@article{Śliwerski, author = {Śliwerski, Boguslaw}, title = {The Idea of the Exclusion of Necrophilic Attitudes in Critical Psychology of Erich Fromm}, series = {Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2020), pp. 7-20.}, journal = {Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2020), pp. 7-20.}, abstract = {The subject of the analysis is the category of the inclusion as a process that does not only apply to people with special developmental or life needs, but also to social sciences, which as a result of the positivist research paradigm have divided and separated from each other. Meanwhile, human upbringing requires the inclusion of biophilic orientation towards life in all social sciences, whose achievements should be considered and applied to improve educational processes. The Author borrows inspiration from the typology of human attitudes of Erich Fromm, because it makes readers aware of the negative effects of necrophilia in interpersonal relationships. The Author analyses Fromm's approach against the background of selected ideas of Polish pedagogical views.}, language = {en} } @article{ZuhdiHayatullah, author = {Zuhdi, Muhammad Luthfi and Hayatullah, Imam Khomaeni}, title = {Narrative for Terrorism and Transnationalism ISIS Theology through the Doctrine of Religion}, series = {Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015]}, journal = {Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015]}, abstract = {Acts of terrorism seem to never run out of Indonesia, from independence to the present day. Including the ideals of the establishment of an >Islamic State< that gave rise to a new wave of terrorism. The JAD group affiliated with ISIS clearly states that the Indonesian republic is thogut, so it is haram to be obedient to it, and they commit an act of terror some time ago. ISIS cleverly uses religious propositions to recruit new members. The verses of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet became his legitimacy. The concept of Hijra, Necrophilia and millenarism became the main doctrine of the ISIS. ISIS uses this narrative to facilitate and call for action in Indonesia. Suicide bombing, police station attack carried out by sympathizers, either JAD members or lone wolf. ISIS also utilizes social media well, this facilitates the idea of necrophilia, millenarism of ISIS is practiced by its sympathizers. Through qualitative and text analysis and the idea approach, necrophilia from Erich Fromm and millenarism from Norman Cohn, and other narrative this research is intended to make counter narrative of ISIS, so that the emergence is the concept of biophilia and optimism against the times and build a better future.}, language = {en} } @misc{ZibullaFunk, author = {Zibulla, Stefan and Funk, Rainer}, title = {Die Gesellschaft bestimmt viele unserer W{\"u}nsche. Wie Rainer Funk die Sozialpsychologie von Erich Fromm interpretiert und weiterentwickelt. Stefan Zibulla und Rainer Funk}, series = {die kleine. Zeitschrift f{\"u}r die besten Lebensjahre, T{\"u}bingen (Schw{\"a}bisches Tagblatt) November / Dezember 2020, pp. 6 f.}, journal = {die kleine. Zeitschrift f{\"u}r die besten Lebensjahre, T{\"u}bingen (Schw{\"a}bisches Tagblatt) November / Dezember 2020, pp. 6 f.}, language = {de} } @article{Zepf, author = {Zepf, Siegfried}, title = {Psychoanalytic treatments and empirical research on their efficacy: A commentary}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 096-103.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 096-103.}, abstract = {The author summarizes the problems inherent in nomological approaches examining the efficacy of psychoanalysis as a form of treatment. He argues that nomologically oriented research operates with assumptions lacking empirical foundation and, moreover, that studies of this type merely give the impression of the effectiveness of psychoanalytic therapies while overlooking the specificity of the psychoanalytic method. He suggests that research into psychoanalytic treatments should not be subjected to a nomological conception of science, and that structural analysis of treatment courses should be examined and systematized within the frame of psychoanalytic treatment theory relative to their outcome. Given this approach, and provided that the theory of treatment is based on conceptual common ground, such studies would enable a prognostic conclusion that psychoanalytic treatments are successful, providing that the sequences generalized in the treatment theory do actually take place in treatments that take patients' individuality into account.}, language = {en} } @article{Yerushalmi, author = {Yerushalmi, Hanoch}, title = {Supervisees' paradoxical need for knowledge}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 224-233.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 224-233.}, abstract = {Supervisors who wish to meet their supervisees' needs to grow as clinicians will encounter two paradoxical knowledge-related needs of supervisees. On one pole of this paradox is their need to assimilate new knowledge into their existing clinical knowledge; on the other pole is their need for acknowledgement, validation, and formulation of their unique experiential and unarticulated knowledge. Meeting this need helps the supervisees to balance regressive states and painful gaps between their own and their supervisors' knowledge, which might put the supervisory relationship at risk.}, language = {en} } @article{Yerushalmi, author = {Yerushalmi, Hanoch}, title = {Achieving and dissolving closures in supervision}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 234-241.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 234-241.}, abstract = {Therapists' quest for constructing meaning systems of their patients' experiences progresses in cycles. These cycles consist of: (1) efforts to achieve closures, propelled by the depressive position with its concomitant judgments, resolutions, and decisiveness, and (2) efforts to dissolve closures, propelled by the schizo-paranoid position, searching anxiously and excitedly for new ways to construct meaning. By struggling to facilitate their supervisees' cycles of achieving and dissolving closures, supervisors help them to grow as clinicians. Supervisees usually welcome the supervisors' help in constructing meaning systems and achieving closures. They become wary, however, when their supervisors suggest that they dismantle these systems and dissolve their closures because these suggestions undermine their self-assurance as well as their sense of morality, both nourished by the depressive position. Several approaches are suggested for supervisors to facilitate their supervisees' efforts to dissolve closures.