@book{Mandelkern, author = {Mandelkern, S.}, title = {Concordance on the Biblel, Lipsiae (Veit et Comp.) 1846.}, language = {mul} } @book{TalmudBabilonski, author = {Talmud Babilonski,}, title = {Traktat Berachot, Warschau (Naklad I Druk S. Orgelbranda) 1863.}, language = {mul} } @book{TalmudBabilonski, author = {Talmud Babilonski,}, title = {Traktat Pesachim, Warschau (Schmuel Orgelbrand Verlag) 1864.}, language = {mul} } @book{SeferAiwonLadarosch, author = {Sefer Aiwon Ladarosch,}, title = {Sefer Aiwon Ladarosch, Krakau (Verlag A. Faust) 1877.}, language = {mul} } @book{SeferTora, author = {Sefer Tora,}, title = {Sefer Tora - Nevi'im u Chetuvim [das ist: Die ganze hejlige Schrift oifs neje ibersetzt von Loschaun Kokaudesch (hl. Sprache) oif j{\"u}disch-deutsch von Mordechai Samuel Bergmann], London (Verlag 3, Bridgewell Place) 1908.}, language = {mul} } @book{SchneurSalmanofLiadi, author = {Schneur Salman of Liadi,}, title = {Likutej Amarim [Gesammelte Ausspr{\"u}che], Part 1: Sefer Ha-beinomin [Buch vom Durchscnittsmenschen] Wilna (Verlag der Witwe und der Br{\"u}der Romm) 1912.}, language = {mul} } @book{Friedlander, author = {Friedlander, G.}, title = {Laws and customs of Israel. Part 1, London (Shapiro, Vallentine \& Co.) 1915.}, language = {mul} } @book{TalmudBabilonski, author = {Talmud Babilonski,}, title = {Traktat Sanhedrin, Wilna (Druck und Verlag Rosenkranz) 1929.}, language = {mul} } @book{Guldin, author = {Guldin, Ch. A.}, title = {Haggada Schel Pesach [Pessach-Haggada with Notes], New York (Bloch Publisher) 1930.}, language = {mul} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {(Die psychoanalytische Charakterologie und ihre Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Sozialpsychologie, Hebrew)}, series = {The Crisis of Psychoanalysis, Hebrew), Jerusalem (E. Rubinstein Publishers) 1975}, journal = {The Crisis of Psychoanalysis, Hebrew), Jerusalem (E. Rubinstein Publishers) 1975}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {({\"U}ber Methode und Aufgabe einer Analytischen Sozialpsychologie, Hebrew)}, series = {E. Fromm, (The Crisis of Psychoanalysis, Hebrew), Jerusalem (E. Rubinstein Publishers) 1975.}, journal = {E. Fromm, (The Crisis of Psychoanalysis, Hebrew), Jerusalem (E. Rubinstein Publishers) 1975.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {(Die sozialpsychologische Bedeutung der Mutterrechtstheorie, Hebrew)}, series = {The Crisis of Psychoanalysis, Hebrew), Jerusalem (E. Rubinstein Publishers) 1975}, journal = {The Crisis of Psychoanalysis, Hebrew), Jerusalem (E. Rubinstein Publishers) 1975}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Manos mi-hofesch, Tel-Aviv (Devir) 1958.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @book{BethaScho'eva, author = {Bet-ha-Scho'eva,}, title = {Bet-ha-Scho'eva [Buch des Urquells, das ist eine Sammlung von Reden {\"u}ber Ikbati demeschicha - Spuren des Messias], New York (Verlag der Br{\"u}der Shulsinger) 1941.}, language = {mul} } @book{Taub, author = {Taub, S.}, title = {Kuntres Tifereth Yisroel, New York (Shulsinger Bros.) 1945.}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {(Man for Himself, Hebrew), Tel Aviv he Israel Teachers' Union) 1975.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Ksikoanaliza we-dat, Tel Aviv (Dega) 1964.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {(The Forgotten Language, Hebrew), Jerusalem (E. Rubinstein Publishers) 1972.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @misc{Anonymus1952, author = {Anonymus-1952,}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Forgotten Language. An Introduction to the Understanding Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths (1951a, German)}, series = {Haaretz Newspaper, Tel-Avib, Vol. 84 (9958, 16. May 1952).}, journal = {Haaretz Newspaper, Tel-Avib, Vol. 84 (9958, 16. May 1952).}, language = {mul} } @book{SifreSechutJisrael, author = {Sifre Sechut Jisrael,}, title = {Sifre Sechut Jisrael [B{\"u}cher vom Verdienst Israels]: Eser heduschot [= 10 Heiligkeiten]; Eser Aforot [= 10 Ornamente]; Eser Orot [= 10 Lichter]; Eser Zichzechot [Zehnfaches Putzen], New York (Jeruslame Verlag) 1954.}, language = {mul} }