@misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {F{\´e}rfi {\´e}s n{\"o}. Sexu{\´a}lpszichol{\´o}giai tanulm{\´a}nyok, Budapest (Akad{\´e}miai Kiad{\´o}) 1996.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @article{VariSzilagyi, author = {V{\´a}ri Szil{\´a}gyi, I.}, title = {Gondolatok as emberr{\"o}l II (L'homme comme {\^e}tre social)}, series = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 794-800.}, journal = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 794-800.}, language = {mul} } @article{Pfitzner, author = {Pfitzner, R.}, title = {Gondolatok Ferenczi S{\´a}ndor t{\´a}rsadalomfelfog{\´a}s{\´a}nak a pszichonalitikus technik{\´a}ra gyakorolt hat{\´a}s{\´a}r{\´o}l}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 20-30.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 20-30.}, language = {mul} } @article{Koch, author = {Koch, J{\´o}zsef}, title = {Jellemstruktura {\´e}s t{\´a}rsadalom. Nemzetk{\"o}zi Erich Fromm konferencia P{\´e}csett [Charakterstruktur und Gesellschaft. Eine Konferenz der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft in P{\´e}cs,}, series = {Thalassa. Pszichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 119-120.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pszichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 119-120.}, language = {mul} } @article{Schelling, author = {Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm J.}, title = {J{\´e}nai eszt{\´e}tika (1803)}, series = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 53-88.}, journal = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 53-88.}, language = {mul} } @article{Lukacs, author = {Luk{\´a}cs, J.}, title = {Kih{\´i}v{\´a}s {\´e}s s{\"u}rget{\´e}s. Gondolatok Acz{\´e}l Gy{\"o}rgy k{\"o}nyv{\´e}nek olvas{\´a}sa k{\"o}zben (Pens{\´e}es en lisant le livre de Gy{\"o}rgy Acz{\´e}l)}, series = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 746-751.}, journal = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 746-751.}, language = {mul} } @article{Eroes, author = {Eroes, Ferenc}, title = {Kitekintes: Pszichoanalizis es szocialpszichologia}, series = {F. Er{\"o}s, Pszichoanalizis, Freudizmus, Freudimarxizmus, Bundapest (Gondolat) 1986, pp. 185-217.}, journal = {F. Er{\"o}s, Pszichoanalizis, Freudizmus, Freudimarxizmus, Bundapest (Gondolat) 1986, pp. 185-217.}, language = {mul} } @article{Litvan, author = {Litv{\´a}n, G.}, title = {Kollet{\´i}v elfojt{\´a}s - tot{\´a}lis rendszerek}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 47-52.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 47-52.}, language = {mul} } @article{Beszteraczey, author = {Beszteraczey, G.}, title = {Konzervat{\´i}v katolicizmus. Vittorio Messori interj{\´u}k{\"o}tete Joseph Ratzingerrel, a Hittani Kongreg{\´a}ci{\´o} eln{\"o}k{\´e}vel (Sur la volume d'interviews donn{\´e}es par Joseph Ratzinger)}, series = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 788-789.}, journal = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 788-789.}, language = {mul} } @article{Roed, author = {Roed, W.}, title = {Kritikai racionalizmus {\´e}s filoz{\´o}fiat{\"o}rt{\´e}net. (Megjegyz{\´e}sek K. R. Popper{\"o}l mint filoz{\´o}fiat{\"o}rt{\´e}n{\´e}szr{\"o}l)}, series = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 9-21.}, journal = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 9-21.}, language = {mul} } @article{Ferenczi, author = {Ferenczi, S{\´a}ndor}, title = {K{\´e}t Ferenczi-lev{\´e}l (Two Ferenczi Letters)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 84-87.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 84-87.}, language = {mul} } @article{Gabor, author = {G{\´a}bor, B.}, title = {Lehets{\´e}ges-e spinozai etika?}, series = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 30-38.}, journal = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 30-38.}, language = {mul} } @article{Jaroszewski, author = {Jaroszewski, T. M.