@misc{Žitna, author = {Žitn{\´a}, Barbora}, title = {Koncepce humanistick{\´e} etiky v d{\´i}le E. Fromma, [The Concept of Humanistic Ethics in the Work of E. Fromm], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2022, 41 pp.}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Grundprinzipien der humanistischen Ethik von Erich Fromm darzustellen. Seine Ideen werden mit denen von Sigmund Freud und Karl Marx verkn{\"u}pft, von denen Fromm oft inspiriert wurde. Im ersten Teil wird auf die Definition der humanistischen Ethik und die Unterscheidung zwischen biophiler und nekrophiler Orientierung eingegangen. Der Kern von Fromms Ethik ist seine Charakterologie. Dabei besch{\"a}ftigt sich die Arbeit mit produktiver und unproduktiver Orientierung, deren Auspr{\"a}gungen und in der Folge auch Seinsweisen. Der Hauptteil beschreibt die Frage nach der menschlichen Natur, zusammen mit der Frage, ob der Mensch von Natur aus schlecht oder gut ist. Auch dem Freiheitsbegriff Fromms wird Beachtung geschenkt. Diese Interpretation beschreibt den Prozess der Individualisierung, der zur Freiheit f{\"u}hrt, sowie die Mechanismen der Flucht, die sich aus diesem Prozess ergeben. Ein weiteres Thema ist ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber positive Freiheit und wie man sie erreicht. Im Zusammenhang mit der Freiheit befasst sich das Werk auch mit dem Gewissen. Der letzte Teil widmet sich einem Vergleich ausgew{\"a}hlter ethischer Kategorien von Karl Marx und Erich Fromm. Konkret geht es um eine Gegen{\"u}berstellung ihres Menschenbildes und seiner Entfremdung. [Deutsche Kurzfassung der Autorin]}, language = {pl} } @article{Żylicz, author = {Żylicz, Piotr Olaf}, title = {Problematyka moralna w psychologii humanistycznej [Moral Issues in Humanistic Psychology]}, series = {Roczniki Filozoficzne, Vol. 43, No. 4 (1995), pp. 75-89.}, journal = {Roczniki Filozoficzne, Vol. 43, No. 4 (1995), pp. 75-89.}, abstract = {The article discusses some moral aspects of the conceptions of A. Maslow, C. Rogers, S. Jourard, R. May, and other representatives of humanistic psychology. The relations between human nature and >good< and >evil<, autonomy of mature morality, personal freedom and responsibility, conscience and guilt, moral determinants of interpersonal relations are the major problems under analysis. The author also presents some basic objections made against the moral formulations stated in humanistic psychology.}, language = {pl} } @article{Šķesteris, author = {Šķesteris, Jānis}, title = {Brīvības variācijas (Erichs Fromms, Merabs Mamardašvili). Paper presented at Fromma konference „Brīvība un brīvības: iespējas un draudi" Norises laiks 10. un 11. maijs 2013, 5 pp.}, language = {mul} } @article{Šķesteris, author = {Šķesteris, Jānis}, title = {Variationen von Freiheit (Erich Fromm, Merab Mamardaschwili)}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 53-56.}, volume = {d18/2014m}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 53-56.}, language = {de} } @book{Šuvajevs, author = {Šuvajevs, Igors}, title = {Krievijas homo imperii (ģenealoģiskas piezīmes), Filosofijas lekciju sēriju izdod LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, Riga (Latvian University) 2015, 94 pp.}, language = {mul} } @article{Šuvajevs, author = {Šuvajevs, Igors}, title = {Lettland und die Flucht vor der Freiheit}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 11-16.}, volume = {d18/2014d}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 11-16.}, language = {de} } @article{Šuvajevs, author = {Šuvajevs, Igors}, title = {Noslēgums jeb Fromma aktualitāte Latvijā}, series = {I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 197-201.}, journal = {I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 197-201.}, language = {mul} } @article{Šuvajevs, author = {Šuvajevs, Igors}, title = {Fromms, Funks un dzīvesmāksla}, series = {R. Funk, Ēriha Fromma aktualitāte. Filosofijas lekcijas Riga, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 53-62.}, journal = {R. Funk, Ēriha Fromma aktualitāte. Filosofijas lekcijas Riga, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 53-62.}, language = {mul} } @article{Šuvajevs, author = {Šuvajevs, Igors}, title = {Erich Fromm and Latvia. Summary}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 19 / 2015, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 60-61.