@misc{Sutarno, author = {Sutarno,}, title = {Seni Mencintai Menurut Erich Fromm - Telaah atas Buku >The Art of Loving< (Erich Fromm) [The Art of Loving according to Erich Fromm - Review of >The Art of Loving< (Erich Fromm)], Bachelor thesis, Aqidah and Philosophy, Faculty Ushuluddin, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 2006, 73 pp., Indonesian.}, abstract = {Mencintai seseorang adalah suatu tindakanYang memanifestasikan rasa kasih saying yang sangat manusiawi dan universal. Akan tetapi dalam prakteskoya mencintai dan dicintai pada sebagian orang mencerminkan dehumanisasi, baik dalam engawali, berproses maupun mrencanakan (menggapai) tujuan bersama. Hal ini disebabkan sebagian orang tersebut terbujuk kesandaran palsu ideologi kiapitalisme, inilah tesis Erich Fromm yang melandasi pembuatan bukunya >The Art of Loving<. Berangkat dari alasan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami landasan filsafat psikoanalisa Erich Fromm, konsep seni mencintainya sertamemahami apakah ada hubungan antara landasan filsafat psikoanalisa Erich Fromm dengan konsep seni mencintai Erich Fromm Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mencapai ketiga tujuan tersebut herjenis penelitian kualitatatif yang berorientasi pada kajian literature (Library research). Tehnik membaca yang dipergunakan pada riset ini adalah tehnik membaca pada tingkat simbolik dan membaca pada tingkat semantic. Kedua tehnik ini bertujuan menangkap dan memahami makna kebudayaan munsia, nila-nilai, symbol-simbol, pemikiran-pemikiran serta kelakuan manusia yang memiliki sifat ganda yang terdapt dalam buku > The Art of Loving< Erich Fromm. Melalui pendeskripsian bab dua Landasan Ilmu Psikoanalisa Erich Fromm dan bab tiga Deskripsi Singkat Buku >The Art of Loving< Erich Fromm kemudian menganalisanya pada bab empat, jawaban yang dihadirkan pada bab penutup sebagai berikut: (1) Landasan filsafat psikoanalisa Erich Fromm meliputi: (a) filsafat utopianisme. Mengikuti teori pengembangan landasan filsafat ilmu, maka filsafat utopianisme. Mengikute teori pengembangan landasan filsafat ilmu, maka filsafat utopianisme merupakan dimensi ontologis psikoanalisa Erich Fromm, (b) dimensi epistemologis psikoanalisa Erich Fromm cerminan dari filsafat Materialisme historis. Fromm menggunakan filsafat Materialisme historis, dan, (c) Untuk dimensi aksiologisnya, psikoanalisa Fromm menggunakan teori yang terdapat dalam Zen Budhisme serta cerita-cerita Bible, dan (2). Maksud dengan seni mencintai dalam buku >The Art of Loving< Erich Fromm adalah seni yang berlatar belakang pengetahuan cinta dalam upaya pengembangan totalitas kepribadian secara aktif untuk tercapainya sebentuk orientasi produktif.}, language = {mul} } @article{Simmonds, author = {Simmonds, Janette Graetz}, title = {The oceanic feeling and a sea change: Historical challenges to reductionist attitudes to religion and spirit from within psychoanalysis}, series = {Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 23, No. 1 (2006), pp. 128-142. [Online ISSN 1939-133] [doi.org/10.1037/0736-9735.23.1.128]}, journal = {Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 23, No. 1 (2006), pp. 128-142. [Online ISSN 1939-133] [doi.org/10.1037/0736-9735.23.1.128]}, abstract = {Three waves of challenges may be perceived from within psychoanalysis to its reductionist attitude to religion and spirit. These historical challenges from within psychoanalysis are an important context for reading the many papers now being published on spirituality and psychotherapy, and increasingly, spirituality and psychoanalysis. The 1st wave began with some of Freud's contemporaries, among them his friend, the psychoanalyst and pastor Oscar Pfister; the Nobel Laureate Romain Rolland, and the poet T. S. Eliot. Challenges continued after Freud's death: In Britain from psychoanalysts such as Rickman and Guntrip, and in America initially by the European immigrants, Erikson and Fromm. British independent psychoanalysts initiated what may be considered to be the 3rd wave, whose momentum is now swelling to a sea change.