@misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Litong}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Consumer Alienation and Its Contemporary Significance [弗洛姆消费异化理论及其当代意义研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2020.}, abstract = {埃里希·弗洛姆立足于人本主义立场,融合马克思异化说及弗洛伊德精神分析学说等相关理论观点,揭示资本主义社会表面经济繁荣、物质丰裕,实则出现了消费异化现象,并对如何摆脱异化进行积极探索,做出了重大贡献。本文论述了弗洛姆消费异化建构消费异化理论的理论渊源、基本内容及其扬弃路径,在此基础上立足于我国具体现实情景,探讨其思想的当代意义与现实价值。第一,梳理并论述弗洛姆建构消费异化理论的理论渊源。弗洛姆融合马克思异化说及卢卡奇物化理论等相关观点,同时还学习借鉴弗洛伊德相关理论,在分析人的心理时引入异化观思想,在这基础上提出其著名的消费异化理论。第二,分析并论述消费异化理论基本内容。具体包括产生消费异化理论的前提、产生根源、异化核心等,分别从社会与个体两个层面分析异化表现形式以及产生异化的后果,为扬弃消费异化提供理论上的依据支持。第三,论述弗洛姆扬弃消费异化所进行的路径探索。对此,弗洛姆主张应从心理变革与社会整体变革来实现。首先在社会变革方面,弗洛姆认为,整个社会各个方面协同变革才能取得良好效果。其次在心理变革方面,强调应消除异化对人心理层面上造成的侵蚀,促使人最终不受物的控制或统治,最终走出生存困境。弗洛姆主张重生存人道消费观,同时还注重建立生产性人格。第四,结合弗洛姆消费异化理论评析并立足于我国具体现实情境,归结出当代中国消费领域所存在的问题,对这些问题进行深入分析及提出思考。随着弗洛姆消费异化理论的提出及获得逐渐完善,极大丰富马克思的异化理论,关照现实生存的困境问题,彰显人文主义关怀,具有其一定的合理性。结合我国现阶段现实情境,新时代中国特色社会主义制度建设生态文明,构建绿色生活方式和绿色消费观等,从多个层面等进行共同努力,以期能共同营造良好的消费氛围,进而促使我国消费领域实现健康及和谐发展。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Nianli}, title = {Help Children in >Third Teacher< Embrace Gain a Sense of Belonging [帮助幼儿在>第三位教师<的怀抱中获得归属感]}, series = {Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 34 (2011), p. 9.}, journal = {Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 34 (2011), p. 9.}, abstract = {幼儿园的墙面环境常能真实体现幼儿园的办园理念,因而有>第三位教师<之称。如何有效地发挥这位>教师<的独特功能,促进幼儿的健康发展,是时常摆在园长和教师面前的一道难题。心理学家弗洛姆认为,归属感主要与心理上的}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Pan}, title = {Love Is a Special Ability - My Thoughts on Reading >Let Students See Your Love< [爱是一种专门能力——读《让学生看见你的爱》有感]}, series = {Jiangsu Education [江苏教育], No. 51 (2018), p. 80.}, journal = {Jiangsu Education [江苏教育], No. 51 (2018), p. 80.}, abstract = {《让学生看见你的爱》作者:沈丽新出版社:中国人民大学出版社弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》里说:>爱不是我们与生俱来的一种本领,而是需要我们后天习得的能力。<当我翻到沈丽新老师的新书《让学生看见你的爱》时,我再一次深刻地体会到了作为一名教师,爱是一门艺术,更是一门专业能力。…}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Pengsheng}, title = {The Analysis of Fromm's Thoughts on Social Psychology [弗罗姆的社会心理学思想解读]}, series = {Journal of Harbin University [哈尔滨学院], No. 1 (2004), pp. 26-29.}, journal = {Journal of Harbin University [哈尔滨学院], No. 1 (2004), pp. 26-29.}, abstract = {Fromm's thoughts on social psychology were listed as follows: development of self; social personality; social motive, etc. Fromm's analysis of the development of self mainly followed a thread as below: restraint => freedom => re-restraint => re-freedom. He regarded the process in the individual development of self in a dialectical way. He admitted that individual eventually would develop no matter what factors would affect it. And he knew that the development was not reversible. Social personality was the final effect of the self-development. It determined individual's thoughts, feelings and behaviors in society. It was also affected by some social factors. In Fromm's opinion, there were several needs in the process of individual formation of social personality, which were listed as following: needs of connection; needs of transcending; needs of seeking security; needs of identification and needs of direction. These needs made up of individual social motive.