@article{ZhangLei, author = {Zhang, Jianchun and Lei, Mingzhen}, title = {From Fromm's Theory of Alienation to Read >Mara and Dan Adventures< [从弗洛姆的异化理论来解读《玛拉和丹恩历险记》] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute [佳木斯教育学院学报], No. 10 (2012), pp. 82-83.}, journal = {Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute [佳木斯教育学院学报], No. 10 (2012), pp. 82-83.}, abstract = {>Mara and Dan adventures< shows us the doomsday scenarios of world civilization comes to an end and prevalent in human spiritual crisis. This article from the perspective of Fromm's theory of alienation to analyze the man and self man and nature, man and woman, person and the person in the novel, all have alienation phenomenon, and put forward some ways to eliminate the alienation.}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jing}, title = {Lonely Experience of Life and Self-redemption - An Interpretation of Fromm's Philosophy of Modernity [生命的孤独体验与自我救赎——对弗洛姆现代性哲学的解读]}, series = {Journal of Shenyang University (Social Science) [沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2012), pp. 45-47, 51.}, journal = {Journal of Shenyang University (Social Science) [沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2012), pp. 45-47, 51.}, abstract = {With scientific and Technological Progress, people is loneliness under the Mechanization and the large-scale of industrialization. To overcome modern people's loneliness, emptiness and weakness, Fromm Considered love to be an Interpersonal Creative Capacity, but it could not help people achieve their self-redemption. In the view of historical materialism, Marx pointed out the direction of self-salvation of modern people from the loneliness experience, by the theoretical construction of communism.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jinglin}, title = {A Study on Nineteen Eighty-Four in Light of the Theory of Alienation of Affection [情感异化理论观照下的《一九八四》], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {With pungent satire and profound thought George Orwell has developed his political allegory novels with a unique style In view of his great contributions to literature and politics, he is known as the cold conscience of a generation. >Nineteen Eighty-Four< is one of the most outstanding works. Once published in1950, it became the focus of a heated discussion among all the sectors of society. Together with Brave New World (1932) by British writer Huxley and by Russian writer Zamyatin (1920), they are known as >Trilogy of Anti-utopian<. Nineteen Eighty-Four is at the peak of Orwell's career and makes him world-renowned. Being a masterpiece of political fiction literature, Nineteen Eighty-Four has been studied by many scholars as well as literary critics at home and abroad from different perspectives, such as political science, linguistics, existentialism, feminism, and so on. In this political allegory, the author consciously displays a vivid future totalitarian world. It is undoubtedly that in the environment, lacking both humanity and freedom, any attempts to resist or pursue humanity is doomed to fail. However, the previous studies only describe the various abnormal behavior of the people in the totalitarian environment without sorting out these abnormal states, underlying the causes of these anomalies, nor applying any possibility or way of humans' self-salvation. As the most important theorist of >New Freudianism< of the school of psychoanalytic psychology and an important member of the Frankfurt