}, language = {en} } @article{SilvaJuniorLirio, author = {Silva Junior, Nelson da and L{\´i}rio, Daniel Rodrigues}, title = {A recodifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o p{\´o}s-moderna da pervers{\~a}o. Sobre a produ{\c{c}}{\~a}o do comportamento de consumo e sua gram{\´a}tica libidinal [The postmodern re-codification of perversion: On the production of consumer behavior and its libidinal grammar]}, series = {{\´A}gora (Rio J): Estudos em Teoria Psicanal{\´i}tica, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2006), 13 pp. [Print ISSN 1516-1498] [doi.org/10.1590/S1516-14982006000100005]}, journal = {{\´A}gora (Rio J): Estudos em Teoria Psicanal{\´i}tica, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2006), 13 pp. [Print ISSN 1516-1498] [doi.org/10.1590/S1516-14982006000100005]}, abstract = {Considerando a cr{\´i}tica de Adorno {\`a} ind{\´u}stria cultural, a qual torna a cultura um meio de produ{\c{c}}{\~a}o do comportamento de consumo, tentamos demonstrar como a gram{\´a}tica da pervers{\~a}o tende a monopolizar as formas de prazer na p{\´o}smodernidade. De acordo com nossa hip{\´o}tese, a produ{\c{c}}{\~a}o de consumo recodifica o recalcamento origin{\´a}rio concebido por Freud: tal gram{\´a}tica suprime a satisfa{\c{c}}{\~a}o libidinal de forma an{\´a}loga {\`a} repress{\~a}o prim{\´a}ria, contudo, ao inv{\´e}s de utilizar as tens{\~o}es insatisfeitas da libido para o trabalho, ela direciona a satisfa{\c{c}}{\~a}o erotica para o prazer de consumir. Desta forma, ela formata a satisfa{\c{c}}{\~a}o perversa para que esta se coadune com os interesses da economia.}, language = {pt} } @article{Schumm, author = {Schumm, Wilhelm}, title = {Arbeiter und Angestellte am Vorabend des Dritten Reiches. Eine sozialpsychologische Untersuchung.}, series = {A. Honneth (Ed.), Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, pp. 156-159.}, journal = {A. Honneth (Ed.), Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, pp. 156-159.}, language = {de} } @article{SantosGomez, author = {Santos G{\´o}mez, Marcos}, title = {La horizontalidad de las relaciones humanas y la tolerancia [The >Horizontalness< of Human Relations and Tolerance]}, series = {Utop{\`i}a y Praxis Latinoamericana, Vol. 11, No. 34 (2006), pp. 79-90. [Print ISSN 1315-5216] [redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=27903406]}, journal = {Utop{\`i}a y Praxis Latinoamericana, Vol. 11, No. 34 (2006), pp. 79-90. [Print ISSN 1315-5216] [redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=27903406]}, abstract = {La >tolerancia< es un valor que se puede entender como inclusi{\´o}n entusiasta del otro en el propio mundo. Partimos de esta visi{\´o}n, resaltan do que, desde ella, sertoleranterequerir{\´i}atenerla capacidad y la posibilidad de escuchar. Aludimos, en este sentido, tanto a una disposici{\´o}n interior del sujeto como a una estructuraci{\´o}n social determinada que permitan esta escucha, pero enfatizamos en especial la necesidad de una configuraci{\´o}n ps{\´i}quica apropiada, que denominamos >horizontalidad<. Seguimos en especial los planteamientos de Erich Fromm y Paulo Freire, entre otros, para describir dicha >horizontalidad tolerante< y terminar hallando en ella la salud y la reconciliaci{\´o}n del hombre consigo mismo.}, language = {es} } @article{Rius, author = {Rius, Carles}, title = {H. E. Richter: l'intent de relacionar psicoan{\`a}lisi i ci{\`e}ncies de la cultura [H. E. Richter: the attempt to relate psychoanalysis and cultural sciences]}, series = {Idees: revista de temes contemporanis, No. 30 (2006), pp. 9-14. [Online ISSN 2385-765X] [ddd.uab.cat/pub/artpub/2006/266992/idees_a2006n30p9.pdf]}, journal = {Idees: revista de temes contemporanis, No. 30 (2006), pp. 9-14. [Online ISSN 2385-765X] [ddd.uab.cat/pub/artpub/2006/266992/idees_a2006n30p9.pdf]}, abstract = {L'autor exposa i valora les idees principals de la filosofia de Horst-Eberhard Richter i de la seva l'empresa intel·lectual en el seu intent d'eixamplar les bases i els l{\´i}mits de la psicoan{\`a}lisi fins abastar el conjunt de les ci{\`e}ncies de la cultura, cam{\´i} que ja havien iniciat tamb{\´e} altres autors com ara Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Bruno Bettelheim, Alexander Mitscherlich, Paul Ricoeur, entre d'altres.