@article{ZuhdiHayatullah, author = {Zuhdi, Muhammad Luthfi and Hayatullah, Imam Khomaeni}, title = {Narrative for Terrorism and Transnationalism ISIS Theology through the Doctrine of Religion}, series = {Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015]}, journal = {Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015]}, abstract = {Acts of terrorism seem to never run out of Indonesia, from independence to the present day. Including the ideals of the establishment of an >Islamic State< that gave rise to a new wave of terrorism. The JAD group affiliated with ISIS clearly states that the Indonesian republic is thogut, so it is haram to be obedient to it, and they commit an act of terror some time ago. ISIS cleverly uses religious propositions to recruit new members. The verses of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet became his legitimacy. The concept of Hijra, Necrophilia and millenarism became the main doctrine of the ISIS. ISIS uses this narrative to facilitate and call for action in Indonesia. Suicide bombing, police station attack carried out by sympathizers, either JAD members or lone wolf. ISIS also utilizes social media well, this facilitates the idea of necrophilia, millenarism of ISIS is practiced by its sympathizers. Through qualitative and text analysis and the idea approach, necrophilia from Erich Fromm and millenarism from Norman Cohn, and other narrative this research is intended to make counter narrative of ISIS, so that the emergence is the concept of biophilia and optimism against the times and build a better future.}, language = {en} } @article{ZolotukhinaAbolinaIngerleib, author = {Zolotukhina-Abolina, Elena V. and Ingerleib, Mikhail B.}, title = {Экзистенциальный оптимизм: условия, плюсы, проблемы [Existential Optimism: Conditions, Advantages, Problems]}, series = {Вопросы философии [Questions of Philosophy], No. 3 (2021), pp. 18-28. [Print ISSN 0042-8744] [doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2021-3-18-28]}, journal = {Вопросы философии [Questions of Philosophy], No. 3 (2021), pp. 18-28. [Print ISSN 0042-8744] [doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2021-3-18-28]}, abstract = {Статья посвящена феномену экзистенциального оптимизма. Авторы трактуют его как душевную установку, присущую отдельной личности и вклю¬чающую в себя положительную оценку мира, умение радоваться и волю к жизни. Экзистенциальный оптимизм не сливается с социальным оптимиз¬мом, он связан с определением индивидуальной траектории судьбы и способен помогать человеку проходить через трудные социальные обстоятель¬ства, сохраняя позитивный настрой и реализуя свои цели. Его стержнем выступает ощущение и выбор личного жизненного проекта, который существует не только в юности, но может в разных вариантах актуализироваться в любых возрастах. Авторы квалифицируют фигуру экзистенциального оптимиста с помощью понятий >продуктивности< (Э. Фромм) и >самоактуа¬лизации< (А. Маслоу), а также образа >победителя< (Э. Берн). Жизненные препятствия видятся такому человеку не только как нормальная характеристика действительности, но и как поле для игры наших сил, что приносит ему бытийную радость. В становлении подобного мироотношения боль¬шую роль играет воспитание и личный пример старших. Авторы обращаются также к теме смерти и разочарования, с которыми сталкивается любой человек, и подчеркивают, что смерть не находится в центре внимания экзистенциального оптимиста. Последней обсуждаемой в статье темой выступает тема практик >позитивного мышления<. В выводах подчеркивается, что позиция оптимиста не может быть никому навязана, а может быть лишь принята самостоятельно.}, language = {ru} } @article{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {Epilogue}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp 147-154. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_6]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp 147-154. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_6]}, abstract = {Recent decades have witnessed a surge of important studies dealing with intellectuals' confrontation with fascism and Nazism, and the societal roles that they can play, especially during such "dark times." This is an area that is close to my study, and it is therefore important to mark the difference between some of these studies and mine in terms of content and form and with regard to the meaning and significance intellectuals assigned to their works.}, language = {en} } @article{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {A Psychological Inquiry into Totalitarianism: Erich Fromm's >Escape from Freedom<}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism. Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp 147-154. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_3]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism. Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp 147-154. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_3]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm was a German social psychologist and psychoanalyst who was associated with the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. He was known for developing the concept that freedom was a fundamental part of human nature and for challenging the theories of Sigmund Freud. In his works he presented the view that understanding of basic human needs is essential to the understanding of society and mankind. In >Escape from Freedom< Fromm explores humanity's shifting relationship with freedom, with particular regard to the personal consequences of its absence.}, language = {en} } @article{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {Wilhelm Reich and the Sexual Roots of Fascism}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp. 11-48. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_2]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp. 11-48. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_2]}, abstract = {>The Mass Psychology of Fascism< (1933) was the first psychological inquiry into Fascism. In this work the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) explores how Fascists came into power, and explain their rise as a symptom of sexual repression. It was followed by other psychological interpretations of Nazism by Jewish exiles from the Third Reich, from Erich Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< (1942), to Siegfried Kracauer's >From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film< (1947), and Erich Neumann's >Depth Psychology and a New Ethic< (1949).}, language = {en} } @article{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {Introduction}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp. 1-9. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_1]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp. 1-9. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_1]}, abstract = {>Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism< examines works of four German-Jewish scholars who, in their places of exile, sought to probe the pathology of the Nazi mind: Wilhelm Reich's >The Mass Psychology of Fascism< (1933), Erich Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< (1941), Siegfried Kracauer's >From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film< (1947), and Erich Neumann's >Depth Psychology and a New Ethic< (1949). While scholars have examined these authors' individual legacies, no comparative analysis of their shared concerns has yet been undertaken, nor have the content and form of their psychological inquiry into Nazism been seriously and systematically analyzed. Yet, the sense of urgency in their works calls for attention. They all took up their pens to counter Nazi barbarism, believing, like the English jurist and Judge Sir William Blackstone, that >scribere est agree< (to write is to act).}, language = {en} } @article{Yoshino, author = {Yoshino, Koji}, title = {Inseparability of Self-Love and Altruistic Love: P. A. Sorokin and E. Fromm}, series = {Human Arenas - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Print ISSN 2522-5790] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, journal = {Human Arenas - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Print ISSN 2522-5790] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, abstract = {This paper sets out to examine in a comparative framework Pitirim A. Sorokin and Erich Fromm's conceptions of love. The core argument is s in the complementarity between self-love and altruistic love. In conclude, altruistic love and self-love are not contradictory to each other. Those who don't love themselves cannot love others, nevertheless, those who ignore others cannot love themselves. What I try to show in this thesis is to clarify this fact.