@article{VolkovaPanchenko, author = {Volkova, Y. A. and Panchenko, N. N.}, title = {Деструктивность в политическом дискурсе [Destructiveness in Political Discourse]}, series = {Russian Journal of Linguistics], Vol 20, No 4 (2016), pp. 161-178. [Online ISSN 2686-8024] [doi.org/10.22363/2312-9182-2016-20-4-160-178]}, journal = {Russian Journal of Linguistics], Vol 20, No 4 (2016), pp. 161-178. [Online ISSN 2686-8024] [doi.org/10.22363/2312-9182-2016-20-4-160-178]}, abstract = {Деструктивность относится к числу фундаментальных дискурсивных категорий, которые играют значительную роль в организации коммуникативного взаимодействия и определяют прагматику дискурса; ее изучение способствует пониманию некоторых механизмов и принципов коммуникации, а также идентификации стратегий и тактик, используемых деструктивной коммуникативной личностью. Актуальность настоящего исследования определяется нарастающими проявлениями агрессивности в различных типах дискурса и, соответственно, необходимостью расширения знаний о деструктивном поведении коммуникативной личности. Исследование базируется на теории дискурс-анализа и теории деструктивности (Z. Harris, T. van Dijk, A. Buss, E. Fromm, D. Ponton, K. Hacker, R. Wodak, Н.Д. Арутюнова, В.И. Карасик, М.Л. Макаров, Е.И. Шейгал и др.). Развивая теорию деструктивности Э. Фромма (1973), авторы уточняют понятие >деструктивности< по отношению к политическому дискурсу и соотносят его с родственным понятием агрессивности. В статье на материале отрывков из выступлений кандидатов на пост президента 2016 г. анализируется категория деструктивности в современном политическом дискурсе США. Особое внимание уделяется доминирующей деструктивной интенции - нанести вред репутации оппонента и уменьшить его политические шансы, а также функциям вербальной агрессии: с одной стороны, дискредитировать оппонента, с другой, настроить аудиторию против него/нее и вызвать у аудитории ощущение опасности, исходящей от политического оппонента. Проводится анализ вербальных и невербальных средств выражения деструктивности в политическом дискурсе США. Делается вывод о том, что оскорбительные реплики политиков - результат не спонтанного эмоционального всплеска, а тщательно продуманной деструктивной стратегии, в которой агональная природа политического дискурса стимулирует использование средств инструментальной агрессии (Басс, 1971) ради борьбы за власть, понижения статуса оппонента и ухудшения его публичного имиджа.}, language = {ru} } @article{RadkiewiczSkarżyńska, author = {Radkiewicz, Pjotr and Skarżyńska, Krystyna}, title = {Freedom, Freedom ... but What Kind of Freedom? Intrinsic and Extrinsic Sense of Freedom as Predictors of Preferences for Political Community and Attitudes Towards Democracy}, series = {Social Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2019), pp. 1-27. [Online ISSN 2569-653X] [doi.org/10.32872/spb.v14i3.37565]}, journal = {Social Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2019), pp. 1-27. [Online ISSN 2569-653X] [doi.org/10.32872/spb.v14i3.37565]}, abstract = {In theoretical considerations on democracy freedom is sometimes understood in unconditional and conditional terms. This general distinction underlies I. Berlin's concept of negative and positive freedom, and E. Fromm's concept of >freedom from< and >freedom to<. The authors of this paper introduce the concept of extrinsic and intrinsic sense of freedom which is meant to be psychological representation of the philosophical distinction on unconditional and conditional freedom, respectively. An extrinsic freedom results from a lack of external restrictions/barriers, whereas intrinsic freedom is based on the belief that being free means compatibility between one's own actions and preferred values, life goals or worldview. Based on nationwide survey data, the authors show that both forms of freedom are embedded in entirely different basic human values and moral intuitions. Further, it is shown that intrinsic freedom negatively predicts liberal orientation and clearly favors communitarian orientation, whereas extrinsic freedom clearly favors liberal orientation. The authors argue that both forms of experiencing freedom have different effects on support for the principles of liberal democracy. The positive effect of extrinsic freedom is indirect, i.e., entirely mediated by liberal orientation. On the other hand, the effect of intrinsic freedom can be decomposed into three components: a) as a positive direct effect, b) as a positive indirect effect (by strengthening the communitarian orientation), and c) as a negative indirect effect (by weakening the liberal orientation). In conclusion, the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic freedom are discussed in the light of their relationships with support for democratic principles.}, language = {en} } @misc{Kaniowskietal, author = {Kaniowski, Pavel and et al.,}, title = {Neopsychoanaliza humanistyczna Ericha Fromma - Wprowadzenie, Przeczytaj, Prezentacja multimedialna, Film edukacyjny, Dla nauczyciela [Erich Fromm's Humanistic Neopsychoanalysis - Introduction, Readings, Multimedia Presentation, Educational Film, for the Teacher], Educational platform of the Ministry of Education and Science, Poland s. a.}, language = {pl} } @article{Żylicz, author = {Żylicz, Piotr Olaf}, title = {Problematyka moralna w psychologii humanistycznej [Moral Issues in Humanistic Psychology]}, series = {Roczniki Filozoficzne, Vol. 43, No. 4 (1995), pp. 75-89.}, journal = {Roczniki Filozoficzne, Vol. 43, No. 4 (1995), pp. 75-89.}, abstract = {The article discusses some moral aspects of the conceptions of A. Maslow, C. Rogers, S. Jourard, R. May, and other representatives of humanistic psychology. The relations between human nature and >good< and >evil<, autonomy of mature morality, personal freedom and responsibility, conscience and guilt, moral determinants of interpersonal relations are the major problems under analysis. The author also presents some basic objections made against the moral formulations stated in humanistic psychology.}, language = {pl} } @article{ZuhdiHayatullah, author = {Zuhdi, Muhammad Luthfi and Hayatullah, Imam Khomaeni}, title = {Narrative for Terrorism and Transnationalism ISIS Theology through the Doctrine of Religion}, series = {Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015]}, journal = {Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015]}, abstract = {Acts of terrorism seem to never run out of Indonesia, from independence to the present day. Including the ideals of the establishment of an >Islamic State< that gave rise to a new wave of terrorism. The JAD group affiliated with ISIS clearly states that the Indonesian republic is thogut, so it is haram to be obedient to it, and they commit an act of terror some time ago. ISIS cleverly uses religious propositions to recruit new members. The verses of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet became his legitimacy. The concept of Hijra, Necrophilia and millenarism became the main doctrine of the ISIS. ISIS uses this narrative to facilitate and call for action in Indonesia. Suicide bombing, police station attack carried out by sympathizers, either JAD members or lone wolf. ISIS also utilizes social media well, this facilitates the idea of necrophilia, millenarism of ISIS is practiced by its sympathizers. Through qualitative and text analysis and the idea approach, necrophilia from Erich Fromm and millenarism from Norman Cohn, and other narrative this research is intended to make counter narrative of ISIS, so that the emergence is the concept of biophilia and optimism against the times and build a better future.