@misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Juan}, title = {The Essence of Love in >Thirst of Love< [论《爱的饥渴》中爱的真相], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2012.[application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {Love hungry Yukio Mishima in the second year after the published works of epoch >Mask of the confession<, Showa twenty-five years, another a novel. This novel broke free from the fetters of the social environment and the secular elements, is a reflection of human nature to focus on the personal inner works. The main content of the works for the hero from beginning to end in the pursuit of love, and eventually shift her love and with her love of the people implicated in the destruction. Hero Etsuko lack of moral and ethical concepts, her tireless search for love, even at the expense of the lives of others. Of Mishima Yukio popular for social ethical taken a negative attitude, he has been promoting a moral and ethical anti said. Hunger Mishima his unique moral ethics based on the novel creation into. Etsuko Isles >If you do not love someone, you must be in love with another person, If you love someone, then there must not love others< theory practice was very thorough. She accepted a civilized society, education, modern civilized man. But at the same time, she has continued to violate the secular moral ethics, and the pursuit of love and happiness they want. Ethical and loving relationships is constantly developing and changing, and it is extremely complex, Mishima create such a seemingly contradictory figures clearly its purpose. The three men depicted in the novel Etsuko relationship was set up in a different form and meaning of love. >Love< is the main theme of the novel, is to unite the feelings of the root causes of conflicts. Hunger >love< What is it, and why it has driven people the power to kill it. This paper will borrow Erich Fromm expounded the theory of love to explore the protagonist of >love< the true face of the date and murder reason. Papers constitute the main five sections, respectively, is the form of the >love<, >character's internal conflict<, >moral loss<, >love of truth< and >hunger lion<, this article will to explore the truth of this five-part love.- The first part of the paper >morphology of love< will mainly analyze the relationship between the heroine and three men discussed the survival of the state of the relationship between nature and Etsuko. - The second part of the character's internal conflict will be the hero, and the three men's relationship-based, and explore the contradictions between the hero's own internal contradictions and personal matter.- The third part of the >moral loss< morality as a hero of the lack of moral and ethical world exposition center.- The fourth part is to clarify the relationship of love and morality, and Etsuko love nature and love of truth.- The fifth part is the Comparative Study of Mishima another work >Lion< and >Love Hunger<, and further demonstrated the essence of the >hunger love<.}, language = {zh} }