}, volume = {e18/2015h}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 19 / 2015, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 60-61.}, language = {en} } @article{Šuvajevs, author = {Šuvajevs, Igors}, title = {Ievads jeb Fromms un Latvija}, series = {I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. ix-xii.}, journal = {I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. ix-xii.}, language = {mul} } @article{Šuvajevs, author = {Šuvajevs, Igors}, title = {Ērihs Fromms: brīvība un dzīvesmāksla}, series = {I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 63-78.}, journal = {I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 63-78.}, language = {mul} } @article{Šumiga, author = {Šumiga, Dražen}, title = {Fromm's understanding of the Buddhist philosophical theory and psychoanalysis: From the phenomenal ego to the authentic being}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 050-061.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 050-061.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm was one of the first psychoanalytic thinkers who was genuinely interested in Asian philosophies. In the first part of this article, I will show Fromm's imago of Buddhism as a radical, nontheistic, and ethical philosophy >without God.< I will argue that Fromm made an important difference between the phenomenal ego and being that proves crucial for his understanding of psychoanalysis and his critique of modern society. I will also explore Fromm's synthesis of Buddhist philosophy and psychoanalysis, and show the similarities and differences between them.}, language = {en} } @article{Šumiga, author = {Šumiga, Dražen}, title = {Fromm's psychoanalytic theory and his understanding of the psychotherapeutic practice: existential, relational and social dimension of the psychotherapeutic work. Typescript 2019, 34 pp.}, abstract = {In this article we will explore three important themes: (1) Fromm's anti-objectivistic perspective which stands for the idea that the other Being should not become an object in analysis; (2) the central idea of the relatedness and the relational dimension in the psychotherapeutic practice; (3) in the last part we will analyze the existential-ontological level which is manifested in analysis. We will focus our attention on the different ways in which Fromm as a psychoanalytic thinker, social critic and humanist can help the therapists to include the existential and social dimension in the psychotherapeutic work.}, language = {en} } @misc{Štědronsky, author = {Štědronsk{\´y}, Josef}, title = {Teorie psychologie osobnosti (starš{\´i} a novějš{\´i}) [Theories of Personality Psychology (Older and Newer)], Bachelor thesis, Psychology, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 71 pp.}, abstract = {The bachelor´s thesis describes the philosophy of three important philosophers Erich Fromm, Victor Emanuel Frankl and Albert Camus. The work is divided into four chapters, in each of them I always deal with one specific problem from the point of view of all these philosophers. At the end of each chapter there is some conclusion and a summary of these thoughts as well as findings of similar characters of their philosophy. The first chapter is devoted to the problem of authentic way of the human existence. There are presented the basic features of Frankl´s, Fromm´s and Camus´ philosophy. The second chapter deals with the topic of freedom, primarily, whether the absolute freedom possible is or is not. The following chapter talks about the issue of human society and its impact on a human. The last chapter describes the problem of death and suicide. Whether these authors accept death as the end of the human life or whether they accept suicide as the solution of the human life. In conclusion, I tried to summarize the similar points of philosophy of these authors.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Štadlerova, author = {Št{\´a}dlerov{\´a}, Pavl{\´i}na}, title = {Srovn{\´a}n{\´i} n{\´a}zoru na lidskou existenci: existencialist{\´e}, Fromm a Frankl [Comparison of Opinions on Human Being: Existentialists, Fromm and Frankl], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 32 pp.