}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Ping}, title = {Fromm's Care Ethics and Its Implications for Moral Education in Colleges [弗洛姆关爱伦理思想及其对高校德育工作的启示]}, series = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 12 (2014), pp. 80-82.}, journal = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 12 (2014), pp. 80-82.}, abstract = {21世纪人类面临的最大挑战是来自道德伦理和价值观的挑战,我国高校德育工作一直常抓不懈,但效果不尽如人意。文章力图将弗洛姆关爱伦理思想与我国高校德育工作结合起来,从提高学生人文素养、营造校园关爱氛围和培养学生健全人格方面提出一些意见与建议。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Ping}, title = {Fromm's Ethical Thinking of Care from the Perspective of Character and Moral Values [从品格学角度看弗洛姆关爱伦理思想的道德价值]}, series = {Journal of Changsha University [长沙大学学报], No. 3 (2012), pp. 67-69.}, journal = {Journal of Changsha University [长沙大学学报], No. 3 (2012), pp. 67-69.}, abstract = {研究弗洛姆的关爱伦理思想,必须将伦理学和心理学结合起来。在其关爱伦理思想体系中,他将品格学注入对道德价值的阐释中,在深度和广度上都有所增益,极富特色。}, language = {zh} } @article{ZhouWang, author = {Zhou, Qijie and Wang, Jinwan}, title = {On Fromm's Psychological Critique of the Overall Dialectic Thinking [论弗洛姆心理批判的总体辩证法思想]}, series = {Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) [东北农业大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 3 (2015), pp. 92-96.}, journal = {Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) [东北农业大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 3 (2015), pp. 92-96.}, abstract = {弗洛姆将马克思社会历史观和弗洛伊德精神分析学说进行整合,认为人的心理和情感不仅来源于个人的本能需要,还来源于人类存在的具体条件与外部环境。并试图通过人的社会结构和心理结构的双重变革,提出健全社会的构想。本文运用总体辩证法原则,剖析弗洛姆人道主义的心理与人格,并对西方资本主义社会的本位异化展开揭露与批判,期望社会达到人与自身、人与人、人与社会的真正统一。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhouetal, author = {Zhou, Quan and et al.,}, title = {On the Essence of >Symbol Consumption< from >Brand Effect< [从>品牌效应<看>符号消费<本质]}, series = {China Newspaper Industry [中国报业], No. 14 (2017), pp. 16-18.}, journal = {China Newspaper Industry [中国报业], No. 14 (2017), pp. 16-18.}, abstract = {符号消费的本质是一种文化消费,是一种把消费与文化体验挂钩、标榜消费者个人或群体身份认同和社会地位的一种消费方式。本文从符号消费现象形成的时代原因、心理机制、消费弊端入手,分析如何应对符号消费,并借鉴弗洛姆和马尔库塞的观点以及自己的感悟,提出相关建议。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Tianjuan}, title = {The Rise and Fall of the Brodie Myth - Assessment of the Muriel Spark's Novel >The Young Miss Brodie< [布罗迪神话的兴衰 - 评缪丽尔•斯帕克的小说《布罗迪小姐的青春》], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China 2005 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {For the >mythmaker< novelist Muriel Spark, >The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie< is a myth of her creation, and Miss Jean Brodie in the novel also makes endeavor of her own in the mythmaking. This thesis is, by pointing out the predestining influence on it of the epic Paradise