}, language = {en} } @article{Yoshino, author = {Yoshino, Koji}, title = {Inseparability of Self-Love and Altruistic Love: P. A. Sorokin and E. Fromm}, series = {Human Arenas, Vol. 3 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Online ISSN 2522-5804] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, journal = {Human Arenas, Vol. 3 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Online ISSN 2522-5804] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, abstract = {This paper sets out to examine in a comparative framework Pitirim A. Sorokin and Erich Fromm's conceptions of love. The core argument is s in the complementarity between self-love and altruistic love. In conclude, altruistic love and self-love are not contradictory to each other. Those who don't love themselves cannot love others, nevertheless, those who ignore others cannot love themselves. What I try to show in this thesis is to clarify this fact.}, language = {en} } @article{Xi, author = {Xi, Lin}, title = {The China Model of Development as Solidarity}, series = {Chinese Political Science Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2020), pp. 31-49. [Online ISSN 2365-4252]}, journal = {Chinese Political Science Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2020), pp. 31-49. [Online ISSN 2365-4252]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] What is the unique feature of China's model of development? Upon reviewing the >dialectics of development< that draws on both Amartya Sen and Erich Fromm, this paper argues that the China Model may have a particular strength in reconstructing its Confucian tradition towards social solidarity. In China, like other countries with a rapid development, swift social transformation has brought to fore as many positive as negative consequences, on the basis of which a mixed record of development in modern society can be pathologically diagnosed. Following the Durkheimer's premise that these social ills may be cured by a shift from mechanical solidarity (characteristic of a traditional society) to its organic counterpart, this paper, drawing on both Fisk and Confucius, proposes the idea of >civitas hominicivitas homini<, when combined together, shall reach a stage of >res publica latium< (commonwealth) that ensures both individual liberties and social solidarity, with different communities entering into terms of intersubjective recognition, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. Through this >civitas homini<, we can rewrite the paradigm of development as one that aims at solidarity rather than purely individualistic freedom. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Utopia szkoły, nieposłuszeństwo i przekład. Dwa biblijne mity w odczytaniach Ericha Fromma i George'a Steinera [Utopia of School, Disobedience, and Translation Two Biblical Myths in the Interpretation of Erich Fromm and George Steiner]}, series = {Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04]}, journal = {Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04]}, abstract = {Można przyjąć, że dwa biblijne mity - o wyjściu Adama i Ewy z ogrodu Eden oraz o budowniczych wieży Babel - są interesującymi ekspresjami wyobra{\'{z}}ni utopijnej, ponieważ opowiadają o dw{\´o}ch miejscach, w kt{\´o}rych na dwa odmienne sposoby realizowano projekty wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Wsp{\´o}łcześnie jednym z takich miejsc, kt{\´o}re możemy rozumieć jako niejednoznaczny efekt realizacji utopii epoki rewolucji przemysłowej, jest szkoła - przestrzeń edukacji zaplanowana jako ważna część projektu wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Dwa oryginalne odczytania - autorstwa Ericha Fromma i George'a Steinera - przywołanych biblijnych mit{\´o}w posłużą wzbogaceniu o nowe wątki i podejścia dyskusji o kondycji wsp{\´o}łczesnej szkoły oraz dyskurs{\´o}w pedagogiki krytycznej czy pedagogiki oporu i pedagogiki hermeneutycznej.}, language = {pl} } @article{HarWahyuningsihPurnomo, author = {Har Wahyuningsih, Hardiyanti and Purnomo, Bambang}, title = {Watak Egois sajrone Cerita Sambung >Lodan saka Segara Kidul< Anggitane Kukuh S. Wibowo miturut Teori Kapribaden Erich Fromm [Selfish Character in the Sequel Story >Lodan Saka Segara Kidul< by Kukuh S. Wibowo according to Erich Fromm's Personality Theory], Article, S-1 Regional Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Language and Arts, Surabaya State University, Surabaya, Indonesia 2020, 14 pp. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/baradha/article/view/33965/30304] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {Sesambungan antarane sastra lan psikologi, ana maneka faktor kang wigati. Kapisan, sawijine sastra kudu nggambarake kakuwatan lan kapinteran pangriptane. Kaloro, karya sastra kudu nduweni kautaman sing babagan gagrag lan basa minangka piranti kanggo nyuntak pikiran lan rasane pangripta. Katelu, prakara gaya, struktur lan tema karya sastra kudu ana sesambungane karo elemen-elemen kang nggambarake pikiran lan rasane pawongan tartamtu. Panliten kanthi objek cerita sambung >Lodan Saka Segara Kidul< anggitane Kukuh S. Wibowo bakal nintingi prakara cacah telu. Kanthi ringkes underane panliten bisa dirumusake: (1) Tuwuhe sipat seneng nekad sajrone cerita sambung (2) Faktor-faktor kang njalari sipat seneng nekad lan (3) Problem saka sipat seneng nekad. Panliten iki nggunakake pendekatan Psikologi sosial teori kapribaden Erich Fromm. Fromm njupuk sikap tengah ing sadar nandhesake luwih sethithik babagan motivasi sadar lan saingan amarga salah sijine ciri unik manungsa yaiku kesadaran. Manungsa ora kewan amarga padha bisa nggawe alesan, mbayangno masa depan, lan kanthi sengaja nyoba nyedhaki tujuane urip. Nanging, miturut Fromm, yen kesadaran diri minangka campuran saka akeh wong sing nindhes wong-wong mau kanggo karakter dhasar supaya ora kuwatir. Ing masalah sosial, Fromm nerangake manawa manungsa bisa nduwe pengaruh luwih saka sejarah, budaya, lan masyarakat tinimbang biologi.}, language = {mul} } @article{Tauss, author = {Tauss, Martin}, title = {Erich Fromm: Hohelied des Humanen. Gesellschaftskritik und Lebenskunst: Warum das Werk des humanistischen Psychoanalytikers heute h{\"o}chst aktuell ist}, series = {Die Furche, Wien 12. M{\"a}rz 2020.}, journal = {Die Furche, Wien 12. M{\"a}rz 2020.}, abstract = {Grenzg{\"a}nger haben es oft schwer, da sie sich zwischen den St{\"u}hlen einen Platz suchen m{\"u}ssen. Das galt auch f{\"u}r Erich Fromm, heute bekannt als einer der bedeutendsten Humanisten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine intellektuelle Biografie bewegt sich zun{\"a}chst zwischen der Frankfurter Schule und der Psychoanalyse ...}, language = {de} } @article{Sznajderski, author = {Sznajderski, Tadeusz}, title = {Ericha Fromma koncepcja człowieka jako podmiotu miłości [Erich Fromm's Concept of Man as the Subject of Love]}, series = {Przegląd Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020), pp. 133-143. [doi.org/10.24425/pfns.2020.133980]}, journal = {Przegląd Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020), pp. 133-143. [doi.org/10.24425/pfns.2020.133980]}, abstract = {The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love.}, language = {pl} } @article{SteinOmeta, author = {Stein, Richard A. and Ometa, Oana}, title = {When public health crises collide: Social disparities and COVID-19}, series = {The International Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 74, No. 9 (2020). [Online ISSN 1742-1241] [doi.org/10.1111/ijcp.13524]}, journal = {The International Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 74, No. 9 (2020). [Online ISSN 1742-1241] [doi.org/10.1111/ijcp.13524]}, language = {en} } @article{Śliwerski, author = {Śliwerski, Boguslaw}, title = {The Idea of the Exclusion of Necrophilic Attitudes in Critical Psychology of Erich Fromm}, series = {Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2020), pp. 7-20.}, journal = {Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2020), pp. 7-20.}, abstract = {The subject of the analysis is the category of the inclusion as a process that does not only apply to people with special developmental or life needs, but also to social sciences, which as a result of the positivist research paradigm have divided and separated from each other. Meanwhile, human upbringing requires the inclusion of biophilic orientation towards life in all social sciences, whose achievements should be considered and applied to improve educational processes. The Author borrows inspiration from the typology of human attitudes of Erich Fromm, because it makes readers aware of the negative effects of necrophilia in interpersonal relationships. The Author analyses Fromm's approach against the background of selected ideas of Polish pedagogical views.