@article{Ghabr, author = {Ghabr, Luai Khazal}, title = {(Man is Moral Being: Social-Psychological Reflections - Arabic).}, series = {Journal of Contemporary Islamic Issues, Vol. V (2019), pp. 71-72 and 192-220.}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Islamic Issues, Vol. V (2019), pp. 71-72 and 192-220.}, language = {ar} } @article{Ghabr, author = {Ghabr, Luai Khazal}, title = {(Religion between Rational and Irrational Faith: Social Psychoanalysis vision - Arabic). Lecture presented in the Iraqi Association for Political Psychology, 2019.}, language = {ar} } @article{Ghabr, author = {Ghabr, Luai Khazal}, title = {(Religion, Man and Society in Fromm's Critical Humanism Philosophy - Arabic). Paper presented at the philosophical conference in Iraq, Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, 2019.}, language = {ar} } @article{NiEigeartaigh, author = {Ni {\´E}igeartaigh, Aoileann}, title = {>How Can One Take Delight in the World Unless One Flees to It for Refuge?<: The Fear of Freedom in Erich Fromm and Franz Kafka}, series = {The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 53, No. 2 (2019), pp. 15-31. [Online ISSN 2544-8242] [doi.org/10.19205/53.19.1]}, journal = {The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 53, No. 2 (2019), pp. 15-31. [Online ISSN 2544-8242] [doi.org/10.19205/53.19.1]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm points to a tendency whereby the numerous freedoms gained by the citizens of modern democracies have been accompanied by widespread feelings of loneliness and disconnection. The loosening of traditional social structures leads some individuals to seek out restrictions, for example in order to counteract the feelings of being alone. This essay uses Fromm's thesis as a lens through which to examine two of Franz Kafka's novels in which the protagonists exemplify the >fear of freedom< proposed by Fromm. Society in these novels is perceived as a prison cell in which one must comply with social regulations, but also a fortress to which one can retreat from the chaos of the outside world, albeit at the cost of one's psychological health.}, language = {en} } @article{Cotta, author = {Cotta, Denis}, title = {A constitui{\c{c}}{\~a}o humana e a educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o na sociedade da aquisi{\c{c}}{\~a}o: contribui{\c{c}}ðes do pensamento de Erich Fromm [The human constitution and education in the acquisition society: contributions from Erich Fromm's thought]}, series = {Fragmentos de Cultura, Goi{\^a}nia, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2019), pp. 167-179.}, journal = {Fragmentos de Cultura, Goi{\^a}nia, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2019), pp. 167-179.}, abstract = {O presente estudo se orienta pela elucida{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos conceitos te{\´o}ricos do psicanalista e fil{\´o}sofo alem{\~a}o Erich Fromm, no que tange a constitui{\c{c}}{\~a}o humana e o processo de educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o. Para o psicanalista alem{\~a}o, o processo educacional est{\´a} intrinsecamente associado aos aspectos socioculturais, isto {\´e}, o indiv{\´i}duo como um ser social {\´e} impactado pela cultura de sua sociedade. Segundo o autor, o principal desafio do contexto educacional {\´e} o de proporcionar ao estudante um ambiente pautado pela autonomia e pela criatividade em contraste com uma sociedade que se fundamenta na aliena{\c{c}}{\~a}o e na aquisi{\c{c}}{\~a}o. No que tange {\`a} metodologia, este estudo visa empreender uma leitura anal{\´i}tica das obras >An{\´a}lise do homem<, >Ter ou Ser?< e >A revolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o da esperan{\c{c}}a<, todas de autoria de Erich Fromm. Como objetivo principal, este artigo visa sublinhar as contribui{\c{c}}{\~o}es do pensamento frommiano no que se refere {\`a}s possibilidades da constru{\c{c}}{\~a}o de uma educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o mais humanizada em meio a atual sociedade da aquisi{\c{c}}{\~a}o.}, language = {pt} } @article{BeltraodeSouza, author = {Beltr{\~a}o de Souza, Kelma Fab{\´i}ola}, title = {A liberta{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos oprimidos [The liberation of the oppressed] [La liberaci{\´o}n de los oprimidos]}, series = {Educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o em Perspectiva / Education in Perspective, Vol. 10 (2019), pp. 1-14. [Online ISSN 2178-8359] [doi.org/10.22294/eduper/ppge/ufv.v10i0.7082]}, journal = {Educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o em Perspectiva / Education in Perspective, Vol. 10 (2019), pp. 1-14. [Online ISSN 2178-8359] [doi.org/10.22294/eduper/ppge/ufv.v10i0.7082]}, abstract = {Este texto teve por objetivo refletir sobre o conceito de liberdade e liberta{\c{c}}{\~a}o, a partir do que disse Paulo Freire em Educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o como Pr{\´a}tica da Liberdade (que ele chama de >introdu{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\`a} Pedagogia do Oprimido<) e Pedagogia do Oprimido. A nosso ver, como o conceito de liberdade foi especialmente sugestionado por Erich Fromm, trouxemos para o debate a sua problematiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o. Identificamos que Freire, de certa forma, vai preterindo a ideia de liberdade, usada inicialmente para significar as ideias de Fromm, e se volta especialmente {\`a}s ideias marxistas. Isso demonstra o investimento de Freire na liberta{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos oprimidos, onde reside quase todo prop{\´o}sito de sua pedagogia, cuja principal obra, Pedagogia do Oprimido, est{\´a} completando cinquenta anos.