School, German psychiatrist Erich Fromm precisely provides a theoretical support for the unachieved study with the theory of >alienation of affection< of humanistic psychoanalysis. This paper tries to study the alienation of humanity in Nineteen Eighty-Four with the theory of alienation of affection. By probing the reasons of alienation of affection, the thesis also tries to find a possible and proper way out for the alienation of affection. The article consists of five parts, Introduction, three main body chapters, and Conclusion. Introduction mainly introduces Orwell's literary achievements and Nineteen Eighty-Four as well as the studies and comments at home and abroad concerned, and then points out: the significance of the paper is to analyze various morbid behavior displayed by the members in the authoritarian society of Oceania, reveal the root causes of the alienated phenomenon, and focus on exploring ways to escape from such a tragedy from the perspective of the theory of alienation of affection.- Chapter One is the theoretical basis, in which a detailed elaboration of Fromm's theory of alienation of affection is presented. Fromm devotes his whole life to the combination of Marxist social analysis and Freudian psychological analysis, and creates his own theory of >Humanistic Psychoanalysis<. It is on this foundation that his theory of alienation of affection is developed. This theory indicates that humanity is inseparable from the state of society. An unhealthy society causes people to be incapable of carrying out >love and creative work<, losing the ability to establish a positive contact with the world, resulting in a personal psychological mechanism of >escaping from freedom<, and in the end, giving rise to the alienation of affection. Alienation of affection is also the source of every kind of evil, such as violence and war.- Chapter Two analyzes the embodiment of alienation of affection in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Fromm argues that alienation of affection takes on three forms. >Love of Death< is an emotion for death and destruction, >Malignant Narcissism< means an excessive self-enhancement of ignoring the objective, while >Incestuous Symbiosis< represents an extreme form of Oedipus complex with a desire for losing self completely. Section One enumerates on how the >Love of Death< is displayed in the actions of the members of every stratum of the society; Section Two portrays the frantic state of >Malignant Narcissism< of the Party in Oceania; Section Three reveals a relationship of >Incestuous Symbiosis< existing between the Party and the rebels. The combination of the three will produce >Syndrome of Decay<, which is the root of all the evils in Oceania.- Chapter Three investigates the causes of alienation of affection in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Fromm believes that if emotion lies in the extrusion of >Dichotomy of Survival< on one hand, and limited by >social filter< on the other hand, man can hardly become his own, and alienation is the inevitable outcome. In Oceania, with an extreme repression, the Party uses three means of filtering, >Newspeak<, >Doublethink<, and >Thought crime<, according to their totalitarian will. These act as a social filter to restrict the social consciousness. Therefore, people are not able to possess a normal sense and will surely lose the capacity of escaping from alienation of affection.