@misc{Dahmen, author = {Dahmen, Marius}, title = {The Ambivalence of Emancipation Psychoanalysis between Functional Integration and Dialectical Negativity in US Sociological Theories, post-WWII. Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Philosophie am Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften der Freien Universit{\"a}t Berlin 2019, 312 pp.}, language = {en} } @misc{Mantell, author = {Mantell, Cole}, title = {Love and Refusal: Contrasting Dialectical Interpretations and its Implications in the Works of Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse, 1941-1969, Bachelor thesis, History, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, USA 2019, 86 pp. [digitalcommons.oberlin.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1128\&context=honors]}, abstract = {This thesis is an intellectual history of dialecticism and its use in the works of the Frankfurt School members, Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse. Famously, these two men had a ferocious and polemical debate in the pages of Dissent Magazine in 1955-56. The Fromm-Marcuse Debate has since become almost the sole lens in which the intellectual differences and similarities between these men are analyzed. Through a comparative and historical analysis of their individual work, largely removed from the Dissent Debate, I offer a new interpretation of their conflict, their personal relationship, and a new perspective on critical theory and its relationship to political action. I argue that Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse's intellectual ideas are better juxtaposed through their interpretation of dialectics, rather than psychoanalysis, and that through this, they present us with starkly different prescriptions for individual and collective political engagement. Thus, both Fromm and Marcuse are outliers within the field of critical theory, and certainly within the Frankfurt School, even as their ideas remain in firm conflict with one another.}, language = {en} } @misc{JoubertLopera, author = {Joubert Lopera, Daniel}, title = {Libertad: principio frommiano para la toma de decisiones y el establecimiento de interrelaciones, Undergraduate degree in psychology as a partial requirement to qualify for the title of Psychologist, Psychology, EAFIT University, Medell{\´i}n, Colombia 2019., 24 pp. [repository.eafit.edu.co/server/api/core/bitstreams/a66709bf-b62e-4f88-a239-bdcb8b98fd0b/content]}, abstract = {El objetivo de este texto es reflexionar en torno a la relaci{\´o}n de la libertad, con la toma de decisiones y su potencial para las interrelaciones, desde la perspectiva de Erich Fromm, mostrando posibles implicaciones pr{\´a}cticas. El m{\´e}todo utilizado fue la hermen{\´e}utica la cual es el arte de comprender y/o interpretar discursos para realizar un estudio monogr{\´a}fico sobre los conceptos se{\~n}alados. Como principales hallazgos se destaca la paradoja entre libertad y toma de decisiones, los distintos sentidos en que puede ser entendido y experimentado el proceso de la libertad, y la interrelaci{\´o}n que se puede generar entre los tres conceptos mencionados. Finalmente, las conclusiones que son de tipo te{\´o}ricas, metodol{\´o}gicas y pr{\´a}cticas.}, language = {es} } @misc{Alchamid, author = {Alchamid, Ngabdul Ngazis}, title = {Konsep Humanisasi pada Masyarakat Era Teknologi (Studi Komparasi Pemikiran Erich Fromm dan Kuntowijoyo) [The Concept of Humanization in Society in the Technology Age (Comparative Study of Erich Fromm and Kuntowijoyo's Thoughts)], Bachelor thesis, Ushuluddin Science and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya, Java, Indonesia 2019, 70 pp., Indonesian.}, abstract = {Sejak memasuki era industri, kehidupan masyarakat sudah mulai dimudahkan oleh mesin-mesin teknologi, hingga kemudahan yang diberikan oleh teknologi membawa kemajuan pada peradaban manusia. Akan tetapi, ternyata teknologi juga membawa dampak negatif di dalam masyarakat. Menurut Erich Fromm teknologi tidak lagi hanya menjadi sarana untuk mencapai tujuan, akan tetapi sudah menjadi tujuan dari masyarakat. Sedangkan menurut Kuntowijoyo, teknologi diciptakan oleh manusia untuk membantu pekerja industri agar memperoleh hasil yang efisien, akan tetapi hal sebaliknya yang terjadi adalah pekerja mengikuti kerja dari mesin teknologi. Teknologi yang seharusnya melayani manusia, menjadi manusia yang melayani teknologi. Bagi Erich Fromm dan Kuntowijoyo, masyarakat sedang dalam keadaan dehumanisasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan humanisasi pada masyarakat, yang bertujuan untuk mengembalikan derajat kemanusiaan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi komparasi antara pemikiran Erich Fromm dan Kuntowijoyo mengenai konsep humanisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menjelaskan keadaan masyarakat era teknologi dan mengumpulkan sumber data dari karya-karya Erich Fromm dan Kuntowijoyo, serta sumber lain yang sesuai dengan tema. Dalam studi komparasi, penelitian ini menggunakan metode komparasi simetris, dengan mengurai pemikiran Erich Fromm dan Kuntowijoyo satu persatu secara lengkap, kemudian membuat perbandingan dari pandangan kedua tokoh tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perbedaan pemikiran Erich Fromm dan Kuntowijoyo yang terletak padalandasan berfikirnya, serta pemakaian aspek spiritual dalam mendukung konsep humanisasi. Sedangkan persamaan pemikiran kedua tokoh tersebut terdapat dalam tiga aspek, yaitu humanisasi, pembebasan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Hušak, author = {Huš{\´a}k, Jan}, title = {Koncepce humanistick{\´e} etiky v d{\´i}le Ericha Fromma [The Conception of Humanistic Ethics in the Work of Erich Fromm] Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 40 pp.}, abstract = {The aim of this work is to examine and explain the concept of humanistic ethics defined by Erich Fromm. Special focus is given to biological premises about human beings and Fromm's inquiry about the existence of nature of men. The important role of human conscience and its function is shown in contrast to the problem of free will. The core that holds Fromm's ethics together is his characterology. In this regard, this thesis covers the difference between individual and social character, which are introduced together with a conditions that enable the growth of biophilia, contrary to the necrophilia and destructivity. Necrophilia and destructivity have the same core, from where they arise. The process of individualization is explained by Fromm's regular standard way of explanation. Individualization is originating on an individual level, which means, that every human as a child goes through this process. Therefore, by the same token, the process is taken to a social scale from it's individual appearance and Fromm draws common ground between these two levels of development. Escape mechanisms derive from the anxious and uncertain humans, who, searching for some assurance develop the tendencies to escape their feelings through the authoritarianism, which can either take form of sadism, masochism or conformism. In the last chapter the Fromm position on free will is discussed and explained with the understanding, that the standpoint which constitutes Erich Fromm's alternativism is hope, not only for a new order but for a complete state of harmony. The compact picture of Erich Fromm's humanistic ethics will be achieved through the interpretation of some of the most important concepts in his main writings.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Innocenti, author = {Innocenti, Gionata}, title = {Der Held seines eigenen Dramas. Aktuelle {\"U}berlegungen zur Natur des Menschen auf Grundlage der Theorien Erich Fromms, ins Deutsche {\"u}bersetzt von Henrike Engelhardt, Florenz (Istituto de Psicoterapia Analitica Firenze), 2019, 144 pp. [cf. Innocenti_G_2018]}, language = {de} }