}, abstract = {Bakal{\´a}řsk{\´a} pr{\´a}ce se zab{\´y}v{\´a} filozofi{\´i} tř{\´i} v{\´y}znamn{\´y}ch filozofů Ericha Fromma, Viktora Emanuela Frankla a Alberta Camuse. Pr{\´a}ce je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol, ve kter{\´y}ch se vždy zab{\´y}v{\´a}m jedn{\´i}m probl{\´e}mem z pohledu všech zm{\´i}něn{\´y}ch autorů. V z{\´a}věru kapitoly je určit{\´e} shrnut{\´i} těchto myšlenek a nalezen{\´i} podobn{\´y}ch znaků jejich filozofie. Prvn{\´i} kapitola je věnov{\´a}na probl{\´e}mu autentick{\´e}ho způsobu lidsk{\´e} existence. Ve druh{\´e} kapitole se zab{\´y}v{\´a}m t{\´e}matem svobody, a to předevš{\´i}m, zda je či nen{\´i} absolutn{\´i} svoboda možn{\´a}. N{\´a}sleduj{\´i}c{\´i} kapitola řeš{\´i} ot{\´a}zku lidsk{\´e} společnosti a jej{\´i}ho vlivu na člověka. Posledn{\´i} kapitola představuje probl{\´e}m smrti a sebevraždy. V z{\´a}věru pr{\´a}ce jsem se pokusila o shrnut{\´i} společn{\´y}ch bodů filozofie již zm{\´i}něn{\´y}ch filozofů.}, language = {pl} } @article{Štrukelj, author = {Štrukelj, M.}, title = {Spremna beseda}, series = {E. Fromm, Umetnost ljubezbi in življenja, Ljubljana (Mladisnka knjiga) 2010, pp. 384-389.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Umetnost ljubezbi in življenja, Ljubljana (Mladisnka knjiga) 2010, pp. 384-389.}, language = {mul} } @article{Šoškić, author = {Šoškić, Radoje V.}, title = {>I is another<: Humanistic conception of identity and existential options in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man}, series = {Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, No. 40, pp. 139-154.}, journal = {Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, No. 40, pp. 139-154.}, abstract = {James Joyce represents one of the most significant novelists of the twentieth century and an adherent of the great tradition of humanistic ethics. The purpose of this paper is to critically examine, primarily in the light of humanistic ethics, the process of the artistic coming of age of the main character of Portrait, Stephen Dedalus. The basic principles of Humanism tend to view man in his physical and spiritual totality, believing that man's fundamental aim is to >be man< and that the major prerequisite for achieving that aim is to be >man for himself<. Stephen Dedalus epitomizes Fromm's type of man of productive character, in the sense that he gradually frees himself from the >nets< of Irish society represented in the form of constraints of nationality, family, and religion which he sees as threatening forces bent upon annihilating his own individuality. Stephen Dedalus manages to accomplish true affirmation of his individuality only through artistic vocation. Moreover, it could be argued that Stephen D. (Joyce himself) stands for the epitome of a genuine intellectual living in self-imposed exile and who is, according to the words of philosopher Julien Benda, a guardian and a bearer of independent thought who is loyal solely to truth.}, language = {en} } @article{Šebek, author = {Šebek, M.}, title = {The fate of the totalitarian object}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 5 (No. 4, December 1996), pp. 289-294.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 5 (No. 4, December 1996), pp. 289-294.}, language = {en} } @article{Šauers, author = {Šauers, Edijs}, title = {Brīvība kā nosacījums mīlestībai vai mīlestība kā nosacījums brīvībai (Imanuel Kants, Erich Fromms). Paper presented at Fromma konference „Brīvība un brīvības: iespējas un draudi" Norises laiks 10. un 11. maijs 2013, 4 pp.}, language = {mul} } @article{Šauers, author = {Šauers, Edijs}, title = {Freiheit als unbedingte Voraussetzung f{\"u}r Liebe oder Liebe als Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die Freiheit (Immanuel Kant, Erich Fromm)}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 51-53.}, volume = {d18/2014l}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 51-53.}, language = {de} } @article{Šauers, author = {Šauers, Edijs}, title = {Brīvība kā mīlestības vai mīlestība kā brīvības nosacījums: kopīgais un atšķirīgais I. Kanta un Ē. Fromma pārdomās par mīlestību un brīvību}, series = {I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 147-156.}, journal = {I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 147-156.}, language = {mul} } @article{Śliwerski, author = {Śliwerski, Boguslaw}, title = {The Idea of the Exclusion of Necrophilic Attitudes in Critical Psychology of Erich Fromm}, series = {Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2020), pp. 7-20.