- Based on the above analysis and discussion, the thesis draws a conclusion. Human's survival and development are not isolated, but rather closely related to their social environment. The cultural, economic, political and other developments of the whole society have a decisive impact on shaping individuals' affection. A healthy society can provide a prerequisite for people to pursue >love and creative work<, creating possibilities for individuals to escape from loneliness and alienation of affection; this is the crucial factor in inhibiting the criminal activities in reality and avoiding the tragedy of humanity. Last but not the least, in fact, the analysis of the people's behavior and mental state in a morbid society of Nineteen Eighty-Four and the exploration of its inherent development and pursuit also have some practical significance to the present society.}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jingyu}, title = {Am I a Devil? - A Look at the Sadistic Personality of the Protagonist in >Wonderland< from the Perspective of Erich Fromm's Theory [我是魔鬼吗?——以弗洛姆的理论解读《奇境》主人公的虐待狂人格] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Nanyang Normal University [南阳师范学院学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 80-83.}, journal = {Journal of Nanyang Normal University [南阳师范学院学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 80-83.}, abstract = {以弗洛姆关于虐待狂的理论,分析《奇境》一书中的主人公杰西虐待狂人格的形成原因,以及他行为中表现出的受虐特性与施虐特性。反映了>原始关系<的断裂使人产生孤独无力感;通过服从或控制外界这种消极的方式获取安全感,导致了人格的异化。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Tingting}, title = {Research on the Needs Theory of Ideological and Political Education from an Interdisciplinary Perspective [跨学科视角的思想政治教育需求理论研究], Master thesis, Ideological and Political Education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, Liaoning, China 2012.}, abstract = {思想政治教育的复杂性使得思想政治教育跨学科研究成为重要方法。需求理论是哲学和社会心理学研究的重要课题之一。需求理论与思想政治教育具有内在一致性。本文在思想政治教育研究成果的基础上,尝试从跨学科的视角研究思想政治教育需求理论,分析其特质,总结跨学科的需求理论对思想政治教育需求理论的影响。全文分三大部分,分别为概述跨学科的需求理论,分析需求理论与思想政治教育的内在联系,用跨学科的需求理论提升思想政治教育观、拓展思想政治教育途径和完善思想政治教育方法。第一部分:跨学科需求理论的概述。这是本文立论的前提。本文主要借鉴的跨学科需求理论包括:马克思的需求理论、马斯洛的需求理论、奥尔德弗的需求理论、勒温的需求理论、弗洛伊德的需求理论、麦克利兰的需求理论、马尔库塞的需求理论和弗洛姆的需求理论。第二部分:思想政治教育需求理论的特质。这是本文立论的基础。需求是个人与社会发展之间永恒的主题,思想政治教育的研究对象正是人,所以需求理论与思想政治教育具有内在一致性。分析思想政治教育需求理论的特质,是为下一步研究跨学科的需求理论对思想政治教育需求理论的影响打下重要基础。本部分主要从思想政治教育需求理论的内涵、特征、功能以及对思想政治教育需求理论的反思四个方面进行分析。第三部分:跨学科需求理论对思想政治教育需求论的影响。这是本文的核心部分。本部分在前两部分的基础之上,运用跨学科的需求理论,加强思想政治教育的理论研究。本部分主要从跨学科的需求理论对思想政治教育需求理念的提升、需求途径的拓展和需求应用的完善等方面进行论述。本文主要采用文献分析法、逻辑分析法和对比分析法来进行研究。相比之前学者的研究,本文运用了更多西方学者关于需求的理论,并结合这些理论对思想政治教育需求理论进行全方面的分析}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Xinyang}, title = {The Number of Officials in the >Escape from Freedom< [有多少官员在>逃避自由<]}, series = {Boat Together [同舟共进 ], No. 5 (2012), p. 15.}, journal = {Boat Together [同舟共进 ], No. 5 (2012), p. 15.}, abstract = {我说中国的一些官员在>逃避自由<,有人会说我脑子有问题——中国官员有太多的自由,会有人>逃避自由<吗?的确,现今世界上恐怕没几个国家的官员像中国官员这样在行为上有那么大的自由度。但不要忽视,他们在逃避着另一种自由,这就}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Xun}, title = {The Analysis of the War Nature of Judge Holden in the Novel >Blood Meridian< [《血色子午线》中霍尔顿法官的战争本性] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Anshun University [安顺学院学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 17-18, 30.}, journal = {Journal of Anshun University [安顺学院学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 17-18, 30.