}, language = {en} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Utopia szkoły, nieposłuszeństwo i przekład. Dwa biblijne mity w odczytaniach Ericha Fromma i George'a Steinera [Utopia of School, Disobedience, and Translation Two Biblical Myths in the Interpretation of Erich Fromm and George Steiner]}, series = {Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04]}, journal = {Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04]}, abstract = {Można przyjąć, że dwa biblijne mity - o wyjściu Adama i Ewy z ogrodu Eden oraz o budowniczych wieży Babel - są interesującymi ekspresjami wyobra{\'{z}}ni utopijnej, ponieważ opowiadają o dw{\´o}ch miejscach, w kt{\´o}rych na dwa odmienne sposoby realizowano projekty wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Wsp{\´o}łcześnie jednym z takich miejsc, kt{\´o}re możemy rozumieć jako niejednoznaczny efekt realizacji utopii epoki rewolucji przemysłowej, jest szkoła - przestrzeń edukacji zaplanowana jako ważna część projektu wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Dwa oryginalne odczytania - autorstwa Ericha Fromma i George'a Steinera - przywołanych biblijnych mit{\´o}w posłużą wzbogaceniu o nowe wątki i podejścia dyskusji o kondycji wsp{\´o}łczesnej szkoły oraz dyskurs{\´o}w pedagogiki krytycznej czy pedagogiki oporu i pedagogiki hermeneutycznej.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wohlfahrt, author = {Wohlfahrt, Tom}, title = {Keine Furcht mehr vor der Freiheit. Ein radikaler Humanist: Zum 120. Geburtstag von Erich Fromm}, series = {Neues Deutschland. Online 22. M{\"a}rz 2020.}, journal = {Neues Deutschland. Online 22. M{\"a}rz 2020.}, language = {de} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Carla}, title = {The unknown and the horrific in the appearance of evil: On the borderline of presence and absence in transference and countertransference relationships}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 148-158.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 148-158.}, abstract = {Psychotherapists currently find themselves considering the extent to which sociopolitical and economic issues in a globalized world can affect the evolutionary nature of the psychic organizations sustaining the individual. It seems we are mostly witnessing a weakening of the psychic structures that contain and maintain a sufficient and constant level of integration and unity of sense within the individual-world relationship. Patients frequently come into analysis with invalidating states of anxiety, panic attacks, and the explosion of sudden psychotic crises, accompanied by experiences of depersonalization and derealization. What I would like to examine in depth relates to the influence of the trans-subjective in us as psychotherapists, committed to dealing with psychic disorders that involve us as persons emotionally and intellectually present in our times, with a sense of awareness and responsibility. The quality of the treatment depends, among other things, on the effective elaboration of fullness and emptiness that one generates in the resonance emerging from the process of transference and countertransference. The word, the presence, and the absence, physically and mentally, of the psychoanalyst and the patient are recognized as those activators of potential transformation which are an appropriate form of medicine at an analyst's disposal during the process of changing a pathogenic state.}, language = {en} } @article{Ventimiglia, author = {Ventimiglia, Giancarlo}, title = {A psychoanalytic interpretation of bipolar disorder}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 074-086.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 074-086.}, abstract = {The author proposes viewing mania as a form of defense against the state of depression resulting from >narcissistic overidentification with the depressive object< (i.e., the object in relation to which the depressive state developed), rather than as a periodic rebellion against such an internalized object. An account of the analytic psychotherapy of a clinical case of bipolar depression serves to illustrate this point of view, linked to the author's specific conception of the dynamics of depression.}, language = {en} } @article{VarelaFregoso, author = {Varela Fregoso, Pablo Javier}, title = {Es vigente el psicoanalisis en el mundo actual? Salud mental y globalizacion}, series = {Revista Digital del Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalysis, Vol 1 (2020).}, journal = {Revista Digital del Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalysis, Vol 1 (2020).}, language = {es} } @article{Vanni, author = {Vanni, Fabio}, title = {The labor of fragility: Malaise in the natives of the new millennium}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 164-168.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 164-168.}, abstract = {In this study we collocate adolescence within a broader and more present-day scenario than has been the case in psychological and psychoanalytic literature in recent years. Our analysis of this evolutionary passage and its malaise includes contextual and other aspects that condition its real development. We consider the features of contemporary Western society and naturally place them within an increasingly planetary vision of the subject, given that the culture pervading the Western world, although complex, appears to be sufficiently uniform with some specific aspects. We propose a contemporary interpretation of the developmental process of the second decade of life and the forms of malaise it can produce. In this respect, two adolescent conditions are emblematic: self-closure and anorexiform eating disorders. These conditions express paradigmatically some characteristics of subjective adolescent malaise.}, language = {en} } @article{Terranova, author = {Terranova, Rita}, title = {Integrating the Stranger: Travelling across identity boundaries}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 142-147.