@misc{Xia, author = {Xia, Ying}, title = {The Happiness Theory and Its Contemporary Interpretation, Master thesis, Ethics, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012.}, abstract = {In all ages, whatever social economy and class structure change, happiness is always the pursuit goal of people from vary historical ages. Based on the social and historical reality, the philosophers have given a lot of judgments about happiness, and happiness problem is always a major task in ethnics study. However, the ideologists a tall times and in all countries have vary opinions about happiness unable to decide which is right. So, for the people in modern society it has important meaning to card happiness theory and discuss its signification and essence. Firstly this paper carded the tradition of Chinese happiness theory. In the view of history, Chinese ideologists' viewpoints of happiness can be divided into two parts, deontology and utilitarianism. Although these two parts have different contestations respectively, they also have an accordant viewpoint at happiness realization, that is, to achieve happiness by self-improvement.- Then this paper carded tradition of western happiness theory to classify it into two kinds, hedonistic eudemonism and consummate eudemonism. The hedonistic considered that happiness was based on people's feeling. They thought feeling pleasure was happiness with some representatives such as Locke, Bentham, Muller, Feuerbach etc. However the consummate was firstly mentioned by Aristotle. It considered that perfection was happiness with some other representatives such as Paulsen, Fromm etc.- The third part of paper summarized Marxist eudemonism including main structure, inscapes, social historical conditions, evolution rules and characters etc. Marxist eudemonism is based on criticism and self-reflection on hedonistic and consummate. Itis scientific to lead contemporary people to correctly realize and achieve happiness.- The last part of paper tried to give a contemporary interpretation on happiness. It considered that contemporary happiness mainly embodied in the people's livelihood. After clarifying meanings of people's livelihood and its problem, this paper discussed essence of people's livelihood happiness, gave an opinion that the government must be mainly responsible for people's livelihood happiness, and finally proposed a method to achieve happiness, that is, to establish a people oriented concept of happiness. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Terelmešova, author = {Terelmešov{\´a}, Dagmar}, title = {Teorie agresivity např{\´i}č obory [The Theory of Aggression across Disciplines], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 58 pp.