@misc{AbdulRahman, author = {Abdul Rahman, Aulia}, title = {Konsep cinta Erich Fromm sebagai Dasar Relasi Autentik Sesama Manusia dalam Perspektif Relasi Aku - Engkau Martin Buber [Erich Fromm's Concept of Love as the Basis of Authentic Relationships with People in the Perspective of Martin Buber's I - You Relationship], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 2013, Indonesian. - Only abstract and content available.}, abstract = {Penelitian ini berjudul >Konsep Cinta Erich Fromm sebagai Dasar Relasi Autentik Sesama Manusia dalam Perspektif Relasi Aku-Engkau Martin Buber<. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keterasingan dan kesepian yang dialami oleh manusia modern, akibat kerusakan dan kekacauan hubungan yang sejati antar manusia. Penelitian ini akan mengusulkan konsep cinta Erich Fromm sebagai solusi terhadap permasalahan tersebut. Konsep cinta Erich Fromm akan dikaji lebih dalam menggunakan pemikiran Martin Buber mengenai dua mode relasi manusia yang menunjukkan relasi autentik dan tidak autentik, yaitu relasi Aku-Engkau dan relasi Aku-Itu. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan konsep cinta Erich Fromm serta menganalisis konsep cinta tersebut sebagai dasar relasi autentik subjek dengan subjek menggunakan perspektif relasi Aku-Engkau sebagai relasi yang sesuai dengan kodrat eksistensi manusia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif di bidang ilmu filsafat. Model penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan (library research). Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari data utama dan data pendukung yang terdiri dari buku, jurnal, maupun sumber kepustakaan lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah yang meliputi persiapan, kemudian klasifikasi data, dan terakhir analisis data. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis kefilsafatan dengan unsur metodis yang terdiri dari deskripsi, interpretasi, heuristika, dan refleksi kritis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep cinta Erich Fromm atau dikenal juga dengan konsep cinta produktif merupakan solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi keterasingan dan kesepian yang dialami oleh manusia modern, karena sesuai dengan kodrat eksistensi manusia. Konsep cinta Erich Fromm mengandung prinsip-prinsip seperti perlindungan, tanggung jawab, rasa hormat, dan pengetahuan yang tidak ada dalam bentuk cinta lainnya. Konsep cinta Erich Fromm menegaskan akan adanya elemen relasi yang autentik seperti keterlibatan timbal balik, keterbukaan, mutualitas, penegasan atas keliyanan (otherness) yang lain, serta penerimaannya atas konflik.}, language = {mul} } @article{Agapov, author = {Agapov, P. V.}, title = {Религия в творчестве Эриха Фромма: социально-психологические аспекты проблемы [Religion in the works of Erich Fromm: Socio-psychological aspects of the problem]}, series = {Вопросы политологии [Questions of Political Science], Vol. 10, No. 3 (55) (2020), pp. 724-730. [Print ISSN 2225-8922] [doi.org/10.35775/PSI.2020.55.3.003]}, journal = {Вопросы политологии [Questions of Political Science], Vol. 10, No. 3 (55) (2020), pp. 724-730. [Print ISSN 2225-8922] [doi.org/10.35775/PSI.2020.55.3.003]}, abstract = {В статье обсуждаются теоретические и методологические проблемы изучения религии в творчестве Эриха Фромма. Анализируются социальнопсихологические аспекты темы религии в работах Э. Фромма. В статье делается акцент на психоаналитический подход (социокультурный вариант Э. Фромма) к религиозной проблематики.}, language = {ru} } @article{Ahnert, author = {Ahnert, Sven}, title = {Erich Fromm und die Kunst des Lebens. Feature f{\"u}r den SWR 2. Erstsendung 18. M{\"a}rz 2020, 28'.