}, language = {en} } @article{Sattorovich, author = {Sattorovich, Jumaev Ulugbek}, title = {Personal identification and identification in national culture}, series = {Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2020), pp. 151-155. [Online ISSN 2249-7137] [doi.org/10.5958/2249-7137.2020.00028.2]}, journal = {Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2020), pp. 151-155. [Online ISSN 2249-7137] [doi.org/10.5958/2249-7137.2020.00028.2]}, abstract = {The article explains the importance of forming identity for the psychological and spiritual development of an individual. The author notes that the role of folk culture in the formation of national identity in modern society has diminished, and it analyzes the socio-psychological conditions in which the specific role of folk culture can be restored: modern economic and socio-cultural activities of new cultural functions; acquisition by assimilation by species; creation of favorable environment, including information environment; unifying the community around the main objectives of the educational process; to look for new educational practices and to consider cultural and historical psychology. Indeed, >one of the worst forms of psychological suffering is boredom, not knowing what to do with yourself and your life<, concluded Fromm. The consequences of the state not formed by individuals or the loss of identity become a crisis of national identity, which is a prerequisite for the loss of national sovereignty (national self-consciousness). Problem researchers tell us that the >living< of our native culture, the deep emotional connection with it, and the understanding of the meanings of it, are made by the individual, the customs, values, special forms of cultural, historical, social and spiritual life of the motherland. Book publishing centers, Russian culture of all nations, etc. Their self-awareness in difficult financial conditions made people think not only about survival, but also to adopt a language and culture that was alien to them.}, language = {en} } @article{RosalesMendoza, author = {Rosales Mendoza, Jos{\´e} Manuel}, title = {Habitar en el exilio: casa Fromm y casa Bu{\~n}uel en M{\´e}xico}, series = {Ciencia ergo-sum, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-16. [Online ISSN 2395-8782] [cienciaergosum.uaemex.mx/article/view/12769/10875]}, journal = {Ciencia ergo-sum, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-16. [Online ISSN 2395-8782] [cienciaergosum.uaemex.mx/article/view/12769/10875]}, abstract = {Relacionado con la historia de la arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX, este art{\´i}culo expone y entrelaza la trayectoria del psicoanalista Erich Fromm y el cineasta Luis Bu{\~n}uel con los arquitectos Arturo S{\´a}enz de la Calzada y Oscar Coll Alas, quienes fueron los encargados de crear los hogares de estas figuras en M{\´e}xico. Se explora el proceso de di{\´a}spora de los personajes y su exilio en tierras mexicanas, as{\´i} como el momento y circunstancias de encuentro, sus preconcepciones en el {\´a}mbito arquitect{\´o}nico, las caracter{\´i}sticas de las construcciones que dise{\~n}aron, construyeron y habitaron para finalmente entrelazar su propuesta te{\´o}rica o est{\´e}tica con los hogares elegidos. Palabras clave: exilio espa{\~n}ol en M{\´e}xico, arquitectos del exilio, casas del exilio, arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX.}, language = {es} } @article{PutriAhmadi, author = {Putri, Kaskhadawati Sugianto and Ahmadi, Anas}, title = {Cinta Erotis 青墨彦页 Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n dan 如小岚 R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n dalam Film >I'm Pet in Dali Temple< >我 在大王里寺当宠牛勿< Sutradara David Liu (Kajian Psikologi Erich Fromm) [The Erotic Love青墨彦页of Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n and 如小岚 R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n in the Film I'm Pet in Dali Temple >我 在大王里寺当宠牛勿< Director David Liu (Erich Fromm's Psychological Studies)] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin UNESA, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-11. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/manadarin/article/view/46060]}, journal = {Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin UNESA, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-11. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/manadarin/article/view/46060]}, abstract = {Film merupakan salah satu bentuk cara menikmati karya sastra, Genre cinta merupakan karya film yang banyak diminati dari berbagai golongan usia. Rasa cinta insan manusia selalu memiliki makna seperti cinta terhadap Tuhan-Nya, rasa cinta terhadap orang tua ataupun teman, dan rasa cinta yang membuat hari selalu berbeda dan tidak terbatas yakni jatuh cinta terhadap sesama insan lelaki dan perempuan yang memiliki keinginan untuk menyatu sejak awal perkenalan hingga kisah cinta tersebut berakhir sesuai dengan takdir. Penelitian ini membahas tentang Analisis cinta erotis Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n青墨颜dan R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚 dalam film >I'm Pet In Dali Temple< >我在大王里寺当宠牛勿<. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori kajian psikologi oleh Erich Fromm, dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni deskriptif kualitatif yakni diawali dengan mengunduh data film, menonton film secara berkala dan berulang, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data kemudian menyimpulkan data.Tujuan penelitian ini yakni menganalisis bagaimana bentuk cinta erotis tokoh青墨颜Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n dan R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚melalui tindakan ataupun ujaran yang ada dalam dialog film I'm Pet In Dali Temple >我在大王里寺当宠牛勿<. Hasil dan simpulan data yakni cinta erotis antara tokoh 青墨颜Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n dan R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚 yakni mengacu pada objektivitas reaksi tokoh 青墨颜Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n dan R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚 seperti reaksi spontan berkorban dan menolong, emosional mengungkapkan perasaan satu sama lain, simpati dan empati dan puncaknya yakni tokoh 青墨颜Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n ingin menikahi R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚. Berdasarkan simpulan tersebut, sejalan dengan Teori psikologi Erich Fromm yakni Cinta erotis dalam bukunya yang berjudul >Seni Mencintai<.}, language = {mul} } @article{Porto, author = {Porto, Klayton Santana}, title = {A subjetividade produzida por imperativos sociais e seus reflexos sobre o corpo sexualizado [Subjectivity Produced by Social Imperatives and Their Reflections on the Sexualized Body]}, series = {Problemata: Revista Internacional de Filosofia / International Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2020), pp. 60-72. [Online ISSN 2236-8612] [doi.org/10.7443/problemata.v11i1.49340]}, journal = {Problemata: Revista Internacional de Filosofia / International Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2020), pp. 60-72. [Online ISSN 2236-8612] [doi.org/10.7443/problemata.v11i1.49340]}, abstract = {Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar de que forma o poder disciplinar atinge diretamente o corpo sexualizado do indiv{\´i}duo e quais s{\~a}o as implica{\c{c}}{\~o}es desta realidade no mundo contempor{\^a}neo. Para isso, ser{\´a} utilizado como fundamenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o te{\´o}rica Erich Fromm, com o objetivo de analisar as implica{\c{c}}{\~o}es emocionais relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da sociedade capitalista e principalmente, os livros de Foucault: >Vigiar e Punir< (1999) e >Hist{\´o}ria da sexualidade: a vontade de saber< (1977). Por meio deste estudo, p{\^o}de-se perceber que a demasiada preocupa{\c{c}}{\~a}o com o corpo presente na sociedade contempor{\^a}nea denota o imperativo do corpo sexualizado, resultado do exerc{\´i}cio no dom{\´i}nio e controle efetuados pela sociedade sobre o indiv{\´i}duo. Isso n{\~a}o ocorre em consequ{\^e}ncia de um poder centralizado, mas sim por um controle exercido de forma perif{\´e}rica, no qual a pr{\´o}pria sociedade estrutura padr{\~o}es de condutas assumidas pelos sujeitos que lhe constituem.}, language = {pt} } @article{Peters, author = {Peters, Matthijs}, title = {Reification and the Duty to Work Through the Past: On Critical Theory and Temporality}, series = {New German Critique, Vol. 47, No. 2 (2020), pp. 107-138. [Online ISSN 1558-1462] [doi.org/10.1215/0094033X-8288153]}, journal = {New German Critique, Vol. 47, No. 2 (2020), pp. 107-138. [Online ISSN 1558-1462] [doi.org/10.1215/0094033X-8288153]}, abstract = {This article focuses on the role that the notion of temporality can and should play in the tradition of Critical Theory. Following an overview of the critical analyses of time found in the works of Marx, Luk{\´a}cs, Weber, Adorno, Fromm, and Marcuse, the article analyzes Hartmut Rosa's critique of social acceleration and argues that this critique lacks a firm normative basis. This basis is required, however, for one to claim why certain processes of social acceleration are wrong. It is shown that Rosa's analyses of acceleration contain two suggestions for such a basis: autonomy understood as a narrative identity, and autonomy as defended by Honneth's theory of recognition. After an exploration of both suggestions, in which the ideas of MacIntyre and Ricoeur are briefly discussed as well, it is argued that a combination of both may result in a specific, normative understanding of reification, which is defended against Honneth's definition of this concept. Based on an interpretation of passages in Horkheimer and Adorno's >Dialectic of Enlightenment< and Adorno's notion of >working through the past<, the article claims that reification should be understood as a forgetting of the narratives that have shaped the self and the social structures under which this self is formed, and therefore as the inability to recognize the temporal dimensions of the autonomous self.