}, abstract = {Cormac McCarthy is one of the most distinguished writers in contemporary American literature. His masterpiece Blood Meridian is a text set in the western border of the United States, in the which, based on the shocking with historical fact that American white slaughtered American Indians just after the end of America-Mexico war, McCarthy Shaped Holden, the central figure of the novel, to the spokesperson of the war. With the view of text analysis, the nature of Holden who pursues war is discussed by the theory of human destructiveness proposed by Erich Fromm, the famous psychologist and philosopher. The bloody scenes presented in the novel reflect the cruelty of war, and indicate the long-existence of war, which remind people to fight against the source of war to enjoy a peaceful life.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yanmei}, title = {Out of the Fog of Consumption - Resolution on Consumer Alienation [走出消费的迷雾 -对消费异化的解析], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China 2012.}, abstract = {消费是人类物质生产与再生产中的一个重要环节,也是人类生存与发展的首要条件之一,但在当代>异化<却侵入了消费领域,以符号消费、奢侈消费、盲目消费为代表的消费方式,正在把我们人类引向一种可怕境地,这不得不引起我们对消费方式的反思。本文通过对消费异化的概念、特征及危害的阐述,使我们了解到,消费异化实质是一种脱离了消费者的正常需要,与消费的本质相背离,控制或操纵消费者,且具有严重危害性的非正常消费方式。这种非正常消费方式给自然、社会以及人自身都带来了严重危害。本文通过运用马克思的异化劳动理论分别从资本、商品拜物教等不同角度揭示出了造成消费异化的根源。同时面对我国目前消费领域中出现的种种异化现象,结合西方马克思主义扬弃消费异化之路的思想,特别是弗洛姆的>人道化消费<思想和生态马克思主义学派的>构建新的社会主义<思想,力图寻求即与我国当前经济发展水平、生态环境水平和资源状况相适应,又与人们的精神需要相协调的和谐消费模式,以期为最终走出消费的迷雾寻求人类的精神家园作出有益的尝试。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yanyang}, title = {Theoretical Path to Political Psychology: On Taking the Study of Erich Fromm for Example [试论政治心理学的理论路径——以埃里希·弗洛姆的研究为例]}, series = {Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 6 (2012), pp. 86-89.}, journal = {Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 6 (2012), pp. 86-89.}, abstract = {On the basis of the theories of Marx and Freud and through the expoundation is on the rationality of theoretical integration Fromm made a systematic integration - of the two theories. This integration not only gave consideration to such dimensions as history, society, economy and psychology, but also incorporated micro and macro-theoretical perspectives, on which Fromm raised theory of social character and created a rather unique theoretical path to political psychology.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yehua}, title = {Review Fromm's >Marx's Concept of Man< [评弗洛姆的《马克思论人》], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012}, abstract = {人的问题是马克思一生关注的主题,马克思从自然、社会、实践的三维视角,全面系统的讨论人的问题,从而实现了人的理论的变革。马克思人的思想诞生以后,引起了中西方学者的高度关注,弗洛姆就是其中之一。面对20世纪社会上人的问题的种种困惑,弗洛姆选择了马克思,在《马克思论人》一书中,对马克思有关人的思想进行分析和解读,试图从中找出解决的方法。本文认为,弗洛姆对马克思人的论述在一定程度上丰富了马克思的思想,但也存在着一些误解和曲解。本文对弗洛姆《马克思论人》中的观点进行了具体评析,由以下四个部分组成:第一部分,主要介绍了弗洛姆解读马克思思想所处的社会历史背景及其理论来源。20世纪初,战争的动乱,资本主义社会的经济危机不断爆发,社会中出现了一系列的问题,如人的信仰缺失和社会化生活机械化的倾向是弗洛姆解读马克思理论提供了现实基础;就理论来源来说,主要是弗洛伊德的精神分析理论、马克思的>异化<理论以及历史唯物主义对弗洛姆所产生的影响。第二部分,总结和提炼了马克思有关人的思想,介绍了马克思的人的思想发展历程,归纳了马克思人的本质内涵,并对马克思人的思想的特点做总结。马克思人的思想是逐步发展、逐步深化的,是对前人思想批判和吸收的基础上形成的,黑格尔的>绝对精神<和费尔巴哈的>类本质<都对马克思产生过极大的影响;马克思从自然、实践、社会的三维视角,对人的问题作了一个全面的阐述,自然存在物的人是基础,实践存在是人发展的动力,社会实践是人本质表现;马克思的人的思想具有现实性、多重性、统一性和发展性的特点。第三部分,主要从四个角度介绍弗洛姆《马克思论人》中对马克思人的思想的理解。关于异化理论,弗洛姆认为马克思的异化意味着主体和客体的分离,包括人的劳动过程异化和劳动结果异化两方面,异化问题历来就有,在资本主义到达顶点,并认为马克思没有预见到异化的程度;关于社会主义,弗洛姆认为马克思的社会主义的目标是实现人的解放,是一种先知式的救世主义的土壤,是基督教理想和个人理想的结合;历史唯物主义方面,弗洛姆认为历史唯物主义超越了传统的唯物主义,是人道主义和自然主义的结合,人的历史由劳动创造,是与大自然进行斗争的历史;关于人的本性,弗洛姆认为马克思所说的本性就是《手稿》中的本质,劳动是人本质实现的方式,马克思对资本主义的批判不是针对经济,而是针对人性异化,其所要做的就是实现将人从异化中解放出来。第四部分,主要对弗洛姆的思想进行评析。弗洛姆认识到了人在历史中的地位,社会主义的目标是实现人的解放,并结合精神分析学去分析社会中人的问题,丰富和发展了马克思人的思想;但他忽视了历史唯物主义的基本矛盾,没有看到人的本性和人的本质的区别,片面的夸大了异化的适用范围,脱离了社会现实;弗洛姆的思想为我们解决生活中的过度消费、人心空虚等问题提供了新的视野。