@misc{Kania, author = {Kania, Paweł}, title = {Wizja zdrowego społeczeństwa Ericha Fromma [Vision of the Sane Society of Erich Fromm], Master's thesis, Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University in Krak{\´o}w, Poland 2010.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Blaha, author = {Blaha, Georg Richard}, title = {Lateinamerikanische Aspekte zu Humanismus und Identit{\"a}t ausgehend von Arbeiten Erich Fromms und Paulo Freires, Master thesis, Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 2010, 153 pp. [doi.org/10.25365/thesis.13155]}, abstract = {>Die geschichtliche Aufgabe des Menschen ist es, menschlicher zu werden< - Paulo Freire >Wenn jemand zu stark unterdr{\"u}ckt wird, m{\"u}ssen wir ihm erlauben, weniger unterdr{\"u}ckt zu werden.< - Erich Fromm Es ist Aufgabe der Menschheit, Geschichte miteinander zu erleben, es ist Aufgabe des Menschen, andere von Angst zu befreien. Rationale Wege zur gesellschaftlichen Befreiung von Angst als Basis friedlichen Zusammenlebens sind das zentrale Anliegen meiner philosophischen Arbeiten. Zentral in dieser Arbeit sind die Begriffe Freiheit und Befreiung als Wege aus Angst und Unterdr{\"u}ckung, wof{\"u}r in der Hauptsache die Werke Furcht Vor Der Freiheit von Erich Fromm und P{\"a}dagogik Der Unterdr{\"u}ckten von Paulo Freire behandelt werden. Die Wahl fiel auf diese Autoren, weil sie einander als Fl{\"u}chtlinge und Exilanten am CIDOC in Cuernavaca trafen, wo in interkultureller Begegnung intensiv diskutiert wurde. Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst einen historischen Teil, welcher dazu dient, die Herleitung des Gesellschaftscharakters zu illustrieren. Ein weiterer Abschnitt umfasst die Diskussion der beiden genannten Werke, im letzten Kapitel wird das zuvor Erarbeitete hinsichtlich der Begriffe Entfremdung und Angst reflektiert und {\"u}ber den Subjekt-Objekt Begriff der Autoren der Versuch unternommen, mit dem Begriff der Geborgenheit oder Intimit{\"a}t einen Denkweg aus der Angst zu finden. Wir k{\"o}nnten ihn Liebe nennen.}, language = {de} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Feifei}, title = {The Language View of Zen - A New Perspective from Integrated Linguistics [禅的语言观—整合语言学提供的新视角], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 2010 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {语言在禅宗中一直以来都是一个备受争议的话题。禅宗一方面提出>不立文字<,另一方面又坚持>不离文字<。对这两种对立观点的历史背景进行一番探索应该也会让我们对禅宗的语言观有更深的了解。但本文没有从这里取道,而是将禅宗中一种重要的语言形式——公案置于本文观照的中心,目的在于从日常交流语境中对禅的语言作一番审视。基于Erich Fromm, Thomas P. Kasulis, Dales Wright and LiuNing Zhou等人的研究,本文一方面展示了这些论著的内部逻辑,另一方面试图通过进一步发展这种逻辑来延伸讨论的方向。通过对这些论著的严密讨论,本文表明在禅宗、心理分析和后现代哲学流派间建立对话的可能性。引用这些论著中的某些比喻,我们可以这样做一番总结:以上研究从把语言作为>过滤器<到把语言作为>水库<;引用这些论著中的某些术语,我们又可以总结:以上研究从>语言<过渡到>行动<,从>公案<过渡到>交流活动<。为了将>公案<置于禅师和学生的日常生活的真实交流场景中,本文考察了整合语言学的理论构思,从两个方面展示了在其与禅宗这两者之间建立对话的可能性。显而易见,两者在挑战传统的语言和交流范畴上异曲同工,更为重要的是,它们都凸显交流活动中的交流主体并比其他语言学研究更重视交流主体的个体性。综上所述,本文希望通过这一全新的研究视角进一步探讨禅宗的语言观。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yan, author = {Yan, Jiezhi}, title = {On Distorted Love: Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Toni Morrison's >Love< [论畸形的爱—托尼•莫里森《爱》的心理解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2010 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {美国黑人女作家托尼•莫里森一直以来都关怀、同情黑人妇女这一边缘群体,并关注黑人女性在充斥着父权制和种族歧视的社会中的命运。