@article{RadkiewiczSkarżyńska, author = {Radkiewicz, Pjotr and Skarżyńska, Krystyna}, title = {Freedom, Freedom ... but What Kind of Freedom? Intrinsic and Extrinsic Sense of Freedom as Predictors of Preferences for Political Community and Attitudes Towards Democracy}, series = {Social Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2019), pp. 1-27. [Online ISSN 2569-653X] [doi.org/10.32872/spb.v14i3.37565]}, journal = {Social Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2019), pp. 1-27. [Online ISSN 2569-653X] [doi.org/10.32872/spb.v14i3.37565]}, abstract = {In theoretical considerations on democracy freedom is sometimes understood in unconditional and conditional terms. This general distinction underlies I. Berlin's concept of negative and positive freedom, and E. Fromm's concept of >freedom from< and >freedom to<. The authors of this paper introduce the concept of extrinsic and intrinsic sense of freedom which is meant to be psychological representation of the philosophical distinction on unconditional and conditional freedom, respectively. An extrinsic freedom results from a lack of external restrictions/barriers, whereas intrinsic freedom is based on the belief that being free means compatibility between one's own actions and preferred values, life goals or worldview. Based on nationwide survey data, the authors show that both forms of freedom are embedded in entirely different basic human values and moral intuitions. Further, it is shown that intrinsic freedom negatively predicts liberal orientation and clearly favors communitarian orientation, whereas extrinsic freedom clearly favors liberal orientation. The authors argue that both forms of experiencing freedom have different effects on support for the principles of liberal democracy. The positive effect of extrinsic freedom is indirect, i.e., entirely mediated by liberal orientation. On the other hand, the effect of intrinsic freedom can be decomposed into three components: a) as a positive direct effect, b) as a positive indirect effect (by strengthening the communitarian orientation), and c) as a negative indirect effect (by weakening the liberal orientation). In conclusion, the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic freedom are discussed in the light of their relationships with support for democratic principles.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Suwen}, title = {On Alienation in Arthur Miller's Early Plays, Master thesis, World Literature, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {By applying Erich Fromm's theory of alienation and psychological analysis, this thesis explores the idea of alienation and the cause of tragedy in Arthur Miller's early plays, >All My Sons<, >Death of a Salesman<, and >A View from the Bridge<. The adoption of Erich Fromm's theory of alienation is based on Miller's concern with the phenomenon of alienation in American society. On the one hand, the thesis discusses how the symbiotic relationship between man and society is undermined by historical movement and as a consequence how it affects man's idea of morality and sense of identity by reviewing the particular American history during the time of the Depression and the wars (particularly the Second World War and the Cold War). On the other hand, the thesis discusses how personal fantasy contributes to one's destiny by making uncompromised commitment to private beliefs as a counterpart of reality.- First of all, the thesis reviews the historical events that shape American experiences of alienation. Economically, the Depression not only exemplifies that everyone is closely related with the society and other human beings, but also implies the illusion embedded in the American Dream. Economic development does not guarantee human beings freedom but conditions men in an alienated position because of its advocacy of liberalism and individualism. The perversion of work ethic, particularly, defines man and directs them to seek self-interest. Politically, the Second World War and the Cold War make man retreat into a world of containment, separating self from the other. Accordingly, in Arthur Miller's dramatic world, characters attach more importance to family business and family welfare. Then the thesis discusses how human psyche is equal in importance in sealing one's fate. Although the environment provides the physical basis for practice and action, personal fantasy has a life of its own and therefore becomes a scene for dramatic actions. The point is that neither social codes nor personal ideals ensure a secure sense of identity. In contrast, one-sided indulgence in psychological world alienates man further from society and others. Social sense of identity and personal sense of identity becomes oppositional. Finally, the thesis holds that Miller conveys a message of hope of reconciliation, i. e., man represented by secondary roles in the three plays have the strength and freedom to change the status quo.