}, language = {mul} } @article{Putterman, author = {Putterman, Theodore L}, title = {Berlin's Two Concepts of Liberty: A Reassessment and Revision}, series = {Polity, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Jul., 2006), pp. 416-446.}, journal = {Polity, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Jul., 2006), pp. 416-446.}, abstract = {In distinguishing between negative and positive freedom, Isaiah Berlin expressed a preference for negative freedom. Given the track record of those who in the past have advocated positive freedom, this is not surprising. But advocates of positive freedom do not accept that tyranny necessarily results from embracing their conception of freedom, and they are convinced that a commitment to negative freedom is never enough to defend "freedom" against tyrants. They do, however, share one thing in common with those who favor negative freedom: both equate their conception of freedom with >true freedom,< and treat the other as either false or incomplete. This might suggest that Berlin's distinction is more a partisan's tool than a tool of analysis. I disagree. But rather than reducing it to a distinction between >freedom from< and >freedom to,< we need to expand it. Not only will this enable us to move beyond an important criticism of Berlin's conception of freedom, it will also provide a better explanation for why negative freedom is as likely as positive freedom to diminish "true freedom" and why positive freedom is as likely as negative freedom to increase it.}, language = {en} } @article{Meisenhelder, author = {Meisenhelder, Thomas}, title = {From character to habitus in sociology}, series = {The Social Science Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2006), pp. 55-66. [Online ISSN 1873-5355] [doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2005.12.005]}, journal = {The Social Science Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2006), pp. 55-66. [Online ISSN 1873-5355] [doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2005.12.005]}, abstract = {The idea of social character has a long and important history within sociological thought. The concept addresses the fundamental question of the relationship between society and the individual, structure and agency. Tracing the development of the idea of social character from the classical sociology of Marx and Weber to more contemporary writings within American sociology by figures such as Fromm, Riesman, and Mills reveals ideas and perspectives central to the development of social theory. Although many argue that the idea of social character is no longer important in sociology, it has in fact resurfaced in Pierre Bourdieu's notion of habitus. Habitus specifies the original idea of social character without the biological or essentialist traits found in most of the earlier work. Habitus marks a substantial advance beyond earlier ideas of social character, providing a more purely sociological answer to the structure/agency (society/individual) problematic.}, language = {en} } @article{Kim, author = {Kim, Keum-Dong}, title = {김기영의 <하녀>에 나타난 장르 연구 [A Study on Genres in Kim Giyoung's Film >Hanyeo<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {문학과 영상 [The Journal of Literature and Film], Vol. 7, No. 2 (2006), pp. 37-68.}, journal = {문학과 영상 [The Journal of Literature and Film], Vol. 7, No. 2 (2006), pp. 37-68.}, abstract = {In 1960s, realist films such as >The Coachman< by Gang Daejin and >An Aimless Bullet< by Yu Hyeonmok depicted with sympathy the poverty-stricken life and desperate circumstances of working class in urban area after war whereas >Hanyeo< [>The Housemaid<] by Kim Giyoeng sternly and sharply analyzed the middle class as well as the working class without emotional involvement as to what kind of economic relationship they had in industrial capitalism and as to what kind of psychological symptoms were induced by the economic relationship. Moreover, the characters in >The Coachman< and >A Aimless Bullet< were those who could not get away from traditional way of thinking and traditional life style whereas the characters in The Housemaid were