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 142-147.}, abstract = {In the present historical context, migratory flows have acquired a particular political and social relevance by showing a deep imbalance in the globalized world. Those who migrate to wealthy countries due to wars or extreme poverty do not have an identity that can be homogenized; they are aliens, strangers carrying destabilizing life experiences. The meeting between the new idea-content represented by the Stranger and the receiving group-container can therefore have catastrophic consequences. The author's reflection aims to focus on the significance of the figure of the Stranger and on the condition that might support an integration process, starting from an analogy between the collective dynamics of the social environment and the individual psychical ones as experienced in the psychoanalytic setting.}, language = {en} } @article{Sznajderski, author = {Sznajderski, Tadeusz}, title = {Ericha Fromma koncepcja człowieka jako podmiotu miłości [Erich Fromm's Concept of Man as the Subject of Love]}, series = {Przegląd Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020), pp. 133-143. [doi.org/10.24425/pfns.2020.133980]}, journal = {Przegląd Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020), pp. 133-143. [doi.org/10.24425/pfns.2020.133980]}, abstract = {The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Stern, author = {Stern, Stefan}, title = {Review Maccoby, M., Fuchsman, K. (Eds.), The >madness< of King Donald Trump}, series = {https://medium.com/@stefanstern1/the-madness-of-king-donald-trump-b96d406ade9c}, journal = {https://medium.com/@stefanstern1/the-madness-of-king-donald-trump-b96d406ade9c}, language = {en} } @article{Silver, author = {Silver, Catherine B.}, title = {Fromm's Socio-Psychoanalytic Conceptualization of the Clinical Encounter in Relation to the Social Third}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 115-134.}, volume = {e24/2020e}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 115-134.}, abstract = {Abstract: In this paper, I discuss Fromm's theories of individual and social change within the therapeutic context. I don't know of any psychoanalyst who was able to integrate so-ciological thinking with clinical practice and conceptualization the way Fromm did in the early part of the century. On the surface, these two approaches seem incompatible - at least in their methodologies - yet they complemented each other, as Erich Fromm (1929a; 1944a) and Rainer Funk (2018) have demonstrated so clearly. My presentation today is an exercise in microanalysis rather than a broad theoretical discussion about psychic and social change. I want to show how Fromm's theoretical framework and clinical experience have shaped my own work. First, I explore Fromm's originality and discuss ways in which he has been personally marginalized and intellectually isolated as a pseudo-psychoanalyst. Then, I examine the overlap of psychoanalytic approaches as they related to the concept of social Third. Finally, I present fragments of a case to show how Fromm's theoretical and clinical ideas have influenced my own work.}, language = {en} } @article{Selk, author = {Selk, Veith}, title = {Revolte von rechts. Der Aufstieg des Retropopulismus als Reaktion auf gegenw{\"a}rtige Demokratieprobleme}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 124-140.}, volume = {d24/2020j}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 124-140.}, language = {de} } @misc{Schramm, author = {Schramm, Benjamin}, title = {Selbstverwirklichung und menschliche Reife - ein Vergleich von Erich Fromm und Abraham Maslow, Masterarbeit am Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaften der Philipps-Universit{\"a}t-Marburg, 2020, 211 pp.}, language = {de} } @article{SchmidNoerr, author = {Schmid Noerr, Gunzelin}, title = {Warum wir so handeln wollen, wie wir handeln m{\"u}ssen. Erich Fromm und das Institut f{\"u}r Sozialforschung}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 041-057.}, volume = {d24/2020c}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 041-057.}, language = {de} } @article{ScharffSehon, author = {Scharff, Jill Savege and Sehon, Caroline M.}, title = {The use of a simple writing task to enhance psychoanalytic education}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 215-223.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 215-223.}, abstract = {The authors describe a simple recurrent writing task called the >Two Page Paper Exercise,< designed to enhance candidates' learning of analytic theory and technique. They set this task in the context of other analytic institutes' writing programs and show that this exercise is unique. Their educational philosophy is that, as candidates confront multiple perspectives in contemporary psychoanalysis, this writing task develops their ability to conceptualize, reflect on their learning, integrate affect and cognition, and express their ideas to others in written form and in discussion with peers. The candidate group develops cohesion that reduces writing anxiety. As individuals they develop a writing habit that supports the eventual duty to develop the field of psychoanalysis through publishing. The authors present raw data from candidates' writing for readers to make their own assessment of the usefulness of the task as a measure of candidates' integration of learning, development of analytic sensibility and synthetic capacity, and communication of experience and ideas to others.}, language = {en} } @article{ScharffHedegard, author = {Scharff, Jill Savege and Hedegard, Pat}, title = {Change across a completed analysis assessed using a modified Three-Level Model}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 242-254.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 242-254.