@misc{Radechovska, author = {Radechovsk{\´a}, Dominika}, title = {Filosofie Ericha Fromma a jej{\´i} přesah do současnosti [Philosophy of Erich Fromm and Its Impact on the Present], Diploma thesis, Philosophy, Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 2020, 55 pp.}, abstract = {C{\´i}lem předkl{\´a}dan{\´e} diplomov{\´e} pr{\´a}ce Filosofie Ericha Fromma a jej{\´i} přesah do současnosti bylo zasadit odkaz Ericha Fromma do filosofick{\´e}ho kontextu. Diplomov{\´a} pr{\´a}ce obsahuje 4 hlavn{\´i} odd{\´i}ly. V prvn{\´i}m odd{\´i}le definuji kl{\´i}čov{\´a} slova potřebn{\´a} k vykreslen{\´i} filosofick{\´e}ho pozad{\´i}, a to Privace; H{\´e}donismus; Blaženost a Ctnosti. V odd{\´i}lu druh{\´e}m uv{\´a}d{\´i}m životn{\´i} cestu a d{\´i}lo Ericha Fromma. {\´U}vodn{\´i} biografie je n{\´a}sledov{\´a}na odd{\´i}lem třet{\´i}m a nejz{\´a}sadnějš{\´i}m, a to distinkc{\´i} dvou životn{\´i}ch orientac{\´i}. Frommovy existenčn{\´i} m{\´o}dy vlastněn{\´i} a byt{\´i} seznamuji za pomoc{\´i} podkapitol Řeč; Autorita a jej{\´i} uplatňov{\´a}n{\´i}; Sebepozn{\´a}n{\´i} a rozvoj; Rozhovor a Strach ze smrti. Ve čtvrt{\´e}m odd{\´i}lu se věnuji vizi nov{\´e} společnosti dle Fromma. V posledku nab{\´i}z{\´i}m kritick{\´e} zhodnocen{\´i} představen{\´y}ch tez{\´i}.}, language = {mul} } @article{Machalek, author = {Mach{\´a}lek, V{\´i}t}, title = {Humanistick{\´a} psychologie jako sekularizovan{\´a} teologie [Humanist Psychology as Secularized Theology?]}, series = {Studia Theologica, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2020), pp. 113-134 [ISSN 2570-9798] [studiatheologica.eu/getrevsrc.php?identification=\&mag=sth\&raid=265\&type=fin\&ver=3]}, journal = {Studia Theologica, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2020), pp. 113-134 [ISSN 2570-9798] [studiatheologica.eu/getrevsrc.php?identification=\&mag=sth\&raid=265\&type=fin\&ver=3]}, abstract = {The aim of this article is to evaluate quasi-religious elements in humanist psychology with a special focus on Erich Fromm, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. The study analyses concepts which may be denoted as a secularized >humanist theology<. It refers to the fact that the authors of those concepts were originally connected with the Jewish or Christian faith and after their apostasy radically reinterpreted it or replaced it with a new religion. The humanist >cult of self-worship< explicitly or implicitly locates godhood into man and at the same time excludes the possibility of a personal relationship between man and God. The rise of this new religiosity connected with sacralised psychology was paradoxically made also easy by certain forms of modern Jewish and Christian thinking.}, language = {mul} }