@article{Benedetti, author = {Benedetti, Gajetano}, title = {Emergency Interventions and Direct Interventions in Psychotic Crisis During Psychotherapy}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 2 (No. 4, December 1993), pp. 226-236.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 2 (No. 4, December 1993), pp. 226-236.}, abstract = {The term psychotic crisis should be understood not only as an acute psychopathological syndrome occurring in the whole spectrum of psychoses, but also as a crisis that may occur in a healed patient facing difficulties in everyday life, or as a sudden change in a long and monotonous psychotherapy. The therapeutical duty often consists in >teachingUrgent interventiondirect intervention<. The former requires abandoning of the classical setting of verbal encounter, whereas >direct interventions< even if urgent and different from the usual psychoanalytic interventions, do not imply a change in the setting. I use this method only with psychotic patients in a situation of crisis. It implies >progressive overturnings< i.e. changing the situation of the patient in a positive direction by images arising from our therapeutic unconscious as a >projection< of the therapeutical imago. Usually they are verbal, but here I will show graphic and what I call >transforming< images. The >overturnings< are here summarized as 1. The overturning of autism into a one-to-one relationship 2. the overturning of repression into integration 3. the overturning of the destructive splitting into individuation.}, language = {en} } @article{Bell, author = {Bell, Daniel}, title = {The End of Ideology in the West}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 309-313.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 309-313.}, language = {en} } @article{Beauvoir, author = {Beauvoir, S. de}, title = {Woman as Other}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 367-369.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 367-369.}, language = {en} } @article{Baudrillard, author = {Baudrillard, J.}, title = {Simulacra and Simulations: Disneyland}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 524-530.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 524-530.}, language = {en} } @article{Barthes, author = {Barthes, R.}, title = {Semiological Prospects}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 340-343.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 340-343.}, language = {en} } @article{Barroso, author = {Barroso, Anna Maria}, title = {The women's workshop. Alternatives, encounters and contrasts}, series = {Institutio Mexicano de Psicoanalisis, El caracter social, su estudio, un intercambio de experiencias, Coyoac{\´a}n 1972, pp. 85-95.}, journal = {Institutio Mexicano de Psicoanalisis, El caracter social, su estudio, un intercambio de experiencias, Coyoac{\´a}n 1972, pp. 85-95.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {en} } @article{Barroso, author = {Barroso, Anna Maria}, title = {El taller de las senoras: alternativas, encuentros y contrastes}, series = {Institutio Mexicano de Psicoanalisis, El caracter social, su estudio, un intercambio de experiencias, Coyoac{\´a}n 1972, pp. 215-225.}, journal = {Institutio Mexicano de Psicoanalisis, El caracter social, su estudio, un intercambio de experiencias, Coyoac{\´a}n 1972, pp. 215-225.}, language = {es} } @article{Bahro, author = {Bahro, Rudolf}, title = {Wir sind Teil der Megamaschine}, series = {Ich. Die Psychozeitung, Berlin (UVA), Vol. 4 (No. 2, 1993), pp. 30-31.}, journal = {Ich. Die Psychozeitung, Berlin (UVA), Vol. 4 (No. 2, 1993), pp. 30-31.}, language = {de} } @article{BacciagaluppiBiancoli, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco and Biancoli, Romano}, title = {Frommian Themes in a Case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder}, series = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 29 (1993), pp. 441-452.}, journal = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 29 (1993), pp. 441-452.}, abstract = {Presents a case study of a 30-yr-old man treated for narcissistic personality disorder and attempts to show how further contributions to an alternative approach to psychoanalysis can come from E. FROMM. FROMMian themes are all present in the case in varying degrees. It is suggested that the 2 main features of this case (narcissism and homosexuality) were the outcome of a pathological symbiosis with both parents. Eight themes, drawn both from FROMM's published works and from his unpublished writings, are stressed, including benign vs malignant aggression, having vs being, homosexual and incestuous symbiosis, and secret family narcissism.}, language = {en} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {Fromm's Views on Narcissism and the Self}, series = {J. Fiscalini and A. L. Grey (Eds.), Narcissism and the Interpersonal Self New York (Columbia University Press) 1993, pp. 91-106.}, journal = {J. Fiscalini and A. L. Grey (Eds.), Narcissism and the Interpersonal Self New York (Columbia University Press) 1993, pp. 91-106.}, language = {en} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {L'influenza di Ferenczi su Fromm}, series = {Psicoterapia e scienze umane, Milano (Franco Angeli) Vol. XXVI (No. 4, 1992), pp. 39-55.}, journal = {Psicoterapia e scienze umane, Milano (Franco Angeli) Vol. XXVI (No. 4, 1992), pp. 39-55.