@article{ZolotukhinaAbolinaIngerleib, author = {Zolotukhina-Abolina, Elena V. and Ingerleib, Mikhail B.}, title = {Экзистенциальный оптимизм: условия, плюсы, проблемы [Existential Optimism: Conditions, Advantages, Problems]}, series = {Вопросы философии [Questions of Philosophy], No. 3 (2021), pp. 18-28. [Print ISSN 0042-8744] [doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2021-3-18-28]}, journal = {Вопросы философии [Questions of Philosophy], No. 3 (2021), pp. 18-28. [Print ISSN 0042-8744] [doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2021-3-18-28]}, abstract = {Статья посвящена феномену экзистенциального оптимизма. Авторы трактуют его как душевную установку, присущую отдельной личности и вклю¬чающую в себя положительную оценку мира, умение радоваться и волю к жизни. Экзистенциальный оптимизм не сливается с социальным оптимиз¬мом, он связан с определением индивидуальной траектории судьбы и способен помогать человеку проходить через трудные социальные обстоятель¬ства, сохраняя позитивный настрой и реализуя свои цели. Его стержнем выступает ощущение и выбор личного жизненного проекта, который существует не только в юности, но может в разных вариантах актуализироваться в любых возрастах. Авторы квалифицируют фигуру экзистенциального оптимиста с помощью понятий >продуктивности< (Э. Фромм) и >самоактуа¬лизации< (А. Маслоу), а также образа >победителя< (Э. Берн). Жизненные препятствия видятся такому человеку не только как нормальная характеристика действительности, но и как поле для игры наших сил, что приносит ему бытийную радость. В становлении подобного мироотношения боль¬шую роль играет воспитание и личный пример старших. Авторы обращаются также к теме смерти и разочарования, с которыми сталкивается любой человек, и подчеркивают, что смерть не находится в центре внимания экзистенциального оптимиста. Последней обсуждаемой в статье темой выступает тема практик >позитивного мышления<. В выводах подчеркивается, что позиция оптимиста не может быть никому навязана, а может быть лишь принята самостоятельно.}, language = {ru} } @misc{Zielińska, author = {Zielińska, Izabela}, title = {Erich Fromm jako myśliciel polityczny [Erich Fromm as a Political Thinker], Master's thesis, Political Sciences, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krak{\´o}w, Poland 2011.}, abstract = {Praca magisterska dotyczy tw{\´o}rczości Ericha Fromma, jednego z najbardziej wpływowych intelektualist{\´o}w XX wieku. Praca przedstawia problemy, kt{\´o}re zostały uznane przez autora za najciekawsze z perspektywy studi{\´o}w politologicznych. Poszczeg{\´o}lne części pracy poświęcone zostały zagadnieniom natury ludzkiej, teorii charakteru, jak r{\´o}wnież problematyce agresji i destrukcyjności jednostek. Obszernie om{\´o}wiono Frommowską koncepcję zdrowego społeczeństwa i żyjącego w nim >nowego< człowieka, poprzedzoną krytyką kapitalizmu drugiej połowy XX wieku oraz komunizmu, jako system{\´o}w, kt{\´o}re uniemożliwiają jednostkom dokonywać rozwoju własnego >ja<. Osobno przedstawiono także problem mechanizm{\´o}w ucieczki od wolności, a także sposob{\´o}w jej realizowania w demokracji. Praca ukazuje Ericha Fromma jako myśliciela zaangażowanego społecznie i politycznie, pełnego antropologicznego optymizmu, kt{\´o}ry sprzeciwia się wszelkim formom podporządkowywania człowieka.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Zhu, author = {Zhu, Yewei}, title = {Collectivism and Executive's Perquisite Consumption - From the Perspective of >Rice Culture<, Master thesis, Enterprise Economy, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2020.}, abstract = {It is well known that the occurrence and disclosure of perquisite consumption has concealment, which gives the corresponding profit gainers room to manipulate. In reality, unreasonable perquisite consumption events occurred from time to time. These events have aroused a great deal of public opinion and social concern. In the past, the research on the influencing factors of perquisite consumption mostly focused on the company's internal governance characteristics and external regulatory characteristics, which belongs to the category of formal system. Formal and informal systems usually have a comprehensive effect on the cognitive level and values of individuals. Combined with the Upper Echelons Theory, the informal system also affect the perquisite consumption behavior of senior executives to a certain extent. In recent years, the research on specific culture and corporate executives' financial behavior has become a hot topic of corporate governance. Therefore, this article decides to focus on perquisite consumption and collectivism to studies the impact of different farming culture patterns formed in different regions on senior executives' perquisite consumption. China has been in an agricultural society for a long time in history, and Chinese production and survival are closely related to the land. It is precisely because of the close relationship between land and the Chinese people for thousands of years, the impact of land on the Chinese people can not be ignored. In China, with the Yangtze River as the boundary, there is a planting difference between the south and the north with the main tillage of rice or wheat (or other non-rice crops.