}, language = {en} } @article{Omine, author = {Omine, Mitsuharu}, title = {Problems Related to Student Acceptance of Corporal Punishment during Extracurricular Sports Activities: With Reference to Erich Fromm's Authority Theory}, series = {International Journal of Sport and Health Science, Vol.18 (2020), pp. 154-160. [Online ISSN 1880-4012] [doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.202013]}, journal = {International Journal of Sport and Health Science, Vol.18 (2020), pp. 154-160. [Online ISSN 1880-4012] [doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.202013]}, abstract = {The purpose of this study was to analyze problems related to the mechanism whereby students can accept corporal punishment during extracurricular sports activities with reference to the books Escape from Freedom and Man for Himself that were central to Erich Frommʼs authority theory. Specifically, the author focused on the concepts of >authoritarian character<, >authoritarian ethics< and >authoritarian conscience< Fromm pointed out that anxiety prompted Germanyʼs citizens to give up their freedom in order to obey authoritarian powers such as Hitler and the Nazis. Students taking part in extracurricular sports activities were considered from the viewpoint of Frommʼs authority theory. It was revealed that students comply with a leaderʼs authority in order to relieve anxiety, and have positive thoughts about corporal punishment. Furthermore, it was found that such acceptance of corporal punishment succeeded in eliminating conspicuous suffering, but not in removing any underlying conflicts. Fromm pointed that fear of anxiety was relieved by spontaneous activity. To achieve spontaneous activity by students, it was suggested that some form of measure that does not create the type of partnership that occurred between Germanyʼs citizens and Hitler would be desirable for any relationship between the leader of extracurricular sports activities and the students.}, language = {en} } @article{Ognjenovic, author = {Ognjenovic, Svetlana R.}, title = {A >Mouse-trap< for Indonesian Killers: Oppenheimer's >The Act of Killing< [>Mišolovka< za ubojice iz Indonezije: Oppenheimerov >čin ubijanja<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Радови Филозофског факултета (часопис за хуманистич ке и друштвене науке) - Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy (Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences), No. 21 (2020), pp. 65-79. [Online ISSN 2232-8343] [doi.org/10.7251/FIN1921065O]}, journal = {Радови Филозофског факултета (часопис за хуманистич ке и друштвене науке) - Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy (Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences), No. 21 (2020), pp. 65-79. [Online ISSN 2232-8343] [doi.org/10.7251/FIN1921065O]}, abstract = {This paper was inspired by the documentary >The Act of Killing<, directed by an American-born, British filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer and released in 2012. Provoked and appalled by what is described as one of the worst mass murders in the 20th century, the movie director focuses not so much on the crime itself but the perpetrators of the crimes and the ensuing consequences. A part from the need to bring to open and discuss this part of Indonesian history, as well as the consequences of the communist and subsequent anti-communist political rules, this paper deals, on the one hand, with the question and the essence of human nature capable of such monstrosity and on the other, with the role that art must take in understanding and healing of the open wounds in any nation's history as well as individual perpetrators of the crimes. For this purpose, the ideological framework of Erich Fromm as given in his study >Anatomy of Human Destructiveness< and also philosophical ideas of Hanna Arendt, specifically concerning the nature of evil itself were used as theoretical framework.}, language = {en} } @article{ObiolsSuari, author = {Obiols-Suari, N{\´u}ria}, title = {Erich Fromm y la relaci{\´o}n educative [Erich Fromm and the educational relationship]}, series = {Teoria De La Educacion. Revista Interuniversitaria, Vol. 33 (2020), pp. 51-69. [Online ISSN 2386-5660] [doi.org/10.14201/teri.23415]}, journal = {Teoria De La Educacion. Revista Interuniversitaria, Vol. 33 (2020), pp. 51-69. [Online ISSN 2386-5660] [doi.org/10.14201/teri.23415]}, abstract = {En este art{\´i}culo consideraremos el v{\´i}nculo entre la obra de Erich Seligmann Fromm (1900-1980) y la relaci{\´o}n educativa. Fromm aport{\´o} una perspectiva humanista fundamental al pensamiento contempor{\´a}neo y su obra se caracteriz{\´o} por hilvanar variadas influencias culturales, tales como el Antiguo Testamento, el Budismo, el Marxismo, la Sociolog{\´i}a y, desde luego, el Psicoan{\´a}lisis. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es el de comprender mejor esta relaci{\´o}n, considerando sus caracter{\´i}sticas principales. La obra de este emblem{\´a}tico autor invita a reflexionar sobre aspectos diversos relacionados con la educaci{\´o}n que van desde su concepto, sus finalidades, as{\´i} como diferentes caracter{\´i}sticas de una buena relaci{\´o}n educativa, tem{\´a}tica que abordaremos en este art{\´i}culo. Fromm aporta una perspectiva singular y sumamente interesante que abre espacios de reflexi{\´o}n a partir de variados aspectos sobre la existencia humana en sus textos. En este estudio hemos analizado doce de sus obras que van desde >El miedo a la libertad< (1941), >El arte de amar< (1956) o >El arte de escuchar< (1995). Este an{\´a}lisis ha permitido seleccionar aquellos contenidos vinculados a la relaci{\´o}n educativa. As{\´i} consideraremos lo que Fromm entiende por educaci{\´o}n, para posteriormente concretar cu{\´a}les ser{\´i}an las cuestiones m{\´a}s esenciales en una {\´o}ptima relaci{\´o}n educativa y qu{\´e} la debe caracterizar.}, language = {es} } @article{NikiforovGofman, author = {Nikiforov, German Sergeevich and Gofman, Olga Olegovna}, title = {Профессиональные задачи психолога здоровья [Professional tasks of a health psychologist]}, series = {Организационная психология [Organizational Psychology], Vol. 10, No. 3 (2020), pp. 246-260. [Online ISSN 2312-5942] [orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/data/2020/09/28/1368912391/OrgPsy_2020_3(13)_Nikiforov-Gofman(246-260).pdf]}, journal = {Организационная психология [Organizational Psychology], Vol. 10, No. 3 (2020), pp. 246-260. [Online ISSN 2312-5942] [orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/data/2020/09/28/1368912391/OrgPsy_2020_3(13)_Nikiforov-Gofman(246-260).pdf]}, abstract = {Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Аннотация. Во второй половине двадцатого века психология здоровья вышла на одно из лидирующих мест в общем перечне наиболее актуальных направлений развития психологической науки. Изначальная проблема, поставленная в статье, заключается в имеющем место в настоящее время рассогласовании между востребованностью психологии здоровья и дефицитом кадрового ресурса (психологов здоровья), ориентированного на разработку этого научного направления. Цель данной работы заключается в том, чтобы в соответствии с концепцией жизненного пути человека, раскрыть в первом приближении перечень тех практических задач, решение которых может входить в профессиональную компетенцию психологов здоровья в России. Представления авторов базируются на концепции здоровой личности, основные положения которой были впервые сформулированы в отечественной науке известными психиатрами и психологами С. С. Корсаковым, И. А. Сикорским, В. М. Бехтеревым, а также западными представителями гуманистической психологии Г. Олпортом, К. Роджерсом, А. Маслоу, Э. Фроммом. В рассмотрение вводятся этапы перинатального периода, дошкольный и школьный возраст, обучение в средних профессиональных и высших учебных заведениях, профессиональная деятельность и выход на пенсию. Каждый этап развития человека рассматривается авторами как самостоятельный и предполагает вариативность стратегий образа жизни в общей структуре здоровья, а значит и практик формирования здорового поведения. В статье впервые последовательно рассмотрены основные особенности и риски каждого этапа жизненного пути, определен круг профессиональных задач психолога здоровья. В конце работы ставится вопрос о вариантах профессиональной подготовки данных специалистов в высших учебных заведениях.