@article{Stagner, author = {Stagner, Ross}, title = {A history of psychological theories, New York (MacMill{\´a}n Publishing Co, Inc), 1988, 509 p.; esp. pp. 355-357.}, abstract = {The book is organized to illuminate the dialectical conflict between advocates of introspection, or the study of human experience, and behavioral observation, the study of human action. The most encouraging feature of writing this account has been the recognition that integrative theories are emerging in which experience and behavior play appropriate parts. - Index: Theories, theorizing, and theorists - Classical backgrounds - Classical Greece - The Judaic tradition - Patristic psychology - Thomistic psychology - The Hindu contribution - Cross-cultural comparisons - France: The rise of mechanism - Rene Descartes - La Mettrie - Condillac - Thomas Hobbes - Mechanism and vitalism - Britain: Empiricism and rationalism - John Locke - George Berkeley - David Hume - British associationism - The Scottish school - The rationalists - Phrenology - Empiricism versus rationalism - Germany: The emergence of scientific psychology - Wilhelm Wundt - Hermann Ebbinghaus - Hermann Rorschach - American psychology before Titchener: William James Titchener and structuralism - Wundt and Titchener: A reevaluation - Functionalism - Darwin and Galton - Granville Stanley Hall - Hugo Munsterberg - James McKeen Cattell - John Dewey - James Rowland Angell - James Mark Baldwin - Mary Whiton Calkins - Robert Sessions Woodworth - Edward Lee Thorndike - Early behaviorism - The Russian antecedents of behaviorism - Max F. Meyer - John Broadus Watson - Albert Paul Weiss - Floyd H. Allport - Edwin Ray Guthrie - Graydon LaVerne Freeman - Behaviorism at maturity: Clark Hull - A note on artificial languages - Behaviorism at maturity: B. F. Skinner - Hull and Skinner: Some comparisons - Gestalt theory - Max Wertheimer - Wolfgang Kohler - Kurt Koffka - Field theory: Kurt Lewin - Psychoanalytic theory: Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis: The neoanalysts (I) - Alfred Adler - Carl Gustav Jung - Freud, Adler and Jung - Psychoanalysis: The neoanalysts (II) - Otto Rank - Karen Horney - Erich FROMM - Humanistic psychology - Abraham Harold Maslow - Carl Ransom Rogers - Gordon Willard Allport - Rollo May - Gardner Murphy - The neobehaviorists - Edward Chace Tolman - Julian B. Rotter - Albert Bandura - Arthur W. Staats - Neostructuralism - From Gestalt to neo-Gestalt? - Theories of individual differences - Psychotherapy and behavior modification theories - The two cultures of psychology - Bibliography and author index - Subject index.}, language = {en} }