- Different crops in different regions have gradually formed different agricultural methods and farming habits in the local area. According to Fromm's Human Existence Theory, diverse farming life would subtly form different unique regional culture with the passage of time. Once the culture was formed, it would be deeply rooted in the local society and affects the psychology and behavior of people who lived there in a long time. Due to differences in farming irrigation method and the amount of labor, people who live in rice growing areas or live in wheat growing areas have formed different agricultural production methods and habits. People in rice growing areas are used to cooperative labor and pay attention to the commitment and relationship between people, while people in wheat growing areas are relatively used to completing farming work independently. Different agricultural production methods and habits have brought people with very different regional cultural models: collectivism in rice areas and individualism in wheat areas.- Talhelm and his research team referred to the above-mentioned regional farming culture as >Rice Culture<. People in rice growing areas affected by >Rice Culture< tend to think in collectivism and integrity, pay attention to relationship and commitment, and get used to accommodating the environment to change themselves. But people affected by >Wheat Culture< is different than people who living in rice growing areas. In other words, people who living in areas where non-rice crops are grown is different than people who living in rice growing areas. People affected by >wheat culture< tend to be individualistic, analytical thinking and relatively independent of themselves. And they like to change the environment and adapt the environment to themselves. In connection with the existing research on the causes of perquisite consumption and Upper Echelons Theory, it is feasible to study senior executives' perquisite consumption and collectivism. This article collects the data of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2008 to 2017. Through data analysis, this article explores whether the farming culture pattern of the senior executive's birthplace, origin-place and location of the company would affect the degree of perquisite consumption. Empirical results show that senior executives born in the wheat region are more likely to unreasonable perquisite consume than those born in the rice growing region. The senior executives whose origin place is in the wheat region are more likely to unreasonable perquisite consume than those origin place is in the rice growing region. Senior executives of wheat regional companies are more likely to make unreasonable perquisite consumption than those who employed in the rice growing area companies. That's to say, the >Rice Culture< could inhibit the perquisite consumption of senior executives. Based on the above, this article carries out further research to compare the influence of >Rice Culture< of senior executives' birthplace, origin place and company location on senior executives' perquisite consumption. It is found that the >Rice Culture< suppression effect of senior executives' birthplace is greater than that of the senior executives' origin place, while the >Rice Culture< suppression effect of the company's location is greater than senior executives' origin place. And the >Rice Culture< suppression effect of the company's location is slighter than the suppression effect of senior executives' birthplace. It means that the >Rice Culture< in the individual's living environment has a significant impact on the individual, especially in long-term living areas. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Zunmin}, title = {Exploring the Way Out of Freedom from the Views of Berlin and Fromm [伯林与弗洛姆的自由观探自由之出路]}, series = {Present and Future [今古文创], No. 3 (2022), pp. 44-46.}, journal = {Present and Future [今古文创], No. 3 (2022), pp. 44-46.}, abstract = {伯林与弗洛姆将自由区分为积极自由与消极自由。两人对积极自由与消极自由之基本含义界定大体一致,但是其含摄范围与致思路径并不相同,由此,其倾向性与侧重点也就全然不同。伯林从保障政治权利的立场出发,认为消极自由保证人的自由行动领域不被干涉,更值得争取;弗洛姆出于对人的本质力量发展的考量,认为实现积极自由才是目的。事实上,伯林的消极自由争取当下的政治权利,弗洛姆的积极自由则更关注人本质力量的长远发展和全面发展,而眼前目标和长远目标同样不可偏废。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Tieyan}, title = {Research on >Escape from Freedom< in Fromm's Thought [弗洛姆思想中的>逃避自由<研究]. Master thesis, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, Shandong, China 2022.}, abstract = {The formation of Erich Fromm's thought of >Escape from freedom< is based on the inheritance and absorption of Marxism and Freud, on the one hand, Erich Fromm draws on Marxism's social criticism and alienation theory to analyze the social psychological factors that give rise to escape from freedom, on the other hand, it draws on Freud's psychoanalysis to analyze the individual psychological factors of escape from freedom, and combines the two. By analyzing the phenomenon of >Escape from freedom<, Erich Fromm points out the spiritual crisis of modern people's existence and seeks to find ways to construct a sound society and a sound personality. Erich Fromm's >Escape from freedom< was born out of the Protestant Reformation and the development of capitalism. The Protestant Reformation freed the individual from the constraints of God and the church, but when the individual lost the barriers of the church, he could not feel his place in the secular life. In the course of the development of capitalism, the individual gradually neglects the relation with the other because of the separation of the capitalist division of labor from the other, and the individual pays more attention to his own life, cause the loneliness of the heart. Both contribute to the instability of social organization structure and the unhealthy psychology of the individual, a phenomenon Erich Fromm calls >The duality of freedom<. In Erich Fromm's view, the duality of freedom is one of the most important reasons for the >Escape from freedom<. Along with the development of capitalism, the