}, language = {ru} } @article{Morita, author = {Morita, Kazunao}, title = {E. フロム精神分析理論における宗教論の教育的含意 [Educational Implications of the Theory of Religion in E. Fromm's Psychoanalysis]}, series = {教育学研究 [The Japanese Journal of Educational Research], Vol. 87, No. 4 (2020), pp. 131-141. [doi.org/10.11555/kyoiku.87.4_597]}, journal = {教育学研究 [The Japanese Journal of Educational Research], Vol. 87, No. 4 (2020), pp. 131-141. [doi.org/10.11555/kyoiku.87.4_597]}, abstract = {本稿の目的は、精神分析家エリッヒ・フロムの宗教論を検討し、「教化」する権威的な「宗教」に抵抗しつつ、なおも「宗教的」に生きる方途を探った彼の思索の教育的含意を明らかにすることである。結論として、本稿は、フロムが「気づき」の「能力」を尊重することによって、「宗教的」に生きることを構想していた事実を闡明し、最後に、彼の理論が道徳教育の教科化の事例に先鋭化される現代教育の問題に対してもつ意義を明示する。}, language = {ja} } @article{Malloch, author = {Malloch, Margaret S.}, title = {Collective endeavours: finding community, love and hope}, series = {Critical and Radical Social Work, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2020), pp. 421-436. [Online ISSN: 2049-8675] [doi.org/10.1332/204986020X15945756402768]}, journal = {Critical and Radical Social Work, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2020), pp. 421-436. [Online ISSN: 2049-8675] [doi.org/10.1332/204986020X15945756402768]}, abstract = {Strains on professional resources and complex experiences of isolation and despair have taken their toll on communities, adding to the challenges for social workers and social work as a profession. In a context of austerity and locational stress, communities are increasingly relied upon to enhance or, indeed, replace the need for state intervention. However, grass-roots and mutual aid collectives have the potential for both community support and resistance. Using original qualitative data, this article explores how some groups based in Scotland's most deprived locales provide collective and mutual aid, and, in doing so, attempt to address some of the challenges of modern life (such as overcoming addiction, isolation and mental anguish). Importantly, this article revives and develops Erich Fromm's discourse on the importance of 'love' and Marx's concept of 'spiritual emancipation' to explore the potential for transforming individual experiences into collective resistance.}, language = {en} } @article{Maciel, author = {Maciel, Fabr{\´i}cio}, title = {A patologia da normalidade: Erich Fromm e a cr{\´i}tica da cultura capitalista contempor{\^a}nea [The pathology of normalcy: Erich Fromm and the critique of contemporary capitalist culture]}, series = {Sociologias (Porto Alegre), Vol. 22, No. 55 (2020), pp. 262-288. [Online ISSN 1807-0337] ] [doi.org/10.1590/15174522-95752]}, journal = {Sociologias (Porto Alegre), Vol. 22, No. 55 (2020), pp. 262-288. [Online ISSN 1807-0337] ] [doi.org/10.1590/15174522-95752]}, abstract = {Resumo Neste artigo, procuro problematizar a cr{\´i}tica de Erich Fromm {\`a} cultura do capitalismo contempor{\^a}neo. Para tanto, fa{\c{c}}o uma releitura especialmente, mas n{\~a}o apenas, de uma de suas principais obras maduras, o livro Psican{\´a}lise da sociedade contempor{\^a}nea (>The Sane Society<), no qual o autor sedimenta seu projeto anal{\´i}tico de uma >psican{\´a}lise humanista<. Na primeira parte o artigo reconstr{\´o}i, atrav{\´e}s da ideia de >patologia da normalidade<, a cr{\´i}tica de Fromm aos fundamentos culturais do capitalismo contempor{\^a}neo. Na segunda parte, a reconstru{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\´e} levada adiante atrav{\´e}s dos conceitos de >car{\´a}ter socialaliena{\c{c}}{\~a}o<, de modo a compreender como o capitalismo tardio do s{\´e}culo XX aprofunda, como nunca antes, uma cultura anti-humanista. Na conclus{\~a}o, procuro argumentar como a obra de Fromm pode ser de grande valia para a compreens{\~a}o dos problemas tanto individuais quanto coletivos da atualidade.}, language = {pt} } @article{Machalek, author = {Mach{\´a}lek, V{\´i}t}, title = {Humanistick{\´a} psychologie jako sekularizovan{\´a} teologie [Humanist Psychology as Secularized Theology?]}, series = {Studia Theologica, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2020), pp. 113-134 [ISSN 2570-9798] [studiatheologica.eu/getrevsrc.php?identification=\&mag=sth\&raid=265\&type=fin\&ver=3]}, journal = {Studia Theologica, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2020), pp. 113-134 [ISSN 2570-9798] [studiatheologica.eu/getrevsrc.php?identification=\&mag=sth\&raid=265\&type=fin\&ver=3]}, abstract = {The aim of this article is to evaluate quasi-religious elements in humanist psychology with a special focus on Erich Fromm, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. The study analyses concepts which may be denoted as a secularized >humanist theology<. It refers to the fact that the authors of those concepts were originally connected with the Jewish or Christian faith and after their apostasy radically reinterpreted it or replaced it with a new religion. The humanist >cult of self-worship< explicitly or implicitly locates godhood into man and at the same time excludes the possibility of a personal relationship between man and God. The rise of this new religiosity connected with sacralised psychology was paradoxically made also easy by certain forms of modern Jewish and Christian thinking.}, language = {mul} } @article{Loewy, author = {L{\"o}wy, Michael}, title = {The secular prophet of religious socialism: The Erich Fromm's early writings (1922 - 1930) [O profeta secular do socialismo religioso: os primeiros escritos (1922-1930) de Erich Fromm]}, series = {Tempo Social, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2020), pp. 21-31. [Online ISSN 1809-4554] [doi.org/10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2020.168672]}, journal = {Tempo Social, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2020), pp. 21-31. [Online ISSN 1809-4554] [doi.org/10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2020.168672]}, abstract = {There exists a German-Jewish cultural discourse from the early 20th century that stands in dynamic tension between spiritual and material, sacred and secular, beyond the usual static dichotomies. Several key Jewish thinkers have sought to recover spiritual meaning, in direct interaction with the profane. Under different ways they developed a process of simultaneous secularization and sacralization, in a sort of >dialectic< combination of both. The first common characteristic of these authors is their deep attachment to the German romantic culture, with its ambivalence towards modernity, and its desperate attempt at re-enchanting the world through a return to past spiritual forms. This article will demonstrate these relationships through the work of young Erich Fromm.}, language = {en} } @article{Lee, author = {Lee, Moon_Jung}, title = {권오상의 정물 조각에 나타난 구축과 해체의 공존 [Coexistence of Construction and Deconstruction in Osang Gwon's Still-Life Sculpture] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {기초조형학연구 [Basic Plastic Science Research], Vol. 23, No. 1 (2020), pp. 381-394.}, journal = {기초조형학연구 [Basic Plastic Science Research], Vol. 23, No. 1 (2020), pp. 381-394.}, abstract = {본 논문은 구축과 해체의 공존에 초점을 맞춰 권오상의 정물 조각이 보여주는 형식과 주제를 연구하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구를 위한 이론적 근거로는 존재와 소유, 인간의 욕망, 자본주의와 소비사회에 관한 에리히 프롬(Erich Fromm)의 이론과 기 드보르(Guy Debord)의 스펙터클(spectacle) 개념을선택했다. 스펙터클과 관련해 소비문화에 관한 장 보드리야르(Jean Baudrillard)의 논의도 일부 적용되었다. 연구의 방법은, 형식적인 면에서 사진과 조각, 이미지와 물질, 가상과 실재의 경계를 해체하면서도 조각의 정체성을 공고히 하는 이중성을 분석했다. 주제적인 면에서는 인간의 소유 욕망과 바니테(vanit{\´e})의 양가성을 고찰했다. 또한 고도로 추상화된 상품화가 일상생활에 침투하고 이미지 과잉이되어버린 사회를 지배하는 스펙터클의 재현과 해체도 살펴보았다. 결과적으로 일상의 사물을 촬영한사진, 잡지나 인터넷에서 선택한 이미지를 바탕으로 제작된 권오상의 정물 조각은 소비와 소유가 그자체로 욕망의 대상이 되고, 상품이 단순한 물적 대상이 아닌 자기 표현의 상징물로 존재하게 된 오늘날의 소비문화를 투영한다. 또한 소비문화의 견고한 위상을 확인시키는 동시에 그것의 허상을 드러내고, 인간의 욕망과 소유에 관한 근원적인 고찰뿐 아니라 스펙터클 시대에 대한 비판적 사유의 기회를제공한다. 이를 위해 권오상은 스펙터클의 압도적인 권력을 직관적으로 보여주지만, 실제 사물을 첨가하거나 이미지를 지워 물질성을 강조하는 등의 방법으로 스펙터클과의 단절을 시도한다. 이와 같은 연구를 통해 시대에 반응하며 다양성의 공존과 차이를 창출하는 동시대 조각의 특성을 확인하고, 소비문화에 대한 예술적 성찰이 가져오는 의미 생성을 숙고할 수 있었다.}, language = {ko} } @article{LamlabaBerutuetal, author = {Lamlaba Berutu, Duma and et al.,}, title = {L'autoritarisme et la Libert{\´e} Positive de Personnage Principal dans le Roman >Sans Famille< d'Hector Malot (Une Etude Psychologie d'Erich Fromm) [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Lingua Litteria Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2020), pp. 0-5. [Print ISSN 2252-6730] [journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/lel/article/view/38816/16139]}, journal = {Lingua Litteria Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2020), pp. 0-5. [Print ISSN 2252-6730] [journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/lel/article/view/38816/16139]}, abstract = {The focus of this study is the authoritarianism and positive freedom on the main character in the novel >Sans Famille<. The theory in this study used humanistic psychology of Erich Fromm. The aim of this study is to find out and to describe the existence of the main character in the novel. Data of this study is the novel >Sans Famille< by Hector Malot. The method of the study is the qualitative descriptive method. Data analysis in this study in three pieces: The authoritarianism on the main character; the positive freedom on the main character, relation between of the authoritarianism and positive freedom on the main character.