}, journal = {Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2020), pp. 7-20.}, abstract = {The subject of the analysis is the category of the inclusion as a process that does not only apply to people with special developmental or life needs, but also to social sciences, which as a result of the positivist research paradigm have divided and separated from each other. Meanwhile, human upbringing requires the inclusion of biophilic orientation towards life in all social sciences, whose achievements should be considered and applied to improve educational processes. The Author borrows inspiration from the typology of human attitudes of Erich Fromm, because it makes readers aware of the negative effects of necrophilia in interpersonal relationships. The Author analyses Fromm's approach against the background of selected ideas of Polish pedagogical views.}, language = {en} } @article{OeğretirOezcelik, author = {{\"O}ğretir {\"O}z{\c{c}}elik, Ay{\c{s}}e Dilek}, title = {Explanation and Understanding of Human Aggression: Freudian Psychoanalytical Analysis, Fromm's Neo-Freudian Perspective and Bandura's Social Learning Theory}, series = {International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Vol. 2, pp. 2151-2164.}, journal = {International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Vol. 2, pp. 2151-2164.}, abstract = {Freud has always used his growing psychoanalytic understanding to address world events such as World War I as well as human psychology. The unbelievable death toll between 1914 to 1918 led Freud to attempt for the explanation and understanding of violence, conflict and destruction. He has placed greater importance to human aggression. Freud has revised many key aspects of his theory about aggression. He has dropped the idea of self-preservation drive and instead focuses on his new dual classification of two instinctual theories in both of which aggression played a significant part. He continued to develop his theory toward a more sophisticated picture of psychoanalytic view of human aggression. This paper aims to investigate the causes of aggression by probing into two different perspectives: Psychoanalysis and neo-Freudian analysis as well as social learning theory. This article specifically focuses on postulating psychoanalytic spectrum of aggression from Freudian and neo-Freudian point of views. It also attempts to examine the differences and similarities between and within these perspectives in search for answer to the main question >what are the causes of the human aggression?< In the first part of the paper, after the definition of aggression, it entails a close look to psychoanalytic approach and compare and contrast the psychoanalytic ideas within the paradigm. The second part focuses on neo-Freudian psycho-analysis of the aggression. The third section emphasizes Bandura's social learning theory. The last section gives a summary of all perspectives.}, language = {en} } @article{Oezkececi, author = {{\"O}zke{\c{c}}eci, Zehra}, title = {I Buy, So I Am - The Homo Oeconomicus and the World of Advertising, Using the Example of Gewista [Sat{\i}n al{\i}yorum - ZIra ben reklamla {\c{s}}ekillenen insan{\i}m! Gewista {\"o}rneği ekseninde reklamc{\i}l{\i}k D{\"u}nyas{\i}]}, series = {Asya Studies - Academic Social Studies / Akademik Sosyal Ara{\c{s}}t{\i}rmalar, Vol. 6, No. 6 (2018), pp. 7-18. [Online ISSN 2602-263X] [doi.org/10.31455/asya.496443]}, journal = {Asya Studies - Academic Social Studies / Akademik Sosyal Ara{\c{s}}t{\i}rmalar, Vol. 6, No. 6 (2018), pp. 7-18. [Online ISSN 2602-263X] [doi.org/10.31455/asya.496443]}, abstract = {Business and economy use advertising to promote their products and to increase their profits. Political parties also try to win votes with the help of commercial propaganda. Every step of the way we are accompanied by advertising, our everyday life and our culture are shaped by it.This article asks how the permanent confrontation with advertising affects the recipients. What consequences does propaganda and manipulation have for people who are exposed to this constant influence? The phenomenon of the Homo oeconomicus is also examined in this context. The Homo economicus is primarily a person who consumes and subconsciously identifies with his or her consumption. He's addicted to consumption. Advertising determines the life of the Homo oeconomicus. The psychologist