}, abstract = {The authors present their design for a clinical teaching exercise to study transformation in psychoanalysis. They chose a completed analysis from which to select the sessions retrospectively so that the clinical review exercise would not influence ongoing analytic process. The co-authors selected three tranches of clinical material, a few years apart, to be presented by the analyst. They studied the material with colleagues in the impressionistic manner of traditional clinical review, and then subjected it to more systematic examination, using a modified application of the Three-Level Model (3-LM) for assessing change. Their prediction was that the use of the 3-LM model could amplify the clinical impressions of the individual analyst and provide a way of being more specific about the changes, if any, that had occurred, and arrive at which theories best explained those changes.}, language = {en} } @article{Sauter, author = {Sauter, Stephanie}, title = {Innere Freiheit und ihre Bedeutung f{\"u}r eine gelingende p{\"a}dagogische Praxis}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 191-195.}, volume = {d24/2020m}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 191-195.}, language = {de} } @article{Sauka, author = {Sauka, Anne}, title = {The Nature of Our Becoming: Genealogical Perspectives}, series = {Le foucaldien, Vol. 6 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 1-30.}, journal = {Le foucaldien, Vol. 6 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 1-30.}, abstract = {In the light of Philipp Sarasin's work in Darwin und Foucault: Genealogie und Geschichte im Zeitalter der Biologie, the article delineates a genealogically articulated naturally produced culture and a cultured nature and discusses the genealogical implications of a carnal, becoming self in a world that could rightly be justified >as an aesthetical phenomenon.< The article demonstrates the historicity and processual materiality as a conceptual platform for a combination of the notions of experienced carnality and a socially constructed body, demonstrating such a historically embedded carnal body as a binding agent for the >social constructivist< and >biologist< approaches in sciences. Thus, the article builds a framework for the articulation of senseful, processual materiality on the backdrop of a nature-culture continuum via genealogy, suggesting the necessity for change of tone in the communication of human and life sciences via the understanding of a culturally endowed biology.}, language = {en} } @article{Sauka, author = {Sauka, Anne}, title = {A lack of meaning? Reactive nihilism and processual materiality}, series = {Approaching Religion, Vol. 10 (No. 2, November 2020), pp. 125-140.}, journal = {Approaching Religion, Vol. 10 (No. 2, November 2020), pp. 125-140.}, abstract = {This article explores the >lack of meaning< in contemporary society as a consequence of Western dualist thought paradigms and ontologies, via Gilles Deleuze's concept of >reactivenihilism< following the colloquial murder of God. The article then explores processual and new materialist approaches in the understanding of the lived and carnal self, arguing for immanent and senseful materiality as an ethical platform for religious, environmental, and societal solidarity for tomorrow. For the theoretical justification of the processual approach in understanding the enfleshed self, the article employs John Dupr{\´e}'s processual approach in the philosophy of biology, as well as Astrida Neimani's critical posthumanism, and contextualizes these considerations with Erich Fromm's ethical distinction of being and having.}, language = {en} } @article{SaenzFlores, author = {Saenz Flores, Valeria}, title = {Evolucion de la teoria del caracter social de Fro,, a nuestros tiempos}, series = {Revista Digital del Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalysis, Vol 1 (2020).}, journal = {Revista Digital del Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalysis, Vol 1 (2020).}, language = {es} } @article{RossiFerro, author = {Rossi, Rebecca Silvia and Ferro, Mattia}, title = {Skype as a protected means to live a relationship}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 188-191.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 188-191.}, abstract = {In this paper, we will analyze the dynamic and relational drivers behind the choice to embark on a therapy via Skype. The fear of relationships could be the origin of this choice. Can Skype be a means by which the patient's difficulties manifest themselves? We suggest that this is possible, and we will use the case of Matilde to show it. Matilde uses relationships to see herself, as she is unable to do this alone. She tries to find herself through others and the virtual world. She prefers to skip a session because the therapist's webcam is not working rather than having the session without them seeing each other. Can we speculate that Matilde feels lost when she is in contact with herself without an other's mediation? What are her fears? In this case, has Skype helped or slowed down the process? How would her borderline emptiness manifest itself in a traditional session? And what does it mean to live in the virtual world for a patient who tries to find herself through others? We will try to answer all of these questions, thinking about the functionality that technology has for some patients, for the therapist, and for the therapeutic process.}, language = {en} } @article{RosalesMendoza, author = {Rosales Mendoza, Jos{\´e} Manuel}, title = {Habitar en el exilio: casa Fromm y casa Bu{\~n}uel en M{\´e}xico}, series = {Ciencia ergo-sum, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-16. [Online ISSN 2395-8782] [cienciaergosum.uaemex.mx/article/view/12769/10875]}, journal = {Ciencia ergo-sum, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-16. [Online ISSN 2395-8782] [cienciaergosum.uaemex.mx/article/view/12769/10875]}, abstract = {Relacionado con la historia de la arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX, este art{\´i}culo expone y entrelaza la trayectoria del psicoanalista Erich Fromm y el cineasta Luis Bu{\~n}uel con los arquitectos Arturo S{\´a}enz de la Calzada y Oscar Coll Alas, quienes fueron los encargados de crear los hogares de estas figuras en M{\´e}xico. Se explora el proceso de di{\´a}spora de los personajes y su exilio en tierras mexicanas, as{\´i} como el momento y circunstancias de encuentro, sus preconcepciones en el {\´a}mbito arquitect{\´o}nico, las caracter{\´i}sticas de las construcciones que dise{\~n}aron, construyeron y habitaron para finalmente entrelazar su propuesta te{\´o}rica o est{\´e}tica con los hogares elegidos. Palabras clave: exilio espa{\~n}ol en M{\´e}xico, arquitectos del exilio, casas del exilio, arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX.}, language = {es} } @article{Rosa, author = {Rosa, Hartmut}, title = {Die Quelle aller Angst und die Nabelschnur zum Leben: Erich Fromms Philosophie aus resonanztheoretischer Sicht}, series = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2018 an Hartmut Rosa. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 17-48.}, journal = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2018 an Hartmut Rosa. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 17-48.}, language = {de} } @article{RlderRoeder, author = {Rlder, Daniel and R{\"o}der, Sabine}, title = {Erich Fromm-Lecture 2019: Warum das {\"U}berleben der europ{\"a}ischen Idee von einer radikalen Ver{\"a}nderung der Herzen abh{\"a}ngt}, series = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2019 an Daniel und Sabinde R{\"o}der und Pulse of Europe. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 17-34.}, journal = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2019 an Daniel und Sabinde R{\"o}der und Pulse of Europe. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 17-34.}, language = {de} } @article{RlderRoeder, author = {Rlder, Daniel and R{\"o}der, Sabine}, title = {Erich Fromm-Lecture 2019: Warum das {\"U}berleben der europ{\"a}ischen Idee von einer radikalen Ver{\"a}nderung der Herzen abh{\"a}ngt}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 073-081.}, volume = {d24/2020f}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 073-081.}, language = {de} } @misc{Radechovska, author = {Radechovsk{\´a}, Dominika}, title = {Filosofie Ericha Fromma a jej{\´i} přesah do současnosti [Philosophy of Erich Fromm and Its Impact on the Present], Diploma thesis, Philosophy, Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 2020, 55 pp.}, abstract = {C{\´i}lem předkl{\´a}dan{\´e} diplomov{\´e} pr{\´a}ce Filosofie Ericha Fromma a jej{\´i} přesah do současnosti bylo zasadit odkaz Ericha Fromma do filosofick{\´e}ho kontextu. Diplomov{\´a} pr{\´a}ce obsahuje 4 hlavn{\´i} odd{\´i}ly. V prvn{\´i}m odd{\´i}le definuji kl{\´i}čov{\´a} slova potřebn{\´a} k vykreslen{\´i} filosofick{\´e}ho pozad{\´i}, a to Privace; H{\´e}donismus; Blaženost a Ctnosti. V odd{\´i}lu druh{\´e}m uv{\´a}d{\´i}m životn{\´i} cestu a d{\´i}lo Ericha Fromma. {\´U}vodn{\´i} biografie je n{\´a}sledov{\´a}na odd{\´i}lem třet{\´i}m a nejz{\´a}sadnějš{\´i}m, a to distinkc{\´i} dvou životn{\´i}ch orientac{\´i}. Frommovy existenčn{\´i} m{\´o}dy vlastněn{\´i} a byt{\´i} seznamuji za pomoc{\´i} podkapitol Řeč; Autorita a jej{\´i} uplatňov{\´a}n{\´i}; Sebepozn{\´a}n{\´i} a rozvoj; Rozhovor a Strach ze smrti. Ve čtvrt{\´e}m odd{\´i}lu se věnuji vizi nov{\´e} společnosti dle Fromma. V posledku nab{\´i}z{\´i}m kritick{\´e} zhodnocen{\´i} představen{\´y}ch tez{\´i}.}, language = {mul} } @article{PutriAhmadi, author = {Putri, Kaskhadawati Sugianto and Ahmadi, Anas}, title = {Cinta Erotis 青墨彦页 Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n dan 如小岚 R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n dalam Film >I'm Pet in Dali Temple< >我 在大王里寺当宠牛勿< Sutradara David Liu (Kajian Psikologi Erich Fromm) [The Erotic Love青墨彦页of Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n and 如小岚 R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n in the Film I'm Pet in Dali Temple >我 在大王里寺当宠牛勿< Director David Liu (Erich Fromm's Psychological Studies)] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin UNESA, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-11. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/manadarin/article/view/46060]}, journal = {Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin UNESA, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-11. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/manadarin/article/view/46060]}, abstract = {Film merupakan salah satu bentuk cara menikmati karya sastra, Genre cinta merupakan karya film yang banyak diminati dari berbagai golongan usia. Rasa cinta insan manusia selalu memiliki makna seperti cinta terhadap Tuhan-Nya, rasa cinta terhadap orang tua ataupun teman, dan rasa cinta yang membuat hari selalu berbeda dan tidak terbatas yakni jatuh cinta terhadap sesama insan lelaki dan perempuan yang memiliki keinginan untuk menyatu sejak awal perkenalan hingga kisah cinta tersebut berakhir sesuai dengan takdir. Penelitian ini membahas tentang Analisis cinta erotis Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n青墨颜dan R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚 dalam film >I'm Pet In Dali Temple< >我在大王里寺当宠牛勿<. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori kajian psikologi oleh Erich Fromm, dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni deskriptif kualitatif yakni diawali dengan mengunduh data film, menonton film secara berkala dan berulang, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data kemudian menyimpulkan data.Tujuan penelitian ini yakni menganalisis bagaimana bentuk cinta erotis tokoh青墨颜Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n dan R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚melalui tindakan ataupun ujaran yang ada dalam dialog film I'm Pet In Dali Temple >我在大王里寺当宠牛勿<. Hasil dan simpulan data yakni cinta erotis antara tokoh 青墨颜Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n dan R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚 yakni mengacu pada objektivitas reaksi tokoh 青墨颜Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n dan R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚 seperti reaksi spontan berkorban dan menolong, emosional mengungkapkan perasaan satu sama lain, simpati dan empati dan puncaknya yakni tokoh 青墨颜Qīng M{\`o} Y{\´a}n ingin menikahi R{\´u} Xiăo L{\´a}n 如小岚. Berdasarkan simpulan tersebut, sejalan dengan Teori psikologi Erich Fromm yakni Cinta erotis dalam bukunya yang berjudul >Seni Mencintai<.}, language = {mul} } @article{Prokofyeva, author = {Prokofyeva, Diana}, title = {Common Ideals Shared by Eastern Orthodoxy and Erich Fromm's Humanism}, series = {Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, Vol. 19 (No. 55, Spring 2020), pp. 158-172.}, journal = {Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, Vol. 19 (No. 55, Spring 2020), pp. 158-172.