@book{FreudFerenczi, author = {Freud, Sigmund and Ferenczi, S{\´a}ndor}, title = {Sigmund Freud - S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi Briefwechsel, Band I/1 (1908-1911); hg. von Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder und Patrizio Giampieri-Deutsch, unter der wissenschaftlichen Leidung von Andr{\´e} Haynal, Wien (B{\"o}hlau Verlag) 1993.}, language = {de} } @book{Freud, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, title = {Internationale Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Psychoanalyse, Wien (Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag).}, language = {de} } @book{Freud, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, title = {Dictionary of psychoanalysis, New York (Philosophical Library) 1950.}, language = {en} } @book{Freud, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, title = {Civilization and Its Discontents, Garden City (Doubleday Anchor Books) 1958.}, language = {en} } @book{Freud, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, title = {Briefe an Wilhelm Fliess 1887-1904. Frankfurt a/M (Fischer) 1985.}, language = {de} } @book{Freud, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, title = {A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, with a preface by Ernest Jones and G. Stanley Hall, New York (Perma Giants) 1948.}, language = {en} }