Lost, provides an analysis of the rise and fall of the Brodie myth in the novel as a dramatization of Muriel Spark's concern with the existential dichotomy intrinsic to the machinery of human fate and the glimmering of humanism shown through the novel, which conforms to Erich Fromm's theories of humanistic social analysis brought herein as a tentative approach facilitating literary interpretation. The first two chapters, though centering respectively on the two main characters, Miss Jean Brodie and Stranger Sandy, actually have the same gist within: both are the embodiment of human endeavor to unshackle the limitations intrinsic to destiny and instrumental to the existential dichotomy. However, difference in the agent of the endeavoring act, that is, in chapter one, Miss Jean Brodie's, and in the second chapter, Sandy's, defines the rise and the fall of the Brodie myth, main plot of the whole story. In Brodie's exercise of free will and power to achieve her identity and self-realization, the myth is formed, and when it is ripe for Sandy to wield her own freedom of choice, the myth is disenchanted. Therefore, these two processes intertwine with each other, unfolding the mechanism of the whole plot.- Chapter one proposes that the Brodie myth is for both Muriel Spark and simultaneously, for Miss Jean Brodie, and then there is a discussion of man's living conditions where there is a gap between an ideal life and a lived life. Erich Fromm's theory of human needs is employed, which offers further insight into man's existential dichotomy and the contingency he is bound to meet. Besides, his definition of character orientations is used to ease interpretation of the complex relationship of the characters in the novel, crucial to the basis of the rise of the Brodie myth. One with an exploitive orientation, Miss Brodie assumes satanic image, holding sway over both the Brodie set and her two lovers in the Macia Blaine School. On the part of the controlled, Mary is a paradigmatic one, representation of the receptive character orientation submissive to the authoritarianism of Miss Brodie, which reinforces Miss Brodie's unchecked power-wielding for her self -realization.- The second chapter focuses on Sandy Stranger's pursuit of identity and self-realization. She is the only one in the Brodie set who is not overwhelmed by Miss Brodie's domination. What is more, a perceptive mind enables her to >research< the reality and Miss Brodie in a new light, science, imagination and personal experiences being the instrument with which she cultivates a reasonable faith from an erroneous faith, a humanistic conscience from an authoritarian conscience. However, there are occasions of bewilderment for Sandy, reminiscent of Adam and Eve who aspire after knowledge about the formation of the Universe. Fromm's theory of faith and conscience forms the grounding for delineating Sandy's change, which is a simultaneous process to her position of antagonism to Miss Brodie, whose retire for fascist propaganda heralds the fall of a myth.