@article{Wei, author = {Wei, Huiying}, title = {>Sing, Unburied, Sing<: The Dual Lack and Pursuit of Love and Identity among Black People}, series = {International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 5, No. 11 (2022), pp. 87-95. [Online ISSN 2617-0299] [doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2022.5.11.10]}, journal = {International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 5, No. 11 (2022), pp. 87-95. [Online ISSN 2617-0299] [doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2022.5.11.10]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Jesmyn Ward's third novel, >Sing, Unburied, Sing<, however, is Ward's second work to have won the National Book Award for fiction. It was >Sing< that laid a solid foundation for Ward's reception from the American literary circle as a powerful new voice. Sing focuses on a black family in the American south, which was nearly torn apart by poverty, drugs, and racial discrimination; Apart from the estranged kinship in the black family, represented by ghost Richie, the black group in the novel also shows a seemingly strong desire for identity. Based on Erich Fromm's alienation theory and his theories of love, this paper gives an analysis of the alienation of the protagonist at the level of love and racial identity and focuses on the struggle of the black group to survive in the white mainstream society, which resulted in their dual lack and dual pursuit of love and identity. This paper aims to reveal Ward's fierce criticism of racist ideology that has caused the double dilemma of survival and spirit of black people in the American South and demonstrate her deep understanding as well as support for the ideals and actions of African Americans in terms of their eagerness to integrate into the mainstream society. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Weberetal, author = {Weber, Wolfgang G. and et al.,}, title = {Preface: Conference vision and call for participation}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 06-12.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 06-12.}, language = {en} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Wolfgang G.}, title = {Some lineages and resources of Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 21-30.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 21-30.}, abstract = {Critical work and organizational psychology is developing on an international scale. Against the background of this evolving scientific field, in this extended version of my opening speech at the first International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology, held from 11th to 13th of July 2022 at the University of Innsbruck, I aim to address the following three questions: (1) What concepts may be relevant for critical work and organizational psychology in analyzing established „mainstream" (i.e., hegemonic) conceptualizations within work and organizational psychology? (2) Cui bono, critical work and organizational psychology? - To what ethical foundations do (or can) representatives of critical work and organizational psychology refer to when they intend to criticize theory and practice in work and organizational psychology? (3) What do we know about work and organizations beyond domination, subjectification and social alienation? - About fractals of a humanist, socially sustainable economy. Preliminary answers to these questions and implications for the future of critical work and organizational psychology will be discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{Wąsowski, author = {Wąsowski, Dominik}, title = {Dzieje mitu w mediach. Analiza fenomenu wampira w kinie na przykładzie >Zagadki Nieśmiertelności< Tony'ego Scotta i >Tylko Kochankowie Przeżyją< Jima Jarmuscha [The history of the myth in the media. Analysis of the vampire phenomenon in the cindema on an example >The Hunger< by Tony Scott and >Only Lovers Left Alive< by Jim Jarmusch] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2023), pp. 113-139. [Print ISSN 1231-1634] [doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.3.113-139]}, journal = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2023), pp. 113-139. [Print ISSN 1231-1634] [doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.3.113-139]}, abstract = {The article is an attempt to prove that cinema, becoming a kind of home of a mythical being - a vampire, clearly influences the change in the perception of its importance in culture. It was decided to explore the form and narrative of >The Hunger<, directed by Tony Scott and >Only Lovers Left Alive<, written by Jim Jarmusch, because both of these works are masterpieces of the romance of the vampire myth with the film medium, which are not particularly popular among researchers of the phenomenon. The research works of Roland Barthes, Vladimir Propp, Erich Fromm and Rollo May were used, as well as the concepts of successive processing of a mythical story were demonstrated.}, language = {pl} } @article{WangChen, author = {Wang, Yue and Chen, Yan}, title = {On the Phenomenon of >Buddhism< among College Students Based on Fromm's Theory of >Escape from Freedom< [从弗洛姆>逃避自由<谈大学生>佛系<现象]}, series = {Journal of Beijing City University, No. 1 (2023), pp. 65-69.