}, language = {en} } @misc{Žitna, author = {Žitn{\´a}, Barbora}, title = {Koncepce humanistick{\´e} etiky v d{\´i}le E. Fromma, [The Concept of Humanistic Ethics in the Work of E. Fromm], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2022, 41 pp.}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Grundprinzipien der humanistischen Ethik von Erich Fromm darzustellen. Seine Ideen werden mit denen von Sigmund Freud und Karl Marx verkn{\"u}pft, von denen Fromm oft inspiriert wurde. Im ersten Teil wird auf die Definition der humanistischen Ethik und die Unterscheidung zwischen biophiler und nekrophiler Orientierung eingegangen. Der Kern von Fromms Ethik ist seine Charakterologie. Dabei besch{\"a}ftigt sich die Arbeit mit produktiver und unproduktiver Orientierung, deren Auspr{\"a}gungen und in der Folge auch Seinsweisen. Der Hauptteil beschreibt die Frage nach der menschlichen Natur, zusammen mit der Frage, ob der Mensch von Natur aus schlecht oder gut ist. Auch dem Freiheitsbegriff Fromms wird Beachtung geschenkt. Diese Interpretation beschreibt den Prozess der Individualisierung, der zur Freiheit f{\"u}hrt, sowie die Mechanismen der Flucht, die sich aus diesem Prozess ergeben. Ein weiteres Thema ist ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber positive Freiheit und wie man sie erreicht. Im Zusammenhang mit der Freiheit befasst sich das Werk auch mit dem Gewissen. Der letzte Teil widmet sich einem Vergleich ausgew{\"a}hlter ethischer Kategorien von Karl Marx und Erich Fromm. Konkret geht es um eine Gegen{\"u}berstellung ihres Menschenbildes und seiner Entfremdung. [Deutsche Kurzfassung der Autorin]}, language = {pl} } @article{Zheng, author = {Zheng, Chang}, title = {A Social and Psychological Discussion on Erich Fromm's Escape Mechanism of Freedom and the Way towards Self-Realization}, series = {Canadian Social Science, Vol. 18, No. 3 (2022), pp. 74-77. [Online ISSN 1923-6697] [doi.org/10.3968/12577]}, journal = {Canadian Social Science, Vol. 18, No. 3 (2022), pp. 74-77. [Online ISSN 1923-6697] [doi.org/10.3968/12577]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] A personal character is determined by the historical era in which one lives. Erich Fromm is particularly concerned with the debated issue of freedom, especially the escape mechanism of freedom. As a member of the Frankfurt School, Erich Fromm believes that human beings are mainly social beings, not a self-sufficient enclosed system. After analyzing how the escape mechanism for freedom is produced, Fromm advocates that positive freedom should be the freedom to develop oneself freely, to fully tap and realize one's own potential, to pursue the ideal of truth, goodness and beauty, and to promote personal growth and happiness. Only when people actively play their own roles in the society can their sense of isolation and helplessness be overcome. Replacing authoritarian power with democracy and instilling to people the ideas about life, liberty and truth can they find a right path towards self-realization. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{ZepfSeel, author = {Zepf, Siegfried and Seel, Dietmar}, title = {Psychoanalysis and political economy}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 003-011.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 003-011.}, abstract = {The authors examine the influence that psychoanalysts' economic situation has on the current state of psychoanalysis, particularly focusing on the situation in Germany and employing a perspective afforded by Marxian commodity analysis. Their analysis brings them to conclude that, in psychoanalysis, the suspension of truth value, the tolerance shown towards contradictory concepts, the lack of conceptual criticism, and the exclusion of sociocritical issues seem to be effects of psychoanalysts' interest in realizing the exchange value of their psychoanalytic treatment and their accompanying lesser interest towards its use value.}, language = {en} } @article{Zawalska, author = {Zawalska, Izabela}, title = {Genderowa podmiotowość bohatera-mężczyzny w rosyjskiej kobiecej fantasy [Су бъективность гендер героя‑муж чины в русской женской фэнтези] [Gender Subjectivity of the Male Characters in Russian Women's Fantasy Novels]}, series = {Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze, Vol. 21 (2011), pp. 88-101.}, journal = {Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze, Vol. 21 (2011), pp. 88-101.}, abstract = {Настоящая статья является попыткой прочтения русской фэнтези авторов женщинписательниц Елены Хаецкой и Марии Семёновой, с точки зрения гендерных исследований. Автор статьи находит в мироощущении и субъективности героев черты матриархальной (в романе Семёновой Волкодав) и патриархальной (в цикле новелл Е. Хаецкой, под общим названием Мракобес) структур. В том, как герой реагирует на окружающиймир, происходящие события и женщину, воплощается его субъективность, отражающаяэти системы общественных отношений. Автор статьи показывает тоже, как образ женщины меняется под влиянием точки зрения героев‑мужчин(в зависимости от того, какойтип общественных отношений они представляют собой): от богини по проститутку, отпочитания по страх перед ее натуральностью и телесностью.Главные слова: гендер, герой фэнтези, женская фэнтези, патриархальное/матриархальноемироощущение.}, language = {pl} } @article{Zawadska, author = {Zawadska, Joanna}, title = {Postawy być czy mieć - rozw{\´o}j czy upadek wsp{\´o}łczesnego człowieka [Attitudes to Be or to Have - Development or Decline Modern Man]}, series = {Kwartalnik naukowy, Vol 2, No. 22 (2015), pp. 140-146. [ISSN 2082-7067]}, journal = {Kwartalnik naukowy, Vol 2, No. 22 (2015), pp. 140-146. [ISSN 2082-7067]}, abstract = {Wielcy myśliciele XX w. spostrzegają człowieka jako pewnego rodzaju >wybryk natury<, kt{\´o}ry wyłonił się nagle ze świata zwierzęcego, aby zaraz utracić większość swojego instynktu charakterystycznego dla zachowań zwierząt (za: Fromm, 1995). Wobec tego człowiek stał się bezradnym i bezbronnym łupem w walce o przetrwanie w świecie zwierząt. Jednak zostało w nim coś, co go odr{\´o}żniało od jego >pobratymc{\´o}w<. Tę pozostałość stanowią zdolność myślenia, wyobra{\'{z}}nia i samoświadomość, kt{\´o}re to pomogły człowiekowi przekształcić całą otaczającą go przyrodę i zmienić siebie.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Zabranska, author = {Z{\´a}bransk{\´a}, Marie}, title = {Frommovo pojet{\´i} člověka a psychoanal{\´y}za [Fromm´s Conception of Human and Psychoanalysis, Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 57 pp.}, abstract = {The topic of the present bachelor thesis is Erich Fromm and his specific concept of a human being and psychoanalysis. In his works, this famous psychologist was able to explain the position of a human being in the society, their needs and problems linked to their own existence. The introductory chapter summarizes fundamental facts about Fromm's life and mentions several important personalities who influenced his thinking. The following chapters focus on the main issues of Fromm's concept of a human being, especially their place in the environment, their relationship with the surrounding world, life philosophy and the issue of personal freedom. It deals in detail with the issues of love, aggression, freedom and the >To Be and to Have< life philosophy. Another issue this thesis deals with is Fromm's approach to psychoanalysis and religion. The concluding chapter contains the fact about the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and a comparison of the individual concepts of a human being as formulated by Freud and Fromm respectively.