}, language = {fr} } @article{Kwon, author = {Kwon, Oh-yong}, title = {증오의 생산, 대상, 정당화 - 프롬, 짐멜, 아도르노를 중심으로 [Production, Reproduction, Legitimation of Hatred: Focusing on Fromm, Simmel and Adorno]}, series = {사회이론 [Korean Journal of Social Theory], Vol. 58 (2020), pp. 409-450.}, journal = {사회이론 [Korean Journal of Social Theory], Vol. 58 (2020), pp. 409-450.}, abstract = {이 연구는 개인과 전체사회 간의 변증법적 연관에 주목하여 개인적 증오가 사회적으로 발현되고 재생산되는 과정과 형태를 살펴봄으로써 사회적 증오에 대한 효과적 대응양식을 프롬과 짐멜, 아도르노의 연구를 통해 이론적으로 탐색하였다. 연구결과, 프롬이 제시한 성격에 의한 증오 개념을 통해 개인적인 감정이지만 사회적으로 조건지어진 생활경험에 의해 생성되는 증오의 사회적 성격을 확인하였다. 또한 짐멜의 이방인 개념을 통해 친밀감과 거리감의 동시성이 이방인의 특성이며, 민족적으로 동일한 집단 속에서도 특정 집단이 이방인으로 지목되어 증오의 대상이 될 수 있음을 밝혔다. 그리고 증오를 정당화하는 편견과 이를 사회적-정치적으로 동원하는 선전선동에 대한 아도르노의 연구를 통해 편견이 민주사회의 가치를 거부하는 권위주의적 인성을 가진 사람의 소망을 강화하는 기능을 한다는 점을 밝히고, 편견을 동원하는 선전선동의 기술과 작동방식을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 편견과 그 동원의 사회적 조건 탐구와 편견과 박해의 현실적 결과를 알려 사람들을 설득하는 지성적 대항수단의 필요성을 제시하였다. 이 연구는 사회적 증오가 복잡한 이해관계와 사회심리학적 연관 속에서 단번에 해결될 수 없는 문제임을 지적하였으며, 꾸준한 분석과 비판을 통해 증오에 대응할 것을 제안한다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Kiyoshi, author = {Kiyoshi, Mahito}, title = {関係性の病をいかに突破するか?―拙著『フロムと神秘主義』の視点に立って [How do we break through the illness of relationship? - On the viewpoint of my book >Erich Fromm and Mysticism<]}, series = {全人的医療 [Comprehensive Medicine], Vol. 18, No. 1 (2020), pp. 57-65. [doi.org/10.32183/ifcm.18.1_57]}, journal = {全人的医療 [Comprehensive Medicine], Vol. 18, No. 1 (2020), pp. 57-65. [doi.org/10.32183/ifcm.18.1_57]}, abstract = {フロムとフランクル,両者には深い共通点がある.両者とも,人間の《実存的特質》から生まれる《生きる意味を欲する》という根源的欲求との関連で人間の抱える精神的病理を解明するという視点に立つ.共にこう主張する.生きる情熱は生きる意味を掴むことによって生まれ,生きる意味を感得することは他者と深い愛の関係性(愛し愛される)を結ぶこと,いいかえると深い《応答の絆》を結ぶことによってのみ可能になる,と.この両者の観点から,現代日本の若者の精神状況を振り返るなら,我々は深い憂慮を感じざるを得ない.昨今の「拡大自殺」と名づけられた病理,自殺念慮者の増加,我が子虐待,イジメ,等々は今日の精神的荒廃を語るキーワードである.だからこそ,フロムとフランクルは若者によって再発見されねばならないし,実は両者との出会いを若者は待っている.}, language = {ja} } @article{KingSchmidNoerr, author = {King, Vera and Schmid Noerr, Gunzelin}, title = {Conceptions of the superego in sociological and socio-psychological analyses}, series = {The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 101, No. 4 (2020), pp. 740-756. [Online ISSN 1745-8315] [doi.org/10.1080/00207578.2020.1780734]}, journal = {The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 101, No. 4 (2020), pp. 740-756. [Online ISSN 1745-8315] [doi.org/10.1080/00207578.2020.1780734]}, abstract = {This paper provides a historical overview of the reception of the superego concept in sociology and psychoanalytic social psychology. Central to the discussion are the ways in which classical and contemporary approaches (e.g. Parsons, Elias, Bourdieu) have responded to Freud's theories concerning the genesis of the superego and its changes in the course of psychic development, to his suppositions concerning anthropology and psychopathology, and to later psychoanalytic extensions of the concept (e.g. Klein, Erikson and Loewald). With reference to Freud's works of cultural critique, special emphasis is given to conceptions of the superego in studies on authoritarianism, adaptation and morality, notably by the Frankfurt School (Fromm, Horkheimer, Adorno). The authors also discuss the historical changes undergone by the superego concept and examine by way of examples the benefits of concept for achieving a clearer understanding of recent societal trends associated with contemporary phenomena such as digitization and optimization.}, language = {en} } @article{Kapustin, author = {Kapustin, Sergey A.}, title = {An existential criterion for the normal and abnormal personality in the works of Viktor Frankl. Summary}, series = {Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2020), pp.140-153. [Online ISSN 2307-2202] [psychologyinrussia.com/volumes/pdf/2020_2/Psychology_2_2020_140-153_Kapustin.pdf]}, journal = {Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2020), pp.140-153. [Online ISSN 2307-2202] [psychologyinrussia.com/volumes/pdf/2020_2/Psychology_2_2020_140-153_Kapustin.pdf]}, abstract = {Background: This is the last in a series of four articles scheduled for publication in this journal. In the first article (Kapustin, 2015a), I proposed a new >existential criterion< for the normal and abnormal personality that is implicitly present in the works of Erich Fromm. According to this criterion, normal and abnormal personalities are determined, first, by their position regarding existential dichotomies, and, second, by particular aspects of the formation of this position. Such dichotomies, entitatively existent in human life, are inherent, two-alternative contradictions. In the other articles (Kapustin, 2015b, 2016a), I showed that this criterion is also implicitly present in the four famous personality theories of Freud, Adler, Jung, and Rogers. Objectives: To provide evidence that this criterion is present in the personality theory of Viktor Frankl and to present a comparative analysis of all six theories of personality. Results. The existential criterion for the normal and abnormal personality based on the works of Fromm is also implicitly present in theoretical conceptualizations of personality, predisposed and non-predisposed to developing various psychological problems and to mental disorders, by Freud, Adler, Jung, Rogers, and Frankl, although in more particular forms, related to more specific existential dichotomies, characterizing the nature of human life. Conclusion: The fact that the existential criterion is present in these six theories of personality, developed within totally different approaches to psychology and psychotherapy, is evidence of a high degree of its theoretical justification and of the possibility of their integration.}, language = {en} } @article{Kaličanin, author = {Kaličanin, Milena M.}, title = {>A progress that threatens all life<: Nature vs. nurture in Duncan Williamson's >Mary and the Seal< [>Напредак који угрожава живот<: питање природе и одгоја у причи Данкана Вилијамсона >Мери и фока<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, Vol. 50, No. 3 (2020), pp. 211-228. [Online ISSN 2217-8082] [doi.org/10.5937/ZRFFP50-28032]}, journal = {Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, Vol. 50, No. 3 (2020), pp. 211-228. [Online ISSN 2217-8082] [doi.org/10.5937/ZRFFP50-28032]}, abstract = {The paper first discusses two documentaries by Donna Read, >Signs Out of Time< (2004) and >Goddess Remembered< (1989), that focus on the pacific tradition of the female centered settlements on the territories of modern Eastern Europe in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Read depicts significant findings of a world-renowned archeologist Marija Gimbutas who claims that a peaceful image of Old Europe embodied in the omnipotent Great Mother changed radically towards the end of the third millennium when violent Indo-European nomads came from Russia and shattered the matriarchal utopia of equality and natural harmony. These tribes introduced the principles of hierarchy and violent male-rule. Read's and Gimbutas' findings are further developed and examined in the studies by Riana Eisler and Erich Fromm who also claim that conspicuous material aggrandizement of patriarchal culture severely damaged a blissful matriarchal bond between man and nature. These theoretical insights are applied to Williamson's compre hension of nature vs. nurture issue in >Mary and the Seal< (1997). In portraying a tender relationship between Mary and the seal, as well as its tragic and totally unnecessary shooting, contemporary patriarchal culture is brought to a trial. The mere existence of the bond between Mary and the seal, an embodiment of an idyllic matriarchal unity between man and nature, testifies to the prevalent need for the return to its substantial but long-forgotten values. The theoretical insights of Graves, Althusser, Freire, Fiske and Miller will also be used in the interpretation of the story.}, language = {en} } @article{Joo, author = {Joo, Kwang-Sun}, title = {성철 선사상의 서구철학과의 비교 [The Comparison of Seongcheol's Seon-Thought with the Occidental Philosophy]}, series = {코기토 [Cogito], Vol. 90 (2020), pp. 229-260.}, journal = {코기토 [Cogito], Vol. 90 (2020), pp. 229-260.}, abstract = {필자는 성철 선사상의 현대적 의미를 탐구하고자 한다. 그래서 필자는 상호문화철학의 유비의 해석학을 이용하여 성철을 서구 철학과 비교한다. 비교는 한 쪽에 다른 쪽을 포섭시키는 것이 아니라, 양자 사이에 관계를 하나 형성하는 것이다. 우선 데카르트는 성철과 의심이라는 지점에서 겹친다. 양자 모두 모든 것에 대해서 주체적으로 그리고 극단적으로 의심한다. 