}, title = {Marx {\´e}s a vall{\´a}si elidegen{\"u}l{\´e}s probl{\´e}m{\´a}i (Marx et les probl{\`e}mes de L'ali{\´e}nation religieuse)}, series = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 729-736.}, journal = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 729-736.}, language = {mul} } @article{Szalai, author = {Szalai, J.}, title = {Medit{\´a}ci{\´o} egy szociol{\´o}giai gondolatmenet v{\´a}ltoz{\´a}s{\´a}r{\´o}l}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 61-70.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 61-70.}, language = {mul} } @article{Koch, author = {Koch, J.}, title = {Megalakult a Nemzetk{\"o}zi Erich Fromm T{\´a}rsas{\´a}g}, series = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyelo, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986, pp. 131-133.}, journal = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyelo, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986, pp. 131-133.}, language = {mul} } @article{Jadi, author = {J{\´a}di, F.}, title = {Meg{\´e}rte-m (I Understand)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 2, 1991), pp. 115-118.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 2, 1991), pp. 115-118.}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Menek{\"u}l{\´e}s a szabads{\´a}g el{\"o}l, Budapest (Akad{\´e}miai Kiad{\´o}) 1993.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @article{Koch, author = {Koch, J{\´o}zsef}, title = {Milyen v{\´a}ltoz{\´a}st hoz a gazdas{\´a}gi {\´a}talakul{\´a}s jellem{\"u}nkben? Nemzetk{\"o}zi tan{\´a}cskoz{\´a}s P{\´e}csett az emberi kapcsolatokr{\´o}l [Wie wirken die wirtschaftlichen {\"A}nderungen auf unseren Charakter aus? Internationale Tagung in P{\´e}cs {\"u}ber die zwischenmenschlichen Verh{\"a}ltnis}, series = {Uj Dun{\´a}ntuli Napl{\´o}, P{\´e}cs, 25. 8. 1990.}, journal = {Uj Dun{\´a}ntuli Napl{\´o}, P{\´e}cs, 25. 8. 1990.}, language = {mul} } @article{Heidegger, author = {Heidegger, Martin}, title = {Mit jelent a rendszer, {\´e}s hogyan jutunk el a rendszeralkot{\´a}shoz a filoz{\´o}fi{\´a}ban?}, series = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 39-49.}, journal = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 39-49.}, language = {mul} } @article{Brabant, author = {Brabant, E.}, title = {M{\´a} nistan{\"o}, abagy mi marad meg? (Ma Nishtanah, or what Remains?)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 54-63.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 54-63.}, language = {mul} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Nem {\´e}s karakter}, series = {E. Fromm, F{\´e}rfi {\´e}s n{\"o}. Sexu{\´a}lpszichol{\´o}giai tanulm{\´a}nyok, Budapest (Akad{\´e}miai Kiad{\´o}) 1996, pp. 15-40.}, journal = {E. Fromm, F{\´e}rfi {\´e}s n{\"o}. Sexu{\´a}lpszichol{\´o}giai tanulm{\´a}nyok, Budapest (Akad{\´e}miai Kiad{\´o}) 1996, pp. 15-40.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @article{Montinari, author = {Montinari, M.}, title = {Nietsche hagyat{\´e}ka 1888-ig avagy a sz{\"o}vegkritika {\´e}s A hatalom akar{\´a}sa}, series = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 95-114.}, journal = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 95-114.}, language = {mul} } @article{Endre, author = {Endre, K.}, title = {Nietzsche - titkok n{\´e}lk{\"u}l - az {\´u}j {\´e}rtelmez{\´e}s k{\"u}sz{\"o}b{\´e}n}, series = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 89-94.}, journal = {Filoz{\´o}fiai Figyel{\"o}, Budapest, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1986), pp. 89-94.}, language = {mul} } @article{Gaspar, author = {G{\´a}sp{\´a}r, J. B.}, title = {Nyelvzavar {\´e}s ford{\´i}t{\´a}s a m{\´e}lyl{\´e}lektani gondolkod{\´a}s t{\"o}rt{\´e}net{\´e}ben (Confusion of Tongue and Translation in the History of Deep Psychological Thinking)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 2, 1991), pp. 19-29.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 2, 1991), pp. 19-29.}, language = {mul} } @article{Bacso, author = {Bacs{\´o}, B.