}, language = {pl} } @article{Zaborowski, author = {Zaborowski, Holger}, title = {Haben oder Sein? Erich Fromms Humanismus als Vorbild und Anregung f{\"u}r die Gegenwart}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 069-079.}, volume = {d27/2023f}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 069-079.}, language = {de} } @misc{York, author = {York, Emma Dane}, title = {Disorder: Contemporary Fascism and the Crisis in Mental Health, Master of Arts, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Political Studies, Department of Political Studies, University of, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada 2018, 56 + 3 pp. [hdl.handle.net/10388/11199]}, language = {en} } @article{Yogiswari, author = {Yogiswari, Krisna Suksma}, title = {Konsep Ketuhanan dalam Filsafat Erich Fromm (1900-1980) [The Concept of God in Philosophy Erich Fromm (1900 - 1980)]}, series = {Sanjiwani - Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2021), pp. 13-27. [doi.org/10.25078/sjf.v12i1.2104]}, journal = {Sanjiwani - Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2021), pp. 13-27. [doi.org/10.25078/sjf.v12i1.2104]}, abstract = {Gejolak konsep Ketuhanan sepanjang perjalanan kehidupan manusia senatiasa terjadi. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) yang merupakan seorang psikoanalis Mazhab Frankfurt, dalam karya-karyanya secara tersirat telah mencirikan suatu konsep yang dinamakannya sendiri sebagai 'Mistisisme Non-Teistik' sebagai suatu bentuk spiritualitas yang humanis dan mengatasi keterpisahan manusia yang dalam istilah Fromm disebut >well being< sebagai konsekuensi eksitensinya, yang akhirnya dapat mengatasi dilema kemanusiaan dan keberagaman. Kajian ini merupakan sebuah upaya untuk menguraikan pemahaman Ketuhann dalam perspektif Erich Fromm, serta relasi Tuhan dan manusia.}, language = {mul} } @article{Yildirin, author = {Yildirin, Dilanur}, title = {Erich Fromm - >{\"O}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}kten Ka{\c{c}}{\i}{\c{s}}< {\c{C}}er{\c{c}}evesinde >{\"O}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}k< Kavram{\i} [Erich Fromm - The Concept of >Freedom< in the Framework of >Escape from Freedom<]}, series = {Toplumsal Degisim, No. 3 (2021), pp. 134-136.}, journal = {Toplumsal Degisim, No. 3 (2021), pp. 134-136.}, language = {mul} } @article{Yildirim, author = {Yildirim, Sait}, title = {T{\"u}rkiye'de son on y{\i}lda i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri {\"u}zerine: sebep, sonu{\c{c}} ve {\"o}neriler [Femicides in Turkey in Last Ten Years: Cause, Consequences and Suggestions]}, series = {Mecmua - Uluslararas{\i} sosyal bilimler dergisi, Vol. 3, No. 6 (2018), pp. 1-21. [Online ISSN 2587-1811] [doi.org/10.32579/mecmua.448868]}, journal = {Mecmua - Uluslararas{\i} sosyal bilimler dergisi, Vol. 3, No. 6 (2018), pp. 1-21. [Online ISSN 2587-1811] [doi.org/10.32579/mecmua.448868]}, abstract = {Kad{\i}n cinayetleri T{\"u}rkiye'de {\"o}nemli bir toplumsal sorun olarak varl{\i}ğ{\i}n{\i} korumaktad{\i}r. Cinayetlerin temelinde {\c{s}}iddet ve sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimlerinin etkisi g{\"o}r{\"u}lmektedir. Bu sebeple {\c{s}}iddetin psikolojik boyutu cinayet eylemlerinde belirleyici olmaktad{\i}r. Sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimi birikerek bir {\c{s}}ekilde geli{\c{s}}erek cinayet eylemlerine d{\"o}n{\"u}{\c{s}}mektedir. Kad{\i}n cinayetleri incelenirken {\"o}ncelikle bireyde mevcut bulunan sald{\i}rgan davran{\i}{\c{s}}lar{\i}n ele al{\i}nmas{\i} gerekmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada {\c{s}}iddet ve sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimlerinin bireysel anlamda psikolojik temelleri {\"u}zerine teorik {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}malara değinilmektedir. Erich Fromm ve Sigmund Freud'un sald{\i}rganl{\i}k tipolojileri kuramsal a{\c{c}}{\i}dan dikkate değer g{\"o}r{\"u}lmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada y{\"o}ntem olarak vaka {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mas{\i} tercih edilmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}ma kapsam{\i}nda T{\"u}rkiye'de son on y{\i}lda i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri ele al{\i}nmaktad{\i}r. Toplamda 2380 kad{\i}n cinayetinden 1260 vaka incelenmektedir. İncelenen vakalarda sağl{\i}kl{\i} sonu{\c{c}}lar elde edilmesi bak{\i}m{\i}ndan nicelik, nitelik, i{\c{s}}leni{\c{s}} bi{\c{c}}imi ve sebepleri bak{\i}m{\i}ndan ayd{\i}nlat{\i}lm{\i}{\c{s}} olmas{\i} temel referans noktas{\i}n{\i} olu{\c{s}}turmaktad{\i}r. Cinayet eylemlerinde failin {\"o}zellikleri, {\"o}ld{\"u}rme bi{\c{c}}imi, sebebi, katil ve maktul ili{\c{s}}kisi dikkate al{\i}nmaktad{\i}r. Kad{\i}nlar{\i}n, en s{\i}k vakit ge{\c{c}}irdiği ki{\c{s}}iler taraf{\i}ndan {\"o}ld{\"u}r{\"u}ld{\"u} g{\"o}zlenmektedir. Cinayet i{\c{s}}leme bi{\c{c}}iminde ate{\c{s}}li silahlar yoğun olarak kullan{\i}lmaktad{\i}r. Cinayetlerde erkeğin {\"o}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}k alan{\i}n{\i}n daralmas{\i} ve erkeğin kad{\i}n {\"u}zerindeki h{\^a}kimiyetinin ortadan kalkmas{\i} {\"o}nemli sebepleri olu{\c{s}}turmaktad{\i}r. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada cinayet sebepleri {\"u}zerinden ortak odak noktalar{\i} tespit edilerek {\c{c}}{\"o}z{\"u}m {\"o}nerileri sunulmaktad{\i}r. Kad{\i}na y{\"o}nelik cinayet eylemlerinde bireysel silahlanma ve uzun vadede cinayeti {\"o}nleyici politikalar {\"u}zerine yoğunla{\c{s}}{\i}lmaktad{\i}r. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}man{\i}n amac{\i} i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri {\"u}zerinden vaka {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mas{\i} yaparak teorik {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}malar {\i}{\c{s}}{\i}ğ{\i}nda bir tak{\i}m {\c{c}}{\"o}z{\"u}m {\"o}nerileri sunmakt{\i}r.}, language = {mul} } @article{Yerushalmi, author = {Yerushalmi, Hanoch}, title = {On the strengthening and enlivening influence of being with patients and supervisees}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 118-128.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 118-128.}, abstract = {Analytic writers have studied existential anxiety or annihilation anxiety, emanating from traumatic disruptions to people's sense of going-on-being, reminders of their finitude, and facing a chaotic reality, and suggested that they can endure this anxiety by being with and living through it together with another person. The literature suggests that to be with patients who experience such anxiety, therapists need to indulge >narcissistically< in their own memories and fantasies of similar experiences, and, in parallel to the patients, enter transient regressive states. Sometimes, however, therapists are faced with a chaotic analytic reality that arouses existential anxiety in themselves, and seek to share it with their supervisors who, by experiencing parallel regressive states, can identify with their supervisees and grasp their experiences. Supervisors who consistently fail to be with their supervisees at such moments and persist in offering them new constructions of therapeutic materials might strengthen the supervisees' defensive operations and disrupt their development as therapists.}, language = {en} } @article{Yerushalmi, author = {Yerushalmi, Hanoch}, title = {Supervisees' professional development and the analytic community}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 024-033.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 024-033.