@book{Pereira, author = {Pereira, Sal{\´e}zio Pl{\´a}cido}, title = {A psican{\´a}lise de l{\´i}der humanista (Psychoanalysis of humanist leaders), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psican{\´a}lise Humanista) 2013, 172 pp.}, abstract = {First of all we need to know the source that triggers that potential which was blocking the ability to develop intelligence and creativity. The leader needs to know and consent to be open to new learning is a necessity, this relation of the experiences of their cultural environment, together with their creativity, determines your happiness and satisfaction in life. In psychoanalysis there is this concept of what determines human nature, this legacy of >humanitas< in man, elevates the condition of the human race to a process of new discoveries. The leader has a conscience about the way it has to travel to meet with your potential organismic intelligence. Every lead that comes in our social and cultural environment enhances the quality of the >human< in man, as has awareness about their social, political, economic and scientific. This leader who possesses these qualities can follow a path of self-face in the solution of their compulsions and obsessions, because you know that emotional intelligence belongs evolution of their humanity. The leader can develop their potential for emotional intelligence in the areas of politics, economics, business and many professions in the humanities. There is no formula to become leader, as this proposal requires a constant update of this person in the development of their intelligence. Knowledge of psychoanalysis in the life of a leader can happen in a continuous process of putting a priority to their quality of life. The leader makes the choice, learn to live with his human nature awakening within yourself, compassion, kindness, cooperation, otherness, understanding these qualities need to be experienced in a group for a while. The humanistic psychoanalysis proposes this time personal training, because regardless of their financial or intellectual need to develop their leadership skills. Several humanists made their contribution to the psychoanalysis could contribute to the elucidation of those blind spots or unaware that this leader may be leading to a bankruptcy and destruction. We started with the great contribution of Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney Karem, Harry Stack Sullivan, Rollo May, Medard Boss and many who went to great lengths to explain and clarify these neuroses that hinder the development of the potentialities of their patients.}, language = {pt} } @book{Rosa, author = {Rosa, Hartmut}, title = {Beschleunigung und Entfremdung. Entwurf einer Kritischen Theorie sp{\"a}tmoderner Zeitlichkeit. Aus dem Englischen von Robin Celikates, Berlin (Suhrkamp), 2013, 156 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{Rosa, author = {Rosa, Hartmut}, title = {Beschleunigung. Die Ver{\"a}nderung der Zeitstrukturen in der Moderne, Frankfurt am Main (Suhrkamp), 2009, 537 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-27341, title = {Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th Ed. Washington, D. C. (APA) 2013.}, editor = {American Psychiatric Association,}, language = {en} } @book{Groddeck, author = {Groddeck, Georg}, title = {Die Welt bin Ich. Autobiographische Schriften, ed. by Wolfgang Martynkewicz (= Groddeck Werke, im Auftrag der Georg Groddeck-Gesellschaft), Frankfurt am Main (Stroemfeld / Roter Stern) 2013.}, language = {de} } @book{Friedman, author = {Friedman, Lawrence J.}, title = {Erich Fromm - Die Biografie. Unter Mitarbeit von Anke M. Schreiber, Bern (Huber Verlag) 2013, 496 pp.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {de} } @book{Pucher, author = {Pucher, Christiane}, title = {Erich Fromm - Religionssystem versus religi{\"o}ses Denken (Theos - Studienreihe theologische Forschungsergebnisse, Bd. 114), Hamburg (Verlag Dr. Kovač) 2013, 162 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{Sagall, author = {Sagall, Sabby}, title = {Final Solutions. Human Nature, Capitalism and Genocide, London (Pluto Press) 2013, 310 pp.}, language = {en} } @book{Lu, author = {Lu, Yiming}, title = {Fu luo mu ai de yishu 弗洛姆爱的艺术 [Fromm's Art of Loving], Taibai wenyi chuban she 太白文艺出版社 [Taibai Literature and Art Publishing House], 227 pages.}, language = {zh} } @book{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Kritisch-humanistischer Erziehung. P{\"a}dagogik nach Erich Fromm (Centaurus Paper Apps 28), Freiburg (Centaurus) 2013, 100 pp.}, language = {de} }