}, abstract = {There are shared humanistic tendencies in Erich Fromm's views and the ideas of Eastern Orthodoxy. The comparative method of this paper focuses on similarities between Fromm's humanistic psychoanalysis and Orthodox Christianity, while noting differences between them. In his works Fromm mentioned religious approaches, but he mostly referred to Protestantism (as a development from teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin) and more rarely to Catholicism. Both streams have differences with Eastern Orthodoxy which is traditional for Russia. The individualism common to the western protestant model is contrasted with the community spirit, which is common to Russian culture and to the view of life of Russian Orthodoxy in particular. First, Fromm wrote about overcoming negative modes of life (such as estrangement or alienation) inherent to the first model, through adopting the second model. Second, humanistic views should be marked in ideas of Erich Fromm and Eastern Orthodoxy. The ideas of Erich Fromm and Eastern Orthodoxy are both based on a perception of a human being as a distinct whole personality, who should perceive as basic the values of self-development, love, creative self-realization, freedom, and responsibility. Also, free and whole personality cannot be formed without being a part of community of other persons, which is a very important point for both.}, language = {en} } @article{Porto, author = {Porto, Klayton Santana}, title = {A subjetividade produzida por imperativos sociais e seus reflexos sobre o corpo sexualizado [Subjectivity Produced by Social Imperatives and Their Reflections on the Sexualized Body]}, series = {Problemata: Revista Internacional de Filosofia / International Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2020), pp. 60-72. [Online ISSN 2236-8612] [doi.org/10.7443/problemata.v11i1.49340]}, journal = {Problemata: Revista Internacional de Filosofia / International Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2020), pp. 60-72. [Online ISSN 2236-8612] [doi.org/10.7443/problemata.v11i1.49340]}, abstract = {Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar de que forma o poder disciplinar atinge diretamente o corpo sexualizado do indiv{\´i}duo e quais s{\~a}o as implica{\c{c}}{\~o}es desta realidade no mundo contempor{\^a}neo. Para isso, ser{\´a} utilizado como fundamenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o te{\´o}rica Erich Fromm, com o objetivo de analisar as implica{\c{c}}{\~o}es emocionais relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da sociedade capitalista e principalmente, os livros de Foucault: >Vigiar e Punir< (1999) e >Hist{\´o}ria da sexualidade: a vontade de saber< (1977). Por meio deste estudo, p{\^o}de-se perceber que a demasiada preocupa{\c{c}}{\~a}o com o corpo presente na sociedade contempor{\^a}nea denota o imperativo do corpo sexualizado, resultado do exerc{\´i}cio no dom{\´i}nio e controle efetuados pela sociedade sobre o indiv{\´i}duo. Isso n{\~a}o ocorre em consequ{\^e}ncia de um poder centralizado, mas sim por um controle exercido de forma perif{\´e}rica, no qual a pr{\´o}pria sociedade estrutura padr{\~o}es de condutas assumidas pelos sujeitos que lhe constituem.}, language = {pt} } @article{Pinkas, author = {Pinkas, Ronen}, title = {Reason and the future of historical consciousness : Examining a possible influence of Hermann Cohen on Erich Fromm}, series = {Achives of Philosophy, Pisa, Vol. 88, pp. 149-161.}, journal = {Achives of Philosophy, Pisa, Vol. 88, pp. 149-161.}, abstract = {In recent years, the influence of Cohen's Religion of Reason on Erich Fromm's con¬cept of Judaism began to appear in the research literature. The current study broadens the scope of Cohen's influence to include Fromm's concept of history, as well as his social criticism. In this paper I would like to suggest, that Cohen's criticism of >historical consciousness'intelligence< and >progress< in the mid- 20th century. Cohen's distinction between >reason< (Vernunft) and >consciousness< (Bewusstsein) is echoed in Fromm's distinction between >reason< and >intelligence<. For Cohen and Fromm, >reason< is an eternal universal and moral compass for evaluating history and progress. Both Cohen's >consciousness< and Fromm's >intelligence<, without >reason< as an ethical component, are perceived as a threat to the capability of the individual to achieve self-fulfillment, as well as to the progress of humanity.}, language = {en} } @article{Peglau, author = {Peglau, Andreas}, title = {Die Psychologie der Krise. Die Werke Erich Fromms helfen, zu durchschauen, was Corona in und mit uns macht beziehungsweise, was gerade mit uns gemacht wird. Paper presented March 23, 2020 at https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-psychologie-der-krise}, series = {Rubikon, March 2020.}, journal = {Rubikon, March 2020.}, language = {de} } @article{Omine, author = {Omine, Mitsuharu}, title = {Problems Related to Student Acceptance of Corporal Punishment during Extracurricular Sports Activities: With Reference to Erich Fromm's Authority Theory}, series = {International Journal of Sport and Health Science, Vol.18 (2020), pp. 154-160. [Online ISSN 1880-4012] [doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.202013]}, journal = {International Journal of Sport and Health Science, Vol.18 (2020), pp. 154-160. [Online ISSN 1880-4012] [doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.202013]}, abstract = {The purpose of this study was to analyze problems related to the mechanism whereby students can accept corporal punishment during extracurricular sports activities with reference to the books Escape from Freedom and Man for Himself that were central to Erich Frommʼs authority theory. Specifically, the author focused on the concepts of >authoritarian character<, >authoritarian ethics< and >authoritarian conscience< Fromm pointed out that anxiety prompted Germanyʼs citizens to give up their freedom in order to obey authoritarian powers such as Hitler and the Nazis. Students taking part in extracurricular sports activities were considered from the viewpoint of Frommʼs authority theory. It was revealed that students comply with a leaderʼs authority in order to relieve anxiety, and have positive thoughts about corporal punishment. Furthermore, it was found that such acceptance of corporal punishment succeeded in eliminating conspicuous suffering, but not in removing any underlying conflicts. Fromm pointed that fear of anxiety was relieved by spontaneous activity. To achieve spontaneous activity by students, it was suggested that some form of measure that does not create the type of partnership that occurred between Germanyʼs citizens and Hitler would be desirable for any relationship between the leader of extracurricular sports activities and the students.