completely new people who were cut off from traditional way of thinking and traditional life style. >Hanyeo< presented that all desires and impulses of the characters who lived in the society of industrial capitalism were completely dominated by the principles of capitalism. Unfortunately, however, the characters in the movie were not aware of such circumstances and problems of theirs at all, and consequently, they could not avoid their misery and devastation. It is not easy to find a film using such an unique motive in the history of Korean films. Moreover …}, language = {ko} } @article{Itzkowitz, author = {Itzkowitz, Sheldon}, title = {Discussion of Fiscalini's >Coparticipant Inquiry}, series = {Journal of Psychosocial Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2019), pp. 259-276. [Online ISSN 1478-6737] [doi.org/10.1080/00107530.2006.10747115]}, journal = {Journal of Psychosocial Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2019), pp. 259-276. [Online ISSN 1478-6737] [doi.org/10.1080/00107530.2006.10747115]}, abstract = {The author discusses Dr. Fiscalini's idea of coparticipant psychoanalysis by placing it in historical context. The ideas of the personal self and the interpersonal self emerge from two divergent lines of interpersonal thought, one being Sullivan and the other Fromm. The author poses several questions for consideration.}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-37517, title = {Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, 414 pp.}, editor = {Honneth, Axel}, language = {de} } @article{Honneth, author = {Honneth, Axel}, title = {Die Furcht vor der Freiheit}, series = {A. Honneth (Ed.), Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, pp. 152-155.}, journal = {A. Honneth (Ed.), Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, pp. 152-155.}, language = {de} } @article{HeoKim, author = {Heo, Wook Jae and Kim, Rando}, title = {소비자소외의 개념에 관한 연구 [A Study on the Concept of Consumer Alienation]}, series = {소비자정책교육연구 [Consumer Policy and Education Review], Vol. 2, No. 2 (2006), pp. 21-43.}, journal = {소비자정책교육연구 [Consumer Policy and Education Review], Vol. 2, No. 2 (2006), pp. 21-43.}, abstract = {This paper focuses on the problem of >consumer alienation<, which forms and impedes the welfare of consumers in modern consumption society. In order to reconceptualize the consumer alienation, the paper delves into the existing discussions by philosophers including Hegel, Marx, Luk{\´a}cs, Fromm, and the Frankfurt School, and positivists such as Seeman, Dean, and others. By rediscovering existing discussions of alienation, the paper defines consumer alienation as >the heteronomic phenomenon that instrumentalize consumers to function as means to fulfill the capitalism, which results in the impediment of consumers' autonomic decision-making<. The authors expect that the study contribute to the conceptualization of various problems evolved from modern consumer society by employing the concept of consumer alienation.}, language = {ko} } @misc{Halupka, author = {Halupka, Krzysztof}, title = {Wartości życia a problem wolności i odpowiedzialności w cywilizacji wsp{\´o}łczesnej [Values of Life and the Problem of Freedom and Responsibility in Modern Civilization], Doctoral dissertation, Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland 2006, 225 pp.}, language = {pl} } @misc{GurgeldaSilva, author = {Gurgel da Silva, Raquel}, title = {A {\´E}tica Humanista de Erich Fromm e a Educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o do Amor, Master thesis, in partial fulfillments of the requirements for the degree of , Education, Education Faculty, University Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2016, 53 pp. [pantheon.ufrj.br/bitstream/11422/2763/1/RGSilva.pdf]}, abstract = {A presente pesquisa, de cunho bibliogr{\´a}fico, examina as obras >A Arte de Amar< e >An{\´a}lise do Homem< de Erich Fromm, a fim de argumentar a import{\^a}ncia da {\´E}tica Humanista para a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o do homem. Pensando na aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o da {\´E}tica Humanista em uma educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o escolar mais humanizada, consideramos que o sujeito poder{\´a} superar a crise existencial atrav{\´e}s do amor amadurecido. Com isso, no primeiro cap{\´i}tulo investigamos na teoria de Fromm, pontos chaves para a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\´e}tica e moral do homem, enquanto que no segundo cap{\´i}tulo, fazemos uma rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o da {\´E}tica Humanista frommiana com a educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o, apontando caminhos para sua aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o em uma escola. Finalizamos a pesquisa, considerando que a {\´E}tica Humanista defendida por Erich Fromm {\´e} de real import{\^a}ncia para a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o de sujeitos mais humanos, e que uma escola baseada nessa {\´e}tica, poder{\´a} promover uma educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o para a vida.}, language = {pt} } @article{GałkowskaJakubik, author = {Gałkowska-Jakubik_, Maria}, title = {Tendencje konstruktywme I destruktywne w ujęciu Ericha Fromma [Constructive and Destructive Tendencies in Terms of Erich Fromm]}, series = {Studia z psychologii w KUL (Lublin KUL), Vol. 13 (2006), pp. 11-33.}, journal = {Studia z psychologii w KUL (Lublin KUL), Vol. 13 (2006), pp. 11-33.}, abstract = {Celem artykułu jest pr{\´o}ba empirycznej weryfikacji poglad{\´o}w Ericha Fromma dotyczacych konstruktywnych i destruktywnych czynnik{\´o}w psychiki ludzkiej. Fromm nazywa je syndromem >wzrostu< i syndromem >rozpadu< przypisujac im zasadnicze znaczenie w rozwoju człowieka. Teoria ta nie została potwierdzona badaniami, choc sam Fromm sugerował ich przeprowadzenie.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Einleitung}, series = {E. Fromm: Mit Erich Fromm die Liebe zum Leben entdecken, ausgew{\"a}hlt und eingeleitet von Rainer Funk, Freiburg (Herder Verlag, Herder Spektrum 5793) 2006, pp. 7-13.}, journal = {E. Fromm: Mit Erich Fromm die Liebe zum Leben entdecken, ausgew{\"a}hlt und eingeleitet von Rainer Funk, Freiburg (Herder Verlag, Herder Spektrum 5793) 2006, pp. 7-13.}, language = {de} } @article{Cornes, author = {Cornes, Martin}, title = {{\"U}ber Methode und Aufgabe einer analytischen Sozialpsychologie.}, series = {A. Honneth (Ed.), Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, pp. 148-151.}, journal = {A. Honneth (Ed.), Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, pp. 148-151.}, language = {de} } @article{Cornes, author = {Cornes, Martin}, title = {Die psychoanalytische Charakterologie und ihre Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Sozialpsychologie.}, series = {A. Honneth (Ed.), Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, pp. 145-147.}, journal = {A. Honneth (Ed.), Schl{\"u}sseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS) 2006, pp. 145-147.}, language = {de} } @article{Brennen, author = {Brennen, Bonnie}, title = {Searching for >The Sane Society< - Erich Fromm's Contributions to Social Theory}, series = {Javnost - The Public, Vol. 13, No. 3 (2006), pp. 7-16. [Online ISSN 1854-8377] [doi.org/10.1080/13183222.2006.11008915]}, journal = {Javnost - The Public, Vol. 13, No. 3 (2006), pp. 7-16. [Online ISSN 1854-8377] [doi.org/10.1080/13183222.2006.11008915]}, abstract = {More than fifty years after Erich Fromm's >The Sane Society< was first published, it remains an important work, surprisingly contemporary in scope, with particular relevance to scholars working in social theory and media studies. Fromm's primary emphasis is on evaluating the sanity of contemporary western societies, which he suggests often deny its citizens' basic human needs of productive activity, self-actualisation, freedom, and love. He suggests that the mental health of a society cannot be assessed in an abstract manner but must focus on specific economic, social, and political factors at play in any given society and should consider whether these factors contribute to insanity or are conducive to mental stability. Ultimately >The Sane Society< provides a radical critique of democratic capitalism that goes below surface symptoms to get to the root causes of alienation and to suggest ways to transform contemporary societies to further the productive activities of its citizens. Fromm envisions the refashioning of democratic capitalist societies based on the tenants of communitarian socialism, which stresses the organisation of work and social relations between its citizens rather than on issues of ownership.