- The third and last chapter is about the epiphany of the rise and fall of the Brodie myth for both the readers and for Sandy herself. With Miss Brodie's downfall and her conversion to the Catholicism, Sandy is still not free from an ambiguous situation. This ambiguity is examined with corroboration of Muriel Spark's experience in conversion, and Sandy's case is characteristic of one of the Sparkian morals - to know good from evil, same to Adam and Eve. Fromm's humanistic stance for man's freedom and potentiality is emphasized here, which conforms to Muriel Spark's intention with literary creation. For all the dichotomy Sandy is stuck in, there is glimmering of humanism shined with her potential for development, suggestive of the humanistic streak in Muriel Spark. The predestining influence of Paradise Lost finds voice in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie<, with many prototypes in the paradise myth revisioned to take on enriched implications. The message revealed can be theoretically interpreted through Erich Fromm's humanistic social analysis, which provides insights on aspects such as human needs, character orientations, man's possibility and potentiality, and the like. The core of this theoretical system is to highlight humanism and a meaningful existence for individuals, which coincides with Muriel Spark's moral in this novel. This initiative to employ the humanistic social analysis for interpretation of a post-modernist novel does not prove to be fruitless. Much leaves to be done in terms of researches on either Muriel Spark's literary creation or Erich Fromm's theoretical system, the combination of which may turn out more fruitfully. Further study will merit the effort exerted up to now, and all the same, it might be hoped that a cross-disciplinary tentativeness, as has been explored by many forerunners, will ever shed light on a puzzled mind when facing literary works so compelling to the sensory yet, no less challenging to the intelligence.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Tieyan}, title = {Research on >Escape from Freedom< in Fromm's Thought [弗洛姆思想中的>逃避自由<研究]. Master thesis, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, Shandong, China 2022.}, abstract = {The formation of Erich Fromm's thought of >Escape from freedom< is based on the inheritance and absorption of Marxism and Freud, on the one hand, Erich Fromm draws on Marxism's social criticism and alienation theory to analyze the social psychological factors that give rise to escape from freedom, on the other hand, it draws on Freud's psychoanalysis to analyze the individual psychological factors of escape from freedom, and combines the two. By analyzing the phenomenon of >Escape from freedom<, Erich Fromm points out the spiritual crisis of modern people's existence and seeks to find ways