}, journal = {Journal of Beijing City University, No. 1 (2023), pp. 65-69.}, abstract = {The >Buddhist< culture itself, as a subculture, is usually characterized by the coexistence of rationality and sensibility and the coexistence of aggressiveness and anxiety. The choice of "Buddhist" life for college students is an escape to a certain extent. They leave their families and come to a relatively free university. A sense of loneliness and powerlessness is generated, which leads them to defend themselves to relieve pressure, thus the psychological phenomenon of >escape from freedom< appears. However, there is a certain pragmatism while escaping. This seemingly free and easy >Buddha system< Mentality actually has a negative impact on the subjective well-being of college students. In Fromm's view, freedom has dual meanings. These college students who advertise as >Buddhist youth< are in the predicament of freedom. However, in reality, some college students choose to escape from negative freedom to overcome their inner loneliness. This paper analyzes this phenomenon based on Fromm's >Escape from Freedom<, and attempts to propose a path to achieve positive freedom and help college students pursue positive freedom. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{WangZhang, author = {Wang, Shuyi and Zhang, Chunbo}, title = {Fromm's Diagnosis and Treatment of Social Alienation Syndrome and the Contemporary Evaluation [弗洛姆对社会异化症候的诊疗及当代评价] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2023), pp. 36-39.}, journal = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2023), pp. 36-39.}, abstract = {In modern industrial society, alienation has become a general problem existing in politics, economy, culture and other fields. For this reason, based on humanism Fromm's uses Freudian psychoanalysis to expose the symptoms of alienation in modern society. And in the perspective of Marxism, he ran through the analysis of human psychological mechanism to seek a solution to eliminate the symptoms of alienation. However, in essence, Fromm exaggerated the role of psychological factors in eliminating alienation, so it has inevitable limitation. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Lei}, title = {Skills for Mastering the Art of Loving [爱的技巧]}, series = {Popular Psychology [大众心理学], No. 4 (2023), p. 28.}, journal = {Popular Psychology [大众心理学], No. 4 (2023), p. 28.}, abstract = {终其一生都在寻求爱与被爱。对于那些渴望建立>爱的关联<的人,精神分析学家弗洛姆提供了富有启发性的指导。弗洛姆认为,我们要把爱当成一门>艺术<,一种我们必须通过实践才能熟练掌握的东西。弗洛姆明确指出了三种基本的爱的技巧,以促进我们掌握爱的艺术。}, language = {zh} } @article{UriasHorcasitas, author = {Ur{\´i}as Horcasitas, Beatriz}, title = {Entre Marx y Freud: el totalitarismo seg{\´u}n Serge, Fromm y Marcuse [Between Marx and Freud: Totalitarianism by Serge, Fromm and Marcuse]}, series = {Estudios Sociol{\´o}gicos de El Colegio de M{\´e}xico, Vol. 41, No. 121 (2023), pp. 37-64. [Online ISSN 2448-6442] [doi.org/10.24201/es.2023v41n121.2287]}, journal = {Estudios Sociol{\´o}gicos de El Colegio de M{\´e}xico, Vol. 41, No. 121 (2023), pp. 37-64. [Online ISSN 2448-6442] [doi.org/10.24201/es.2023v41n121.2287]}, abstract = {Victor Serge, Erich Fromm y Herbert Marcuse elaboraron una primera interpretaci{\´o}n acerca de los totalitarismos nazi y sovi{\´e}tico. La particularidad de sus escritos al inicio de 1940 fue entrelazar conceptos marxistas y psicoanal{\´i}ticos para comprender la racionalidad que subyac{\´i}a a estos dos fen{\´o}menos. En paralelo, hicieron propuestas para renovar el socialismo en un sentido democr{\´a}tico. Coinciden en plantear que adem{\´a}s de la represi{\´o}n pol{\´i}tica y del control burocr{\´a}tico, la dominaci{\´o}n totalitaria se ejerc{\´i}a a trav{\´e}s de un potente aparato ideol{\´o}gico que hab{\´i}a arraigado en el inconsciente individual y colectivo. Consideraron que la importancia del trabajo intelectual estaba ligada a la comprensi{\´o}n de los mecanismos psicol{\´o}gicos que sustentaban el fen{\´o}meno totalitario a fin de erradicarlo.}, language = {en} } @article{UnterrainerHoegeHornung, author = {Unterrainer, Christine and H{\"o}ge, Thomas and Hornung, Severin}, title = {Addendum: Dedication to Wolfgang G. Weber and acknowledgement of his academic work on the occasion of his retirement}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 71-74.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 71-74.}, language = {en} } @article{Teo, author = {Teo, Thomas}, title = {Subjectivity and work: Critical-theoretical reflections}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 39-44.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 39-44.