@book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {(Der entgrenzte Mensch - Arabic cf. Funk_R_2011) الإنسان دون قيود لماذا لا تحرر الحياة دون قيود، بل تسبب في التبعية r Arabic by Hamid Lech hab, 2022, 232 pp.}, language = {ar} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {(Der Mensch in seiner psychosozialen Dimension bei Erich Fromm - Arabic) الإنسان في بعده السيكو-اجتماعي عند إيريك فروم, Arabic by Hamid Lechhab, Amman (Khotot Wa Dilal ) 2022, .}, language = {ar} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {(Erich Fromm: The Courage to Be Human - Arabic cf. Funk_R_1978 and Funk_R_1982a), Arabic by Luai Khazal Ghabr, Beirut (Trigraphics) 2022, 617 pp.}, language = {ar} } @book{Ghabr, author = {Ghabr, Luai Khazal}, title = {(Religion, Faith and Ethics: Studies in Critical Psychology of Religion - Arabic), Thought Studies Series, University of Kufa, 2020, 232 pp.}, language = {ar} } @book{Vassin, author = {Vassin, V.}, title = {11. Sapowed [The Eleventh Commandment), Moskau (TOO >Kirilliza<) 1994, 160 p.}, language = {ru} } @book{Schaefer, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Torsten}, title = {>So richtig wie m{\"o}glich leben<: Vier Studien {\"u}ber radikale europ{\"a}ische Humanistinnen und Humanisten aus dem zwanzigsten Jahrhundert, Mainz 2021, 297 pp.}, abstract = {Es wird die philosophische Frage nach dem richtigeren Leben aus {\"o}kologischer Perspektive gestellt. Sie wird mit Hilfe der Kritischen Theoretiker, Simone de Beauvoir und Jean-Paul Sartre, Erich Fromm und Ernst Bloch beantwortet.}, language = {de} } @book{CortinaLiotti, author = {Cortina, Mauricio and Liotti, G.}, title = {A Prophetic Analyst. Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis, Nothvale and London (Jason Aronson Inc.) 1996, 461 p.}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-15401, title = {A Prophetic Analyst. Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis, Nothvale and London (Jason Aronson Inc.) 1996, 461 p.}, editor = {Maccoby, Michael and Cortina, Mauricio}, language = {en} } @book{Drapela, author = {Drapela, Victor J.}, title = {A review of personality theories, Springfield (Charles C. Thomas, Publisher) 1987, 166 p.; esp. pp. 57-66. 2nd edition 1995.}, abstract = {To provide a better understanding of the diverse interpretations of human behavior and the dynamic forces within personality, this work explores the major theories of personality. It covers the theories of Freud, Jung, and Adler; of Pavlov, Hull, Skinner, Dollard and Miller, and Cattell; of Horney, Sullivan, FROMM, and Erickson; of Lewin and Allport, of Husserl, Combs and Snygg, Rogers, Maslow, Goldstein, and Frankl. Each chapter contains a study guide to review the salient points of the personality theory discussed and suggestions to apply these concepts to professional counseling practice. Lending a degree of concreteness to the abstract ideas are explanatory drawings used throughout the text--a feature particularly benefiting visually-oriented readers. - Index: Preface - A dynamic view of personality theories - Psychoanalytic theory: Sigmund Freud - Analytic theory: Carl Gustav Jung - Individual psychology: Alfred Adler - Interpersonal theories: Karen Horney, Harry Stack Sullivan - Psychosocial theories: Erich FROMM, Erik Erikson - Learning theory of Dollard and Miller - Trait and factor theory: Raymond B. Cattell - Field theory: Kurt Lewin - Systematic eclecticism: Gordon W. Allport - Phenomenology and existentialism - Self-theory: Carl R. Rogers - Holistic theory: Kurt Goldstein, Abraham H. Maslow - Logotherapy: Viktor E. Frankl - Personality theories in perspective. (From the cover)}, language = {en} } @book{Bloch, author = {Bloch, H. Spencer}, title = {Adolescent Development, Psychopathology, and Treatment. Madison, CT (International Universities Press).}, language = {en} }