}, language = {de} } @article{Aho, author = {Aho, James}, title = {Revisiting Authoritarianism}, series = {Critical Sociology, Vol. 46, No. 3 (2020), pp. 329-341. [Online ISSN 1569-1632] [doi.org/10.1177/0896920519830749]}, journal = {Critical Sociology, Vol. 46, No. 3 (2020), pp. 329-341. [Online ISSN 1569-1632] [doi.org/10.1177/0896920519830749]}, abstract = {This article traces the roots of the Authoritarian Personality (AP) project in the neo-Freudian/phenomenological tradition of the Frankfurt School (FS). It focuses on three of its major proponents (Erich Fromm, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse) and examines the construction of the F-scale. It outlines how, according to FS-influenced scholars, the AP arose from the disciplinary measures inflicted on late 19th and early 20th century German middle-class youth, and details the sado-masochistic political style of the prototypical AP. It covers the critical reception of this characterization and explanation of authoritarianism by Bob Altemeyer and Anglo-American positivism. It concludes by arguing that in overlooking the inner life of the AP, positivism blinds us to compelling truths, about authoritarianism, and also about ourselves.}, language = {en} } @article{AlbertiniPanero, author = {Albertini, Egidia and Panero, Marcello}, title = {Hopes and fears in a sample of trainees: Considerations and perspectives}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 180-187.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 180-187.}, abstract = {This paper investigates hopes and fears connected with work as an analytic psychotherapist, in a sample of trainees attending the Italian Training School for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (SPP). Candidates were asked to complete a questionnaire with open-ended questions. In the first analysis, we found trainees to be interested in learning an effective therapeutic method to treat patients. Their wish was for a serious, demanding, but nonjudgmental training, which could support the development of both a thoughtful way of using their thinking process and a rigorous clinical method, while respecting their individuality and personality. We asked our candidates whether theoretical concepts and issues related to the analytic method effectively helped them transform difficulties in perspectives. Theoretical tendencies and authors considered to be useful in modern clinical areas such as Internet addiction disorders, Hikikomori (severe social and relational retirement in adolescence), children's school problems, and problems connected with dimensions of parenthood (e.g. LGBT parenting) were explored. A sense of inadequacy when first dealing with difficult clinical situations, and fears about the realistic difficulties of psychotherapy as a trade, today, in Italy, were found. Considerations on the psychoanalytic educational program and on the importance of workgroups were proposed.}, language = {en} } @article{An, author = {An, Yifei}, title = {An Analysis of Fromm's Theory of Social Unconsciousness [弗洛姆的社会无意识理论探析]}, series = {Statistics and Management [统计与管理], No. 1 (2020), pp. 97-100.}, journal = {Statistics and Management [统计与管理], No. 1 (2020), pp. 97-100.}, abstract = {弗洛姆以其弗洛伊德的马克思主义著称,侧重于社会无意识的阐述,其渊源可追溯到弗洛伊德的个体无意识,以及卡尔·荣格的集体无意识的理论。深入研究弗洛姆社会无意识理论的内容体系和思想精华,对于中华民族伟大复兴进程中公民精神状态提升具有一定参考价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{Anonymus, author = {Anonymus,}, title = {Holding a home together with love [共同用爱撑起一个家]}, series = {The Family Education of China [中华家教], No. Z2 (2020), pp. 10-11.}, journal = {The Family Education of China [中华家教], No. Z2 (2020), pp. 10-11.}, abstract = {20世纪七十年代心理学家弗洛姆就指出,父爱和母爱具有不同的特征,母爱对孩子而言是无条件的——不必过分争取,总能得到,而父爱确是有条件的——需要符合一定的条件才能得到。其实,无论是父爱还是母爱,幸福家庭的建设是全体家庭成员共同努力的结果,让我们用爱共同营造一个温暖幸福的家吧!