}, abstract = {Because psychology lacks a comprehensive theory of subjectivity that accounts for the entanglement of the social, cultural, historical, interpersonal, and personal, relevant elements for a theory of subjectivity are identified and presented. An important dimension for a theory of subjectivity is the reality of living everyday life, which includes working, relating, as well as self-processes. However, traditional psychology, including philosophical psychology, has neglected the role of work in mental life. It is argued that it is insufficient to address interaction and relationality or internal processes in the development of a theory subjectivity. Using Hannah Arendt's and Nancy Fraser's distinctions, it is argued that political-philosophical reflections on work remain important for understanding subjectivity. Consequences for an approach that includes work in a theory of subjectivity are discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{SulistiyoSylhabuddin, author = {Sulistiyo, Adhea Tsabitha and Sylhabuddin, Sylhabuddin}, title = {Cinta: Objek dan Puisi (Konsep Cinta Erich Fromm dalam Puisi-puisi Karya W.S Rendra) [Love: Objects and Poetry (Erich Fromm's Concept of Love in Poems by W.S Rendra)] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Budaya, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2023), pp. 1-18. [Online ISSN 2962-1143] [journal.amikveteran.ac.id/index.php/jpbb/article/view/883]}, journal = {Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Budaya, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2023), pp. 1-18. [Online ISSN 2962-1143] [journal.amikveteran.ac.id/index.php/jpbb/article/view/883]}, abstract = {Love can be used as an answer to the question of human existence. So many philosophers from the west and east offer concepts about love, Erich Fromm is one of them who considers that love is an art. The purpose of this study is to classify five objects of love from Erich Fromm's thoughts in poems by W.S Rendra. Poetry was chosen as the object of research because poetry can be used as a means for someone to express love. This research method is a literature study as well as a literature review. The results of this study are five titles of poems that represent the five objects of love. First, object of brotherly love entitled >Aku Mendengar Suara< because this poem contains Rendra who loves his oppressed brothers. The object of maternal love titled >Ibunda< contains a mother's love that is like the earth that provides its fertility for her children to grow and sacrifices everything a mother has for her children, truly loving even though she does not get anything from the child. The object of erotic love with the title >Barangkali Karena Bulan< is about exclusive love to one person, namely the poet's love for a woman. Self-love with the poem titled >Orang Biasa< contains Rendra's love for himself. Last, the object of God's love titled >Tuhan, Aku Cinta Padamu< is about Rendra's desire to return to Him and achieve unification between the servant and his God.}, language = {mul} } @article{Sporrer, author = {Sporrer, Lisa Maria}, title = {Was l{\"a}sst Menschen so irrational handeln? Gespr{\"a}ch mit Rainer Funk {\"u}bver Erich Fromm}, series = {Schw{\"a}bisches Tagblatt, T{\"u}bingen, 18. Februar 2023,}, journal = {Schw{\"a}bisches Tagblatt, T{\"u}bingen, 18. Februar 2023,}, language = {de} } @article{SolanoVargiuZaitseva, author = {Solano, Paola and Vargiu, Michele and Zaitseva, Ksenia}, title = {Voices from the war: Some notes on the emotional experience of the war in Ukraine told by two Ukrainian psychoanalysts (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2171117)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 070-075.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 070-075.}, abstract = {What is the real experience of war? How does our mind react to the sudden threats and losses of our lives, homes, and beloved objects? What understandings can it offer to make sense of the atrocities it witnesses? What adjustments can we carry out in these circumstances? Two colleagues from Kharkiv, Ukraine, and affiliated to the Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Study Group and the Institute of the Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Study Group help us to shed light on these questions by sharing their personal experience and understandings of the current war that started on February 24, 2022 when the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. This contribution aims to report their voices and the emotional experience of encountering their stories in order to provide readers with an unsaturated and unmediated contact with at least some aspects of the reality of war.}, language = {en} } @article{SimonWagenbach, author = {Simon-Wagenbach, Helga}, title = {Meditation: Bewusst-Werden, Bewusst-Sein. Der individuell gestaltete Erfahrungsprozess ganzheitlicher Transformation und seine nachhaltig wirksame Resonanz}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 036-041.}, volume = {d27/2023c}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 036-041.}, language = {de} } @article{Silver, author = {Silver, Catherine B.}, title = {The Work of Benign Aggression and Negativity Within a Frommian Framework. My Clinical Journey}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 053-082.}, volume = {e27/2023c}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 053-082.}, language = {en} } @article{Rojo, author = {Rojo, Julieta}, title = {Relaciones humanas y salud mental en tiempo de pandemia}, series = {Red Coteci-CTI, Posicionando a M{\´e}xico en el ecosistema del conocimiento y la innovaci{\´o}n (Tomo 1), 2023, pp. 32-33.}, journal = {Red Coteci-CTI, Posicionando a M{\´e}xico en el ecosistema del conocimiento y la innovaci{\´o}n (Tomo 1), 2023, pp. 32-33.