在其2003年发表的小说《爱》中,莫里森展示了历史、种族、性别等诸多因素作用下维系黑人民族的最基本的情感-爱,并以爱的扭曲与复原为主线探讨并指出:黑人家庭和社区中诸多矛盾的解决都需要爱的力量。本论文以心理学家弗洛姆和罗杰斯的理论为依据,探讨了畸形之爱产生的原因及解决的方法。首先,论文通过分析《爱》中畸形之爱的表现形式,如畸形的母女关系、黑人女性之间失败的友谊以及畸形的婚姻,展示了黑人女性的边缘化地位。在小说《爱》中,种族歧视和父权制使人与人的关系发生扭曲。爱的异化使深厚的母女感情和纯真的友谊演变为彼此间的敌对和仇恨,婚姻也在这种力量的催化下摇摇欲坠。其次,论文探讨《爱》中畸形之爱产生的原因。父母之爱缺失的转移、人性弱点的投射和父权种族主义的压抑共同产生作用,使原本美好的爱扭曲变形。最后,论文为黑人女性走出畸形之爱指明一条道路。罗杰斯认为人性本善,有自我实现的发展潜力;他创立的当事人中心疗法主张:要真心关怀当事人的感情,在真诚和谐的关系中启发当事人运用自我发展潜力促进自身的健康成长,增强自信心。而在小说《爱》中,黑人女性个体和社区充当的就是心理治疗师的角色。基于以上分析,论文认为:异化的爱虽具极强的摧毁力,但爱作为黑人民族凝聚力的象征,在黑人女性个体和黑人社区的共同努力下得以回归。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xie, author = {Xie, Xinqiu}, title = {The Writer as Migrant: Reading Ha Jin's Novels as Metahistorical Fiction [我以我心荐轩辕:解读哈金小说的元历史性] English Language and Literature, Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong, China 2010 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {本论文旨在探讨作家哈金的历史情结和他十余部作品中一贯的关于当代中国的历史叙事。我的论文主题是:解读哈金作品为元历史小说(Metahistorical Fiction);区别于琳达•哈契(Linda Hutcheon)解读后现代小说而得出的史学性元小说(Historiographic Metafiction)。由于篇幅所限,笔者主要选取哈金的三部长篇小说《战废品》,《等待》和《疯狂》作三章来讨论。理由在于三部小说均为作者有代表性的重要作品,而且将三部小说叙事的历史背景连接起来即可基本构成整个当代中国历史的风云变迁。哈金早期赋予自身的>代言人<身份和该身份引起的持久的笔伐争议是我思考其历史叙事合法性的肇始和论文写作的切入点。哈金阐释的由康拉德和纳博科夫开启的移民作家英语写作传统和海登•怀特(Hayden White)的元历史理论(Metahistory)是提领该论文理论参照。而各章节在分析每一部小说叙事特点和具体的理论运用上各有其相对的独立性。第一章运用E.L. Doctorow关于虚构和历史的真实性的理论阐述《伪造文书》(>False Document<)来分析小说《战废品》中再现的抗美援朝战争时期中国战俘的历史记忆。第二章主要分析小说《等待》中爱情故事和历史叙事的互文并置来探讨个人追求与历史背景的关系。第三章意在运用R.D Laing的《The Divided Self: An Existential Study of Sanity and Madness》和Erich Fromm的《The Sane Society》分析小说《疯狂》中借>癫狂者<之口叙述历史。哈金在其写作主题转型的纠结过程里否定自己前期>代言人<身份。笔者于后记中就此主题矛盾和哈金开始涉及的身份认同政治学(The Politics of Identity)亦有探讨,认为他期望摆脱其备受争议的代言人<角色而转变为一个华裔美国作家。正如怀特分析总结的西方十九世纪史学(Historiography)和历史哲学(Philosophy of History)的各种历史认知和书写方式,窃以为该论文的意义在于通过分析哈金以其中国经验为素材写就的小说发掘其叙写历史的客观意图并提出以一种客观,包容和多元的态度观照另一种历史书写的可能性。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Tang, author = {Tang, Xiaoqing}, title = {Research on Moral Evaluation of Network Communication [网络传播方式的道德评价研究], Master thesis, Ethics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2010.}, abstract = {道德评价的目的是对不道德的行为形成一种威慑和遏制力,对道德的行为形成一种奖励和鼓动力,并在社会中形成一种向善的价值取向和道德风尚,促进人们道德水平的提升,并最终促进人的全面发展。道德评价对于人们道德的形成和习惯的养成占有一个举足轻重的地位,那么是什么力量促使人们参与道德评价?这个力量形成了一个什么样的道德评价机制?如何进一步完善和践行好这个道德评价机制?带着这些疑问我选择了写这篇论文。本论文是借鉴对中国影响较大学者——如罗国杰、魏英敏等伦理学家的思想,对西方当代影响中国深广的伦理思想家——如萨特、弗洛伊德、弗洛姆等思想进行分析,论证道德评价的社会功能和历史文化意义,并将这些理论分析的观点运用到范美忠事件上,实际地论证道德评价的社会功能。笔者认为,个人的社会利益、良心、名誉是道德评价实现其道德作用的三个最基本的因素,只有在充分调动这三个因素的基础之上,道德评价机制才会得到完善,道德评价作用才会得到充分展现。论文进一步分析了良心和名誉完善的措施,从道德教育和道德修养两个方面来分别阐述激发人的良心和名誉的方法。在网络传播方式中,以范美忠事件为例分析这些方法的实际效果,从而证明道德评价机制实施的可取性和操作性。本论文将理论和实践相结合,以个案分析为手段,具体证实了个人的社会利益、良心和名誉在道德评价中的重要性。网络是社会的延续、拓展和放大器,比现实道德评价更具有舆论场,更能体现道德评价机制的运行。本论文最终阐明了其观点:网络传播方式的道德评价的最终目的不是让公民接受惩罚,而是通过一系列措施形成威慑和遏制力,让公民知道自己的错误之所在,并有悔改之心,唤起所有公民真正的良知,并在社会中形成一种向善的价值取向和道德风尚,促进人们道德水平的提升,并最终促进人的全面发展。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wan, author = {Wan, Jiezhi}, title = {On Distorted Love: Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Toni Morrison's >Love< [论畸形的爱—托尼•莫里森《爱》的心理解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2010 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {美国黑人女作家托尼•莫里森一直以来都关怀、同情黑人妇女这一边缘群体,并关注黑人女性在充斥着父权制和种族歧视的社会中的命运。