그러나 데카르트가 의심을 확실한 지식을 발견하기 위한 수단으로 사용하는데 반해서 성철은 어디에도 안주하지 않는다. 그러므로 망상으로부터 해방되려고 한다는 측면에서 볼 때 성철은 근대의 시초인 데카르트보다 근대 비판가들인 마르크스나 프로이트와 더 많이 겹친다. 마르크스는 인간이 생산관계의 이데올로기적 반영과 반향에 사로잡혀 있음을 밝힌다. 그리고 프롬에 따르자면 사회가 의식을 구성한다. 성철은 혁명을 꿈꾸지 않는다. 다만 깨달음을 통해서 마르크스나 프로이트가 주목하는 것을 포함해서 온갖 망상으로부터 해방되기를 원한다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Helderman, author = {Helderman, Ira}, title = {Heeding Erich Fromm's Warning}, series = {Tricycle Magazine. The Buddhist Review, Vol. 30 (No. 2, Winter 2020).}, journal = {Tricycle Magazine. The Buddhist Review, Vol. 30 (No. 2, Winter 2020).}, language = {en} } @article{HardieBick, author = {Hardie-Bick, James}, title = {Mass Violence and the Continuum of Destruction: A study of C. P. Taylor's >Good<}, series = {International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de S{\´e}miotique juridique, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2020), pp. 477-495. [ISSN 1572-8722] [doi.org/10.1007/s11196-020-09718-5]}, journal = {International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de S{\´e}miotique juridique, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2020), pp. 477-495. [ISSN 1572-8722] [doi.org/10.1007/s11196-020-09718-5]}, abstract = {There are important studies that have directly focused on how, in times of conflict, it is possible for previously law abiding people to commit the most atrocious acts of cruelty and violence. The work of Erich Fromm (>Escape from Freedom<), Hannah Arendt (>Eichmann in Jerusalem<), Zygmunt Bauman (>Modernity and the Holocaust<) and Ernest Becker (>Escape from Evil<) have all contemplated the driving force of aggression and mass violence to further our understanding of how people are capable of engaging in extreme forms of cruelty and violence. This paper specifically addresses these issues by focusing on C. P. Taylor's play >Good<. This provocative play examines how a seemingly >good< and intelligent university professor can gradually become caught up in the workings of the Third Reich. Taylor highlights the importance of appreciating how people can be steadily incorporated into an ideologically destructive system. I argue that the theatre is a powerful medium to explore these complex issues. The audience of >Good< find themselves confronted with the following question - >What would you have done?<}, language = {en} } @article{GonzalezGroba, author = {Gonz{\´a}lez Groba, Constante}, title = {Internal Colonialism and the Wasteland Theme in Ron Rash's >Serena< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, Vol. 42, No. 2 (2020), pp. 119-137. [Online ISSN 1989-6840] [doi.org/10.28914/Atlantis-2020-42.2.06]}, journal = {Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, Vol. 42, No. 2 (2020), pp. 119-137. [Online ISSN 1989-6840] [doi.org/10.28914/Atlantis-2020-42.2.06]}, abstract = {Ron Rash's >Serena< (2008) is about the clash between northern industrialists who cut timber in southern Appalachia and conservationists who want the area converted into a national park. Set during the Depression, it also addresses our own times of unchecked greed and environmental holocaust. This article relates the situation of internal colonialism, which turns the region into a sacrifice zone, with the theme of the wasteland. The latter is related in the novel not only to T. S. Eliot's poem but also to other works that Rash acknowledges as influences, including >Moby-Dick<, >The Great Gatsby< and Christopher Marlowe's tragedies about the will to power. Characterized by what Erich Fromm calls the exploitative orientation, Serena Pemberton wields hard power and embodies the rapaciousness of economy, in contrast to a local female character, who stands for ecology and soft power.}, language = {en} } @article{GomezVasallo, author = {G{\´o}mez Vasallo, Clarisbel}, title = {Psicoan{\´a}lisis y sociolog{\´i}a: La perspectiva contrahegem{\´o}nica de Erich Fromm para el estudio de la salud mental [Eric Fromm's Counter-Hegemonic Perspective for the Study of Mental Health] [Psican{\´a}lise e sociologia: a perspectiva contra-hegem{\^o}nica de Erich Fromm para o estudo da sa{\´u}de mental]}, series = {Revista temas sociol{\´o}gicos, No. 26 (2020), pp. 391-414. [Online ISSN 0719-6458] [ediciones.ucsh.cl/index.php/TSUCSH/article/view/2436/2032]}, journal = {Revista temas sociol{\´o}gicos, No. 26 (2020), pp. 391-414. [Online ISSN 0719-6458] [ediciones.ucsh.cl/index.php/TSUCSH/article/view/2436/2032]}, abstract = {La reflexi{\´o}n que en este espacio se presenta aborda la contemporaneidad del pensamiento del soci{\´o}logo, psic{\´o}logo y fil{\´o}sofo alem{\´a}n Erich Fromm para el estudio de la salud mental. Las crecientes preocupaciones por esta {\´a}rea de la salud, tanto en la agenda de las ciencias m{\´e}dicas como sociales y pol{\´i}ticas, dentro y fuera de nuestra regi{\´o}n, constituyen una de las principals motivaciones de estas l{\´i}neas. El inter{\´e}s fundamental de la autora ha estado en intentar visualizar la utilidad te{\´o}rica y metodol{\´o}gica de los estudios de este autor para el an{\´a}lisis emp{\´i}rico de dicha problem{\´a}tica, en tanto este favorecer{\´i}a los acercamientos a la misma desde una comprensi{\´o}n que no parcele la totalidad humana y su relaci{\´o}n con la naturaleza. Constituye este art{\´i}culo el resultado de los primeros avances de los estudios doctorales de la autora, enfrascados en un an{\´a}lisis de las relaciones que se tejen entre diversos factores sociales y el continuo salud-enfermedad mental en una cohorte de poblaci{\´o}n en edad laboral de la capital cubana. Las dimensiones estad{\´i}sticas de esta problem{\´a}tica en Cuba y los incipientes acercamientos hechos desde la sociolog{\´i}a en el contexto cubano a la misma devienen tambi{\´e}n en razones que han impulsado este inicio.}, language = {es} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {The >Unbounded< Self. Impacts of an Ego-Oriented Reconstruction of the Subject. Paper presented at the Conference >Digital Humanity< of the Societas Ethica, Evangelischen Akademie Tutzung, June 2020. [German version as Funk_R_2020g].}, language = {de} } @article{Fuchs, author = {Fuchs, Christian}, title = {Erich Fromm and the Critical Theory of Communication}, series = {Humanity \& Society, Vol. 44 (2020), pp. 298-325. [Online ISSN 2372-9708] [doi.org/10.1177/0160597620930157]}, journal = {Humanity \& Society, Vol. 44 (2020), pp. 298-325. [Online ISSN 2372-9708] [doi.org/10.1177/0160597620930157]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm (1900-1980) was a Marxist psychoanalyst, philosopher, and socialist humanist. This article asks: How can Fromm's critical theory of communication be used and updated to provide a critical perspective in the age of digital and communicative capitalism? In order to provide an answer, this article discusses elements from Fromm's work that allow us to better understand the human communication process. The focus is on communication (the second section), ideology (the third section), and technology (the fourth section). Fromm's approach can inform a critical theory of communication in multiple respects: His notion of the social character allows to underpin such a theory with foundations from critical psychology. Fromm's distinction between the authoritarian and the humanistic character can be used for discerning among authoritarian and humanistic communication. Fromm's work can also inform ideology critique: the ideology of having shapes life, thought, language, and social action in capitalism. In capitalism, technology (including computing) is fetishized and the logic of quantification shapes social relations. Fromm's quest for humanist technology and participatory computing can inform contemporary debates about digital capitalism and its alternatives.}, language = {en} } @article{Fuchs, author = {Fuchs, Christian}, title = {Death and Love: The Metaphysics of Communication, in: Communication and Capitalism - A Critical Theory, London (University of Westminster Press) 2020, pp. 313-336.}, language = {en} } @article{Fuchs, author = {Fuchs, Christian}, title = {Communication and Society, in: Communication and Capitalism - A Critical Theory, London (University of Westminster Press) 2020, pp. 69-108.}, language = {en} } @article{Fricke, author = {Fricke, Leander}, title = {Das autorit{\"a}re Charaktersyndrom bei Erich Fromm und Theodor W. Adorno, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Politik - Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte, Georg-August-Universit{\"a}t G{\"o}ttingen, Grin Verlag 2020, 20 pp.