}, abstract = {Children construct their inner worlds by internalizing real and imagined aspects of their parental figures and their families as whole objects with their relational configurations. These familial configurations are often evoked in the context of communities that, similarly to families, struggle to preserve and advance their unity and collective values, interests, and symbols. Supervisees acknowledge their internalized familial relational configurations when they explore their countertransferences and their transferential responses to the analytic community. Understanding these transferences in supervision may facilitate the process of assimilating the analytic community into supervisees' professional selves. Moreover, the supervisors represent and mediate both the community's balanced and flexible relational therapeutic positions and its complexities. These positions might provide the supervisees with new group-object experiences and change their defensively organized rigid familial relational configurations, thereby further integrating the supervisees' professional selves as well as strengthening the analytic community.}, language = {en} } @article{Yeoman, author = {Yeoman, Ruth}, title = {Meaningfulness and organising for sustainable futures}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 45-53.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 45-53.}, abstract = {To maintain complex civilisation within planetary boundaries, we must secure a whole >system of systems< transformation of our activities. In this article, based on the lecture notes for my keynote speech at the International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology, I explore the ethical dimensions of making organisations that can help us improve our collective decision-making and at the same time become persons whose acting and being is consistent with the sustainability imperative. I outline a human capability for ethical organising which is directed towards making organisations that generate life-value, or those resources by which we cultivate the relational and material conditions for stewarding and sustaining all living beings and things. The >value of meaningfulness< and >mutuality as an organising principle< afford conversion factors for translating our general >will to form< into a human capability for ethically desirable organising. Meaningful work provides action contexts for people to discover, protect and develop values that matter to them. The moral value of meaningfulness is also productive for breaking into vicious cycles of corporate alienation that prevent the emergence of organisations as collective moral agents, characterised by integrity and empathy. I conclude that we need a fresh democratic dispensation - one that covers our associational life across all fields of endeavour.}, language = {en} } @article{Yalvac, author = {Yalvac, Faruk}, title = {Alienation and Marxism: An Alternative Starting Point for Critical IR Theory}, series = {E-International Relations, Jan. 27 (2022), pp. 3-7. [ISSN 2053-8626]}, journal = {E-International Relations, Jan. 27 (2022), pp. 3-7. [ISSN 2053-8626]}, abstract = {This article aims to be an intervention into the recent discussions on the importance anxiety and ontological security in the study of International Relations (IR) (Kinvall and Mitzen, 2020; Hom and Steele, 2020; Rumelili, 2020). The paper poses an alternative critical starting point based on the Marxist concept of alienation. Marx's work on alienation continued in historical materialist traditions such as in Luk{\´a}cs' (1971) analysis reification has a lot to offer to the discussions on emotions and anxiety and the development of a politically relevant critical theory of IR. My purpose is to draw attention to the potential of Marxist social theory and particularly the concept of alienation in contributing to the development of an emancipatory critical IR theory. Most of the recent discussions on anxiety remain at an abstract level. The recent existential accounts of anxiety and ontological insecurity have subjectivist and idealist conceptions failing to account for the structures of power and domination in capitalist society. However, Marx's concept of alienation deals with the consequences of power and domination in a more historically specific way (Sayers 2011, 1) providing the basis for a more meaningful social critique oriented to human emancipation.}, language = {en} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Mengyue}, title = {The Consciousness of Constructing Black Community in >A Raisin in the Sun< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Academic Journal of Humanities \& Social Sciences (Francis Academic Press, UK), Vol. 6, No. 15 (2023), pp. 29 - 34 [ISSN 2616-5783] [doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061505]}, journal = {Academic Journal of Humanities \& Social Sciences (Francis Academic Press, UK), Vol. 6, No. 15 (2023), pp. 29 - 34 [ISSN 2616-5783] [doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061505]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Lorraine Hansberry, the first black playwright and the youngest American to win a New York Critics' Circle award, her >A Raisin in the sun<, opens on Broadway with great success. This paper mainly adopts the Alienation Theory of Fromm to explore her consciousness of reconstructing an inclusive Black Community based on disclosing that the dreams of the black people are distorted into sublime objects constructed by the dominant ideology. Grounded on the three principles from Fromm's Alienation theory, this paper finds that Hansberry has not only suggested that the elimination of alienation can be achieved by the strong power of family bonds but also highlighted the essential role that the Black tradition plays in the construction of an inclusive Black Community where black people can traverse the ideological fantasy and develop their racial pride. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wojtowicz, author = {W{\´o}jtowicz, Agniezska}, title = {O samotności i miłości w >Pożądaniu w cieniu wiąz{\´o}w< Eugene'a O'Nilla [On Loneliness and Love in >Desire Under the Elms< by Eugene O'Neill] [Sur la solitude et l'amour dans >Desir sous les ormes< d'Eugene O'Neill], in: S. Caputa and A. Wo{\'{z}}niakowska (Eds.): Wielkie tematy literatury amerykańskiej. Vol. 7, Miłoś, Katowice (Publishing House of the University of Silesia) Poland 2017, pp. 45-55, Polish. [ISBN: 9788322631478]}, abstract = {The authoress of this article has attempted to read the play by an American playwright Eugene O'Neill in the light of the concept of love as proposed by Erich Fromm in 1956. This German philosopher argued that the only way to escape loneliness, a feeling to which everybody is doomed, is to unite oneself with another person in love. In a popular publication, titled >The Art of Loving<, Fromm describes various forms of love. >Desire Under the Elms< - a play written more than three decades before Fromm's publication - seems to illustrate these philosophical considerations. Such a view on O'Neill's work allows to notice its human dimension, and perceive its protagonists as an embodiment of the universal human condition.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Woźniak, author = {Wo{\'{z}}niak, Waldemar}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Anatomy of Human Destructivity (Polish).}, series = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 13 (2004), 438-440.}, journal = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 13 (2004), 438-440.