to construct a sound society and a sound personality. Erich Fromm's >Escape from freedom< was born out of the Protestant Reformation and the development of capitalism. The Protestant Reformation freed the individual from the constraints of God and the church, but when the individual lost the barriers of the church, he could not feel his place in the secular life. In the course of the development of capitalism, the individual gradually neglects the relation with the other because of the separation of the capitalist division of labor from the other, and the individual pays more attention to his own life, cause the loneliness of the heart. Both contribute to the instability of social organization structure and the unhealthy psychology of the individual, a phenomenon Erich Fromm calls >The duality of freedom<. In Erich Fromm's view, the duality of freedom is one of the most important reasons for the >Escape from freedom<. Along with the development of capitalism, the idea of >Escape from freedom< took the form of authoritarianism, desire for destruction, and automaton conformity, which Erich Fromm believed had a negative effect on the individual, the psychological factors that gave birth to the Second World War. Since the end of the Second World War, the hidden dangers of Nazism have not been completely eliminated in modern society, and there is a democratic crisis in modern society due to the lack of >Sense of tragedy<. So Erich Fromm addresses the problems of the future by nurturing new people who re-exist and building new societies in which people develop as they are. With the further development of capitalism, industrial civilization does show new features different from the past, and the causes and manifestations of >Escape from freedom< have also changed accordingly. Such social phenomena as the disappearance of >Grand narrative< and >Systematic exploitation< of workers in the industrial civilized society show that the >individualization process< has been reconstructed under the new social situation, >Escape from freedom< is manifested by the further loss of individual identity and hostility from >The other<. Erich Fromm proposed to overcome alienated personality through creative activities, through the form of collective art to cultivate a sound personality, in order to deal with the >Escape from freedom<. By systematically combing Erich Fromm's theory of >Escape from freedom< and combining it with his Marxist philosophy criticism of Erich Fromm, it can be seen that Erich Fromm's critique of capitalism does not touch on the Base and political structure of capitalism, and that the basis for judging the soundness of society ignores the factor of productivity, and the >Love< which is used to construct people's spiritual health has ideality and limitation. Therefore, only on the basis of Marxism and historical materialism, from the perspective of concrete practice, to carry out a critical study of Erich Fromm's thought of >Escape from freedom<, can draw lessons from Erich Fromm's thought, for the construction of a harmonious society to provide reference. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Wen}, title = {The Dialectical Thinking of Fromm: Reason, Faith, Doubt - Based on the >Rational Belief< of the Year of the Character Orientation [基于创发性性格取向的>理性信仰<——浅析弗洛姆对理性、信仰、怀疑的辩证思考]}, series = {Zhejiang Social Sciences [浙江社会科学], No. 4 (2016), pp. 148-151.}, journal = {Zhejiang Social Sciences [浙江社会科学], No. 4 (2016), pp. 148-151.}, abstract = {对宗教、信仰的讨论是弗洛姆整体思想中的重要有机组成部分,但无论国内还是国外,有关这一主题的研究都存在较大局限。本文试图在考察弗洛姆思想发展脉络的基础上,借鉴国内信仰学的研究成果,运用>信仰主体——信仰行为——信仰客体<的动态逻辑框架系统重构弗洛姆相关理论,并将其置于伴随现代化进程而出现的>信仰危机<的历史背景下,通过横向与纵向比较发掘其理论之独特性,旨在为研究弗洛姆思想提供新的视角,也为当下社会信仰困境提供一定的启示。经历1926年放弃犹太教信仰与1937年扬弃正统弗洛伊德主义的两次思想转折后,弗洛姆形成无神论的>激进人道主义<思想,>人<成为弗洛姆研究宗教、信仰的逻辑起点和最终目的。>人的诞生<开始后,信仰主体作为一个处于自然、社会历史与生存两歧三个相互关联的维度中的身心、知情合一的人,其独特的多层次处境与生理-心理结构、机制,使其产生了追求生存意义、指向>谐一<的>x体验<,它在无意识层面构成了信仰的经验基础,其意识化与意识形态化都受到社会的制约,由于知性语言的社会过滤器作用和思虑作用,只有用普遍象征语言才能表达其丰富含义。信仰行为则是信仰主体对>x体验<的反应,不但是一种相信、信服的思想状态,更是信仰主体在具体的社会历史条件下全身心的、对自己生存答案的探索和践行。>同化过程<与>社会化过程<中形成的社会性格是信仰行为的基础。按照性格结构中创发性取向的多少,弗洛姆将信仰行为分为理性与分理性两种形式。弗洛姆将理性置于人格整体之中,剖析了理性、信仰、怀疑三者之间的辩证关系。理性信仰植根于人自己的体验,对自己思考力、观察力及判断力的了解与信赖,与理性怀疑相关联,它不仅体现在思考和判断领域,也体现在人的生活实践中。它促使人们怀着希望,进行一种持续的、积极的自我创造,有利于>人的诞生<。而非理性信仰是对某个神、某个人、某种思想或某种象征的盲目迷信,并非出于人自己的思想或情感的体验,而是以人对非理性权威的情感屈从和对现有意识形态的接纳为基础。如果社会宣扬的意识形态与社会性格之间具有差异,会造成人们思想与行为的分裂,形成>假信仰<现象。同时,弗洛姆还研究了自由意志与信仰选择的问题,作为温和决定论者,他为人们自由选择信仰的可能性留出了余地,并探讨了先知与禅师等理性权威的作用。信仰客体被弗洛姆视为>x体验<在不同社会历史文化结构中的概念系统呈现,按照>原始崇拜——母性人格神宗教——父性人格神宗教——理性一神论宗教——无神宗教——宗教消亡<的路线发展。在他看来,宗教演变是一个客观过程,与生产力水平、生产关系、人自身的心理状况、理性与情感能力等因素密切相关,并且在不同的阶段发挥着不同的历史功能,但这种发展并非后者取代前者的线性更迭,而是一种以某种宗教形态为主、显隐并存、进化和倒退交织并行的过程。根据社会条件所塑造的社会性格结构所导致的不同存在体验,弗洛姆将宗教分为权威主义和人道主义两种类型;根据它们对>人的诞生<的作用,分为积极和消极的宗教,但这些分类只是对其特征的分类,而不是对现实存在的宗教的分类,任何现存成体系宗教中,积极和消极、权威主义与人道主义均混合出现。最后,在呈现弗洛姆信仰理论的完整面貌后,本文指出了它的贡献与不足,并试图对其作出客观评价。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Wen}, title = {On the Evolution of Fromm's Religious View [弗洛姆宗教观发展嬗变初探]}, series = {Psychology of Religion [宗教心理学], No. 0 (2019), pp. 17-28.}, journal = {Psychology of Religion [宗教心理学], No. 0 (2019), pp. 17-28.}, abstract = {对宗教的研究是弗洛姆整体思想中的重要组成部分,在漫长的学术生涯中,他的思想经历过两次转折,使其宗教观在不同阶段的著作中呈现出较大的差异。本文试图在综合考虑弗洛姆生活背景和学术思想的基础上,勾勒出弗洛姆宗教观发展嬗变的脉络,并对其发展特点进行较为细致的探究。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Wen}, title = {A Study on Erich Fromm's Theory of Faith [弗洛姆信仰理论研究], Doctoral dissertation, Foreign Philosophy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zheijang, China 2016.}, abstract = {对宗教、信仰的讨论是弗洛姆整体思想中的重要有机组成部分,但无论国内还是国外,有关这一主题的研究都存在较大局限。本文试图在考察弗洛姆思想发展脉络的基础上,借鉴国内信仰学的研究成果,运用>信仰主体——信仰行为——信仰客体<的动态逻辑框架系统重构弗洛姆相关理论,并将其置于伴随现代化进程而出现的>信仰危机<的历史背景下,通过横向与纵向比较发掘其理论之独特性,旨在为研究弗洛姆思想提供新的视角,也为当下社会信仰困境提供一定的启示。经历1926年放弃犹太教信仰与1937年扬弃正统弗洛伊德主义的两次思想转折后,弗洛姆形成无神论的>激进人道主义<思想,>人<成为弗洛姆研究宗教、信仰的逻辑起点和最终目的。