- This thesis differs from previous studies in the following aspects. First of all, this thesis does not limit the scope of alienation to economic and political field but extends to human psyche, revealing that both the private and the public contribute to Arthur Miller's tragedy. Secondly, this thesis explores the symbiotic relationships between man and society, pointing out that socially individual experience is the shaping force of human history. In Arthur Miller's plays, the major characters have certain fantasy with its own life that finally forms the circumference around which dramatic conflicts become possible. The transformational relationship between scene and agent vindicates the combining force of society and psychology to realize Miller's tragedies. The thesis concludes that Miller indicates one possible way out from the present dilemma of alienation, a characteristic of Arthur Miller's early period of writing, because the author shows strong faith in humanity by presenting the sympathetic, integral and forgiving secondary characters. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @misc{Yu, author = {Yu, Hanhan}, title = {Research on Human-Computer Interaction Design of Shared Bicycle Based on Fromm's Psychology Theory, Master thesis, Highway and Waterway Transportation, Tianjin University, Nankai District, Tianjin, China 2019.}, abstract = {In today's society, sharing bicycle has rapidly penetrated into people's social life and become a new way of travel because it solves the problem of >the last kilometer< for people to travel. With the share bicycle industry entering the second half of the competition, the industrial focus has returned from capital invest¬ment to product design. How to form a more user-friendly sharing bicycle interaction system and enhance user experience has become an important issue affecting the development of the share bicycle industry. At present, the research on shared bicycle human-computer interaction system is still in its infancy, mainly through regular user interviews and questionnaires. However, in traditional research, users can only describe their problems in the process of interaction sensitively, and may not be able to realize and express their deep needs. Therefore, it is very important to tap the deep needs of users in the interaction process and improve the user experience purposefully.- There are three main innovations in this paper: 1. Using innovative theoretical research methods, intro¬du¬cing psychological theory into design analysis, and based on Fromm psychology, we can get the charac¬teristic emotions of shared psychology. 2. Introducing emotional reporting method into experience evalu¬ation, and carrying out emotional quantification experiments based on the characteristic emotions of Fromm psychology. The experimental data analysis can accurately extract users' deep interaction needs under the shared psychology. 3. Based on the deep interaction needs, the optimization design practice is finally com¬pleted. In the research process, based on the current research status of shared bicycle in academia, this study uses user interviews and other research methods to conduct in depth analysis and summary of the current shared bicycle interaction system; extracts characteristic emotions based on Fromm's psychological theory, builds a reasonable emotional quantification experimental scheme and carries out experiments, processes and analyses the experimental data, and concludes that users are in common. In order to meet the deep demand of sharing bicycle interactive experience, the optimization design practice of new sharing bicycle interactive system is completed. The main achievements of this research include: under the gui¬dance of Fromm's psychology theory, a method of extracting the require¬ments of shared bicycle human-computer interaction system design based on emotional quantification is proposed, and a new human-computer interaction experience model is established; a new process of deep demand mining for human-computer interaction system under shared psychology is formed; and the existing shared bicycle human-computer interaction interface is optimized. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Wijaya, author = {Wijaya, Nadia Anggie}, title = {Mother's Expressions of Love and the Existing Consequences in >Malaikat Juga Tahu< and >Tidur< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Kata Kita / Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2019, pp. 373-381. [Online ISSN 2598-7801] [doi.org/10.9744/katakita.7.3.373-381]}, journal = {Kata Kita / Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2019, pp. 373-381. [Online ISSN 2598-7801] [doi.org/10.9744/katakita.7.3.373-381]}, abstract = {Short story is a type of popular literature in Indonesia. In short stories, love is one of the most well-known topics for the Indonesian audience. Amongst various types of love, a mother's love is talked about the most. Thus, I decide to analyze how mothers express their love for their children in a compilation book titled >Rectoverso<. Also, I discover the consequences that the mothers experience due to their choices regarding love. By using the theory of love and the concept of motherly love from the book >The Art of Loving< by Erich Fromm, I find that the mothers have to face several choices that can give impacts toward their children and themselves. Every decision they make is caused by their love toward their children. Furthermore, the mothers prioritize their children instead of themselves. The impacts they experience may be positive or negative, depending on the situation.