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wong, author = {Wong, Charlotte}, title = {Narcissism Obstacle - To Love Dr. Fromm}, series = {Spartan Daily San Jose State College, Vol. 53, No. 106 (Friday, April 22, 1966). [scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4785\&context=spartandaily]}, journal = {Spartan Daily San Jose State College, Vol. 53, No. 106 (Friday, April 22, 1966). [scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4785\&context=spartandaily]}, abstract = {Dr. Erich Fromm, internationally-known psychoanalyst-author, stressed narcissism and lack of faith as major obstacles to love at yesterday's ASB lecture in Morris Dailey Auditorium.}, language = {en} } @misc{Wojtowicz, author = {W{\´o}jtowicz, Marek}, title = {Review Kamil Kaczmarek: Socjologia a religie. Wsp{\´o}łczynnik humanistyczny jako narzędzie wartościowania w pismach Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Publishing Office, Faculty of Theology of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań) Poland 2003}, series = {Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne, Vol. 37, No. 2, (2004), pp. 311-312.}, journal = {Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne, Vol. 37, No. 2, (2004), pp. 311-312.}, language = {pl} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {The pedagogy of asylum as a utopia of hospitality. A review of basic assumptions}, series = {Filozoficzne problemy educacji, No. 4 (2021), pp. 1-19. [Online ISSN 2545-0948] [doi.org/10.4467/25450948FPE.21.001.15166]}, journal = {Filozoficzne problemy educacji, No. 4 (2021), pp. 1-19. [Online ISSN 2545-0948] [doi.org/10.4467/25450948FPE.21.001.15166]}, abstract = {This paper aims at the presentation of ethical and political grounds of the pedagogy of asylum, which, in its assumptions, refers to concepts of such thinkers as Emmanuel Levinas, Erich Fromm, George Steiner, Hannah Arendt, Michael Walzer, Avishai Margalit, Jacques Derrida and Janusz Korczak. Utopia of hospitality, presented in its basic assumptions, constitutes a look at the social life, life of individuals and communities, as concentrated in asylums, while its author thinks that it forms an answer to modern challenges to Western democracies, education and politics in the >Age of Migration<.}, language = {en} } @book{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Utopia i edukacja. Studia z filozofii, teorii edukacji i pedagogiki azylu [Utopia and Education. Studies in Philosophy and Pedagogy of Asylum], Wrocław (Department of General Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław, Lower Silesia) Poland 2021, 440 pp., Polish. (Series: Publications of the Department of General Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław - Issue IV.) [ISBN 978-83-62618-68-2]}, language = {pl} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Utopia szkoły, nieposłuszeństwo i przekład. Dwa biblijne mity w odczytaniach Ericha Fromma i George'a Steinera [Utopia of School, Disobedience, and Translation Two Biblical Myths in the Interpretation of Erich Fromm and George Steiner]}, series = {Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04]}, journal = {Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04]}, abstract = {Można przyjąć, że dwa biblijne mity - o wyjściu Adama i Ewy z ogrodu Eden oraz o budowniczych wieży Babel - są interesującymi ekspresjami wyobra{\'{z}}ni utopijnej, ponieważ opowiadają o dw{\´o}ch miejscach, w kt{\´o}rych na dwa odmienne sposoby realizowano projekty wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Wsp{\´o}łcześnie jednym z takich miejsc, kt{\´o}re możemy rozumieć jako niejednoznaczny efekt realizacji utopii epoki rewolucji przemysłowej, jest szkoła - przestrzeń edukacji zaplanowana jako ważna część projektu wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Dwa oryginalne odczytania - autorstwa Ericha Fromma i George'a Steinera - przywołanych biblijnych mit{\´o}w posłużą wzbogaceniu o nowe wątki i podejścia dyskusji o kondycji wsp{\´o}łczesnej szkoły oraz dyskurs{\´o}w pedagogiki krytycznej czy pedagogiki oporu i pedagogiki hermeneutycznej.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Review Rafał Wlodarczyk: Ideologia, teoria, edukacja. Myśl Ericha Fromma jako inspiracja dla pedagogiki wsp{\´o}łczesnej, Krak{\´o}w (Publishing House >Impuls<), Poland 2016. (Studium z filozofii Ericha Fromma, krytyki społecznej i teorii edukacji)}, language = {pl} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Czas mesjański, rytuał szabatu i pedagogia azylu w filozofii Ericha Fromma [Messianic Time, the Sabbath Ritual and Asylum Pedagogy in the Philosophy of Erich Fromm]}, series = {Paweł Jabłoński and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Fromm - aplikacje, Wrocław (>Chiasm< Publishing Initiative) Poland 2016, pp. 137-159.}, journal = {Paweł Jabłoński and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Fromm - aplikacje, Wrocław (>Chiasm< Publishing Initiative) Poland 2016, pp. 137-159.}, abstract = {Celem artykułu jest wskazanie miejsca i znaczenia w filozofii Ericha Fromma obecnych w jego pracach figur czasu mesjańskiego i rytuału sza¬batu. Powiązane ze sobą dają się odczytać jako integralna część koncepcji Fromma, prowadząca w jego myśli do pedagogii azylu - posiadającego istotny potencjał emancypacyjny i edukacyjny rozwiązania problemu alienacji wsp{\´o}łczesnego człowieka.}, language = {pl} } @book{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Ideologia, teoria, edukacja.Myśl Ericha Fromma jako inspiracja dla pedagogiki wsp{\´o}łczesnej [Ideology, Theory, Education: Erich Fromm's Thought as an Inspiration for Contemporary Pedagogy], Krak{\´o}w (Publishing House >Impuls<) Poland 2016, 329 pp., Polish. [978-83-8095-143-3]}, abstract = {[Conclusion] Niniejsza monografi a dowodzi, że inspirowana myślą Ericha Fromma teoria i praktyka edukacji może znale{\'{z}}ć w niej reprezentującą orientację emancypacyjną w krytycznej teorii edukacji spojną i wartościową wykładnię. Wskazuje także, że zaproponowany przez niego zbior ustaleń i rozwiązań bez większych przeszkod może stanowić dla pedagogiki ogolnej, teorii wychowania, jak rownież oddziaływań służących formowaniu całokształtu zdolności życiowych człowieka rezerwuar jednostkowych zapożyczeń. Ponadto dowodzi, że formułowane w jego książkach sądy i stawiane tam tezy pozostają istotnym {\'{z}}rodłem dla dalszego namysłu w pedagogice krytycznej, fi lozofi i edukacji oraz podejmowanych badań w rożnych obszarach nauk o wychowaniu. Wskazany i potencjalny wkład Fromma do pedagogiki ujęty w tej książce, ustalony na podstawie kompleksowego opracowania jego myśli, daje się sprowadzić do listy kilku złożonych zagadnień rozwiniętych w poszczegolnych rozdziałach, takich jak: koncepcja natury człowieka, jego rozwoju, podmiotowości, zdrowia oraz ideału wychowania; teoria społeczeństwa i jego wpływu na kształtowanie się osobowości oraz zdolności życiowych człowieka; dialektyczna koncepcja zmiany społecznej oraz miejsca i roli w niej edukacji; teoria jednostkowej i społecznej alienacji; koncepcja emancypacji przez edukację; teoria ruchu emancypacyjnego; koncepcja nauczyciela jako transformatywnego intelektualisty; teoria utopii społecznej; koncepcja doktryny pedagogicznej i ich powiązania w ideologii edukacyjnej radykalnego humanizmu; ogolna teoria ideologii; koncepcja ukrytego programu edukacji oraz kryteriow ich krytyki; teoria pedagogii azylu. Należy zaznaczyć, że konsekwentna realizacja zadania badawczego wymagała nie tylko rekonstrukcji, analizy i odczytania koncepcji Fromma, jej kontekstu fi lozofi cznego oraz wpływu środowisk intelektualnego i kulturowego, z jakich się wywodzi, ale w kilku przypadkach r{\´o}wnież określenia, referowania czy wskazania stanu aktualnej dyskusji w pedagogice oraz poszczeg{\´o}lnych naukach humanistycznych i społecznych na temat zagadnień, do kt{\´o}rych nawiązuje w swoich interdyscyplinarnych z założenia pismach. Innymi słowy, zadanie wymagało dostosowania się do okoliczności warunkujących podjętą pracę przekładu, by możliwe było prawidłowe przedstawienie konsekwencji myśli Fromma dla pedagogiki oraz jej adaptacja na gruncie dyscypliny i zgodnie z obowiązującymi w niej stanem wiedzy i regułami metodologicznymi.