}, language = {zh} } @article{Asatulloev, author = {Asatulloev, Inomjon}, title = {The Philosophical Anthropology of Erich Fromm}, series = {Cross-cultural Communication, Vol.16, No. 1 (2020), pp. 5-9. [Online ISSN 1923-6700] [doi.org/10.3968/11550]}, journal = {Cross-cultural Communication, Vol.16, No. 1 (2020), pp. 5-9. [Online ISSN 1923-6700] [doi.org/10.3968/11550]}, abstract = {The article analyzes the philosophy of Erich Fromm, the human heart, goodness and evil inclinations, sadism, the problems of freedom of worship, human destructiveness, various forms of aggression, contradictory necrophilia and biophilia. In the philosophy of Erich Fromm, the heart of the human soul is shown by the desire for destructive desires and the uplifting desires - love for humanity and freedom. Our goal is to analyze the souls of human minds based on the works of the intellectuals. From the Erich Fromm heart concept, the robotic personality and the character of the stranger are disclosed.}, language = {en} } @article{Asatulloev, author = {Asatulloev, Inomjon}, title = {Erich Fromm's Theory: The Nature of Human Soul, Alienation and Escape from Freedom}, series = {EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), Vol. 6, No. 6 (2020), pp. 228-232. [doi.org/10.36713/epra2523]}, journal = {EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), Vol. 6, No. 6 (2020), pp. 228-232. [doi.org/10.36713/epra2523]}, abstract = {The article analyzes the philosophy of Erich Fromm, the human heart, goodness and evil inclinations, sadism, the problems of freedom of worship, human destructiveness, various forms of aggression, contradictory necrophilia and biophilia. In the philosophy of Erich Fromm, the heart of the human soul is shown by the desire for destructive desires and the uplifting desires - love for humanity and freedom. Our goal is to analyze the souls of human minds based on the works of the intellectuals. From the Erich Fromm heart concept, the robotic personality and the character of the stranger are disclosed.}, language = {en} } @misc{Baker, author = {Baker, August}, title = {Review Stolorow and Atwood, The power of phenomenology: Psychoanalytic and philosophical perspectives}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 257-258.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 257-258.}, language = {en} } @article{Bass, author = {Bass, Anthony}, title = {Imagining Psychoanalysis: I's Wide Open. Imagination, Seeing and Change. Paper published on Academia.edu, 2020, 19 pp.}, language = {en} } @article{Bassi, author = {Bassi, Camila}, title = {On the Death Throes of Education: Erich Fromm's Marxism and a Rallying Cry for a Healthy University}, series = {Erik Juergensmeyer et al. (Eds.), Neoliberalism and Academic Repression. The Fall of Academic Freedom in the Era of Trumo, Leiden and Boston (Brills) 2020, pp. 31-42.}, journal = {Erik Juergensmeyer et al. (Eds.), Neoliberalism and Academic Repression. The Fall of Academic Freedom in the Era of Trumo, Leiden and Boston (Brills) 2020, pp. 31-42.}, language = {en} } @misc{Battisti, author = {Battisti, Diana}, title = {Introduzione all'edizione Italiana}, series = {L'uomo sconfinato. Perch{\´e} una vita senza limiti non rende liberi, bens{\´i} schiavi a cura Diana Battisti, Firenze (Editore Sensibili all foglie) 2020, pp. 9-22.}, journal = {L'uomo sconfinato. Perch{\´e} una vita senza limiti non rende liberi, bens{\´i} schiavi a cura Diana Battisti, Firenze (Editore Sensibili all foglie) 2020, pp. 9-22.}, language = {it} } @misc{Baur, author = {Baur, Miriam}, title = {Die Aktualit{\"a}t von Erich Fromms Erkenntnissen f{\"u}r die gegenw{\"a}rtige Soziale Arbeit. Im Kontext zunehmender psychischer Erkrankungen, Bachelorarbeit, Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit / Sozialarbeit, Diploma Fachhochschule Nordhessen, Studienzentrum Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Grin Verlag 2020, 67 pp.