}, language = {en} } @article{Bodnar, author = {Bodnar, Susan}, title = {>I'm in the Milk and the Milk's in Me<: Eros in the Clinical Relationship}, series = {The International Journal of Relational Perspectives, Vol.16, No. 1 (2006), pp. 45-69. [Online ISSN 1940-9222] [tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2513/s10481885pd1601_4]}, journal = {The International Journal of Relational Perspectives, Vol.16, No. 1 (2006), pp. 45-69. [Online ISSN 1940-9222] [tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2513/s10481885pd1601_4]}, abstract = {This paper explores the unconscious communication of primary-process material in clinical work with a Latin American male that occurred while I was nursing my first child. Mutually dissociated aspects of self-experience became part of the relationship soon after an unexpected instance of >let-down<. The concept of Eros, the collection of life-preserving instincts that preserve and protect the body and mind - borrowed by Marcuse and other thinkers of the Frankfurt School to understand specifically the generative potential of consciousness - emerged as a helpful construct for understanding the transference and countertransference. Bowlby's notion of attachment, Fromm's social reconceptualization of drive, and Mitchell's integration of the biological and the social dimensions of drive all can be conceived as attesting to the powerful impetus to seek in others connections that create and enable a life structure. Eros in the therapeutic relationship can help recover dissociated elements of the individual, cultural, and political psyche.}, language = {en} } @article{McLaughlin, author = {McLaughlin, Neil}, title = {Fromm's Revival: What Is to Be Done? English Typescript to be translated into Spanish by Jorge Silva [cf. McLaughlin_N_2006], 21 pp.}, language = {en} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Zhiyue}, title = {The Translation of Psychoanalytic Literary Theory in Contemporary Translation [精神分析文论在当代的翻译传播]}, series = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 1 (2006), pp. 43-46.}, journal = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 1 (2006), pp. 43-46.}, abstract = {本文考察了精神分析文论在当代大陆的翻译传播情况,分为精神分析理论著作、精神分析学家生平传记和介绍评述著作三部分,考察对象包括弗洛伊德、荣格、弗洛姆、拉康等从古典精神分析、新精神分析到后现代精神分析,既包括精神分析学家的经典理论著作,也包括研究者对之所作的介绍评述。精神分析在新时期的巨大影响得益于翻译传播的实绩。}, language = {zh} } @book{Groddeck, author = {Groddeck, Georg}, title = {Briefwechsel S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi - Georg Groddeck, ed. by Michael Giefer (= Groddeck Werke, im Auftrag der Georg Groddeck-Gesellschaft), Frankfurt am Main (Stroemfeld / Roter Stern) 2006.}, language = {de} } @article{Cong, author = {Cong, Juan}, title = {Walking out of the Opposite of Love and Civilization——Fromm's Criticism of Freud's Concept of Love and Its Enlightenment [走出情爱与文明的二律背反—弗罗姆对弗洛伊德爱情观的批判及对我们的启示]}, series = {Theory Horizon [理论界], No. 9 (2006), pp. 120-121.}, journal = {Theory Horizon [理论界], No. 9 (2006), pp. 120-121.}, abstract = {弗洛伊德与弗洛姆对情爱与文明的关系问题做出了针锋相对的解读。弗洛伊德从自然与文明的对立性出发主张全盘消除文明对欲望和"天性"的压抑,弗洛姆则从自然与人类境况的对立统一出发,认为性本能使人对爱情的渴望及与人结合的表现。二者都有自足性的理由也都存在着某些不可克服的内在矛盾。人类作为自然与文明的双重存在,必须走出情爱(欲望)与文明(道德)的二律背反。}, language = {zh} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Vom Homo consumens zum Homo integralis}, series = {Maik Hosang and Kurt Seifert (Eds.), Integration. Natur, Kultur, Mensch. Sozial{\"o}kologische Innovationen f{\"u}r eine zukunftsf{\"a}hige Lebensweise. Tagungsband des Rudolf­Bahro-Symposiums an der Humboldt-Universit{\"a}t zu Berlin, 18./19. November 2005. M{\"u}nchen (oekom verlag) 2006, pp. 109-117.}, journal = {Maik Hosang and Kurt Seifert (Eds.), Integration. Natur, Kultur, Mensch. Sozial{\"o}kologische Innovationen f{\"u}r eine zukunftsf{\"a}hige Lebensweise. Tagungsband des Rudolf­Bahro-Symposiums an der Humboldt-Universit{\"a}t zu Berlin, 18./19. November 2005. M{\"u}nchen (oekom verlag) 2006, pp. 109-117.