}, language = {pl} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Od polityki czasu do krytyki ideologii Koczanowicz versus Fromm [From the Politics of Time to the Critique of Ideology Koczanowicz versus Fromm], in: Leszek Koczanowics, Katarzyna Liszka, and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Między rozumieniem a porozumieniem. Eseje o demokracji niekonsensualnej, Warszawa, (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN), Poland, pp. 168 - 178.}, series = {Leszek Koczanowics, Katarzyna Liszka, and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Między rozumieniem a porozumieniem. Eseje o demokracji niekonsensualnej, Warszawa, (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN), Poland, pp. 168 - 178, Polish}, journal = {Leszek Koczanowics, Katarzyna Liszka, and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Między rozumieniem a porozumieniem. Eseje o demokracji niekonsensualnej, Warszawa, (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN), Poland, pp. 168 - 178, Polish}, abstract = {Pierwsza część artykułu poświęcona jest rekonstrukcji narzędzia krytyki społecznej, użytego przez Leszka Koczanowicza w książce Polityka czasu do diagnozy dynamiki zmian występujących w społeczeństwie polskim po 1989 roku. Tym, co wyr{\´o}żnia propozycję autora, wzorującego się na rozwiązaniu przyjętym przez Ernesto Laclau, na tle innych tego typu teorii, jest koncentracja na społecznych mitologiach i marginalizacja zjawiska ideologii. Druga część artykułu, kt{\´o}ra poświęcona jest rekonstrukcji założeń krytyki społecznej Ericha Fromma, pozwala, dzięki zestawieniu ze sobą tych dwu koncepcji, postawić pytanie o konsekwencje i potencjał krytyczny projektu Koczanowicza rezygnującego z dopracowania pojęcia ideologii i zintegrowania go z pojęciem mitu.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wils, author = {Wils, Jean-Pierr}, title = {Sich den Tod geben - Suizid als letzte Emanzipation?}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 033-047.}, volume = {d28/2024c}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 033-047.}, language = {de} } @article{Wijaya, author = {Wijaya, Nadia Anggie}, title = {Mother's Expressions of Love and the Existing Consequences in >Malaikat Juga Tahu< and >Tidur< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Kata Kita / Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2019, pp. 373-381. [Online ISSN 2598-7801] [doi.org/10.9744/katakita.7.3.373-381]}, journal = {Kata Kita / Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2019, pp. 373-381. [Online ISSN 2598-7801] [doi.org/10.9744/katakita.7.3.373-381]}, abstract = {Short story is a type of popular literature in Indonesia. In short stories, love is one of the most well-known topics for the Indonesian audience. Amongst various types of love, a mother's love is talked about the most. Thus, I decide to analyze how mothers express their love for their children in a compilation book titled >Rectoverso<. Also, I discover the consequences that the mothers experience due to their choices regarding love. By using the theory of love and the concept of motherly love from the book >The Art of Loving< by Erich Fromm, I find that the mothers have to face several choices that can give impacts toward their children and themselves. Every decision they make is caused by their love toward their children. Furthermore, the mothers prioritize their children instead of themselves. The impacts they experience may be positive or negative, depending on the situation.}, language = {en} } @article{Wiegand, author = {Wiegand, Ronald}, title = {Psychoanalyse und Gesellschaft bei Erich Fromm}, series = {Psychologische Menschenkenntnis, Z{\"u}rich, Vol. 6 (1970), pp. 257-273.}, journal = {Psychologische Menschenkenntnis, Z{\"u}rich, Vol. 6 (1970), pp. 257-273.}, language = {de} } @article{Wicoyo, author = {Wicoyo, Joko}, title = {Konsep manusia menurut Erich Fromm (study tentang akualisasi perilaku) [The Human Concept according to Erich Fromm (Study of Behavioral Actualization)]}, series = {Jurnal Filsafat, Vol.19 (August 1994), pp. 19-24.}, journal = {Jurnal Filsafat, Vol.19 (August 1994), pp. 19-24.}, abstract = {Jika manusia terpisah dari lingkungan keluarganya, jiwa manusia akan selalu berada dalam kesunyiaan dan selalu dalam keadaan terasing. Dengan keadaan yang dirasakan terasing, sunyi, dan selalu merasa kesepian tersebut manusia dapat merasa bahwa ia sudah lepas atau bebas dari ikatan emosional kelauarganya.}, language = {mul} } @article{Wicher, author = {Wicher, Andrzej}, title = {Freedom versus Intolerance: Variations on the Theme of Supernatural Wives and Husbands, in: D. Gabryś-Barker and J. Mydla (Eds.): English Studies at the University of Silesia: Forty Years on, Katowice (University of Silesia Publishing House) Poland 2013, pp. 311-330.}, abstract = {I have chosen, for the jubilee volume, my article >Freedom vs. Intolerance - Variations on the Theme of Supernatural Wives and Husbands<. It appeared in the volume entitled >We are all Indians< Violence - Intolerance - Literature, edited by Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Sławek (Katowice 1990). This was a special time for all of us; today it is called the time of breakthrough, or transformation. The topic of my article, and most other articles contained in this volume, is connected with the problem of freedom and enslavement, which, bearing in mind the atmosphere of that period, was almost inevitable. Thus, the reader will find, in that article of mine, reflections concerning the so called positive and negative freedom, some thoughts about Erich Fromm's book >The Fear of Freedom<. I used there also an old proverb, quoted in the writings of Sir Isaiah Berlin: >to be free is nothing, to become free is the very heaven<, a proverb that sounded very appropriate in the times when we all in Poland were regaining our lost freedom. The article itself is a heady mixture of threads and motifs taken from classical and modern philosophy, folktales, Biblical traditions and mythology, whereas the typical literary studies, or history of literature, are virtually absent there. This rather unconventional approach is, to some extent, typical of the style of academic discourse characteristic of the English studies as understood and practised in the University of Silesia at that time, that is in the 1980s and 1990s. This style was shaped, among other persons, by the, often indirect, influence of such personalities as Wojciech Kalaga, Tadeusz Sławek, Emanuel Prower, Tadeusz Rachwał, or, last but not least, Ewa Borkowska, who also contributed to the volume in question. Naturally, I am solely responsible for what I wrote in that article, which is a rather faithful reflection of my interests (and perhaps also obsessions) in that very memorable period of time.