@article{GojmandeMillanMillan, author = {Gojman de Mill{\´a}n, Sonia and Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {Understanding Social Motivation for Encouraging Children's Development. Social Character Studies in Mexico}, series = {R. Funk and N. McLaughlin (Eds.), Towards a Human Science. The Relevance of Erich Fromm for Today, Giessen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2015, pp. 1499-158.}, journal = {R. Funk and N. McLaughlin (Eds.), Towards a Human Science. The Relevance of Erich Fromm for Today, Giessen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2015, pp. 1499-158.}, abstract = {A group of psychoanalysts led the Seminario de Sociopsicoan{\´a}lisis to broaden their clinical perspective gained through working with patients in the setting of a private practice. In this paper we describe participatory action research initiated by a community. We started by interviewing impoverished and economically disadvantaged children, first from a miner's village and later on from a center for children living in the streets. A study on Attachment and Social Character of mothers and children as well as the systematic appraisal of the unconscious motivations in the individual's responses to the Social Interpretative Questionnaire are presented. We strive to bring the findings of our social character studies back to the communities themselves. Our purpose is to support or foster possibilities for initiating participatory community-based action projects, aimed at transforming the quality of life and to confront the difficulties and obstacles that emerge on the path to change; furthermore we hope that our research will help to stimulate the development of childcare health policies.}, language = {en} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {Un Modelo de Sistema Autoritario. Estudio Socipsicoanal{\´i}tico}, series = {Memorias, ed. by Sociedad Psicoanal{\´i}tica Mexicana, Vol. I, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis) 1980, pp. 609-620.}, journal = {Memorias, ed. by Sociedad Psicoanal{\´i}tica Mexicana, Vol. I, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis) 1980, pp. 609-620.}, language = {es} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {Tres Pintores, Tres Caracteres}, series = {Memorias, ed. by Sociedad Psicoanal{\´i}tica Mexicana, Vol. I, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis) 1980, pp. 397-410.}, journal = {Memorias, ed. by Sociedad Psicoanal{\´i}tica Mexicana, Vol. I, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis) 1980, pp. 397-410.}, language = {es} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {Travestismo, un sustituto mec{\´a}nico}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Cuatro neurosis en busca de argumento. La praxis psicoan{\´a}litica, M{\´e}xico (Siglo XXI) 1983, pp. 160-182.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Cuatro neurosis en busca de argumento. La praxis psicoan{\´a}litica, M{\´e}xico (Siglo XXI) 1983, pp. 160-182.}, language = {es} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {The White God Quetzalcoatl Visits the Acropolis Paper presented at the 8th. Forum of the IFPS in Athens, May 15-18, 1996, 15 pp. (Typoscript).}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} } @article{GojmandeMillanMillan, author = {Gojman de Mill{\´a}n, Sonia and Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {The Weekly Clinical Group Supervision Chaired by Erich Fromm Paper presented at the International Conference on >Erich Fromm - Psychoanalyst and Supervisor<, Ascona April 4-5, 1997, Typoscript, 15 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} } @article{MillanGojmandeMillan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador and Gojman de Mill{\´a}n, Sonia}, title = {The Weekly Clinical Group Supervision Chaired by Erich Fromm Paper presented at the International Conference on >Erich Fromm - Psychoanalyst and Supervisor<, Ascona April 4-5, 1997, Typoscript, 15 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {The Third World and the Social Character}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 57-68. [= Mill{\´a}n, S., 1991a]}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 57-68. [= Mill{\´a}n, S., 1991a]}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, abstract = {>Die Dritte Welt und der Gesellschafts-Charakter<: Die von Erich Fromm aufgestellte Theorie des Gesellschafts-Charakters gibt uns die M{\"o}glichkeit, uns die emotionalen Prozesse zu erkl{\"a}ren, die sich in den Individuen im Verlauf des sozialen Anpassungsprozesses entwickeln und ver{\"a}ndern. Nach Fromms Schema, das von den sozialen Strukturen ausgeht, ist der Gesellschafts-Charakter zwischen der {\"o}konomischen Basis und den Ideen angesiedelt. Wenn man