>人的诞生<开始后,信仰主体作为一个处于自然、社会历史与生存两歧三个相互关联的维度中的身心、知情合一的人,其独特的多层次处境与生理-心理结构、机制,使其产生了追求生存意义、指向>谐一<的>x体验<,它在无意识层面构成了信仰的经验基础,其意识化与意识形态化都受到社会的制约,由于知性语言的社会过滤器作用和思虑作用,只有用普遍象征语言才能表达其丰富含义。信仰行为则是信仰主体对>x体验<的反应,不但是一种相信、信服的思想状态,更是信仰主体在具体的社会历史条件下全身心的、对自己生存答案的探索和践行。>同化过程<与>社会化过程<中形成的社会性格是信仰行为的基础。按照性格结构中创发性取向的多少,弗洛姆将信仰行为分为理性与分理性两种形式。弗洛姆将理性置于人格整体之中,剖析了理性、信仰、怀疑三者之间的辩证关系。理性信仰植根于人自己的体验,对自己思考力、观察力及判断力的了解与信赖,与理性怀疑相关联,它不仅体现在思考和判断领域,也体现在人的生活实践中。它促使人们怀着希望,进行一种持续的、积极的自我创造,有利于>人的诞生<。而非理性信仰是对某个神、某个人、某种思想或某种象征的盲目迷信,并非出于人自己的思想或情感的体验,而是以人对非理性权威的情感屈从和对现有意识形态的接纳为基础。如果社会宣扬的意识形态与社会性格之间具有差异,会造成人们思想与行为的分裂,形成>假信仰<现象。同时,弗洛姆还研究了自由意志与信仰选择的问题,作为温和决定论者,他为人们自由选择信仰的可能性留出了余地,并探讨了先知与禅师等理性权威的作用。信仰客体被弗洛姆视为> x体验<在不同社会历史文化结构中的概念系统呈现,按照>原始崇拜——母性人格神宗教——父性人格神宗教——理性一神论宗教——无神宗教——宗教消亡<的路线发展。在他看来,宗教演变是一个客观过程,与生产力水平、生产关系、人自身的心理状况、理性与情感能力等因素密切相关,并且在不同的阶段发挥着不同的历史功能,但这种发展并非后者取代前者的线性更迭,而是一种以某种宗教形态为主、显隐并存、进化和倒退交织并行的过程。根据社会条件所塑造的社会性格结构所导致的不同存在体验,弗洛姆将宗教分为权威主义和人道主义两种类型;根据它们对>人的诞生<的作用,分为积极和消极的宗教,但这些分类只是对其特征的分类,而不是对现实存在的宗教的分类,任何现存成体系宗教中,积极和消极、权威主义与人道主义均混合出现。最后,在呈现弗洛姆信仰理论的完整面貌后,本文指出了它的贡献与不足,并试图对其作出客观评价。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Xiaomei}, title = {Interpretation of Zhang Ailing's >Cao Qiqiao< from Fromm's Theory of Personality and Personality Type Theory [从弗洛姆的人格理论和性格类型理论看张爱玲笔下的曹七巧形象 ] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Anhui Literature (The Second Half)[安徽文学(下半月)], No. 9 (2009), pp. 75-76.}, journal = {Anhui Literature (The Second Half)[安徽文学(下半月)], No. 9 (2009), pp. 75-76.}, abstract = {张爱玲的《金锁记》着力表现的是市民出身的姜家二少奶奶曹七 巧悲剧的一生。病态的社会和低下的家庭出身是她人格变异的根本原因,她是施虐狂和破坏狂,她对人心存疑虑,是弗洛姆关于性格类型理论中的典型的>贮藏型< 形象,本文试图以弗洛姆的人格理论和性格类型理论来分析曹七巧形象,以揭示曹七巧人生悲剧的真正原因。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Yingqi}, title = {Alienation in Raymond Carver's Short Fictions [雷蒙德•卡佛短篇小说中的异化], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {雷蒙德•卡佛是美国现代短篇小说家,其写作风格继承海明威的简洁,又更进一步发扬语言简短精悍、少描写多省略的特色,被许多文学批评者称为>美国极简主义小说之父<。卡佛笔下的许多人物和他自己一样,寡言少语、独来独往、家庭不和、失业酗酒。这类人物的命运往往反映了一个相似的主题,而批评家们多着眼于卡佛独特的叙事风格而忽略了这些短篇作品的共同主题,尤其是异化这个主题,值得进一步的深入挖掘和研究。无论是在文学层面还是在哲学层面,异化都不是一个新概念。这个概念在不同时代不同国家经不同人阐释获得了不同的含义。本文主要借助埃里希•弗罗姆对马克思异化理论的阐释和延伸,试图说明异化是雷蒙德•卡佛许多短篇小说中的一个共同主题。本文主要选取了六个短篇小说文本进行分析,这些文本比较能体现异化这个主题,并且能分别体现三种异化的形式:《小心》和《保鲜》体现了人与自我存在之间关系的异化,异化了的人被人类创造出来的东西所束缚,失去了>人性<,被物化成了没有自我意识的物体;《盒子》和《你在旧金山做什么?》体现了人与社区/团体之间关系的异化,颠沛流离的生活成了个人与群体疏远的客观和表面原因,然而真正导致人与人之间关系异化的是利己主义价值观影响下,人与人之间人性化的自然交往被目的性取代,金钱、工作反过来支配了人,扭曲了人的意识和人际关系;以及《车厢》和《小屋》中体现出的人的异化与外在环境之间的联系,异化了的人通常并没有意识到这种异化的状态,常常试图以脱离熟悉的环境寻求解脱的方式来解决生活中碰到的问题,然而却因为某件事在某个瞬间顿悟,对短暂逃离的希望破灭,只能又继续回到机械的生活当中去。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Yu}, title = {Mary: A Victim of Social Unconsciousness -Interpretation of >The Grass Is Singing< According to Fromm [玛丽:一个社会无意识的受害者——《野草在歌唱》的弗洛姆式解读]}, series = {Journal of Wenshan University [文山学院学报], No. 5 (2015), pp. 82-86.}, journal = {Journal of Wenshan University [文山学院学报], No. 5 (2015), pp. 82-86.}, abstract = {多丽丝·莱辛所著的《野草在歌唱》一直是国内外文学评论家关注的焦点。从弗洛姆的心理学理论入手,重新审视文中玛丽的悲剧根源,并认为玛丽死于社会无意识所带来的社会压抑。最终得出一个结论,即社会无意识对于每一个社会成员的性格、命运及生活中的方方面面都发挥着重要的影响。