Erich Fromm already dealt with the phenomenon of exuberant materialism in his book >To have or to be< in the 20th century. This book in particular and his work in general are also presented in this article. Fromm propagated a >rational< consumption that focuses on the real needs of people. A separate chapter is dedicated to Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, a pioneer of public relations, whose work >Propaganda< - his famous book from 1928, which is still surprisingly current - is presented. Gewista is an Austrian advertising company. This company is in the focus of this article because we can find its out-of-home commercials also in places that were previously free of advertising. That's why the story of Gewista is told and its product range will be presented.Using the example of Gewista there will be asked for the self-image and the foreign attributions of advertising companies. These companies offer a service they describe themselves as a form of communication. Therefore, the article also analyzes whether advertising can really be seen as a topic of communication theories.}, language = {en} } @article{Avila, author = {{\´A}vila, Lazslo Antonio}, title = {Body and meaning}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 16 (No. 1, March 2007), pp. 43-48.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 16 (No. 1, March 2007), pp. 43-48.}, language = {en} } @article{AvilaEspada, author = {{\´A}vila Espada, Alejandro}, title = {One hundred years of psychotherapy and fifty years of clinical practice: Reflections of a psychotherapist and questions for psychoanalysis (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2183864)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 203-211.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 203-211.}, abstract = {Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy have evolved deeply over the past half century. This paper shows some the changes I have witnessed in them, and the challenges we face in this change of era, at the edge of the first quarter of the twenty-first century. Some the challenges are examined: knowing how to transmit in our daily practice the essential relationality of the human being; the relational essence of the process of change through psychotherapy; and a review of our contribution to our institutions being genuinely relational, that is, that we take more care of the space that the Other can inhabit than of preserving our own. We need hope: the hope to change and (again) be people, in connection with others, regaining confidence and being able to be ourself (to be ourselves with others). That is the meaning of our activity, what it is to be a psychoanalyst/psychotherapist today.}, language = {en} } @article{AvilaDominguez, author = {{\´A}vila, Alejandro and Dom{\´i}nguez, Rosa}, title = {Dreams and change processes in an ex-prostitute under relational psychoanalytic psychotherapy: Ferenczian and relational views}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 1, 2014), pp. 23-29}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 1, 2014), pp. 23-29}, abstract = {This paper explores the change processes that took place in a woman, an ex-prostitute, in the context of psychotherapeutic treatment over a period of over three years. The treatment took place within a relational psychotherapeutic setting influenced by the ideas formulated by S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi regarding trauma, as well as by his intense involvement with and commitment to his patients, as expressed in his Clinical Diary of 1932 (Ferenczi, 1988). Zoe, the current patient, was a woman born in Latin America who emigrated to Spain at the age of 28 and became trapped, for nearly a decade, in a mesh of prostitution networks. She eventually entered regular psychotherapeutic treatment at the age of 39. Her change process is an example of the mutual influence between the factors of resilience that characterized her and the opportunity for co-creation that the treatment signifies. The marks of the intense traumatic burden of Zoe's history and the rays of sunlight and hope that she is currently experiencing become intermingled in the dreams evoked and brought to the treatment setting. Zoe's capacity for resilience and the potential for founding self-object relations, ethically implied, that therapists can offer construct a scenario that brings back to life the essence of Ferenczi from 1932.