}, language = {en} } @article{Ognjenovic, author = {Ognjenovic, Svetlana R.}, title = {A >Mouse-trap< for Indonesian Killers: Oppenheimer's >The Act of Killing< [>Mišolovka< za ubojice iz Indonezije: Oppenheimerov >čin ubijanja<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Радови Филозофског факултета (часопис за хуманистич ке и друштвене науке) - Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy (Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences), No. 21 (2020), pp. 65-79. [Online ISSN 2232-8343] [doi.org/10.7251/FIN1921065O]}, journal = {Радови Филозофског факултета (часопис за хуманистич ке и друштвене науке) - Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy (Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences), No. 21 (2020), pp. 65-79. [Online ISSN 2232-8343] [doi.org/10.7251/FIN1921065O]}, abstract = {This paper was inspired by the documentary >The Act of Killing<, directed by an American-born, British filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer and released in 2012. Provoked and appalled by what is described as one of the worst mass murders in the 20th century, the movie director focuses not so much on the crime itself but the perpetrators of the crimes and the ensuing consequences. A part from the need to bring to open and discuss this part of Indonesian history, as well as the consequences of the communist and subsequent anti-communist political rules, this paper deals, on the one hand, with the question and the essence of human nature capable of such monstrosity and on the other, with the role that art must take in understanding and healing of the open wounds in any nation's history as well as individual perpetrators of the crimes. For this purpose, the ideological framework of Erich Fromm as given in his study >Anatomy of Human Destructiveness< and also philosophical ideas of Hanna Arendt, specifically concerning the nature of evil itself were used as theoretical framework.}, language = {en} } @article{ObiolsSuari, author = {Obiols-Suari, N{\´u}ria}, title = {Erich Fromm y la relaci{\´o}n educative [Erich Fromm and the educational relationship]}, series = {Teoria De La Educacion. Revista Interuniversitaria, Vol. 33 (2020), pp. 51-69. [Online ISSN 2386-5660] [doi.org/10.14201/teri.23415]}, journal = {Teoria De La Educacion. Revista Interuniversitaria, Vol. 33 (2020), pp. 51-69. [Online ISSN 2386-5660] [doi.org/10.14201/teri.23415]}, abstract = {En este art{\´i}culo consideraremos el v{\´i}nculo entre la obra de Erich Seligmann Fromm (1900-1980) y la relaci{\´o}n educativa. Fromm aport{\´o} una perspectiva humanista fundamental al pensamiento contempor{\´a}neo y su obra se caracteriz{\´o} por hilvanar variadas influencias culturales, tales como el Antiguo Testamento, el Budismo, el Marxismo, la Sociolog{\´i}a y, desde luego, el Psicoan{\´a}lisis. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es el de comprender mejor esta relaci{\´o}n, considerando sus caracter{\´i}sticas principales. La obra de este emblem{\´a}tico autor invita a reflexionar sobre aspectos diversos relacionados con la educaci{\´o}n que van desde su concepto, sus finalidades, as{\´i} como diferentes caracter{\´i}sticas de una buena relaci{\´o}n educativa, tem{\´a}tica que abordaremos en este art{\´i}culo. Fromm aporta una perspectiva singular y sumamente interesante que abre espacios de reflexi{\´o}n a partir de variados aspectos sobre la existencia humana en sus textos. En este estudio hemos analizado doce de sus obras que van desde >El miedo a la libertad< (1941), >El arte de amar< (1956) o >El arte de escuchar< (1995). Este an{\´a}lisis ha permitido seleccionar aquellos contenidos vinculados a la relaci{\´o}n educativa. As{\´i} consideraremos lo que Fromm entiende por educaci{\´o}n, para posteriormente concretar cu{\´a}les ser{\´i}an las cuestiones m{\´a}s esenciales en una {\´o}ptima relaci{\´o}n educativa y qu{\´e} la debe caracterizar.}, language = {es} } @article{Nuernberger, author = {N{\"u}rnberger, Christian}, title = {Pulse of Europe - Warum Erich Fromm dabei w{\"a}re. Laudatio}, series = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2019 an Daniel und Sabinde R{\"o}der und Pulse of Europe. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 35-55.}, journal = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2019 an Daniel und Sabinde R{\"o}der und Pulse of Europe. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 35-55.}, language = {de} } @article{Nuernberger, author = {N{\"u}rnberger, Christian}, title = {Pulse of Europe - Warum Erich Fromm dabei w{\"a}re. Laudatio}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 063-071.}, volume = {d24/2020e}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 063-071.}, language = {de} } @article{NikiforovGofman, author = {Nikiforov, German Sergeevich and Gofman, Olga Olegovna}, title = {Профессиональные задачи психолога здоровья [Professional tasks of a health psychologist]}, series = {Организационная психология [Organizational Psychology], Vol. 10, No. 3 (2020), pp. 246-260. [Online ISSN 2312-5942] [orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/data/2020/09/28/1368912391/OrgPsy_2020_3(13)_Nikiforov-Gofman(246-260).pdf]}, journal = {Организационная психология [Organizational Psychology], Vol. 10, No. 3 (2020), pp. 246-260. [Online ISSN 2312-5942] [orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/data/2020/09/28/1368912391/OrgPsy_2020_3(13)_Nikiforov-Gofman(246-260).pdf]}, abstract = {Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Аннотация. Во второй половине двадцатого века психология здоровья вышла на одно из лидирующих мест в общем перечне наиболее актуальных направлений развития психологической науки. Изначальная проблема, поставленная в статье, заключается в имеющем