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Yuying}, title = {On Fromm's Theory of Interpretation of Dreams}, series = {Journal of Anhui University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2008), pp.70-71.}, journal = {Journal of Anhui University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2008), pp.70-71.}, abstract = {Fromm has unique discovery in the field of psychological analysis and treatment. His theory of interpreting dreams is not only the revision of Freud's theory, but surpasses a lot of previous theories. Fromm attaches much importance to the analysis and understanding of symbolic language. His system of interpreting dreams includes rich dialectical factors, which basically shakes the theory of Freud >Oedipus complex<.}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Zhicheng}, title = {An Analysis of the Beats in >On the Road< from the Perspective of Fromm's Freedom Theory in >Escape from Freedom< [《在路上》垮掉分子的逃避自由机制分析 — 从弗罗姆自由理论视角] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Jimei University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) [集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 2 (2014), pp. 103-107.}, journal = {Journal of Jimei University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) [集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 2 (2014), pp. 103-107.}, abstract = {许多研究者认为,小说《在路上》的垮掉分子们几近疯狂的生活体现了他们对精神自由的追求。然而,从弗罗姆自由理论视角来看,垮掉分子们在面对现代自由的时候都选择了逃避。为了逃避现代自由给个人带来的无能为力感,他们诉诸于爵士乐、酒精和性,试图以此狂欢方式来实现对自己的破坏欲。但是,这种方式未能使人真正克服孤独、焦虑状态。相反,狂欢消耗着他们的精力和体力,并将最终导致他们走向死亡。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Zunmin}, title = {Exploring the Way Out of Freedom from the Views of Berlin and Fromm [伯林与弗洛姆的自由观探自由之出路]}, series = {Present and Future [今古文创], No. 3 (2022), pp. 44-46.}, journal = {Present and Future [今古文创], No. 3 (2022), pp. 44-46.}, abstract = {伯林与弗洛姆将自由区分为积极自由与消极自由。两人对积极自由与消极自由之基本含义界定大体一致,但是其含摄范围与致思路径并不相同,由此,其倾向性与侧重点也就全然不同。伯林从保障政治权利的立场出发,认为消极自由保证人的自由行动领域不被干涉,更值得争取;弗洛姆出于对人的本质力量发展的考量,认为实现积极自由才是目的。事实上,伯林的消极自由争取当下的政治权利,弗洛姆的积极自由则更关注人本质力量的长远发展和全面发展,而眼前目标和长远目标同样不可偏废。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhu, author = {Zhu, Dai}, title = {>The Way of the World< and >The Human Heart< - Diagnosis, Treatment and Healing Accor¬ding to Fromm [世道<与>人心< - 弗洛姆的诊断、治疗和拯救], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2012.}, abstract = {在弗洛姆看来,异化既是>世道<的病态,也是>人心<的病态。马克思是针对>世道<病态的人道抗议者,劳动异化本质上是人性异化和非人化,而马克思的目标是人的自由和解放。弗洛伊德是针对>人心<病态的人道关怀者,异化亦是心理的异化,表现为原欲的压抑和疏离的体验,因此人的解放亦是人心的解放。弗洛姆对异化的社会病理诊断,是从人性世界的精神诊断入手的。人性是善恶同体的。从个体性格看,爱生、爱人和独立性是积极的品质,爱死、自恋和乱伦固结是消极的品质。从社会性格看,创生倾向、成长综合症等是积极的品质,非创生倾向、衰败综合症等是消极的品质。弗洛姆对异化的社会治疗方案,包括了从>世道<到>人心<的各个维度和层面:消除人性的异化,满足人的需求,包括爱、自由及自我实现的需求等,是治疗的人道目标,这个目标通过培养健全的人格和建构健全的社会来共同完成。弗洛姆的拯救,是把爱作为一种伦理原则和一种信仰:人的世界应该是爱的世界,爱既是对人的信任,也是一种积极的自由。爱是一种艺术,需要克服个人的自恋,发展谦卑,需要客观性和理性以及培养他生性。弗洛姆启示我们:人性是一个既包括自然属性又包括社会属性,既包括理性又包括感性,既包括意识又包括无意识的多维度、多层面的范畴,>以人为本<应以这个人性范畴为本,而>和谐社会<的建设,也应该包括从>世道<到>人心<的多个维度和多个层面,是系统性的和整合性的。}, language = {zh} }