}, language = {de} } @article{Angelov, author = {Angelov, Rose}, title = {Otvyd verigite na razuma (Beyond the chains of reason) - Afterword to >Beyond the Chains oft Illusion<}, series = {E. Fromm, Dushevno zdravoto obshtestvo. Chovekyt za samiya sebe si. Otvyd verigite na iliuziite. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 1), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2006, pp. 937-961.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dushevno zdravoto obshtestvo. Chovekyt za samiya sebe si. Otvyd verigite na iliuziite. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 1), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2006, pp. 937-961.}, language = {mul} } @article{Angelov, author = {Angelov, Rose}, title = {Ot kogo tryabva da se uchi chovekyt? (By whom should the man learn?) - Afterword to >Man for Himself<}, series = {E. Fromm, Dushevno zdravoto obshtestvo. Chovekyt za samiya sebe si. Otvyd verigite na iliuziite. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 1), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2006, pp. 915-935.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dushevno zdravoto obshtestvo. Chovekyt za samiya sebe si. Otvyd verigite na iliuziite. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 1), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2006, pp. 915-935.}, language = {mul} } @article{Angelov, author = {Angelov, Rose}, title = {Dushevno zdravata vselena (Mentally sane universe) - Afterword to >The Sane Society<}, series = {E. Fromm, Dushevno zdravoto obshtestvo. Chovekyt za samiya sebe si. Otvyd verigite na iliuziite. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 1), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2006, pp. 893-913.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dushevno zdravoto obshtestvo. Chovekyt za samiya sebe si. Otvyd verigite na iliuziite. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 1), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2006, pp. 893-913.}, language = {mul} } @article{Zaphiropoulos, author = {Zaphiropoulos, Miltiades}, title = {I Remember It Well: Reminiscences on the History of the Academy}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 013-018.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 013-018.}, language = {en} } @article{YahavOz, author = {Yahav, Rivka and Oz, Sheri}, title = {The Relevance of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy to Understanding Therapist-Patient Sexual Abuse and Treatment of Survivors}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 303-332.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 303-332.}, language = {en} } @article{Whitehead, author = {Whitehead, Clay C.}, title = {Neo-Psy choanalysis: A Paradigm for the 21st Century}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 603-628.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 603-628.}, language = {en} } @misc{Whitehead, author = {Whitehead, Clay C.}, title = {Review Louis J. Cozolino: The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Building and Rebuilding the Human Brain}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 402-404.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 402-404.}, language = {en} } @article{Weberetal, author = {Weber, W. G. and et. al.,}, title = {Solidarisches Handeln in demokratischen Betrieben - Illusion oder Realit{\"a}t?}, series = {Internationale Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 32, No. 114 (2007), pp.. 22-37.}, journal = {Internationale Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 32, No. 114 (2007), pp.. 22-37.}, language = {de} } @misc{Turco, author = {Turco, Ronald N.}, title = {Review Peter A. Olsson: Malignant Pied Pipers of Our Time}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 574.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 574.}, language = {en} } @article{Turco, author = {Turco, Ronald N.}, title = {Commentary on Khalid and Olsson: > Suicide Bombing: A Psychodynamic View<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 531-534.