}, language = {en} } @article{Avila, author = {{\´A}vila, Alejandro}, title = {The intersubjective: A core concept for psychoanalysis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 25 (No. 3, 2016), pp. 186-190.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 25 (No. 3, 2016), pp. 186-190.}, abstract = {The history of psychoanalysis has developed along two main routes: metapsychological (drive theory) and relational. So-called >relational psychoanalysis< derives from the convergence of several traditions - interpersonal and sociocultural (Sullivan, Fromm), object relations theory (Fairbairn), self psychology (Kohut), and intersubjective systems theory (Stolorow, Atwood, Orange) - enriched along many decades by a variety of strong contributions from Ferenczi to independent thinkers such as Bion, Winnicott, Bowlby, Pichon Rivi{\`e}re, W. and M. Baranger, J. Sandler, Ogden, and Bollas, among many others. Facing its main controversies in terms of theory, present psychoanalysis evolves between heuristic versus hermeneutic, intrapsychic versus intersubjective, fantasy versus trauma, conflict versus deficit, and drives versus motivational systems. Controversies in technique have also evolved from a neutrality and abstinence model to an optimal provision and frustration model experienced in mutuality but ethically balanced. This paper displays the main concepts of the relational perspective, in which intersubjectivity is both a constitutive frame for human beings and the essential way for change. Developments from infant research and neuroscience - and the deep social and cultural changes facing twenty-first century societies - promote a new scene for today's psychoanalysis in convergence with these relational proposals.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zabranska, author = {Z{\´a}bransk{\´a}, Marie}, title = {Frommovo pojet{\´i} člověka a psychoanal{\´y}za [Fromm´s Conception of Human and Psychoanalysis, Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 57 pp.}, abstract = {The topic of the present bachelor thesis is Erich Fromm and his specific concept of a human being and psychoanalysis. In his works, this famous psychologist was able to explain the position of a human being in the society, their needs and problems linked to their own existence. The introductory chapter summarizes fundamental facts about Fromm's life and mentions several important personalities who influenced his thinking. The following chapters focus on the main issues of Fromm's concept of a human being, especially their place in the environment, their relationship with the surrounding world, life philosophy and the issue of personal freedom. It deals in detail with the issues of love, aggression, freedom and the >To Be and to Have< life philosophy. Another issue this thesis deals with is Fromm's approach to psychoanalysis and religion. The concluding chapter contains the fact about the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and a comparison of the individual concepts of a human being as formulated by Freud and Fromm respectively.}, language = {pl} } @article{Zwerman, author = {Zwerman, Gilda}, title = {Persona: Psychodynamic and Sociological Dimensions of a Project on US Activism and Political Violence}, series = {L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 239-265.}, journal = {L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 239-265.}, language = {en} } @article{ZunigadeNunes, author = {Zuniga de Nu{\~n}es, C. O.}, title = {Reflexiones Acerca del Manejo del Poder en la Relaci{\´o}n Psicoanal{\´i}tica}, series = {Memorias, ed. by Sociedad Psicoanal{\´i}tica Mexicana, Vol. I, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis) 1980, pp. 245-253.}, journal = {Memorias, ed. by Sociedad Psicoanal{\´i}tica Mexicana, Vol. I, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis) 1980, pp. 245-253.}, language = {es} } @article{ZunigadeNunes, author = {Zuniga de Nu{\~n}es, C. O.}, title = {Psicoanalisis de Algunas Falsas Identidades Femeninas}, series = {Memorias, ed. by Sociedad Psicoanal{\´i}tica Mexicana, Vol. I, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis) 1980, pp. 459-470.}, journal = {Memorias, ed. by Sociedad Psicoanal{\´i}tica Mexicana, Vol. I, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis) 1980, pp. 459-470.