место в настоящее время рассогласовании между востребованностью психологии здоровья и дефицитом кадрового ресурса (психологов здоровья), ориентированного на разработку этого научного направления. Цель данной работы заключается в том, чтобы в соответствии с концепцией жизненного пути человека, раскрыть в первом приближении перечень тех практических задач, решение которых может входить в профессиональную компетенцию психологов здоровья в России. Представления авторов базируются на концепции здоровой личности, основные положения которой были впервые сформулированы в отечественной науке известными психиатрами и психологами С. С. Корсаковым, И. А. Сикорским, В. М. Бехтеревым, а также западными представителями гуманистической психологии Г. Олпортом, К. Роджерсом, А. Маслоу, Э. Фроммом. В рассмотрение вводятся этапы перинатального периода, дошкольный и школьный возраст, обучение в средних профессиональных и высших учебных заведениях, профессиональная деятельность и выход на пенсию. Каждый этап развития человека рассматривается авторами как самостоятельный и предполагает вариативность стратегий образа жизни в общей структуре здоровья, а значит и практик формирования здорового поведения. В статье впервые последовательно рассмотрены основные особенности и риски каждого этапа жизненного пути, определен круг профессиональных задач психолога здоровья. В конце работы ставится вопрос о вариантах профессиональной подготовки данных специалистов в высших учебных заведениях.}, language = {ru} } @misc{Mueller, author = {M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Review Wolfgang Pauly: Erich Fromm. Frei Leben - Sch{\"o}pferisch lieben}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 217-218.}, volume = {d24/2020n}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 217-218.}, language = {de} } @article{Mosebach, author = {Mosebach, Kai}, title = {Begr{\"u}ßung und Einf{\"u}hrung in die Tagung}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 084-089.}, volume = {d24/2020g}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 084-089.}, language = {de} } @article{Morra, author = {Morra, Paola}, title = {Some thoughts on the >new< latency age: Normality and psychopathology}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 175-179.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 175-179.}, abstract = {The author discusses some aspects of the impact of our changing society on the latency phase, while presenting a clinical case. At this age, children need a reliable environment, protecting them from sexual and aggressive overstimulation, as an essential condition for the work of latency to be carried out. As some authors point out, if post-Oedipal repression is hindered, children may be pushed towards an early, highly disruptive adolescence process. Strong and untimely anxieties may arise, requiring particular defensive and adaptive strategies. According to the author's experience, concerns about death may be observed, these not usually being expected at the latency age. In some children, these seem to promote an early process of intellectualization. The patient described here was a violent, self-harming child from a disturbed family. As soon as his psychic state improved with psychotherapy, he expressed anxiety about mortality as a general human condition and was able to reason on the concept of infinity at a quite abstract level. The significance of this observation is discussed from a developmental point of view.}, language = {en} } @article{Morita, author = {Morita, Kazunao}, title = {E. フロム精神分析理論における宗教論の教育的含意 [Educational Implications of the Theory of Religion in E. Fromm's Psychoanalysis]}, series = {教育学研究 [The Japanese Journal of Educational Research], Vol. 87, No. 4 (2020), pp. 131-141. [doi.org/10.11555/kyoiku.87.4_597]}, journal = {教育学研究 [The Japanese Journal of Educational Research], Vol. 87, No. 4 (2020), pp. 131-141. [doi.org/10.11555/kyoiku.87.4_597]}, abstract = {本稿の目的は、精神分析家エリッヒ・フロムの宗教論を検討し、「教化」する権威的な「宗教」に抵抗しつつ、なおも「宗教的」に生きる方途を探った彼の思索の教育的含意を明らかにすることである。結論として、本稿は、フロムが「気づき」の「能力」を尊重することによって、「宗教的」に生きることを構想していた事実を闡明し、最後に、彼の理論が道徳教育の教科化の事例に先鋭化される現代教育の問題に対してもつ意義を明示する。}, language = {ja} } @article{Minchev, author = {Minchev, Plamen}, title = {The Reception of Erich Fromm's Ideas in Bulgaria - Part 1}, series = {Psychological Research, Vol. 23, pp.167-176.}, journal = {Psychological Research, Vol. 23, pp.167-176.}, abstract = {This article presents a research on the reception of Erich Fromm's ideas in Bulgaria. The criticism of Fromm's ideas is presented and an attempt is made to evaluate it according to its context - ideological, psychological and philosophical. The author aims at explaining the theoretical and substantive side of the criticism.}, language = {en} } @article{Miller, author = {Miller, Ian S.}, title = {Spinoza: Multiple identities at the origins of psychoanalytic psychology}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 207-214.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 207-214.}, abstract = {The present paper addresses Baruch Spinoza's radical affirmation of individual identity emergent from within the psychosocial tensions of group membership. Focusing upon psychological experience beginning with a lived history of fearful Inquisitional persecution, and continuing from conformity to rebellion within the constraints of the Amsterdam Jewish synagogue, we trace the psychological recognition of individual identity in Spinoza's understanding of the self-determined, immanent acts of daily life. Spinoza's multiple names are depicted as markers, corresponding to membership in mutually exclusive social groups, each constraining freedom of thought and action.}, language = {en} } @article{Mieth, author = {Mieth, Dietmar}, title = {Dynamische Stabilisierung und resonante Weltbeziehung. Laudatio f{\"u}r den soziologischen Diagnostiker Hartmut Rosa}, series = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2018 an Hartmut Rosa. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 49-66.}, journal = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2018 an Hartmut Rosa. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 49-66.}, language = {de} } @book{Mayer, author = {Mayer, Jens}, title = {Die partizipative Marktwirtschaft, Hamburg (tredition) 2020, 208 pp.}, language = {de} }