}, title = {N{\´e}h{\´a}ny bevezet{\"o} megjegyz{\´e}s a pszichoanal{\´i}zis {\´e}s a hermeneutika viszony{\´a}hoz (Introductory Remarks on the Relationship between Psychoanalysis and Hermeneutics)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 2, 1991), pp. 3-4.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 2, 1991), pp. 3-4.}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Olyanok lesztek, mint az isten. Az Otestamentum {\´e}s hagyom{\´a}ny{\´a}nak radik{\´a}lis {\´e}rtelmez{\´e}se, Budapest (Akad{\´e}miai Kiad{\´o}) 1996.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @article{Lejbin, author = {Lejbin, V. M.}, title = {Psizchoanalzis {\´e}s neofreudizmus, Budapest (Kossuth) 1982, pp. 216-236.}, language = {mul} } @book{Eroes, author = {Eroes, Ferenc}, title = {Pszichoanalizis, Freudizmus, Freudimarxizmus (espec. chapter >Kitekintes: Pszichoanalizis es szocialpszichologia,< pp. 185-217, Bundapest (Gondolat) 1986.}, language = {mul} } @article{Steele, author = {Steele, R.}, title = {Pszichoanal{\´i}zis {\´e}s hermeneutika (Psychoanalysis and Hermeneutics)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 2, 1991), pp. 63-81.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 2, 1991), pp. 63-81.}, language = {mul} } @article{Ferenczi, author = {Ferenczi, S{\´a}ndor}, title = {Pszichoanal{\´i}zis {\´e}s pedag{\´o}gia (Psychoanalysis and Pedagogy)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 76-83.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 76-83.}, language = {mul} } @article{Eroes, author = {Er{\"o}s, Ferenc}, title = {Pszichoanal{\´i}zis {\´e}s politika: Kih{\´i}v{\´a}sok {\´e}s v{\´a}laszok [Psychoanalysis and Politics: Challenges and Responses], Lecture, given at the 19th Autumn Conference of the Magyar Pszichoanalitikus Egyes{\"u}let (MPE), October 6, 2012, edited version, 19 pp. [real.mtak.hu/9039]}, abstract = {A tanulm{\´a}ny {\´a}ttekinti a pszichoanal{\´i}zis t{\´a}rsadalomk{\´e}p{\´e}nek, a t{\´a}rsadalmi {\´e}s politikai folyamatokr{\´o}l alkotott felfog{\´a}s{\´a}nak v{\´a}ltoz{\´a}sait az elm{\´u}lt t{\"o}bb mint egy {\´e}vsz{\´a}zadban. A frankfurti iskola >kritikai elm{\´e}let{\´e}ből<, Adorno, Erich Fromm {\´e}s Wilhelm Reich munk{\´a}ss{\´a}g{\´a}b{\´o}l kiindulva foglalkozik a hatalmi orient{\´a}ci{\´o}, illetve a tekint{\´e}lyelvűs{\´e}g probl{\´e}m{\´a}j{\´a}val. Megvizsg{\´a}lja, hogy a huszadik sz{\´a}zad politikai eszm{\´e}i {\´e}s ideol{\´o}gi{\´a}i (k{\"o}zt{\"u}k a marxizmus, a szocializmus, a feminizmus, a posztmodern gondolkod{\´a}s) milyen kih{\´i}v{\´a}sokat jelentettek a pszichoanal{\´i}zis sz{\´a}m{\´a}ra. V{\´e}g{\"u}l, felteszi azt a k{\´e}rd{\´e}st, hogy t{\"o}rt{\´e}nelmi traum{\´a}k {\´e}s totalit{\´a}rius diktat{\´u}r{\´a}k tapasztalatai ut{\´a}n van-e {\´e}rv{\´e}nyes mondanival{\´o}ja a pszichoanal{\´i}zisnek a nem-traumatikus, demokratikus folyamatokr{\´o}l.}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Pszichoanal{\´i}zis {\´e}s Zen-buddhizmus}, series = {D.T. Suzuki and E. Fromm, Zen-buddhizmus {\´e}s pszichoanal{\´i}zis, Budapest (Helikon Kiad{\´o}) 1989, pp. 111-214.}, journal = {D.T. Suzuki and E. Fromm, Zen-buddhizmus {\´e}s pszichoanal{\´i}zis, Budapest (Helikon Kiad{\´o}) 1989, pp. 111-214.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @misc{OPUS4-21737, title = {Pszichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadolom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (Cser{\´e}pfalvi K{\"o}nyvkiad{\´o}) 1990ff.}, language = {mul} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Pszichoanal{\´i}zis: tudom{\´a}ny vagy p{\´a}rth{\"u}s{\´e}g?