}, language = {es} } @article{RoellmannKuehnetal, author = {R{\"o}llmann, Laura F. and K{\"u}hn, Thomas and et al.,}, title = {Bricolage of positions and perspectives from the panel discussion on prospects and contestations of Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology: Are we ready to take over?}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 60-70.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 60-70.}, language = {en} } @article{RodriguezBenitez, author = {Rodr{\´i}guez Ben{\´i}tez, Arian}, title = {Freudomarxismo y Teor{\´i}a Cr{\´i}tica: el psicoan{\´a}lisis ante las limitaciones del marxismo cl{\´a}sico}, series = {Azur - Revista Centroamericana de Filosof{\´i}a, Vol. 4, No. 7 (2023), pp. 51-62. [Online ISSN 2215-6089] [azurrevista.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Freudomarxismo-y-Teoria-Critica.pdf]}, journal = {Azur - Revista Centroamericana de Filosof{\´i}a, Vol. 4, No. 7 (2023), pp. 51-62. [Online ISSN 2215-6089] [azurrevista.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Freudomarxismo-y-Teoria-Critica.pdf]}, abstract = {El art{\´i}culo describe la importancia de la integraci{\´o}n entre marxismo y psicoan{\´a}lisis freudiano en los marcos del marxis¬mo occidental. Se analizan las principales obras de dicha inte¬graci{\´o}n en el pensamiento de la Escuela de Frankfurt. En es¬pecial se realiza una comparaci{\´o}n entre Miedo a la libertad de Erich Fromm y Eros y civilizaci{\´o}n de Herbert Marcuse.}, language = {es} } @article{RizqyRamadhanetal, author = {Rizqy Ramadhan, Puja and et al,}, title = {Dehumanization of Village Financial Management: Erich Fromm's Perspective Accounting Reconstruction}, series = {International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 5 (2023), pp. 1638-1646. [Online ISSN: 2808-1765] [ijhess.com/index.php/ijhess/article/view/465/388]}, journal = {International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 5 (2023), pp. 1638-1646. [Online ISSN: 2808-1765] [ijhess.com/index.php/ijhess/article/view/465/388]}, abstract = {This study aims to reconstruct village financial management using modernity vis a dehumanization perspective. This study uses primary data obtained from observations and interviews with informants. The research approach used is a qualitative method. The research paradigm uses the paradigm of criticism with data collection procedures, data presentation, data reduction and conclusion/verification. The results showed that the modernization and digitization of financial management in Klambir V Kebun Village had an impact on social relations in the community, which became less harmonious. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out an accounting reconstruction based on modernity vis a vis dehumanizaton perspective that is relevant to be carried out in Klambir V Kebun Village.}, language = {en} } @article{PutriIndarti, author = {Putri, Salsabilla Eka and Indarti, Titik}, title = {Representasi Cinta kasih dalam Novel >Kisah yang Pilu untuk Kita yang Ragu< karya Boy Candra (Cajian Psikologi Erich Fromm) [Representation of Love in the Novel >A Sad Story for Those of Us Who Doubt< by Boy Candra (Erich Fromm's psychological Study)] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Bapala (Surabaya), Vol.10, No. 2 (2023), pp. 37-47. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/bapala/issue/view/2873]}, journal = {Bapala (Surabaya), Vol.10, No. 2 (2023), pp. 37-47. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/bapala/issue/view/2873]}, abstract = {Novel berjudul >Kisah yang Pilu untuk Kita yang Ragu< karya Boy Candra menceritakan perjuangan tokoh Salim dalam mengejar cinta Birni. Konflik Salim tersebut dipadukan dengan kehidupan sosial Salim dengan tokoh lain yang mewujudkan berbagai macam bentuk cinta. Hal tersebut menjadi daya tarik novel untuk dikaji menggunakan teori psikologi Erich Fromm. Psikologi sastra pada penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengkaji novel dengan teori psikologi Erich Fromm tentang cinta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kelima objek cinta menurut teori psikologi Erich Fromm yaitu cinta sesama, cinta ibu, cinta erotis, cinta diri dan cinta Tuhan yang terdapat di dalam Novel Kisah yang Pilu untuk Kita yang Ragu karya Boy Candra. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan psikologi sastra. Teknik analisis pada penelian ini adalah deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) cinta sesama merupakan wujud dari kepedulian para tokoh sebagai dasar cinta sesama umat manusia; 2) cinta ibu kepada Salim memiliki peran begitu besar pada kehidupannya sebagai seorang anak; 3) cinta erotis tidak selalu tentang sebuah penyatuan melainkan ada unsur kerelaan yang didasari cinta itu sendiri; 4) cinta diri merupakan mencintai diri sendiri dengan mengekspresikannya melalui tindakan perhatian, tanggung jawab, rasa hormat dan pengetahuan terhadap orang lain; 5) cinta Tuhan menggambarkan kepercayaan umat manusia kepada Tuhan yang Maha segalanya. Kelima objek cinta tersebut diwujudkan melalui tindakan para tokoh dalam novel >Kisah yang Pilu untuk Kita yang Ragu< Karya Boy Candra.}, language = {mul} }