}, language = {es} } @article{ZunigadeNunes, author = {Zuniga de Nu{\~n}es, C. O.}, title = {La presencia de Erich Fromm en la psicolog{\´i}a mexicana}, series = {Revista Mexicana de Psicolog{\´i}a, Vol 1 (No. 2, July-December) 1984, pp. 86-88.}, journal = {Revista Mexicana de Psicolog{\´i}a, Vol 1 (No. 2, July-December) 1984, pp. 86-88.}, abstract = {Discusses the influence of E. FROMM on Mexican psychology, noting his influence in defining the role of the clinical psychologist in Mexico. FROMM's writings provide a means of understanding contemporary human existence.}, language = {es} } @article{ZunigadeNunes, author = {Zuniga de Nu{\~n}es, C. O.}, title = {Implicaciones historicas de la psicologia clinica en M{\´e}xico}, series = {Revista Mexicana de Psicolog{\´i}a, Vol 1 (No. 2, July-December) 1984, pp. 89-92.}, journal = {Revista Mexicana de Psicolog{\´i}a, Vol 1 (No. 2, July-December) 1984, pp. 89-92.}, abstract = {Discusses the influence of E. FROMM on Mexican psychology, noting his influence in defining the role of the clinical psychologist in Mexico. FROMM's writings provide a means of understanding contemporary human existence.}, language = {es} } @misc{Zulliger, author = {Zulliger, Hans}, title = {Psychoanalyse und F{\"u}hrerschaft in der Schule}, series = {Imago. Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol. XVI (No. 3/4, 1930), pp. 39ff.}, journal = {Imago. Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft, Vol. XVI (No. 3/4, 1930), pp. 39ff.}, language = {de} } @article{ZuhdiHayatullah, author = {Zuhdi, Muhammad Luthfi and Hayatullah, Imam Khomaeni}, title = {Narrative for Terrorism and Transnationalism ISIS Theology through the Doctrine of Religion}, series = {Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015]}, journal = {Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015]}, abstract = {Acts of terrorism seem to never run out of Indonesia, from independence to the present day. Including the ideals of the establishment of an >Islamic State< that gave rise to a new wave of terrorism. The JAD group affiliated with ISIS clearly states that the Indonesian republic is thogut, so it is haram to be obedient to it, and they commit an act of terror some time ago. ISIS cleverly uses religious propositions to recruit new members. The verses of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet became his legitimacy. The concept of Hijra, Necrophilia and millenarism became the main doctrine of the ISIS. ISIS uses this narrative to facilitate and call for action in Indonesia. Suicide bombing, police station attack carried out by sympathizers, either JAD members or lone wolf. ISIS also utilizes social media well, this facilitates the idea of necrophilia, millenarism of ISIS is practiced by its sympathizers. Through qualitative and text analysis and the idea approach, necrophilia from Erich Fromm and millenarism from Norman Cohn, and other narrative this research is intended to make counter narrative of ISIS, so that the emergence is the concept of biophilia and optimism against the times and build a better future.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zuger, author = {Zuger, Bernard}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Forgotten Language (1951a, English)}, series = {American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 12 (No. 1, 1952), pp. 82-83.}, journal = {American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 12 (No. 1, 1952), pp. 82-83.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zuger, author = {Zuger, Bernard}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: Man for Himself. An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics (1947a, English)}, series = {American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 8 (1948), pp. 63-65.}, journal = {American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 8 (1948), pp. 63-65.