}, series = {Thalassa, Budapest Band 2 (No. 1, 1991), pp. 98-104}, journal = {Thalassa, Budapest Band 2 (No. 1, 1991), pp. 98-104}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @misc{Biro, author = {Bir{\´o}, Zsuzsanna}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: Escape from Freedom (1941a, Hungarian): Erich Fromm >szabads{\´a}g< - {\´e}rtelmez{\´e}se {\´e}s a jelenkor felelőss{\´e}ge}, series = {Iskolakult{\´u}ra (2004/5), pp.126-129. [real.mtak.hu/60437/1/EPA00011_iskolakultura_2004_05_126-129.pdf]}, journal = {Iskolakult{\´u}ra (2004/5), pp.126-129. [real.mtak.hu/60437/1/EPA00011_iskolakultura_2004_05_126-129.pdf]}, abstract = {A modern demokr{\´a}ci{\´a}k sem oldott{\´a}k meg az >{\´e}n< szabads{\´a}g{\´a} nak k{\´e}rd{\´e}s{\´e}t, sőt a demokratikus berendezked{\´e}sű t{\´a}rsadalmakban kialakult a szabads{\´a}g előli menek{\"u}l{\´e}snek egy teljesen saj{\´a}tos {\´u}tja. Fromm megl{\´a}t{\´a}sa szerint (s ennek {\´e}rv{\´e}nye ma m{\´e}g erősebb, mint a k{\"o}nyv meg{\´i}r{\´a}sakor volt): ahelyett, hogy az egy{\´e}n megőriz n{\´e} {\´e}nje integrit{\´a}s{\´a}t, {\´e}s spont{\´a}n m{\´o}don reag{\´a}lna k{\"o}rnyezet{\´e}re, ink{\´a}bb >megszűnik {\"o}nmaga len ni, s teljes m{\´e}rt{\´e}kben a kultur{\´a}lis mint{\´a}k felk{\´i}n{\´a}lta szem{\´e}lyis{\´e}gmodellt teszi mag{\´a}{\´e}v{\´a}.<}, language = {mul} } @misc{Nagy, author = {Nagy, S. P.}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Art of Loving. An Inquiry into the Nature of Love (1956a-0, Hungarian)}, series = {Val{\´o}s{\´a}g. Zeitschrift zur Verbreitung Wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse, Budapest No. 5 (1985).}, journal = {Val{\´o}s{\´a}g. Zeitschrift zur Verbreitung Wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse, Budapest No. 5 (1985).}, language = {mul} } @misc{Anonymus1996a, author = {Anonymus-1996a,}, title = {Review Internationale Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, Die Charaktermauer}, series = {Pszichoter{\´a}pia, Budapest No. 1, Februar 1996, pp. 72f.}, journal = {Pszichoter{\´a}pia, Budapest No. 1, Februar 1996, pp. 72f.}, language = {mul} } @article{Doemoetoer, author = {Doemoetoer, T.}, title = {R{\´o}heim G{\´e}za {\´u}jrafelfedez{\´e}se (Red{\´e} couverte de G{\´e}za R{\´o}heim)}, series = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 775-777.}, journal = {Vil{\´a}goss{\´a}g, Budapest, Vol. XXVI (No. 12, 1985), pp. 775-777.}, language = {mul} } @article{Walman, author = {Walman, Benjamin}, title = {Seramim Ba Chinuch u-Ba Psychologia: Erich Fromm (hebrew) [Tendencies in Pedagogic and in Psychology: Erich Fromm]}, series = {Schvile-HaChinuch [Ways of Education], New York Vol. 13 (No. 3, 1953), pp. 131-140.}, journal = {Schvile-HaChinuch [Ways of Education], New York Vol. 13 (No. 3, 1953), pp. 131-140.}, language = {mul} } @article{Somlyo, author = {Somly{\´o}, Z.}, title = {Somly{\´o} Zolt{\´a}n ismeretlen Ferenczi-interj{\´u}ja (Zolt{\´a}n Somly{\´o}'s unknown interview with Ferenczi)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 88-91.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 88-91.}, language = {mul} } @article{Bokay, author = {B{\´o}kay, A.}, title = {Sorfordul{\´o}k a pszichoanal{\´i}zisben (Turning Points on Psychoanalysis)}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 25-43.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1991), pp. 25-43.}, language = {mul} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Szexualit{\´a}s {\´e}s karakter}, series = {E. Fromm, F{\´e}rfi {\´e}s n{\"o}. Sexu{\´a}lpszichol{\´o}giai tanulm{\´a}nyok, Budapest (Akad{\´e}miai Kiad{\´o}) 1996, pp. 57-70.}, journal = {E. Fromm, F{\´e}rfi {\´e}s n{\"o}. Sexu{\´a}lpszichol{\´o}giai tanulm{\´a}nyok, Budapest (Akad{\´e}miai Kiad{\´o}) 1996, pp. 57-70.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @article{Eroes, author = {Eroes, Ferenc}, title = {Technique as Politics: The Contribution of S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi to Analytic Social Psychology Budapest, 17 pp. (Typoscript).}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 13-19.}, journal = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 13-19.}, language = {mul} } @article{Szekacs, author = {Sz{\´e}k{\´a}cs, J.}, title = {T{\´u}l{\´e}l{\´e}si strat{\´e}gi{\´a}k pszichoanalitikus szemmel}, series = {Thalassa. Pzichoanal{\´i}zis - T{\´a}rsadalom - Kult{\´u}ra, Budapest (No. 1, 1990), pp. 39-42.}, journal = {Thalassa. 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