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Xia}, title = {Fromm Mature >Love< and its Impact on Shaping the Modern Concept of Love Revelation Students [弗洛姆的成熟的>爱<及其对现代大学生爱情观塑造的启示]}, series = {Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 27 (2012), pp. 226.}, journal = {Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 27 (2012), pp. 226.}, abstract = {弗洛姆的成熟的爱是人格全面发展的体现,是一种能力,它包括给予、关心、责任心、尊重和认识五个相互联系、相互作用的基本要素,是所有爱的形式所共有的。他的成熟的爱对于我们正视现代大学生爱情观存在问题,进而塑造大学生积极健康爱情观有许多启示作用。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhong, author = {Zhong, Jieping}, title = {Interpretation of Alienation in the Figures of >If We Dream Too Long< [《假如我们梦太久》中人物的异化解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 6 (2012), pp. 80-81.}, journal = {Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 6 (2012), pp. 80-81.}, abstract = {新加坡英语文学以其众多的优秀作品引起了越来越多学者们的关注。吴宝星的小说《假如我们梦太久》是当代新加坡文学中现代意义上的第一部英语文学小说。该书以独立不久的新加坡为背景,讲述了新加坡人独特的生活经历。本文旨在以弗洛姆的异化和健全理论探讨小说中主人公光萌在不健全社会里的挣扎、反抗和自我追寻的历程,最终光萌选择去爱这个世界而不是逃避或者妥协。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Ping}, title = {Fromm's Ethical Thinking of Care from the Perspective of Character and Moral Values [从品格学角度看弗洛姆关爱伦理思想的道德价值]}, series = {Journal of Changsha University [长沙大学学报], No. 3 (2012), pp. 67-69.}, journal = {Journal of Changsha University [长沙大学学报], No. 3 (2012), pp. 67-69.}, abstract = {研究弗洛姆的关爱伦理思想,必须将伦理学和心理学结合起来。在其关爱伦理思想体系中,他将品格学注入对道德价值的阐释中,在深度和广度上都有所增益,极富特色。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhu, author = {Zhu, Dai}, title = {>The Way of the World< and >The Human Heart< - Diagnosis, Treatment and Healing Accor¬ding to Fromm [世道<与>人心< - 弗洛姆的诊断、治疗和拯救], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2012.}, abstract = {在弗洛姆看来,异化既是>世道<的病态,也是>人心<的病态。马克思是针对>世道<病态的人道抗议者,劳动异化本质上是人性异化和非人化,而马克思的目标是人的自由和解放。弗洛伊德是针对>人心<病态的人道关怀者,异化亦是心理的异化,表现为原欲的压抑和疏离的体验,因此人的解放亦是人心的解放。弗洛姆对异化的社会病理诊断,是从人性世界的精神诊断入手的。人性是善恶同体的。从个体性格看,爱生、爱人和独立性是积极的品质,爱死、自恋和乱伦固结是消极的品质。从社会性格看,创生倾向、成长综合症等是积极的品质,非创生倾向、衰败综合症等是消极的品质。弗洛姆对异化的社会治疗方案,包括了从>世道<到>人心<的各个维度和层面:消除人性的异化,满足人的需求,包括爱、自由及自我实现的需求等,是治疗的人道目标,这个目标通过培养健全的人格和建构健全的社会来共同完成。弗洛姆的拯救,是把爱作为一种伦理原则和一种信仰:人的世界应该是爱的世界,爱既是对人的信任,也是一种积极的自由。爱是一种艺术,需要克服个人的自恋,发展谦卑,需要客观性和理性以及培养他生性。弗洛姆启示我们:人性是一个既包括自然属性又包括社会属性,既包括理性又包括感性,既包括意识又包括无意识的多维度、多层面的范畴,>以人为本<应以这个人性范畴为本,而>和谐社会<的建设,也应该包括从>世道<到>人心<的多个维度和多个层面,是系统性的和整合性的。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhu, author = {Zhu, Yu}, title = {The Existential Dilemma and Ideological and Political Education of Contemporary Students - From Fromm's View of Escape from Freedom [当代大学生的生存困境与思想政治教育——从弗洛姆的逃避自由观说起]}, series = {Journal of Socialist Theory Guide [理论导刊], No. 1 (2012), pp. 71-73.}, journal = {Journal of Socialist Theory Guide [理论导刊], No. 1 (2012), pp. 71-73.}, abstract = {了解当代大学生的生存状态和现实需要,是提升高校思想政治教育实效性的基本途径。以弗洛姆的逃避自由观为理论背景分析当前社会条件下大学生的生存困境和心理机制,问题的解决需要政治、经济、文化等各种力量的整合,尤其需要对人精神的引导,这为思想政治教育的发展提供了契机。}, language = {zh} } @article{ZingalePiccorelli, author = {Zingale, Nicholas C. and Piccorelli, Justin T.}, title = {A View from Erich Fromm on Individuality Within Organizations}, series = {Administrative Theory and Praxis, Vol. 34 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 211-236.}, journal = {Administrative Theory and Praxis, Vol. 34 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 211-236.