}, language = {en} } @article{Wicaksono, author = {Wicaksono, Imam}, title = {Cinta dan Identitas Agama: Tinjauan Konsep Cinta Erich Fromm dalam Novel >Fi Qalbi Untsa 'Ibriyyah< [Love and Religious Identity: An Analysis of Erich Fromm's Art of Loving in Novel >Fi Qalbi Untsa 'Ibriyyah<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2021), pp. 27-40. [Online ISSN 2540-9204] [ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id/index.php/adabiya/article/view/703/424]}, journal = {Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2021), pp. 27-40. [Online ISSN 2540-9204] [ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id/index.php/adabiya/article/view/703/424]}, abstract = {This study aims to reveal the symptoms, forms, and purposes of love of the characters in the novel >Fi Qalbi Untsa 'Ibriyyah<, and how they behave when their love for fellow human beings is hindered by the boundaries of their religion (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity) thus resulting in conflict and opposition within the novel environment. This research is a literature study by analyzing Arabic literary works in the form of novels and used Erich Fromm's psychosocial approach to the concept of love. The novel >Fi Qalbi Untsa 'Ibriyyah< presents the characters who initially live in a peaceful atmosphere and love each other, then the love turned into conflict after their different religious identities are unveiled. The characters have two choices: either following their feelings of love for humanity regardless religious identity or leaving their love by reason of obeying religious boundaries as a form of love for God. Research becomes important when it is found that love that departs from feelings of personal liking without seeing social ties can actually lead to many conflicts when it comes to meeting religious identity and its boundaries.}, language = {mul} } @article{HarWahyuningsihPurnomo, author = {Har Wahyuningsih, Hardiyanti and Purnomo, Bambang}, title = {Watak Egois sajrone Cerita Sambung >Lodan saka Segara Kidul< Anggitane Kukuh S. Wibowo miturut Teori Kapribaden Erich Fromm [Selfish Character in the Sequel Story >Lodan Saka Segara Kidul< by Kukuh S. Wibowo according to Erich Fromm's Personality Theory], Article, S-1 Regional Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Language and Arts, Surabaya State University, Surabaya, Indonesia 2020, 14 pp. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/baradha/article/view/33965/30304] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {Sesambungan antarane sastra lan psikologi, ana maneka faktor kang wigati. Kapisan, sawijine sastra kudu nggambarake kakuwatan lan kapinteran pangriptane. Kaloro, karya sastra kudu nduweni kautaman sing babagan gagrag lan basa minangka piranti kanggo nyuntak pikiran lan rasane pangripta. Katelu, prakara gaya, struktur lan tema karya sastra kudu ana sesambungane karo elemen-elemen kang nggambarake pikiran lan rasane pawongan tartamtu. Panliten kanthi objek cerita sambung >Lodan Saka Segara Kidul< anggitane Kukuh S. Wibowo bakal nintingi prakara cacah telu. Kanthi ringkes underane panliten bisa dirumusake: (1) Tuwuhe sipat seneng nekad sajrone cerita sambung (2) Faktor-faktor kang njalari sipat seneng nekad lan (3) Problem saka sipat seneng nekad. Panliten iki nggunakake pendekatan Psikologi sosial teori kapribaden Erich Fromm. Fromm njupuk sikap tengah ing sadar nandhesake luwih sethithik babagan motivasi sadar lan saingan amarga salah sijine ciri unik manungsa yaiku kesadaran. Manungsa ora kewan amarga padha bisa nggawe alesan, mbayangno masa depan, lan kanthi sengaja nyoba nyedhaki tujuane urip. Nanging, miturut Fromm, yen kesadaran diri minangka campuran saka akeh wong sing nindhes wong-wong mau kanggo karakter dhasar supaya ora kuwatir. Ing masalah sosial, Fromm nerangake manawa manungsa bisa nduwe pengaruh luwih saka sejarah, budaya, lan masyarakat tinimbang biologi.}, language = {mul} } @article{Wetters, author = {Wetters, Kirk}, title = {Spectacle, Ideology, and Rhetoric of the Authoritarian Personality}, series = {Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben P{\"a}the and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 111-124.}, journal = {Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben P{\"a}the and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 111-124.}, language = {en} } @article{Weizsaecker, author = {Weizs{\"a}cker, Ernst Ulrich von}, title = {F{\"u}r eine neue Aufkl{\"a}rung - Notwendigkeiten und Chancen einer Klimawende}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 134-144.}, volume = {d27/2023j}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 134-144.}, language = {de} } @article{Wei, author = {Wei, Huiying}, title = {>Sing, Unburied, Sing<: The Dual Lack and Pursuit of Love and Identity among Black People}, series = {International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 5, No. 11 (2022), pp. 87-95. [Online ISSN 2617-0299] [doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2022.5.11.10]}, journal = {International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 5, No. 11 (2022), pp. 87-95. [Online ISSN 2617-0299] [doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2022.5.11.10]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Jesmyn Ward's third novel, >Sing, Unburied, Sing<, however, is Ward's second work to have won the National Book Award for fiction. It was >Sing< that laid a solid foundation for Ward's reception from the American literary circle as a powerful new voice. Sing focuses on a black family in the American south, which was nearly torn apart by poverty, drugs, and racial discrimination; Apart from the estranged kinship in the black family, represented by ghost Richie, the black group in the novel also shows a seemingly strong desire for identity. Based on Erich Fromm's alienation theory and his theories of love, this paper gives an analysis of the alienation of the protagonist at the level of love and racial identity and focuses on the struggle of the black group to survive in the white mainstream society, which resulted in their dual lack and dual pursuit of love and identity. This paper aims to reveal Ward's fierce criticism of racist ideology that has caused the double dilemma of survival and spirit of black people in the American South and demonstrate her deep understanding as well as support for the ideals and actions of African Americans in terms of their eagerness to integrate into the mainstream society. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wehr, author = {Wehr, Helmut}, title = {Erich Fromm und Janusz Korczak - Erziehung in Liebe? Parallelen und Differenzen}, series = {Godel-Gaßner, R., and Krehl, S. (Eds.), Facettenreich im Fokus - Janusz Korczak und seine P{\"a}dagogik. Historische und aktuelle Perspektiven, Jena (edition Paideia), 2013, pp. 161-184}, journal = {Godel-Gaßner, R., and Krehl, S. (Eds.), Facettenreich im Fokus - Janusz Korczak und seine P{\"a}dagogik. Historische und aktuelle Perspektiven, Jena (edition Paideia), 2013, pp. 161-184}, language = {de} } @article{Weberetal, author = {Weber, Wolfgang G. and et al.,}, title = {Preface: Conference vision and call for participation}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 06-12.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 06-12.}, language = {en} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Wolfgang G.}, title = {Some lineages and resources of Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 21-30.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 21-30.