}, abstract = {The aim of my paper is to introduce individual theories of aggression, which are divided according to the factors having influence on human aggressive behaviour and acting. Basically, the literature is chosen from the works of Erich Fromm, Sigmund Freud and Konrad Lorenz. This choice enabled to divide the issue into three basic areas, that is: biological, psychological and philosophical ones. All three areas are elaborated further by the issue of the child aggression origin, in subchapters. The impact of aggression on society is also emphasized by Hannah Arendt, who is trying to specify roots of social aggression, and is looking for individual and social responsibility for aggression. The theory, derived from those researches plus from subsequent modern psychological concept, attempts to reveal causes of aggression. Easier understanding of aggression causes would enable to influence or eliminate factors causing/strengthening aggression, either caused by society or by ourselves. Such understanding is the aim of all scientists, who sacrificed their lives to research of aggression, a phenomenon so dangerous for human beings.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Štědronsky, author = {Štědronsk{\´y}, Josef}, title = {Teorie psychologie osobnosti (starš{\´i} a novějš{\´i}) [Theories of Personality Psychology (Older and Newer)], Bachelor thesis, Psychology, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 71 pp.}, abstract = {The bachelor´s thesis describes the philosophy of three important philosophers Erich Fromm, Victor Emanuel Frankl and Albert Camus. The work is divided into four chapters, in each of them I always deal with one specific problem from the point of view of all these philosophers. At the end of each chapter there is some conclusion and a summary of these thoughts as well as findings of similar characters of their philosophy. The first chapter is devoted to the problem of authentic way of the human existence. There are presented the basic features of Frankl´s, Fromm´s and Camus´ philosophy. The second chapter deals with the topic of freedom, primarily, whether the absolute freedom possible is or is not. The following chapter talks about the issue of human society and its impact on a human. The last chapter describes the problem of death and suicide. Whether these authors accept death as the end of the human life or whether they accept suicide as the solution of the human life. In conclusion, I tried to summarize the similar points of philosophy of these authors.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Horynova, author = {Horynov{\´a}, Michaela}, title = {Pojet{\´i} člověka v d{\´i}le Ericha Fromma, [The Concept of Man in the Work of Erich Fromm], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 49 pp.}, abstract = {Bachelor thesis interprets Erich Fromm's view of man. A human being is determined by his nature. He has obtained and also inherited attributes. Everybody has his own character which is continuously formed by society which a human being lives in. Love is very important for a human. But it is hard to learn it, as we can see in present-day society and also in Fromm's society at that time. This thesis also deals with Fromm's differentiation of two modes of human being - mode to have, mode to be. Next chapter deals with destructiveness, as the opposite of love. Human is a creature who likes killing and enjoys his aggression. The freedom is also the main conception of Fromm's thoughts. It causes a man´s powerlessness and fear. When a human being doesn't have freedom then he feels relief and inner order. The last chapter deals with the suggestion of new society and new man by Erich Fromm. All is based on the mode to be which means a productive life.