in Rechnung stellt, dass die sozio-{\"o}konomischen Faktoren den Charakter beeinflussen und determinieren, kann man nicht von einem gleichartigen Charakter in der Ersten und der Dritten Welt sprechen - Differenzen, die in empirischen Studien aufgewiesen wurden, haben das gezeigt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Dynamik des Geschlechterkampfes geschildert, der nicht nur f{\"u}r die Dritte Welt zu gelten scheint. Die Studien zum Gesellschafts- Charakter haben unterschiedliche Charaktertypen beschrieben; in diesem Text werden Charaktertypen dargestellt, die bei f{\"u}hrenden Pers{\"o}nlichkeiten in einer mexikanischen Provinzgemeinde angetroffen wurden. Ebenso werden einige theoretische Aspekte untersucht, wie z.B. der Einfluss der sozio-{\"o}konomischen Bedingungen, das kapitalistische Modell und der Zusammenbruch der totalit{\"a}ren Regime in den L{\"a}ndern des Ostens. Schließlich erfolgt eine kurze Zusammenfassung des praktischen sozialpsychoanalytischen Prozesses, im Anschluss an eine methodologische Studie, die der Anwendung des interpretativen Fragebogens in der erw{\"a}hnten Provinzgemeinde voraufging.}, language = {en} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {The Social Dimensions of Transference}, series = {M. Cortina and M. Maccoby (Eds.), A Prophetic Analyst. Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis, Nothvale and London (Jason Aronson Inc.) 1996, pp. 325-340.}, journal = {M. Cortina and M. Maccoby (Eds.), A Prophetic Analyst. Erich Fromm's Contribution to Psychoanalysis, Nothvale and London (Jason Aronson Inc.) 1996, pp. 325-340.}, abstract = {Salvador Mill{\´a}n's main thesis is that social character--the way patients and therapists internalize the values, cultural beliefs, and class structure of their society--is always present in the consulting room and often becomes manifest as transfer-ence and counter-transference reactions. Indeed, according to Mill{\´a}n, transference and countertransference are just another name for developmental processes of so-cial adaptation as it be-comes expressed in a particular relationship between an analyst and his/her patient. Mill{\´a}n takes us through the origin of the concept of transference in Freud, with its patriarchal and authoritarian overtones, to its classical definition in Fenichel's work. With its surgical metaphors, Fenichel crystallized an approach to technique and the handling of the transference. Analytical technique re-quired a neutral and detached observant role, with precise interpretations directed at the psyche, similar to a surgeon's skilled incisions into the patient's body. Mill{\´a}n compares this approach with the guidance Fromm offered to the students of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Institute during supervision and in his seminars in Cuer-navaca during the 1960s. Fromm's point of departure was like Freud's. Transference has to do with the experience of infancy that is repeated in the presence of the ana-lyst. Fromm (1968) thought that this definition of transference, while true, was lim-ited, since it took into account only one source of irrational strivings based on infan-tile longings. However, if one looked at transference as an experience in which the patient deposits in the person of the analyst the origin of >all of his expectations and fears,< (p. 2) a much broader range of transferential reactions is taken into consid-eration. Some of these reactions may be traced to parental influence. Others may have origins that are broadly social, in which the parents' influence is based on be-ing representatives of societal norms, or parental roles may even be irrelevant. In this definition, transference is not just based on childhood experience, but repre-sents the whole experience of the patient's life. Mill{\´a}n points out that one of the limi-tations of psychoanalysis is that it is primarily based on the experience of working with clinical populations. Mill{\´a}n briefly reviews a series of social character studies that have been conducted in the last two decades in factories, in corporate environ-ments, and in rural communities with normal populations, and that have broadened our understanding of the process of social adaptation beyond the consulting room. According to Mill{\´a}n, these studies provide support for Fromm's more inclusive con-cept of transference.}, language = {en} } @article{GojmandeMillanMillan, author = {Gojman de Mill{\´a}n, Sonia and Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {The Legacy of Fromm in Mexico}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press) Vol. 9 (No. 3-4, October 2000) pp. 207-215}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press) Vol. 9 (No. 3-4, October 2000) pp. 207-215}, language = {en} }