idea of >Escape from freedom< took the form of authoritarianism, desire for destruction, and automaton conformity, which Erich Fromm believed had a negative effect on the individual, the psychological factors that gave birth to the Second World War. Since the end of the Second World War, the hidden dangers of Nazism have not been completely eliminated in modern society, and there is a democratic crisis in modern society due to the lack of >Sense of tragedy<. So Erich Fromm addresses the problems of the future by nurturing new people who re-exist and building new societies in which people develop as they are. With the further development of capitalism, industrial civilization does show new features different from the past, and the causes and manifestations of >Escape from freedom< have also changed accordingly. Such social phenomena as the disappearance of >Grand narrative< and >Systematic exploitation< of workers in the industrial civilized society show that the >individualization process< has been reconstructed under the new social situation, >Escape from freedom< is manifested by the further loss of individual identity and hostility from >The other<. Erich Fromm proposed to overcome alienated personality through creative activities, through the form of collective art to cultivate a sound personality, in order to deal with the >Escape from freedom<. By systematically combing Erich Fromm's theory of >Escape from freedom< and combining it with his Marxist philosophy criticism of Erich Fromm, it can be seen that Erich Fromm's critique of capitalism does not touch on the Base and political structure of capitalism, and that the basis for judging the soundness of society ignores the factor of productivity, and the >Love< which is used to construct people's spiritual health has ideality and limitation. Therefore, only on the basis of Marxism and historical materialism, from the perspective of concrete practice, to carry out a critical study of Erich Fromm's thought of >Escape from freedom<, can draw lessons from Erich Fromm's thought, for the construction of a harmonious society to provide reference. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Suwen}, title = {On Alienation in Arthur Miller's Early Plays, Master thesis, World Literature, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {By applying Erich Fromm's theory of alienation and psychological analysis, this thesis explores the idea of alienation and the cause of tragedy in Arthur Miller's early plays, >All My Sons<, >Death of a Salesman<, and >A View from the Bridge<. The adoption of Erich Fromm's theory of alienation is based on Miller's concern with the phenomenon of alienation in American society. On the one hand, the thesis discusses how the symbiotic relationship between man and society is undermined by historical movement and as a consequence how it affects man's idea of morality and sense of identity by reviewing the particular American history during the time of the Depression and the wars (particularly the Second World War and the Cold War). On the other hand, the thesis discusses how personal fantasy contributes to one's destiny by making uncompromised commitment to private beliefs as a counterpart of reality.- First of all, the thesis reviews the historical events that shape American experiences of alienation. Economically, the Depression not only exemplifies that everyone is closely related with the society and other human beings, but also implies the illusion embedded in the American Dream. Economic development does not guarantee human beings freedom but conditions men in an alienated position because of its advocacy of liberalism and individualism. The perversion of work ethic, particularly, defines man and directs them to seek self-interest. Politically, the Second World War and the Cold War make man retreat into a world of containment, separating self from the other. Accordingly, in Arthur Miller's dramatic world, characters attach more importance to family business and family welfare. Then the thesis discusses how human psyche is equal in importance in sealing one's fate. Although the environment provides the physical basis for practice and action, personal fantasy has a life of its own and therefore becomes a scene for dramatic actions. The point is that neither social codes nor personal ideals ensure a secure sense of identity. In contrast, one-sided indulgence in psychological world alienates man further from society and others. Social sense of identity and personal sense of identity becomes oppositional. Finally, the thesis holds that Miller conveys a message of hope of reconciliation, i. e., man represented by secondary roles in the three plays have the strength and freedom to change the status quo.- This thesis differs from previous studies in the following aspects. First of all, this thesis does not limit the scope of alienation to economic and political field but extends to human psyche, revealing that both the private and the public contribute to Arthur Miller's tragedy. Secondly, this thesis explores the symbiotic relationships between man and society, pointing out that socially individual experience is the shaping force of human history. In Arthur Miller's plays, the major characters have certain fantasy with its own life that finally forms the circumference around which dramatic conflicts become possible. The transformational relationship between scene and agent vindicates the combining force of society and psychology to realize Miller's tragedies. The thesis concludes that Miller indicates one possible way out from the present dilemma of alienation, a characteristic of Arthur Miller's early period of writing, because the author shows strong faith in humanity by presenting the sympathetic, integral and forgiving secondary characters. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Pan}, title = {Love Is a Special Ability - My Thoughts on Reading >Let Students See Your Love< [爱是一种专门能力——读《让学生看见你的爱》有感]}, series = {Jiangsu Education [江苏教育], No. 51 (2018), p. 80.}, journal = {Jiangsu Education [江苏教育], No. 51 (2018), p. 80.}, abstract = {《让学生看见你的爱》作者:沈丽新出版社:中国人民大学出版社弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》里说:>爱不是我们与生俱来的一种本领,而是需要我们后天习得的能力。<当我翻到沈丽新老师的新书《让学生看见你的爱》时,我再一次深刻地体会到了作为一名教师,爱是一门艺术,更是一门专业能力。…}, language = {zh} } @book{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Mo}, title = {Machtmechanismen und Selbstspiele. Ann{\"a}herungen an deutschsprachige Texte Yoko Tawadas mit Ans{\"a}tzen von Michel Foucault und Erich Fromm, Baden-Baden (Ergon Verlag) 2021, 261 pp. [Online ISBN 978-3-95650-897-4] (Reihe: Bartl, A. et al.: Literatura. Wissenschaftliche Beitr{\"a}ge zur Literatur und ihren Kontexten, Band 49: Machtmechanismen und Selbstspiele) [content.e-bookshelf.de/media/reading/L-18782238-dce24e84f0.pdf] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, language = {de} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Mo}, title = {Machtmechanismen und Selbstspiele. Ann{\"a}herungen an deutschsprachige Texte Yoko Tawadas mit Ans{\"a}tzen von Michel Foucault und Erich Fromm, Doctoral dissertation, Philosophische Fakult{\"a}t und Fachbereich Theologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg, Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, language = {de} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Kai}, title = {On the Constraints and Freedom in Kazuo Ishiguro's >Never Let Me Go<, Master thesis, World Literature, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Kazuo Ishiguro(1954 -) is a British-Japanese novelist and playwright. In 2017, Kazuo Ishiguro was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Most of his works focus on the universal value of human beings in contemporary society, and emphasize the trend of integration and coexistence of multiple cultures in the era of globalization. At present, Ishiguro is one of the most famous writers in the English-speaking world today. He has written 7 novels and was shortlisted for the Booker Prize four times. His work >Never Let Me Go< in 2005 was listed on Time magazine's list of the 100 greatest English language novels since the magazine's first publication in 1923. >Never Let Me Go< also marks the first time that he attempted to write sci-fi novels.- The novel centers on the eternal literary theme of >destiny< and >freedom< in the context of human genetic technology. Through her memory flashback, the protagonist, Kathy, recalls the story between Ruth and Tommy, who grow up in Hailsham. Adopting a temperate and sentimental tone, Ishiguro traced the cloned group's growth from childhood to adulthood, revealing their struggle with the >destiny< of organ donation and the end of life. >Never Let Me Go< contains the science-fiction elements that has not been involved in the previous novels of Ishiguro, and touches on the topic of morality and ethics of human cloning, which is a contentious issue in contemporary society. Critics have shown strong interests in this novel. In-depth studies of surrealism, genetic engineering, reflection of science and technology, have introduced many new interpretation methods. For the >non-resistance< of the clones in the novel, many studies are limited to the reasons for its occurrence, and many readers question its rationality.- This thesis attempts to start with an understanding of Ishiguro's consistent writing style and early life experience. Through analyzing the >constraints< and >freedom< in the novel, the thesis tries to explore the nature of the clones' >non-resistance< with Fromm's theory of freedom, thus, uncover Ishiguro's reflection on human's living condition. The first chapter explores the >constraints< in the novel. In the process of the clones' growth, they suffer from various kind of constraints, like spatial isolation, social exclusion. This living state of the clones mirrors the condition of modern people in general. The second chapter mainly studies the >freedom< in the novel. In all kinds of >constraints<, the clones can still obtain a certain level of >freedom<. They create artworks, establish friendship and pursue love. Although they finally accept the doomed fate in the end, their short lives still triumph. The third chapter compares the clones' choice of facing >death< with human beings' choices and analyzes the positive meaning of the clones' >non-resistance< approach. The thesis argues that the >non-resistance< of the clones in the novel is not >escape from freedom<. Their behavior, thoughts and destiny are circumscribed, which makes them the >others< of the society, but they have not resisted in a violent way. Through positive artistic creation and establishing emotional ties, they find a sense of belonging, value of existence, thus gaining >positive freedom<. >Never Let Me Go< is not a typical science fiction novel with the theme of >cloning<. The novel's concern is the ordinary people's confrontation with futility and fate. It is in this sense that Ishiguro is a humanist writer with >compassion<. In >Never Let Me Go<, Ishiguro affirmed ordinary people's value of existence when confronting the deter¬mi¬nistic force, which shows his concern for the living condition of modern people. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} }