}, language = {it} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {Empirical Data on the Ontogeny of the German Social Character, and Cross-Cultural Comparisons Paper presented at a congress on Dealing with the Alien in Verona on September 11, 1993. Typoscript 14 pp.}, abstract = {Attachment theory, as developed by Bowlby, and empirical research derived from it, beginning with Ainsworth's >Strange Situation< and the correlated home observations, are described. The studies of the transgenerational transmission of patterns and of the internal working models of the relationship, as well as longitudinal studies, are reported. The main focus of the paper is on cross-cultural studies, carried out in Germany, Israel and Japan. In North Germany, as compared to the U. S., there was a higher frequency of avoidant behavior in babies. This finding has been linked with the cultural demand for premature self-reliance. It is suggested that in the avoidant North German children we see the early ontogeny of the authoritarian character.}, language = {en} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {Vergleichende empirische Daten zur Entstehung des deutschen Gesellschafts-Charakters. Paper presented at a congress on >Der Umgang mit dem Fremden< in Verona on September 11, 1993. Typoscript 8 pp. [Published in 1994]}, abstract = {Attachment theory, as developed by Bowlby, and empirical research derived from it, beginning with Ainsworth's >Strange Situation< and the correlated home observations, are described. The studies of the transgenerational transmission of patterns and of the internal working models of the relationship, as well as longitudinal studies, are reported. The main focus of the paper is on cross-cultural studies, carried out in Germany, Israel and Japan. In North Germany, as compared to the U. S., there was a higher frequency of avoidant behavior in babies. This finding has been linked with the cultural demand for premature self-reliance. It is suggested that in the avoidant North German children we see the early ontogeny of the authoritarian character.}, language = {de} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {Ferenczi's Influence on Fromm}, series = {L. Aron and A. Harris (Eds.), The Legacy of S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi, Hillsdale and London (The Analytic Press) 1993, pp. 185-198.}, journal = {L. Aron and A. Harris (Eds.), The Legacy of S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi, Hillsdale and London (The Analytic Press) 1993, pp. 185-198.}, language = {en} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {Dati empirici sull'ontogenesi del carattere socialle tedesco e confronti transculturali Paper presented at a congress on Il confronto con l'estraneo in Verona on September 11, 1993. Typoscript 10 pp.}, abstract = {Attachment theory, as developed by Bowlby, and empirical research derived from it, beginning with Ainsworth's >Strange Situation< and the correlated home observations, are described. The studies of the transgenerational transmission of patterns and of the internal working models of the relationship, as well as longitudinal studies, are reported. The main focus of the paper is on cross-cultural studies, carried out in Germany, Israel and Japan. In North Germany, as compared to the U. S., there was a higher frequency of avoidant behavior in babies. This finding has been linked with the cultural demand for premature self-reliance. It is suggested that in the avoidant North German children we see the early ontogeny of the authoritarian character.}, language = {it} } @article{BaarsScheepers, author = {Baars, Jan and Scheepers, Peer}, title = {Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Authoritarian Personality,}, series = {Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 29 (No. 4, Oct. 1993), pp. 345-353.}, journal = {Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 29 (No. 4, Oct. 1993), pp. 345-353.}, abstract = {Although Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswick, Daniel J. Levinson, and R. Nevitt Stanford promised to later review the theoretical contributions that guided their work when they published The Authoritarian Personality in 1950, this was never done. Nor have any of the 1,200+ subsequent studies on authoritarianism focused explicitly on the theoretical ideas that resulted in the nine subsyndromes introduced in the original study: conventionalism, authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, antiintraception, superstition and stereotype, power and toughness, destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity, and concern with sex. Assessed here, therefore, are the theoretical and methodological contributions that were eventually incorporated into the classical conception of authoritarianism, particularly those of Erich FROMM, who had been working on a similar concept since the late 1920s.}, language = {en} } @article{Asante, author = {Asante, M. K.}, title = {The Afrocentric Idea}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 554-556.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 554-556.}, language = {en} } @article{Aron, author = {Aron, L.}, title = {Working Toward Operational Thought: Piagetian Theory and Psychoanalytic Method}, series = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 29 (1993), pp. 289-313.}, journal = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 29 (1993), pp. 289-313.