}, language = {en} } @article{Zudeick, author = {Zudeick, Peter}, title = {Gestohlene Worte - Eine Kampfansage an Rechts}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 25 / 2021, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 035-047}, volume = {d25/2021c}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 25 / 2021, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 035-047}, language = {de} } @article{Zudeick, author = {Zudeick, Peter}, title = {Laudation for Noam Chomsky}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 14 / 2010, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 17-22}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 14 / 2010, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 17-22}, language = {en} } @article{Zudeick, author = {Zudeick, Peter}, title = {Laudatio Noam Chomsky}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 15 / 2011, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 49-53.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 15 / 2011, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 49-53.}, language = {de} } @article{Zuckerman, author = {Zuckerman, S.}, title = {Correlation of Change in the Evolution of Higher Primates.}, language = {en} } @article{ZuckermanCohen, author = {Zuckerman, Marvin and Cohen, Nathan}, title = {Sources of Reports of Visual and Auditory Sensations in Perceptual Isolation Experiments}, series = {Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 62 (No. 1, July 1964), pp. 1-20.}, journal = {Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 62 (No. 1, July 1964), pp. 1-20.}, language = {en} } @article{Zuckerman, author = {Zuckerman, Marvin}, title = {Hallucinations, Reported Sensations and Images}, series = {Zubek, J. (Ed.): Sensory Deprivation: Fifteen Years of Research, New York (Appleton Century Croft) 1969, pp. 85-125.}, journal = {Zubek, J. (Ed.): Sensory Deprivation: Fifteen Years of Research, New York (Appleton Century Croft) 1969, pp. 85-125.}, language = {en} } @article{Zucker, author = {Zucker, H.}, title = {Reality: Can It Be Only Yours Or Mine?}, series = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 29 (1993), pp. 479-486.}, journal = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 29 (1993), pp. 479-486.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zucha, author = {Zucha, Rudolf O.}, title = {In memoriam Erich Fromm (1900-1980)}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik, Wien Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1983), pp. 26.}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik, Wien Vol. 8 (No. 1, 1983), pp. 26.}, language = {de} } @article{Zucha, author = {Zucha, Rudolf O.}, title = {Architektur und Herrschaft - aus sozialpsychologischer Sicht [Architecture and power from a social psychological viewpoint}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik, Vol. 13 (No. 3, 1988), pp. 3-26.}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik, Vol. 13 (No. 3, 1988), pp. 3-26.}, abstract = {Architektonische Beispiele f{\"u}r Objektivationen sozialer Machtstrukturen in Gesellschaften mit traditionalem, rationalem und charismatischem Herrschftstypus werden vorgestellt. Die Geist-Objektivationen in Stilen und Formen der Architektur erhalten Lebenskraft in Re-Subjektivierungen, die durch charakterliche Strukturen gesteuert werden. Diese selbst sind nach Erich FROMM jedoch nicht rein psychologisch deutbar, sondern als Interaktionsresultat psychischer und sozial{\"o}konomischer Vorg{\"a}nge zu begreifen. In {\"a}hnlicher Weise k{\"o}nnen auch Wirkungen innenarchitektonischer Verh{\"a}ltnisse interpretiert werden. Abschliessend wird auf die Bedeutung kommunikativer F{\"a}higkeiten f{\"u}r k{\"u}nftige Architekten und eine Demokratisierung der Architektur hingewiesen.}, language = {de} } @article{Zubke, author = {Zubke, Friedhelm}, title = {Angst als beherrschendes Element des Menschen und Ans{\"a}tze zu ihrer {\"U}berwindung}, series = {J. Badewien (Ed.), Erich Fromm. Psychoanalyse, Ethik und Religion. Herrenalber Forum Band 27, Karlsruhe (Evangelische Akademie Baden) 2001, pp. 155-175.}, journal = {J. Badewien (Ed.), Erich Fromm. Psychoanalyse, Ethik und Religion. Herrenalber Forum Band 27, Karlsruhe (Evangelische Akademie Baden) 2001, pp. 155-175.}, language = {de} } @article{Zubke, author = {Zubke, Friedhelm}, title = {Hoffen und den Frieden tr{\"a}umen! Der Hoffnungsbegriffr bei Ernst Bloch und Erich Fromm G{\"o}ttingen 1994, Typescript 18 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {de} } @article{Zubke, author = {Zubke, Friedhelm}, title = {Erich Fromm - ein Anreger f{\"u}r Denken und Handeln im 21. Jahrhundert!?}, series = {P{\"a}dagogik, No. 3, 2000, pp. 38-42.}, journal = {P{\"a}dagogik, No. 3, 2000, pp. 38-42.}, language = {de} }