}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Herausarbeitung des autorit{\"a}ren, sadomasochistischen Charaktersyndroms, ferner soll untersucht werden welche Aspekte, welche Charakterz{\"u}ge des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters sich in den sp{\"a}teren Studien 1950 wiederfinden, die zuvor von Fromm beschrieben wurden und weitergehend, welche >neuen< Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsmerkmale bzw. Charakterz{\"u}ge von der Forschungsgruppe rund um Adorno erg{\"a}nzt wurden. Zuvor sollen jedoch die zwei Werke vorgestellt werden, um einen Einblick in die unterschiedlichen Forschungskonzepte zu gewinnen. Am Schluss werden die Ergebnisse zusammengefasst und es wird versucht grundlegende Unterschiede beider Autoren in ihren spezifischen Zug{\"a}ngen herauszuarbeiten. Die Autoritarismusforschung gilt als der erste empirische Beitrag dessen, was heutzutage unter dem kontrovers diskutierten Begriff der Rechtsextremismusforschung verstanden wird. Die durch Le Bon und Willhelm Reich, besonders aber Karl Marx und Sigmund Freud beeinflussten systematischen Forschungen des Frankfurter Instituts f{\"u}r Sozialforschung (IfS), gelten hierbei als die wegweisendsten Untersuchungen. Als bahnbrechende Innovation gilt der Versuch, den historischen Materialismus und die Psychoanalyse Freuds zu verkn{\"u}pfen. Die in dieser Hausarbeit betrachteten Werke des IfS, die Studien zu >Autorit{\"a}t und Familie< (1936), sowie die >Studien zum autorit{\"a}ren Charakter< (1950) gelten aus unterschiedlichen Gr{\"u}nden als Meilensteine der Sozialforschung, gleichwohl sie den hohen Anspruch des Institutsleiters Horkheimer, die >Durchdringung konstruktiver und empirischer Verfahrensweisen< mithilfe interdisziplin{\"a}rer Fachvertreter, zugunsten einer sich ann{\"a}hernden Kombination aus Theorie und Empirie, nie wirklich erreichten. Einer der theoretisch pr{\"a}gendsten Mitarbeiter der Anfangszeit des IfS war Erich Fromm, dessen Ausf{\"u}hrungen im Gemeinschaftswerk >Autorit{\"a}t und Familie< ein besonderer Stellenwert zugesprochen wird. [Amazon.co.uk]}, language = {de} } @article{DwiKristiantiFaridaTantiani, author = {Dwi_Kristianti, Aprilla and Farida Tantiani, Farah}, title = {The Meaning of Love and Love Orientation of Widows Based on Erich Fromm Perspective (A Study at St. Petrus Paulus Church, Wlingi, East Java, Indonesia)}, series = {World Conference on Gender Studies, KnE Social Sciences, pp. 303-311. [DOI 10.18502/kss.v4i10.7418]}, journal = {World Conference on Gender Studies, KnE Social Sciences, pp. 303-311. [DOI 10.18502/kss.v4i10.7418]}, abstract = {This study aims to explore the meaning of love and love orientation of Catholic widows based on Erich Fromm's theory. The research model used qualitative research with descriptive phenomenology, based on interviews among four widow members of St Peter Paulus church. This interview data was analysed using thematic analysis techniques. The results showed the participants interpreted love as an effort to give what they have. Participant's love orientation tends to be stronger towards children and God. Meanwhile, other orientations were also found namely grandchildren, nieces, neighbours, deceased spouses, friends and themselves. Productive love is experienced primarily in relationships with children, God, and people in their extended social spheres. Relationships with partners and themselves become the least dominant relationships in the life of a widow and less interpreted with productive love. Based on the results of this study it is advisable to the church to add a counselling for their member who has loss their partner (spouse) so that they regain a sense of self-worth.}, language = {en} } @article{DannerDanner, author = {Danner, Leno Francisco and Danner, Fernando}, title = {Political praxis, social analysis and western modernization: a theoretical-political route for critical social theory}, series = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia, 20, No. 2 (2020), pp. 154-173.}, journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia, 20, No. 2 (2020), pp. 154-173.}, abstract = {This paper criticizes the emphasis placed by contemporary social theory and political philosophy on institutionalism as the basis for the understanding, legitimation and changing of institutions, or social systems, and society as a whole. The more impactful characteristic of institutionalism is its technical-logical structuring, based on an impartial, neutral and formal proceduralism that autonomizes social systems in relation to political praxis and social normativity, depoliticizing these social systems. Here, they are no longer depoliticized, but assume political centrality as the fundamental social subjects of the legitimation and evolution of institutions and society. The paper's central argument is that it is necessary to re-politicize the institutions and the social subjects or social classes in order to ground and streamline a direct political praxis and the civil society's social-political subjects as the basis for framing and legitimizing the current process of Western modernization. Recovering the politicity and the carnality of institutions, of social classes and of the evolution of society, is the fundamental task for a contemporary critical social theory that faces the strong institutionalism based on systemic theory. Such politicization is the unforgettable teaching of Karl Marx and Erich Fromm: the institutions have political content and political subjects, they are the result of social struggles for hegemony between opposed social classes which are political. Now, such politicity-carnality must be unveiled and used for an emancipatory democratic political praxis as the route for social analysis and political change, in opposition to the technical-logical understanding both of the institutions and of the social subjects.}, language = {en} } @article{Cynarski, author = {Cynarski, Wojciech J.}, title = {Przeciwdziałanie agresji i przemocy na drodze sztuk walki [Counteracting Aggression and Violence on the Path of Martial Arts]}, series = {Edukacja, Terapia, Opieka, No. 2 (2020), pp. 40-55.}, journal = {Edukacja, Terapia, Opieka, No. 2 (2020), pp. 40-55.}, abstract = {Autor przedstawia perspektywę społeczno-kulturową uczenia się agresji i przemocy z gł{\´o}wnym odniesieniem do kultury sportowej. Proble¬my agresji i destrukcyjności analizowane są w świetle koncepcji Aronsona, Fromma i innych teoretyk{\´o}w. Ukazano też historyczną perspektywę brutaliza¬cji sportu i instytucjonalnej tego akceptacji. Podjęto dyskusję dotyczącą traf¬ności eksplikacji zjawiska agresji. Od teorii ludzkiej destrukcyjności Ericha Fromma autor przechodzi do jej aplikacji - propozycji przeciwdziałania agre¬sywności z wykorzystaniem środk{\´o}w kultury fizycznej. Ot{\´o}ż „Humanistyczna Teoria Sztuk Walki", komplementarna wobec koncepcji Fromma, i same umie¬jętnie nauczane sztuki walki w ich tradycyjnej postaci są drogami przeciwdziałania agresywności i dobrym sposobem profilaktyki przemocy.}, language = {pl} } @article{CottaCampos, author = {Cotta, Denis and Campos, Fabiano Victor}, title = {A concep{\c{c}}{\~a}o de amor como arte e a sua rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o com a f{\´e}: contribui{\c{c}}{\~o}es do pensamento de Erich Fromm [The conception of love as art and its relationship to faith: contributions of Erich Fromm's thought]}, series = {Plura - Revista de Estudos de Religi{\~a}o, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2020, pp. 63-89. [ISSN 2179-0019]}, journal = {Plura - Revista de Estudos de Religi{\~a}o, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2020, pp. 63-89. [ISSN 2179-0019]}, abstract = {O presente artigo aborda a concep{\c{c}}{\~a}o de amor de Erich Fromm na sua rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o com a f{\´e}. O ato de amar, segundo o autor em foco, deve ser considerado uma atividade produtiva e interna, que se fundamenta em um aprimoramento das potencialidades ps{\´i}quicas e emocionais do sujeito. Al{\´e}m disso, de acordo com Fromm, para amar verdadeiramente, {\´e} necess{\´a}ria a f{\´e}, que {\´e} concebida como um tra{\c{c}}o de car{\´a}ter, sendo, assim, pass{\´i}vel de desenvolvimento. No que tange {\`a} metodologia, este estudo pretende empreender uma leitura anal{\´i}tica das obras A arte de amar, An{\´a}lise do homem e A revolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o da esperan{\c{c}}a, todas de autoria de Erich Fromm, al{\´e}m de recorrer a trabalhos de comentadores do psicanalista humanista. Como objetivo principal, este artigo pretende elucidar as contribui{\c{c}}{\~o}es do pensamento frommiano no que diz respeito {\`a} rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o entre a f{\´e} e o ato de amar. Pretendemos mostrar que, de acordo com Fromm, para o dom{\´i}nio da arte de amar, {\´e} necess{\´a}rio que o sujeito aprimore o seu car{\´a}ter em favor de uma orienta{\c{c}}{\~a}o produtiva, ou seja, {\´e} preciso que o indiv{\´i}duo rompa com o narcisismo por interm{\´e}dio da f{\´e} racional, desenvolva a humildade de reconhecer suas pr{\´o}prias limita{\c{c}}{\~o}es e potencialidades, e utilize a raz{\~a}o como um instrumento que o permita visualizar a pessoa amada como de fato ela {\´e}, e n{\~a}o como gostaria que ela fosse.}, language = {pt} }