychology and the social sciences, those interested in societal processes as well as professionals dealing with the impact of collective narcissism.}, language = {en} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Ya{\c{s}}amak Bir Sanatt{\i}r, translated to Turkish by Ramazan K{\i}l{\i}n{\c{c}}, Ankara (Say Yayinlary) 2024, 205 pp. [= Turkish translation of Funk_R_2019a]}, language = {mul} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Życie samo w sobie jest sztuką. Wprowadzenie w życiei dzieło Ericha Fromma, Polish by Edyta Kiresztura-Wojciechowska, Krakow (Wydawnictwo Vis-a-vis Etiuda) 2023, 232 pp.}, language = {pl} } @book{OPUS4-37247, title = {T{\"a}terforschung nach Auschwitz. John Steiners Untersuchungen. Nachlass eines Auschwitz-{\"U}berlebenden, herausgegeben von Jochen und Anne Fahrenberg, Lengerich (Pabst Science) 2023, 537 pp.}, editor = {Fahrenberg, Jochen and Fahrenberg, Anne}, language = {de} } @book{Chałubiński, author = {Chałubiński, Miroslaw}, title = {Niepokoje i afirmacje Ericha Fromma [Erich Fromm's Anxieties and Affirmations], Poznań (Publishing House Rebis) Poland 2000, 216 pp., Polish. [ISBN: 978-83-7120-819-5, 9788371208195]}, abstract = {[Blurb] Erich Fromm (1900-1980) to jeden z najwybitniejszych i najwszechstronniejszych myślicieli XX wieku, tw{\´o}rca psychoanalizy humanistycznej, filozof, psycholog społeczny, autor tak głośnych prac, jak Ucieczka od wolności, O sztuce miłości, Analiza ludzkiej destrukcyjności, Mieć czy być? Niniejsza książka stanowi całościową prezentację jego pogląd{\´o}w. Szczeg{\´o}lną uwagę poświęcono jego antropologii społecznej, filozofii religii i utopii zdrowego społeczeństwa.}, language = {pl} } @book{Chałubiński, author = {Chałubiński, Miroslaw}, title = {Antropologia i utopia: jednostka a społeczeństwo w poglądach Ericha Fromma [Anthropology and Utopia: The Individual and Society in the View of Erich Fromm], Warsaw (Scholar Agency) Poland 1992, 182 pp.}, language = {pl} } @book{Byrd, author = {Byrd, Dustin J.}, title = {The Dark Charisma of Donald Trump. Political Psychology and the MAGA Movement, Kalamazoo, Michigan (Ekpyrosis Press), 2023, 490 pp.}, language = {en} } @book{Buechler, author = {Buechler, Sandra}, title = {Erich Fromm. A Contemporary Introduction, London and New York (Routledge) 2024, 152 pp.}, abstract = {In this passionate volume, Sandra Buechler introduces Erich Fromm's groundbreaking contributions to psychoanalysis, sociology, philosophy, political action, and social criticism. Buechler explores how Fromm's thinking and interdisciplinary vision are able to frame discussions of dilemmas in contemporary society. She offers a comprehensive biography of Fromm, before delving into his role as analyst, author, activist, sociologist and philosopher. From her own experience as a psychoanalyst, and from the testimony of Fromm's many ardent followers, Buechler illuminates Fromm's capacity to inspire. She considers how Fromm's writing equips students, beginning clinicians and more experienced professionals to understand what can give meaning to their efforts on behalf of troubled individuals, their riven communities, and the wider world. Assuming no prior knowledge of Fromm's work, this books offers students in clinical and social psychology, sociology, and philosophy a vital insight into his theoretical contributions. It will also be of interest to psychoanalysts, psychologists and social workers.}, language = {en} } @book{Błocian, author = {Błocian, Ilona}, title = {Psychoanalityczne wykładnie mitu. Freud, Jung, Fromm [Psychoanalytic Interpretations of Myth. Freud, Jung, Fromm], Warsaw (Eneteia) Poland 2010, 550 pp., Polish. [ISBN: 978-83-61538-21-9]}, abstract = {[Blurb] Studium z pogranicza psychologii, antropologii i filozofii mitu. Autorka analizuje wkład psychoanalizy do badań nad realnością mitu i rozumieniem psychiki pierwotnej. Omawia znaczenie teorii nieświadomości dla wyjaśnienia totemizmu, mitycznych i religijnych bohater{\´o}w.Ważną częścią studium jest prezentacja hermeneutycznych i finalistycznych pogląd{\´o}w Junga, w tym teorii archetypu, symboliki odrodzenia, obrazu matki i mitu ofiary. Analiza postaci herosa solarnego, archetypu Boga, mitologii zła, obrazu misterium kr{\´o}lewskiego i innych symboli alchemicznych ukazuje możliwość pogłębionych badań nad funkcją i istotą wyobra{\'{z}}ni mitycznej.Autorka prezentuje ponadto poglądy Fromma i innych autor{\´o}w, w tym wsp{\´o}łczesne ujęcia mitu (R. Barthes. E. Neumann, G. Bachelard, M. Eliade, G. Durand, P. Ricoeur, A. Gr{\"u}nbaum, J. Derrida).}, language = {pl} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {(Authentisch leben, Korean), Seoul (Thoughts of a Tree Publishing) 2016.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ko} }