}, abstract = {Do individuals have freedom or are they free? This project utilizes phenomenology and Erich Fromm's concepts of having and being to explore the issue of awareness through the lens of individuals working in public and private organizations. It argues that awareness of freedom is not only structurally constrained within organizations, but serves to conflate a way of being. Further, it suggests, individuals, and especially societal leaders, have a responsibility to take a stand and act according to what provides them with meaning so as to preserve and expand access to individual freedom.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zuo, author = {Zuo, Danhua}, title = {To Have or to Be - Fromm's Critical Society Theory [占有还是存在 - 弗洛姆社会批判理论研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China 2012.}, abstract = {>占有还是存在<这是一个现代生活中的重要问题,也是弗洛姆社会批判理论和实践中一条隐含的线索。本文首先对重占有和重存在两种生存方式进行了剖析,从中挖掘出了弗洛姆这一生存理论的前提,即人道主义原则、异化理论和社会性格理论。在此基础之上指出他这一理论的主旨:社会批判基础之上的社会拯救——构建>新人<和>新社会<。弗洛姆整个生存方式理论是以他对人性的分析作为基础的,人性中所固有的矛盾性是出现两种生存方式对立的根本原因,而人性中的主动和创造性本质又是消除这种对立,使得人类最终扬弃>重占有<的生存方式,建立>重存在<的生存方式的可能性所在。整篇文章的主要目的是对弗洛姆生存方式理论做一个较为全面的整理工作,同时站在马克思主义的哲学立场上对他的这种理论进行了分析。他这一生存方式理论主要涉及了三个方面:第一,对人的本性、人的生存状况作出的分析说明;第二,对社会状况、特别是社会病态进行了批判剖析;第三,为医治社会、拯救人类提供方案。这三方面也是他整个社会哲学所主要进行的工作。尽管弗洛姆的理论有偏颇之处,但是他为综合马克思的历史唯物主义和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说所做的努力是不容忽视的,正是他的这种努力为我们打开了一个应用马克思主义哲学分析当下社会问题的新视角。}, language = {zh} } @book{OPUS4-24065, title = {The Dunayevskays-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence, 1954-1978. Dialogues on Hegel, Marx, and Critical Theory, Lanham (Lexington Books) 2012, 267 pp.}, editor = {Anderson, Kevin and Rockwell, Russell}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-26132, title = {Teoria e t{\´e}cnica da psican{\´a}lise humanista (Theory and technique of humanist psychoanalysis), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psican{\´a}lise Humanista) 2012, 244 pp.}, editor = {Pereira, Sal{\´e}zio Pl{\´a}cido and Froner, Carla Cristine}, language = {pt} } @misc{OPUS4-28855, title = {Ferenczi and His World. Rekindling the Spirit of the Budapest School. London (Karnac) 2012.}, editor = {Szekacs, Judith and Keve, Tom}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-28856, title = {Ferenczi for Our Time. Theory and Practice. London (Karnac) 2012.}, editor = {Szekacs, Judith and Keve, Tom}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-28466, title = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry. The Official Journal of The American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, Guilford Press, Vol. 40 (2012).}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-27802, title = {Lost in Transmission. Studies of Trauma Across Generations. London. Karnac) 2012.}, editor = {Fromm, M. G.}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-27379, title = {Relational Psychoanalysis, Vol. 4, Expansion of Theory. New York (Routledge) 2012.}, editor = {Aron, L. and Harris, A.}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-27380, title = {Relational Psychoanalysis, Vol. 5, Evolution of Process. New York (Routledge) 2012.}, editor = {Aron, L. and Harris, A.}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-28413, title = {Theory and Practice of Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. London (Karna) 2012.}, editor = {Osimo, F. and Stein, M. J.}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-37273, title = {Psychoanalityczne interpretacje literatury: Freud, Jung, Fromm, Lacan [PsychoanalyticInterpretations ofLliterature: Freud, Jung, Fromm, Lacan], Lublin (KUL Publishing House) Poland 2012, 352 pp., Polish. [ISBN: 8377024012, 9788377024010]}, editor = {Fiała, Edward and et al.,}, language = {pl} }