@misc{LeonMedina, author = {Le{\´o}n Medina, Francisco Jos{\´e}}, title = {Alienaci{\´o}n y sufrimiento en el trabajo. Una aproximaci{\´o}n desde el marxismo. Dissertation Universitat Aut{\`o}noma de Barcelona. Departament de Sociologia, 2002, 709 pp.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, abstract = {En el marco del proyecto de investigaci{\´o}n >Relaciones de producci{\´o}n, subjetividad, sentimientos y acci{\´o}n< que lleva a cabo el GESES (Grup d'Estudis Emocions, Sentiments i Societat), y bajo la direcci{\´o}n de la doctora Mar{\´i}a Jes{\´u}s Izquierdo Benito, se ha llevado a cabo la tesis doctoral titulada Alienaci{\´o}n y sufrimiento en el trabajo. Una aproximaci{\´o}n desde el marxismo. En esta tesis, nos hemos planteado los siguientes objetivos: a) Analizar algunas aportaciones relevantes de autores de inspiraci{\´o}n marxista a la cuesti{\´o}n del trabajo y la alienaci{\´o}n. En concreto, se han analizado las aportaciones de Paul Lafargue, Agnes Heller, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Andr{\´e} Gorz y Jon Elster. b) Elaborar una propuesta para un desarrollo de la teor{\´i}a de la alienaci{\´o}n de car{\´a}cter materialista y compatible con la normatividad. c) Sondear la aportaci{\´o}n de esa propuesta a al an{\´a}lisis te{\´o}rico y emp{\´i}rico del sufrimiento en el v{\´i}nculo social, especialmente en el trabajo. La tesis contiene, por tanto, una parte de an{\´a}lisis de las aportaciones te{\´o}ricas elaboradas desde tradiciones marxistas sobre la cuesti{\´o}n del trabajo alienado, una parte de desarrollo te{\´o}rico de tal teor{\´i}a y de sus v{\´i}nculos con el sufrimiento humano, y una parte de an{\´a}lisis emp{\´i}rico, que consisti{\´o} en la realizaci{\´o}n y an{\´a}lisis de diez y nueve entrevistas en profundidad a trabajadores de una empresa multinacional del sector automovil{\´i}stico. Las conclusiones fundamentales del trabajo te{\´o}rico y el an{\´a}lisis emp{\´i}rico son las siguientes: a) Los autores analizados no suelen aportar una aproximaci{\´o}n materialista a la alienaci{\´o}n, y cuando lo hacen, circunscriben la teor{\´i}a al terreno de lo normativo. b) Existe en la vida social un sufrimiento inevitable, que no debe ser confundido con una inevitable alienaci{\´o}n. c) La alienaci{\´o}n, entendida como p{\´e}rdida del control sobre nuestros v{\´i}nculos controlables, genera coerciones y sufrimientos excedentes. d) All{\´i} donde recuperamos el control sobre nuestros v{\´i}nculos establecemos las condiciones para la abolici{\´o}n del sufrimiento excedente. e) El trabajo constituye una actividad fundamental en la construcci{\´o}n de nuestra subjetividad y en la configuraci{\´o}n de nuestros v{\´i}nculos sociales. f) El modo en que producimos y nos producimos en el trabajo condiciona ampliamente el tipo y la intensidad de nuestros sufrimientos. El trabajo es, por ello, un escenario fundamental en la estrategia de evitar aquellos sufrimientos que son evitables.}, language = {es} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Xiaomei}, title = {An Analysis of the Humanistic Value of Technology - Also on Marx's Philosophy of Technology [技术的人本价值探析 ——兼论马克思的技术哲学思想], Master thesis, Scientific Research Management, Heilongjiang University, Heilongjiang, Harbin, China 2002.}, abstract = {The subject of this work is the state of human nature as a result of the impact of technology. Technology is significant for human nature, human freedom and human liberation. Based on an examination of the state of man's nature as a result of the impact of technology, this paper argues that in the process of technology development, on the one hand, reason and wisdom develop man's nature, and on the other hand, this nature is hindered, even destroyed; technology and man's nature are restricted from within. Technology development is not the final goal, but human development is the goal of technology development. In this work, we have dealt with modern technology philosophy and technology-critical ideas in the Western countries and technology alienation according to Marx on the level of human nature, taking human nature as the basis. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 6/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Lin}, title = {Fromm's Theory on Human Existence [弗洛姆论人的生存], Master thesis, Foreign Philosophy, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan, China 2002, 71 pp.}, abstract = {The existence problems of human being, as a time and a whole subject, have come up to cotemporary people. Their spiritual living situations show that affluence modern life did not give people to healthy and contented spiritual condition but enslaved by them. Not only have individual spirit lives and living fallen into a unprecedented state of anxious and immanent, but the plights of living, such as imbalance ecology, destruction of environment, crisis of energy resources war and terrorism threats have been laid in wait for contemporary people as well. As a peer of 20th century, Erich Fromm has been keenly concerning about the conditions of living, fate, and soul. His humanistic view ... Concretely explained the living conditions of humankind, criticized itself wrongs of industrial civilization, implied the living dilemma of contemporary people, and proposed social reform and love revolutionary to go beyond materialization and to sublate natural power of alienation, so as to build up new human kind and new society; by which people can awake from alien, half sound asleep state, and obtain liberation, finally go into the >living kingdom<.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Kumari, author = {Kumari, Fatrawati}, title = {Mengada sebagai strategi budaya dalam pandangan Erich Fromm (Application of Fromm's being mode as a cultural strategy). Thesis Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2002, 172 pp.}, abstract = {Erich FROMM's and Herbert Marcuse's contributions are indispensable for penetrating the most obscure recesses of contemporary society. Reflections on their works are presented that should (1) help clarify the general outline of their respective critical endeavors, and (2) facilitate critical appraisal of the key points in the thought of both masters. The congruence of different traditions is examined in both cases, ie, the Jewish heritage, association with the Frankfurt school, the impact of the United States experience, and their respective rediscovery and selective use of Freudian concepts.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Hoffmann, author = {Hoffmann, C.}, title = {Sinngebung, Transzendenz und Spiritualit{\"a}t in humanistischen Psychotherapien (nach Fromm und Rogers). Diplomarbeit an der Kath. Universit{\"a}t Nimwegen 2002, Typoscript 85 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {de} }