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 531-534.}, language = {en} } @misc{Slipp, author = {Slipp, Samuel}, title = {Review Vamik Volkan: Blind Trust: Large Groups and Their Leaders in Times of Crisis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 539-541.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 539-541.}, language = {en} } @misc{Slipp, author = {Slipp, Samuel}, title = {Review Allan N. Schore: Affect Dysregulation and Disorders of the Self}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 552-553.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 552-553.}, language = {en} } @misc{Slipp, author = {Slipp, Samuel}, title = {Review Eric R. Kandel: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and the New a Biology of the Mind}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 400-401.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 400-401.}, language = {en} } @misc{Silvio, author = {Silvio, Joseph R.}, title = {Review Michelle B. Riba and Richard Balon: Competency in Combining Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy: Integrated and Split Treatment}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 228-229.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 228-229.}, language = {en} } @article{Silver, author = {Silver, Ann-Louise S.}, title = {Teaching About Psychodynamic Work with Severely Ill Patients}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 197-214.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 197-214.}, language = {en} } @misc{Schreiber, author = {Schreiber, Klaus W.}, title = {Review Peter Fonagy and Mary Target: Psychoanalytic Theories: Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 397-399.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 397-399.}, language = {en} } @misc{Salvage, author = {Salvage, David}, title = {Review Franco De Masi: The Sadomasochistic Perversion: The Entity and the Theories}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 559-560.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 559-560.}, language = {en} } @article{Rickles, author = {Rickles, William H.}, title = {Listening To Prozac, With The Third Ear: A Psychoanalytic Theory of Psychopharmacology}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 709-734.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 709-734.}, language = {en} } @article{Ragan, author = {Ragan, Charles L.}, title = {Comparing Apples to Oranges and Making a Fruit Salad (Mixing Psychodynamic Science and Neuroscience): A Review of Clay C. Whitehead's >Neo-Psychoanalysis: A Paradigm for the 21st Century<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 629-650.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 629-650.}, language = {en} } @article{Puzzagli, author = {Puzzagli, Adolfo}, title = {Delusion, Narrative, and Affects}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 367-376.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 367-376.}, language = {en} } @article{Plakun, author = {Plakun, Eric M.}, title = {A View From Riggs: Introduction to Paper II: >Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 441-444.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 441-444.}, language = {en} } @article{Plakun, author = {Plakun, Eric M.}, title = {A View From Riggs - Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority: I. A Psychodynamic Perspective on Treatment Resistance}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 349-366.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 349-366.}, language = {en} } @article{Plakun, author = {Plakun, Eric M.}, title = {A View From Riggs: Introduction to Paper III: >Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority>}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 579-580.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 579-580.}, language = {en} } @article{Plakun, author = {Plakun, Eric M.}, title = {Finding Psychodynamic Psychiatry's Lost Generation}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 135-150.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 135-150.}, language = {en} }