在其2003年发表的小说《爱》中,莫里森展示了历史、种族、性别等诸多因素作用下维系黑人民族的最基本的情感-爱,并以爱的扭曲与复原为主线探讨并指出:黑人家庭和社区中诸多矛盾的解决都需要爱的力量。本论文以心理学家弗洛姆和罗杰斯的理论为依据,探讨了畸形之爱产生的原因及解决的方法。首先,论文通过分析《爱》中畸形之爱的表现形式,如畸形的母女关系、黑人女性之间失败的友谊以及畸形的婚姻,展示了黑人女性的边缘化地位。在小说《爱》中,种族歧视和父权制使人与人的关系发生扭曲。爱的异化使深厚的母女感情和纯真的友谊演变为彼此间的敌对和仇恨,婚姻也在这种力量的催化下摇摇欲坠。其次,论文探讨《爱》中畸形之爱产生的原因。父母之爱缺失的转移、人性弱点的投射和父权种族主义的压抑共同产生作用,使原本美好的爱扭曲变形。最后,论文为黑人女性走出畸形之爱指明一条道路。罗杰斯认为人性本善,有自我实现的发展潜力;他创立的当事人中心疗法主张:要真心关怀当事人的感情,在真诚和谐的关系中启发当事人运用自我发展潜力促进...}, language = {zh} } @misc{Deng, author = {Deng, Ceng}, title = {The Alienation Factors and Ways of Self-salvation in Hemingway's Works [海明威作品中的异化因素及其自我拯救之路], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2010 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {>异化<是指:在异己力量的作用下,人类丧失了自我与本质,丧失了主体性,丧失了精神自由,丧失了个性,人变成了非人,人格趋于分化。目前评论界的各国研究学者在分析海明威作品时,都承认海明威笔下的世界是一个充满战争、暴力、邪恶、堕落、恐惧和绝望的荒诞世界,充分肯定了海明威对人生异化感、荒诞感、虚无感的体认。本文试图以海明威作品作为研究考察的对象,运用西方马克思异化理论对西方这个荒诞、虚无的异化世界进行深入剖析,讨论分析其包含的异化因素,并探究海明威通过文学书写所积极倡导的反抗异化的人类自我拯救之路。本文共分五个部分,第一部分为引言和文献综述,第二部分析海明威小说中异化因素形成的社会背景及其成因,第三部分分别从社会生产领域、消费领域、人的心理领域三个方面阐述了小说所呈现的的异化因素,第四部分则从塑造硬汉子英雄、建立与大地的联系、远离物化世界回归大自然来分析海明威对抗异化的自我拯救之路。第五部分为结语。笔者以马克思和弗洛姆的异化说为理论支持,通过对海明威作品的解读,探讨涵盖在海明威小说里的异化因素,归纳整理出海明威在面对异化世界的积极自我拯救的抗争之路。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Qingmei}, title = {Study on Harmonious Society of College Students Interpersonal Self-adjustment [和谐社会视域下大学生人际交往的自我调适], Master thesis, Ideological and Political Education, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2010}, abstract = {Interpersonal communication is not only access to information and opportunities as the basic channel, is also an important factor in the success or failure determine the cause. College Students in the 21st century knowledge economy and the backbone is of the mainstream, they are the hope of the nation, the motherland's future, shouldering the important task of building socialist modernization, the social relationships they are an important component. Particularly in the context of building a socialist harmonious society, the students interpersonal harmony or not related to the smooth realization of a harmonious society. Based on the lessons of previous studies based on the lack of useful and to Harmonious Society interpersonal communication for college students self-adjustment for the study. This subject is divided into four parts: The first part, Introduction. This section includes the research background, research review and research the content and methods. The second part, students an overview of interpersonal self-adjustment.- First, students self-adaptive content defined. This article reference in the Ci Hai >self< and >adjustment< based on the Definition of summarizing the content of Self Adjustment.- Secondly, the students inter-personal meaning and characteristics. In this paper, the content and relationships on the basis of comparative analysis, creatively summarize the content of interpersonal communication, and thus summarizes the students interpersonal meaning of self-adjustment. By the definition of interpersonal meaning, combined with the actual students summed up the students are the characteristics of interpersonal communication has four aspects: (1) the urgency of communication needs; (2) to highlight the personality and