}, language = {en} } @article{Taufik, author = {Taufik, Ahmad}, title = {Agama dalam Kehidupan Individu [Religion in Individual life]}, series = {Edification, Vol. 1, No. 01. (2019), pp. 57-67. [media.neliti.com/media/publications/294850-agama-dalam-kehidupan-individu-debb02ed.pdf]}, journal = {Edification, Vol. 1, No. 01. (2019), pp. 57-67. [media.neliti.com/media/publications/294850-agama-dalam-kehidupan-individu-debb02ed.pdf]}, abstract = {Religion as a form of human belief in something supernatural or supernatural turns out to be as if accompanying humans in the broad scope of life. Religion has values for human life as people per person and in relation to social life. Besides that religion also has an impact on everyday life. The influence of religion in an individual's life is to give inner stability, feeling of happiness, feeling of protection, a sense of success and satisfaction. This positive feeling will further be a motivator to do religion in the life of an individual besides being a motivation and ethical value is also hope.}, language = {mul} } @article{TabakMusić, author = {Tabak, Krešimir and Musić, Ivica}, title = {Plemstvo duha u filozofiji Ericha Fromma [The Nobility of Spirit in the Philosophy of Erich Fromm]}, series = {Hum: časopis Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Vol. 14, No. 21 (2019), pp. 61-79. [Online ISSN 2303-7431] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/335518]}, journal = {Hum: časopis Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Vol. 14, No. 21 (2019), pp. 61-79. [Online ISSN 2303-7431] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/335518]}, abstract = {U intelektualnome diskursu 20. stoljeća umnost kao univerzalnu kategoriju umnogome je zamijenila njezina instrumentalna inačica. U spomenutome stoljeću prevladava distopijska misao koja u život suvremenoga čovjeka unosi nihilizam i apsurd. Univerzalne životne vrijednosti kao vezivno tkivo civilizacije, ideal koji je bio trajno prisutan u povijesti ljudskoga roda, u suvremenome dobu više nisu na istaknutome mjestu. Unatoč tim nepovoljnim okolnostima svojim stvaralaštvom pojedini filozofi odgovorit će na moderne izazove i pokazati postojanje vrijednosti bez kojih civilizacija ne može opstati. Značajnik koji je afirmativno promišljao o životu i tragao za alternativom postojećemu stanju bio je i Erich Fromm. U radu se njegov esencijalizam povezuje s naširoko poznatim i primjenjivanim pojmom >plemstvo duha<. Također se opisuje Frommova kritika kapitalizma i socijalizma kao neodgovarajućih društvenih sustava. Modernoj stvarnosti koja se drži svijetom bez alternative u radu se suprotstavlja Frommova vizija ideala ljudske prirode, odnosno tip karaktera kojemu će biti cilj rast i razvoj svih čovjekovih mogućnosti. Među najvrjednije ljudske mogućnosti ubrajaju se produktivno mišljenje i produktivna ljubav. Najviši oblik produktivnosti pripisuje se revolucionarnomu karakteru, odnosno životnoj orijentaciji koja se identificira s čovječanstvom, rabi univerzalna mjerila te gaji sklonost i ljubav za život. Na kraju se zaključuje kako se bez duhovne plemenitosti ne može održati ni vizija zreloga života.}, language = {mul} } @article{Soederlund, author = {S{\"o}derlund, Jana}, title = {The Emergence of a New Social Movement: Biophilic Design}, series = {The Emergence of Biophilic Design. Cities and Nature, Cham (Springer) 2019, pp. 1-11. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-29813-5] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29813-5_1]}, journal = {The Emergence of Biophilic Design. Cities and Nature, Cham (Springer) 2019, pp. 1-11. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-29813-5] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29813-5_1]}, abstract = {Biophilic design, based on humans' innate connection to nature, evolved into a social movement over many decades. It emerged from Erich Fromm's early use of the term biophilia to Edward Wilson's book on Biophilia, the subsequent Biophilia Hypothesis book by Wilson and Stephen Kellert, to the multi-authored Biophilic Design publication in 2008. This progression involved meetings and discussions between people with a shared understanding of the human biological connection to nature and the need to bring nature back into urbanites daily lives. Their vision and passion led to the emergence of the social movement of biophilic design. The moral vision of bringing nature into city design reflects a shared understanding and collective goal beyond self-interest. There was a communal sense of the associated issues with cities which lack nature, such as disconnection from nature, urban heat island effect and water and air pollution, kindling a desire to initiate change.}, language = {en} } @article{Shcherbakov, author = {Shcherbakov, I. V.