}, language = {en} } @article{Arden, author = {Arden, Margaret}, title = {Thoughts on the Healing Process}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 2 (No. 3, September 1993), pp. 149-154.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 2 (No. 3, September 1993), pp. 149-154.}, abstract = {The process of healing in psychoanalysis is considered from a holistic point of view instead of the usual scientific and medical models. The revolution in thinking represented by the sciences of complexity is discussed as a basis for a holistic concept of healing. An example is given of clinical change achieved by non-psychoanalytic means in order to suggest new ways of thinking about how healing occurs in psychotherapy.}, language = {en} } @article{Appleton, author = {Appleton, M.}, title = {Selbstregierung in Summerhill}, series = {Ich. Die Psychozeitung, Berlin (UVA), Vol. 4 (No. 1, 1993), pp. 20.}, journal = {Ich. Die Psychozeitung, Berlin (UVA), Vol. 4 (No. 1, 1993), pp. 20.}, language = {de} } @article{Anzaldua, author = {Anzald{\´u}a, G.}, title = {The New Mestiza}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 626-632.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 626-632.}, language = {en} } @article{Anderson, author = {Anderson, Kevin}, title = {On Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory: A Critical Appreciation of Herbert Marcuse's Reason and Revolution, Fifty Years Later}, series = {Sociological Theory, Vol. 11 (No. 3, November 1993), pp. 243-267.}, journal = {Sociological Theory, Vol. 11 (No. 3, November 1993), pp. 243-267.}, language = {en} } @article{Anderson, author = {Anderson, J.}, title = {Intimate Space: On the Developmental Significance of Exchange}, series = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 29 (1993), pp. 595-612.}, journal = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 29 (1993), pp. 595-612.}, language = {en} } @article{Althusser, author = {Althusser, L.}, title = {Why Theory?}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 344-348.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 344-348.}, language = {en} } @article{Allen, author = {Allen, P. G.}, title = {Who Is Your Mother? Red Roots of White Feminism}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 648-656.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 648-656.}, language = {en} } @article{Alexander, author = {Alexander, J.}, title = {Postpositivist Case for the Classics}, series = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 557-562.}, journal = {Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 557-562.}, language = {en} } @article{Albuquerque, author = {Albuquerque, Jos{\´e} Durval Cavalcanti de}, title = {Explicit and Hidden Objectives in the Process of Training Psychoanalysts. (Panel Discussion)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 2 (No. 1, March 1993), pp. 46f.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 2 (No. 1, March 1993), pp. 46f.}, language = {en} } @article{Aguillaume, author = {Aguillaume, Romulo}, title = {Explicit and Hidden Objectives in the Process of Training Psychoanalysts. (Panel Discussion)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 2 (No. 1, March 1993), pp. 44f.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 2 (No. 1, March 1993), pp. 44f.}, language = {en} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Fromm, ed. by Miroslaw Chalubinski, Warszawa (Wiedza Powszechna) 1993.}, number = {partial reprint / Teilabdruck}, language = {pl} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {L'arte di vivere}, series = {E. Fromm, L'arte di vivere. A cura di Rainer Funk, Milano (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore: Osca Saggi 478) 1996, 2011, pp. 15-19.}, journal = {E. Fromm, L'arte di vivere. A cura di Rainer Funk, Milano (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore: Osca Saggi 478) 1996, 2011, pp. 15-19.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {it} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {De l'art de vivre}, series = {E. Fromm, L'art de vivre, Paris (Descl{\´e}e de Brouwer) 2003, pp. 17-22.}, journal = {E. Fromm, L'art de vivre, Paris (Descl{\´e}e de Brouwer) 2003, pp. 17-22.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fr} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Von der Kunst des Lebens}, series = {E. Fromm, Leben zwischen Haben und Sein, Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder Verlag) 1993, pp. 17-22.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Leben zwischen Haben und Sein, Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder Verlag) 1993, pp. 17-22.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {de} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {On the Art of Living}, series = {E. Fromm, The Essential Fromm. Life Between Having and Being, edited by Rainer Funk, London (Constable) 1995.}, journal = {E. Fromm, The Essential Fromm. Life Between Having and Being, edited by Rainer Funk, London (Constable) 1995.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {en} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {On the Art of Living}, series = {E. Fromm, The Essential Fromm. Life Between Having and Being, edited by Rainer Funk, New York (Continuum) 1995, pp. 15-19.}, journal = {E. Fromm, The Essential Fromm. Life Between Having and Being, edited by Rainer Funk, New York (Continuum) 1995, pp. 15-19.}, number = {original publication / Erstver{\"o}ffentlichung}, language = {en} }