strong sense of independent exchanges. (3) interpersonal expansion of content areas; university exchanges for university students provides a very wide world; the majority of students in relationship with other people want to act in their own opinions, teachers or parents do not want too much interference. Again, students interpersonal theory of self-adjustment support. Students self-adjustment of interpersonal communication has a profound theoretical basis. Confucianism in ancient China, such as starting from the Mind almost made people believe that the inner virtue, based on human nature, emphasizing self-denial self-reflection, self complacent, and explored a set of more systematic and self-education method with oriental features; learn these ideas and method of self-adjustment of interpersonal communication has an important inspiration and reference. Also some foreign famous philosophers, such as Fromm, Kant and others have thought about self-education. Students of these ideas would be harmonious interpersonal self-adaptation theory.- Finally, the students interpersonal meaning of self-adjustment. Interpersonal Communication Students help to promote self-adaptive self-realization; help to promote the formation and development of self-consciousness; help students to maintain physical and mental health; help improve students personality. Students interpersonal self-adaptation in the improvement of college personality, to maintain physical and mental health, enhanced self-awareness and the promotion of self-worth has a significant, interaction in these areas are interrelated. Students improve character, to maintain physical and mental health, enhanced self-awareness is to promote the realization of self-worth based on the premise of the conditions and to promote the realization of self-worth is to improve students personality, to maintain physical and mental health, the ultimate goal of enhancing self-awareness. The third part, students interpersonal problems and causes of self-adjustment analysis.- First, students who show outstanding problems of interpersonal communication there are four main areas: (1) self-centered, emotional instability of interpersonal conflict, personality; (2) low self-esteem, create contacts and other psychological terror alert; (3) shy, closed own and other poor communication psychology; (4) addicted to the Internet caused a long-term loneliness, depression and other personality defects.- Second, the impact of interpersonal factors that college students are mainly two aspects of subjective and objective. Subjective factors include cognitive factors, emotional factors and personality factors. Objective factors include social, family-school aspects. The fourth part, students interpersonal self-adjustment of the principles and methods.- First, the students interpersonal self-adjustment of the basic principles. To the principles of equality, honesty, tolerance and so on principle.