}, title = {Рациональность экономической деятельности человека с позиции новой институциональной экономической теории [The rationality of economic activity from the position of the new institutional economic theory]}, series = {Интеллект. Инновации. Инвестиции / Intelligence. Innovations. Investment, Vol. 2 (2019), pp. 84-88. [Print ISSN 2077-7175] [doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2019-2-84]}, journal = {Интеллект. Инновации. Инвестиции / Intelligence. Innovations. Investment, Vol. 2 (2019), pp. 84-88. [Print ISSN 2077-7175] [doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2019-2-84]}, abstract = {В статье конструируется методологический подход, по которому ограниченная рациональность индивида в экономической деятельности рассматривается в зависимости от его психологических издержек. Рациональность представлена как способность человека к самоопределению экономической деятельности путем поиска им хозяйственных задач, оптимальной для него сложности. Данный подход позволяет оценить воздействие институтов на рациональность поведения индивида. В статье проводится экономическая интерпретация идей Э. Фромма о том, каким образом человек формирует систему ориентации, путем идентификации с действующими институтами или на основе познания хозяйственной системы. Обосновывается, что эффективные институты повышают уровень рациональности человека в экономике}, language = {ru} } @article{Shamne, author = {Shamne, Anzhelika}, title = {Psychosocial Personality Development: Continuity and Change in Adolescent, Youth and Adult Age [ПСИХОСОЦІАЛЬНИЙ РОЗВИТОК ОСО-БИСТОСТІ: БЕЗПЕРЕРВНІСТЬ І ЗМІНИ В ПІДЛІТКОВОМУ, ЮНАЦЬКОМУ І ДОРО-СЛОМУВІЦІ] [ПСИХОСОЦИАЛЬНОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ ЛИЧНОСТИ: НЕПРЕРЫВНОСТЬ И ИЗ-МЕНЕНИЯ В ПОДРОСТКОВОМ, ЮНО-ШЕСКОМ И ВЗРОСЛОМ ВОЗРАСТЕ]}, series = {Psychological Journal, Vol. 5, No. 5 (2019), pp. 84-98. [Online ISSN 2414-004X] [doi.org/10.31108/1.2019.5.5.7]}, journal = {Psychological Journal, Vol. 5, No. 5 (2019), pp. 84-98. [Online ISSN 2414-004X] [doi.org/10.31108/1.2019.5.5.7]}, abstract = {The article presents the results of the comparison of the variability of the psychosocial development of the personality in the adolescent, youth and adult age. At the first stage of the empirical study, the types of development in adolescence and youth age. Personality (motivation, value orientations, focus, communicative features), subject (autonomy, self-regulation, locus of control), as well as social and behavioural (distinctive features of social functioning) characteristics were used as typing criteria. The types of the psychosocial development of adolescents and youths are interpreted as constructive, non-constructive and destructive models of coming of age. At the second stage of the study the theoretical generalization of the types of personality existing in psychology and strategies of personality functioning during the period of adult age. The analysis is based on the theories of A. Adler, K. Horney, D. Marsh, E. Desci and R. Rayen, E. Fromm et al. The types of the psychosocial development of adolescents and youths was compared with variants (types, patterns) of the development in adulthood. The dynamics and continuity of the types of the psychosocial development and strategies for functioning adolescents, youths and adults were determined. It was revealed that the main features of continuity can be found along the lines of constructive or non-constructive development, focus on oneself or other people, self-sufficiency or dependence on the milieu and circumstances. The process of typing of the psychosocial development is the result of the integration of traits of the personality and the way it functions (behaves), which is inherent to it. The factors of that process were identified: regulation by the personality of his/her behavior and activities and his/her position in the system of relationships. The type of the psychosocial development is a complex structural and functional unity. The crystallization of that type from the adolescent age to adulthood is a targeted and logical process associated with the emergence of the self-concept, the ability to self-determination and self-regulation mechanisms in the adolescent age. The article emphasizes the importance of prevention and correction of the preconditions of non-constructive development models.}, language = {en} } @article{Sabucedo, author = {Sabucedo, Pablo}, title = {Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and humanistic psychotherapy: an integrative approximation}, series = {British Journal of Guidance \& Counselling, Vol. 49, No. 3 (2019), pp. 347-361. [Online ISSN 1469-3534] [doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2019.1597016]}, journal = {British Journal of Guidance \& Counselling, Vol. 49, No. 3 (2019), pp. 347-361. [Online ISSN 1469-3534] [doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2019.1597016]}, abstract = {This article explores the similarities between humanistic (and existential) psychotherapy, represented here by the ideas of Viktor Frankl, Erich Fromm and Irvin Yalom, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Despite the ongoing dialogue between both therapies during the last decade, regarding both their convergences and divergences, there is a gap in the literature concerning their complementarity in clinical practice. This analysis addresses this gap with the integrative (or pluralistic) clinician in mind, and approximates a theoretical and practical integration anchored upon the trans-theoretical model.}, language = {en} }