}, abstract = {Critical work and organizational psychology is developing on an international scale. Against the background of this evolving scientific field, in this extended version of my opening speech at the first International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology, held from 11th to 13th of July 2022 at the University of Innsbruck, I aim to address the following three questions: (1) What concepts may be relevant for critical work and organizational psychology in analyzing established „mainstream" (i.e., hegemonic) conceptualizations within work and organizational psychology? (2) Cui bono, critical work and organizational psychology? - To what ethical foundations do (or can) representatives of critical work and organizational psychology refer to when they intend to criticize theory and practice in work and organizational psychology? (3) What do we know about work and organizations beyond domination, subjectification and social alienation? - About fractals of a humanist, socially sustainable economy. Preliminary answers to these questions and implications for the future of critical work and organizational psychology will be discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Wolfgang}, title = {La muralla del car{\´a}cter. Psicoanalisis del caracter social de las profesoras primarias. Disertaci{\´o}n durante el seminario mejicano-alem{\´a}n. La investigacion del caracter social. Intercambio de experiencias. Domingo 22 de Mayo de 1994 a las nueve horas en el Instituto de Ciencias Pol{\´i}ticas en T{\"u}bingen. Translation by Alfredo Westermeyer, 13 pp-}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {es} } @article{Wątrobski, author = {Wątr{\´o}bski, Adam}, title = {Kategoria >wolności od< i >wolności do< w interpretacji wolności religijnej: konfrontacja ujęć E. Fromma i I. Berlina z deklaracją >Dignitatis humanae< [The Category of >Freedom from< and >Freedom to< in the Interpretation of Religious Freedom: Confrontation of the Views of E. Fromm and I. Berlin with the Declaration >Dignitatis humanae<]}, series = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 11/12 (2002/2003), pp. 345-354.}, journal = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 11/12 (2002/2003), pp. 345-354.}, abstract = {Zauważyć należy, że mimo ogromnej r{\´o}żnicy między poglądami Fromma i Berlina a stanowiskiem Kościoła pojęcia wolności pozytywnej i wolności negatyw-nej spełniają funkcję pomocną w analizie fenomenu wolności religijnej. Oczywiście nie są to narzędzia umożliwiające ukazanie istoty wolności religijnej, ale mogą się przyczynić do unaocznienia takich rzadziej stanowiących przedmiot refleksji filozof{\´o}w warunk{\´o}w koniecznych przyznawania się do religii, jak np. wolność od społecznego nacisku na grupy religijne, wolność od nieuprawnionych ingerencji państwa w sprawy religijne, wolność do swobodnego przekazywania wiedzy religijnej, do publicznego wyrażania przekonań religijnych itp. Myśliciele liberalni, kt{\´o}rych refleksja była inspiracją do napisania tego szkicu, skupiali swoją uwagę na wolności negatywnej. W tak rozumianej wolności upatrywali szczeg{\´o}lną wartość. Wolność w rozumieniu przedstawianym w Dignitatis humanae, o ile można ją charakteryzować przy użyciu pojęć proponowanych przez Berlina czy Fromma, będzie zdecydowanie bliższe wolności w sensie pozytywnym, a jej urzeczywistnienie jednostka będzie osiągać przez dobrowolne poddanie się prowadzeniu przez rozpoznaną Prawdę.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wąsowski, author = {Wąsowski, Dominik}, title = {Dzieje mitu w mediach. Analiza fenomenu wampira w kinie na przykładzie >Zagadki Nieśmiertelności< Tony'ego Scotta i >Tylko Kochankowie Przeżyją< Jima Jarmuscha [The history of the myth in the media. Analysis of the vampire phenomenon in the cindema on an example >The Hunger< by Tony Scott and >Only Lovers Left Alive< by Jim Jarmusch] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2023), pp. 113-139. [Print ISSN 1231-1634] [doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.3.113-139]}, journal = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2023), pp. 113-139. [Print ISSN 1231-1634] [doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.3.113-139]}, abstract = {The article is an attempt to prove that cinema, becoming a kind of home of a mythical being - a vampire, clearly influences the change in the perception of its importance in culture. It was decided to explore the form and narrative of >The Hunger<, directed by Tony Scott and >Only Lovers Left Alive<, written by Jim Jarmusch, because both of these works are masterpieces of the romance of the vampire myth with the film medium, which are not particularly popular among researchers of the phenomenon. The research works of Roland Barthes, Vladimir Propp, Erich Fromm and Rollo May were used, as well as the concepts of successive processing of a mythical story were demonstrated.}, language = {pl} } @article{Warren, author = {Warren, Bill}, title = {Revisiting Fromm's >The Sane Society< at the present time: Some implications for mental Health and mental health education when seen with a PCP eye}, series = {Personal Construct Theory \& Practice, No. 9 (2012), pp. 4-15. [Online ISSN 1613-5091] [pcp-net.org/journal/pctp12/warren12.pdf]}, journal = {Personal Construct Theory \& Practice, No. 9 (2012), pp. 4-15. [Online ISSN 1613-5091] [pcp-net.org/journal/pctp12/warren12.pdf]}, abstract = {This paper discusses the notion of mental health from the perspective of the social context in which such a notion has to exist, and has to be fostered or otherwise, by that key social activity in a democracy that is education. In particular, it considers this topic by way of reviewing a thoroughgoing analysis of 'society and sanity' presented over a half century ago by Erich Fromm in his >The Sane Society<. The links to and an implications for a PCP understanding of mental health in the light of the ideas of Fromm and some later thinkers are discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{Wardhana, author = {Wardhana, Indra Jaya Kusuma}, title = {Sources of Child Abuse in Indonesian Educational Ideologies (Series: ASSEHR - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.)}, series = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (IcoCSPA 2017), Vol. 138 (2018), pp. 24-25. [Online ISSN 2352-5398] [doi.org/10.2991/icocspa-17.2018.5]}, journal = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (IcoCSPA 2017), Vol. 138 (2018), pp. 24-25. [Online ISSN 2352-5398] [doi.org/10.2991/icocspa-17.2018.5]}, abstract = {Schooling, followed by its modernized acclaim in educational standard is distorted with the ideal concept of education. Educational model and custom is kept in form of violence for the sake of achieving so-called disciplined product. It is not only physical but also includes non-physical forces as emotional and psychic are delivered in symbols. It is a part of expectation conflict, as well as internal part of social relation of parents and their children, teachers and their students, even society and children. At the same time, changes in educational ideologies is taking its root in child abuse even more. Education become severely see children as objects, which means reification. This study, using Erich Fromm's approach, emphasizes in child abuse phenomenon related to Indonesian educational ideologies as a form of modern society's aggression. Timeline of educational ideologies is studied to reveal sources of child abuse within. Critical discourse analysis by Laclau and Mouffe is the method for deconstructing and acting to transformation of internal contradiction between educational ideologies and sources of child abuse. Results of this study show how in each educational ideology tropologically and historiographically implies violence, and that recent educational ideologies is facing crisis to legitimate its irrational authority of social modern society character, which, eventually, sharpen the root to child abuse in educational processes.}, language = {en} }