- Secondly, the students interpersonal self-adjustment of the main methods. In interpersonal conflicts, communication fear, poor communication, the network self-regulating aspects of addiction. Needs to be stressed is that students cultivate a harmonious interpersonal relations cannot do without the social, school and family and other environmental efforts, this article does not deny this. The past, scholars have most of these environment-pronged approach to explore students interpersonal adjustment measures, but this paper scholars on the basis that to solve the key problem is that students interpersonal self-adjustment of the Strategy, from the students themselves point of view Students of solving interpersonal harmony way.- In addition, this paper comparative research methods, literature search methods, history and logic of the method, deductive reasoning and inductive research methods, to extract from the whole social system starting on College Students interpersonal self-adjustment of the significance of interpersonal discord status and causes of, College Student Communication self-adjustment of the principles, methods and other issues for some useful exploration.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Jing}, title = {On Fromm's Theory of Human Nature [弗洛姆人性理论探析], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2010.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm who is an American social philosopher, psychologist and ethicist, is an important representative personage of Frankfurt school of thought in the 20th century. Frankfurt school of thought about philosophy research of >human< holds the important status in the modern West, but as its main representative personage Fromm to be not allowed to neglect to the human nature research theory achievement to the entire westerner's study research contribution. Fromm devoted his whole life on the >people< issues of concern for people concerned about human nature, human alienation, and human liberation. His human nature theory is founded on the basis of the Freud's psycho-analysis mediates Marx to form about in person's theory foundation, simultaneously has also absorbed the Judea Christianity, the Zen Buddhism and so on outstanding cultural thought essence, is his entire social philosophy theory core and the cornerstone.- He receives Marx >person's liberation< this grand concept and the philosophy subject, takes root to person's attention in the real life, faces directly modern people's survival circumstances, may say that >the human nature theory< is the Fromm thought theory core. The human nature theory's basic connotation and so on three parts conducts system's research and the elaboration to its human nature theory's dialectical analysis, The attempt unearths its profound thought theory connotation, and in the dialectical analysis's foundation, wants to show its sincere academic value and to the real life guiding sense. Fromm devotes to the capitalist economy society disease's revelation and to the developed industry social person's disassimilation root exploration, The goal is liberates the human from the disassimilation condition, re-establishes person's in dependent status, realizes person's free development truly. We must a more profound assurance and dialectical ethics morals which, the philosophy of life, the political philosophy develops in his human nature theory to contain and so on this complex and have the depth topic, unearths its profound connotation and in-depth theory and the practical significance.}, language = {zh} }