}, language = {pt} } @article{FerreiradeSousa, author = {Ferreira de Sousa, Josivanio}, title = {A viv{\^e}ncia da F{\´e} nos modos Ser e Ter segundo Erich Fromm [The Experience of Faith in the Modes of Being and Having according to Erich Fromm]}, series = {Semana Nacional de Teologia, Filosofia e Estudos de Religi{\~a}o e Col{\´o}quio Filos{\´o}fico, Vol. 1 (2019), pp. 82-88. [Online ISSN 2763-7433] [doity.com.br/anais/semana-nacional-teo-filos-e-cr-simp-filos/trabalho/126709]}, journal = {Semana Nacional de Teologia, Filosofia e Estudos de Religi{\~a}o e Col{\´o}quio Filos{\´o}fico, Vol. 1 (2019), pp. 82-88. [Online ISSN 2763-7433] [doity.com.br/anais/semana-nacional-teo-filos-e-cr-simp-filos/trabalho/126709]}, abstract = {Este trabalho busca apresentar um dos aspectos do modo de exist{\^e}ncia baseado no Ter e no Ser segundo o fil{\´o}sofo alem{\~a}o Erich Fromm, dando luz ao sentido religioso da f{\´e}. Partindo da leitura do livro "Ter ou Ser" do citado autor, ser{\´a} apresentado alguns argumentos que afirma o por qu{\^e} deve-se aproximar-se do modo Ser e se afasta do modo Ter. {\´E} importante enaltecer que diante a sociedade consumista atual, as pessoas est{\~a}o bem mais pr{\´o}xima do modo Ter, sendo que muitas pessoas pensam ser o {\´u}nico modo de vida poss{\´i}vel. Diante disso, elas v{\~a}o transformando o que deveria ser experi{\^e}ncias em algo que possa ser possu{\´i}do como concreto. Isso acontece nos mais variados aspectos da vida humana, como por exemplo, no amor, na aprendizagem, no conhecer. Na f{\´e} n{\~a}o {\´e} diferente. Fromm faz a an{\´a}lise da f{\´e} nesses dois modos e dar {\^e}nfase no modo Ser, como uma alternativa melhor do que o modo Ter e sugere que possamos mudar a atitude em busca do Ser. Em verdade, existe uma grande dificuldade para acontecer esse movimento. Mas, o objetivo desse trabalho se det{\´e}m apenas em mostrar a diferen{\c{c}}a dos modos Ter e Ser na quest{\~a}o da f{\´e} e mostrar a import{\^a}ncia de tentar vivenciar a f{\´e} no modo Ser.}, language = {pt} } @article{Gandesha, author = {Gandesha, Samir}, title = {Adorno, Ferenczi, and a new >categorical imperative after Auschwitz<}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 222.230.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 222.230.}, abstract = {Theodor W. Adorno's mature thought can be characterized by the attempt to articulate what he calls a >new categorical imperative after Auschwitz.< By this, Adorno means that theory and praxis must be organized in such a way that the Holocaust does not repeat itself. This article argues that S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi's metapsychology is key to understanding Adorno's attempt to rethink the nature of precisely such a new categorical imperative. One of the key themes of Adorno's entire corpus is the problem of the "identification with the aggressor" - an idea that originates with Ferenzci rather than, as is commonly thought, Anna Freud. The Ferenczian dimension of Adorno's thinking becomes particularly clear in Adorno's thoughts on the question of freedom. In this context, Adorno engages in a psychoanalytically informed critique of the philosophy of freedom and a speculative philosophical critique of psychoanalysis. The fashioning of a >new categorical imperative< after Auschwitz entails a form of education directed towards a new form of M{\"u}ndigkeit, one oriented towards contradiction, resistance, and a steadfast refusal to >identify with the aggressor.<}, language = {en} } @misc{Maniadakis, author = {Maniadakis, Grigoris}, title = {Aesthetic models of the psyche}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 001-002.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 001-002.}, language = {en} } @article{Taufik, author = {Taufik, Ahmad}, title = {Agama dalam Kehidupan Individu [Religion in Individual life]}, series = {Edification, Vol. 1, No. 01. (2019), pp. 57-67. [media.neliti.com/media/publications/294850-agama-dalam-kehidupan-individu-debb02ed.pdf]}, journal = {Edification, Vol. 1, No. 01. (2019), pp. 57-67. [media.neliti.com/media/publications/294850-agama-dalam-kehidupan-individu-debb02ed.pdf]}, abstract = {Religion as a form of human belief in something supernatural or supernatural turns out to be as if accompanying humans in the broad scope of life. Religion has values for human life as people per person and in relation to social life. Besides that religion also has an impact on everyday life. The influence of religion in an individual's life is to give inner stability, feeling of happiness, feeling of protection, a sense of success and satisfaction. This positive feeling will further be a motivator to do religion in the life of an individual besides being a motivation and ethical value is also hope.}, language = {mul} }