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Chun, author = {Chun, In Kyoung}, title = {Invitation, Thesis, Master of Fine Arts, Arts and Design, Ernest G. Welch School of Art and Design, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2012, 25 pp. [scholarworks.gsu.edu/art_design_theses/106]}, abstract = {This thesis is a statement about a series of paintings based on an invented dollhouse object that conveys the artist's identity and placement in the world. Through this essay, the artist represents the home as a space that fosters the recovery and rebirth of invisible energy, >ki< and examines ideas of transience, interconnection, and rebirth in the mysterious flow of >ki< in the home. Also the artist will explain her own view about being an artist, the methodologies and specific techniques of her paintings, and her artistic direction for the future.}, language = {en} } @misc{Bošek, author = {Bošek, Martin}, title = {Psychoanalytick{\´e} v{\´y}klady mor{\´a}lky a svědom{\´i} [Psychoanalytic Interpretations of Morality and Conscience], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 50 pp.}, abstract = {Tato bakal{\´a}řsk{\´a} pr{\´a}ce se zab{\´y}v{\´a} psychoanalytick{\´y}mi v{\´y}klady mor{\´a}lky a svědom{\´i}. C{\´i}lem pr{\´a}ce je poskytnout stručn{\´y} n{\´a}stin mor{\´a}ln{\´i}ho v{\´y}voje a utv{\´a}řen{\´i} svědom{\´i} z pohledu psychoanal{\´y}zy. Pr{\´a}ce je koncipov{\´a}na jako srovn{\´a}n{\´i} několika autorů. Stěžejn{\´i}m bodem t{\´e}to pr{\´a}ce je vysvětlen{\´i} psychoanalytick{\´e} teorie Sigmunda Freuda, kter{\´a} je pot{\´e} kritizov{\´a}na z hlediska Ericha Fromma a Karen Horneyov{\´e}.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Lue, author = {Lue, Si}, title = {Distortion and Loss of Love - Comment on the Family Relationship in Henry James's >Washington Square< [爱的扭曲和缺失 -评亨利•詹姆斯《华盛顿广场》中的家庭关系], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan, China 2012 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {亨利•詹姆斯(1843-1916)是美国19世纪后期三大现实主义大师之一,其多部作品历来倍受国内外学者的关注,其中的道德伦理主题引起了学者们的热烈探讨,然而其讨论却都相对忽略了詹姆斯早期作品中的道德伦理主题。本文拟从伦理批评的角度对其早期中篇小说《华盛顿广场》进行分析,探讨其作品所再现的家庭关系,挖掘出詹姆斯早期作品中的伦理思想。家庭关系是家庭成员间的人际互动或联系,属于社会关系的一种,是伦理批评的一个重要组成部分。家庭关系以主体为标准分为亲子关系、夫妻关系和其他家庭成员之间的关系。爱是处理家庭关系的核心原则,是维系婚姻和家庭的纽带。德国伦理学家爱利希•弗洛姆认为在家庭生活中,爱表现为亲子之爱、两性之爱和手足之爱三种形式,并认为爱包含了解、尊重、责任心和关心等基本要素。爱这一概念也因此体现了其伦理价值。《华盛顿广场》讲述了19世纪中叶纽约一个中上层阶级家庭的悲剧。本文以弗洛姆对爱的理论阐述为指导,分析《华盛顿广场》中的家庭关系及悲剧,试图揭示出19世纪三四十年代造成美国社会人性的扭曲和异化、道德的沦丧和滑坡的深层原因。全文共三章,第一章从作品的父女关系和母女关系入手,认为作品通过父亲对女儿的压制表现了一种扭曲的父爱,通过母亲对女儿的婚姻教导再现出错误的母爱,从而展示出一种亲子之爱的偏离,这种亲子之爱的偏离违背了老慈幼爱的伦理原则。第二章探讨两性之爱的缺失,认为未婚夫的贪婪表现出恋人间物化的爱,伪善表现出恋人间欺骗的爱,这两种爱都违背了男女互爱的原则。