@book{Delogu, author = {Delogu, C. Jon}, title = {Fascism, Vulnerability, and the Escape from Freedom: Readings to Repair Democracy, P{\"o}unctumbooks 2022, 472 pp.}, abstract = {In a comparative study of texts selected for their insights and occasional blind spots regarding fascist experiments of the past 100 years, Delogu examines fascism's exploitation of fear (of change, loss, and death), disruption, and extreme inequality. The book offers an accessible and persuasive argument linking fascist authoritarianism, also called "right-wing populism," to certain underlying conditions, such as a rise in us-versus-them thinking; distrust or simple apathy regarding democratic institutions, norms, and results; the vulnerabilities that result from extreme inequality (economic, social, racial); and addictions and codependency. Stressful events, such as a pandemic, an environmental disaster, or deep recession aggravate these harmful factors and make the fascist temptation, including the use of violence, almost irresistible. Delogu's distinctive examination of texts that plumb the unconscious reveal linkages between actions and unavowable motives that purely historical and theoretical studies of fascism leave out.}, language = {en} } @book{Frindte, author = {Frindte, Wolfgang S.}, title = {Quo Vadis, Humanismus? Wie wir unsere Menschlichkeit erhalten k{\"o}nnen - Historische Kontexte, Psychologische Reflexionen, Judenfeindliche Angriffe, Wiesbaden (Springer) 2022, 539 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {(Erich Fromm: The Courage to Be Human - Arabic cf. Funk_R_1978 and Funk_R_1982a), Arabic by Luai Khazal Ghabr, Beirut (Trigraphics) 2022, 617 pp.}, language = {ar} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {(Der entgrenzte Mensch - Arabic cf. Funk_R_2011) الإنسان دون قيود لماذا لا تحرر الحياة دون قيود، بل تسبب في التبعية r Arabic by Hamid Lech hab, 2022, 232 pp.}, language = {ar} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {(Der Mensch in seiner psychosozialen Dimension bei Erich Fromm - Arabic) الإنسان في بعده السيكو-اجتماعي عند إيريك فروم, Arabic by Hamid Lechhab, Amman (Khotot Wa Dilal ) 2022, .}, language = {ar} } @book{Keir, author = {Keir, Jonathan}, title = {The House That Fromm Built, (Karl Schlecht Foundation) 2020, 200 pp.}, language = {en} } @book{ZiottiNaritaMorelock, author = {Ziotti Narita, Jeremiah and Morelock, Felipe}, title = {The Society of the Selfie. Social Media and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy, London (University of Westminster Press) 2022, 191 pp.}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-37247, title = {T{\"a}terforschung nach Auschwitz. John Steiners Untersuchungen. Nachlass eines Auschwitz-{\"U}berlebenden, herausgegeben von Jochen und Anne Fahrenberg, Lengerich (Pabst Science) 2023, 537 pp.}, editor = {Fahrenberg, Jochen and Fahrenberg, Anne}, language = {de} }