第三章则从弟弟的利己主义表现出的自私的爱,以及兄妹对婚姻的态度中传达出的相互矛盾的爱,分析了手足之爱的丧失,指出手足之爱的丧失违背了互谅互助的伦理原则。本文认为作品所体现的爱的扭曲和缺失是资本主义社会经济结构变化所带来的产物,是19世纪美国社会转型时期政治、经济、文化、历史多重社会因素造成的结果。詹姆斯在《华盛顿广场》这部早期作品中,就开始围绕爱的主题表达出对异化的家庭关系的批判,呼吁爱的社会的回归。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Liping}, title = {Research on Erich Fromm's Thought of Consumption Alienation [埃里希•弗洛姆消费异化思想研究], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China, 2012.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980),弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义(1)的主要代表人物,开业长达四十余年的心理咨询师。弗洛姆毕生致力于对>人<的生存境遇的关注,对造成人的异化的现代工业社会进行了无情地揭露和有力地批判,并积极探索实现健全人格和健全社会的途径。消费异化思想就是弗洛姆社会批判理论的重要组成部分。弗洛姆对消费异化的集中论述出现在《健全的社会》(1955)以及《占有还是生存》(1976)二书中。他在《健全的社会》中首先亮明一个观点:生活于现代西方发达工业社会中的绝大多数人的精神是不健康的。一个人的精神是否健康从根本上讲不是他个人的事情,而是取决于他所在的社会结构。弗洛姆认为>精神健康<不能被定义为人通过调整自身的行为来无条件地适应他所在的社会,相反,社会应该为人的精神健康负责,为人的全面发展创造有利条件。而且,社会经济结构与人的性格之间存在着相互作用的关系,社会经济结构塑造了人的性格,人的性格反作用于社会经济结构。因此,通过分析资本主义社会性格的非生产性(即放弃自身拥有的力量和创造性潜能,以异化的方式与外界发生关联),就能揭露资本主义社会的不健全。而>异化<正是弗洛姆用来分析这些非生产性社会性格的最核心概念;>消费异化<对应的正是从20世纪中叶开始在资本主义社会中占主导地位的接受取向和市场取向两种社会性格。在后期著作《占有还是生存》中,弗洛姆从国家、政府、消费者等方面提出了许多消除消费异化的具体措施。因此,根据弗洛姆消费异化思想提出和发展演进的过程,本文的行文脉络是:首先,梳理弗洛姆消费异化思想的理论根源,归纳概括出消费异化的涵义并交待该思想产生的历史背景;其次,从社会性格的功能入手分析消费异化的成因,这也是弗洛姆消费异化思想的特色所在,同时也是本文的主要创新之处;然后,分析弗洛姆消费异化的表现形式、危害和消除消费异化的途径;最后,对弗洛姆消费异化思想进行客观评价,彰显其消费异化思想对中国社会发展的启示意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Caling}, title = {The Research on Fromm's Freedom Thought and Its Present Enlightenment - Based on the analysis of >Escape from Freedom< [弗洛姆的自由思想及其当代启示 - 基于《逃避自由》的分析], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆受弗洛伊德的精神分析学说和马克思的社会理论的影响,致力于对人性和社会心理的思考,关注现实的人的生存状态,通过对弗洛伊德主义和马克思主义的结合,创立了在社会领域运用精神分析学说的独特视角。弗洛姆对自由思想的论述颇多,本文主旨在于以《逃避自由》一书为基础,对弗洛姆的自由思想进行梳理和评价,并结合中国的社会实践探讨其自由思想的理论和实践价值。文章首先介绍弗洛姆的生平,从他所处的社会环境家庭环境和个人生活经历出发来寻找弗洛姆思想形成的社会和理论根源。以《逃避自由》一书为基础,对弗洛姆的自由思想进行梳理。对《逃避自由》一书的产生、基本内容展开介绍,这本书揭示了现代人陷入自由的悖论,追求自由又逃避自由,实质上是不自由的生存状态,分析了逃避自由的心理机制,并找出了解决逃避自由问题的途径和理想的社会模式,这种对自由的探讨方法和视角是新颖的,有其独特的理论和实践价值。然后本文从马克思自由观的角度对其进行了评价,通过对马克思自由观的分析和与弗洛姆自由观的对比,来揭示弗洛姆的自由思想的可取之处和局限性。指出其在关于异化的概念、理想的社会模式、实现途径以及逃避自由的解决途径方面的主观主义的倾向,决定了他的自由观在理论高度上必将低于马克思,必将走向虚幻的乌托邦。最后,用宏观和微观相结合的方法,把弗洛姆的自由思想结合中国的社会实际,对现阶段中国民众的自由状态进行了具体的分析,力图从资本主义工业化进程中发现问题和解决问题的经验中探索出对中国社会转型期有益的启示,为构建和谐社会贡献一份力量。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zuo, author = {Zuo, Danhua}, title = {To Have or to Be - Fromm's Critical Society Theory [占有还是存在 - 弗洛姆社会批判理论研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China 2012.}, abstract = {>占有还是存在<这是一个现代生活中的重要问题,也是弗洛姆社会批判理论和实践中一条隐含的线索。本文首先对重占有和重存在两种生存方式进行了剖析,从中挖掘出了弗洛姆这一生存理论的前提,即人道主义原则、异化理论和社会性格理论。在此基础之上指出他这一理论的主旨:社会批判基础之上的社会拯救——构建>新人<和>新社会<。弗洛姆整个生存方式理论是以他对人性的分析作为基础的,人性中所固有的矛盾性是出现两种生存方式对立的根本原因,而人性中的主动和创造性本质又是消除这种对立,使得人类最终扬弃>重占有<的生存方式,建立>重存在<的生存方式的可能性所在。整篇文章的主要目的是对弗洛姆生存方式理论做一个较为全面的整理工作,同时站在马克思主义的哲学立场上对他的这种理论进行了分析。他这一生存方式理论主要涉及了三个方面:第一,对人的本性、人的生存状况作出的分析说明;第二,对社会状况、特别是社会病态进行了批判剖析;第三,为医治社会、拯救人类提供方案。这三方面也是他整个社会哲学所主要进行的工作。尽管弗洛姆的理论有偏颇之处,但是他为综合马克思的历史唯物主义和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说所做的努力是不容忽视的,正是他的这种努力为我们打开了一个应用马克思主义哲学分析当下社会问题的新视角。}, language = {zh} }