}, abstract = {In Zeiten zunehmender psychischer Erkrankungen soll sich in vorliegender Arbeit mit den Ansichten Erich Fromms auseinandergesetzt werden und deren Aktualit{\"a}t f{\"u}r die gegenw{\"a}rtige praktische Ausf{\"u}hrung der Sozialen Arbeit. Das Ziel der Arbeit bildet die Ausschau neuer M{\"o}glichkeiten Sozialer Arbeit, zur Neugestaltung der Makro-, Meso- und Mikroebene, um politisch aktiv zu werden, die Gesellschaft neu zu formen, dabei an der Wurzel des Geschehens anpacken zu k{\"o}nnen und sich als Disziplin weiterhin zu professionalisieren. Am Ende der Arbeit soll ein Res{\"u}mee bez{\"u}glich der Aktualit{\"a}t Fromms im Kontext der Sozialen Arbeit gezogen werden. [Lehmanns.de]}, language = {de} } @article{Beckmann, author = {Beckmann, Sabine}, title = {M{\"u}ßiggang - oder vom t{\"a}tigen Leben}, series = {T. K{\"u}hn et al., Selbst im Alltag. Qualitative Sekund{\"a}ranalysen zu Identit{\"a}tskonstruktionen im Wechselverh{\"a}ltnis von Normierung und Selbstentwurf, Wiesbaden (Springer VS) 2020, pp. 153-207.}, journal = {T. K{\"u}hn et al., Selbst im Alltag. Qualitative Sekund{\"a}ranalysen zu Identit{\"a}tskonstruktionen im Wechselverh{\"a}ltnis von Normierung und Selbstentwurf, Wiesbaden (Springer VS) 2020, pp. 153-207.}, language = {de} } @article{Benetika, author = {Benetika, Gerhard}, title = {Erich Fromm: der Befreiungstheoretiker}, series = {Die Furche, Wien 12. M{\"a}rz 2020.}, journal = {Die Furche, Wien 12. M{\"a}rz 2020.}, abstract = {Wer von Erich Fromm nur >Die Kunst des LiebensHaben oder Sein< kennt, weiß nur wenig von den Quellen, aus denen sich sein Denken speist. Beide B{\"u}cher sind f{\"u}r ein großes Publikum geschrieben. In beiden geht es um Kulturkritik: darum, dass die Art und Weise, wie wir unser gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben auf Wettbewerb und Profitmaximierung gr{\"u}nden, den Einzelnen und damit die Gesellschaft als Ganzes krank macht; aber auch darum, Alternativen aufzuzeigen, wie man sich in einer verr{\"u}ckt gewordenen Welt eine auf Liebe und sch{\"o}pferische Kreativit{\"a}t gegr{\"u}ndete Menschlichkeit bewahren kann.}, language = {de} } @misc{Bentfeld, author = {Bentfeld, Michael}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: Wissenschaft vom Menschen (2020a, German)}, series = {Hamburger {\"A}rztblatt, Hamburg No. 5, 2020, p. 31.}, journal = {Hamburger {\"A}rztblatt, Hamburg No. 5, 2020, p. 31.}, language = {de} } @misc{Bian, author = {Bian, Lixia}, title = {A Study of the Morbid Social Characters in Oates's Novels - >Wonderland<, >Them< and >The Gravedigger's Daughter< as Examples [欧茨小说中的病态社会性格研究 - 以《奇境》《他们》《掘墓人的女儿》为例], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨是美国著名女作家,她一生致力于文学创作和研究,其发表的小说曾一度在社会中引起了巨大的反响,她的小说作品大多扎根于美国现实社会,从基本的人性着手,深入至人物的内心世界,对人物的心理活动进行细腻的描写,从而对美国的社会现实中存在的问题进行揭示与批判,表达出欧茨对社会与人性的独特见解。本论文以弗洛姆的社会性格理论为支撑,通过分析欧茨作品中的人物性格特点,结合文本的社会背景和弗洛姆理论找出病态社会性格形成的深层次原因,最后寻求解决的途径。欧茨擅长描写人物的心理活动,以此展现出人物的性格特征。通过分析其小说,能够发现小说中人物的性格都存在着不健康的成分,盲目接受外界的声音而忽略自我内心的真实意志;采取剥削的手段向外界索取一切事物,成为剥削者或被剥削者;对于生活保守而消极。笔者从美国社会、家庭和个人三方面对这些病态社会性格的类型进行了详细分析,糟糕的社会环境、冷漠而疏离的家庭关系以及个人复杂的心理活动都是造成病态社会性格形成的原因。文学作品最终都要对个体进行一定的关怀,为了寻求幸福的途径,建构健康的性格类型,个人要利用自己的理性建立一个独立的人格,用一颗充满>爱<的心去对待身边的一切事物,而从社会层面来说,政治、经济、文化的改变不可或缺。欧茨通过不断的小说创作,旨在揭示出美国人的生存现状,不断地寻求实现独立人格和追求幸福的途径。}, language = {zh} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Selbstorganisation und Eigensinn. {\"U}ber die Unverf{\"u}gbarkeit des Subjekts}, series = {O. Geramanis and S. Hutmacher (Eds.), Der Mensch in der Selbstorganisation, Wiesbaden (Springer Fachmedien) 2020, pp. 231-246.}, journal = {O. Geramanis and S. Hutmacher (Eds.), Der Mensch in der Selbstorganisation, Wiesbaden (Springer Fachmedien) 2020, pp. 231-246.}, abstract = {Betrachtet man die Kompetenzen, die ein Subjekt zur Bew{\"a}ltigung des Lebens und der beruflichen Anforderungen ben{\"o}tigt, so geh{\"o}ren dazu auch reflexive Kompetenzen. Diese bewegen sich in der Spannung zwischen Systemzw{\"a}ngen und Eigensinn. Der Mensch wird als verantwortungsvoller Akteur gedacht, der sich und seine Umwelt durch sch{\"o}pferisches Handeln ver{\"a}ndern kann. Bei den Handlungsspielr{\"a}umen geht es zentral um das Menschenbild, das soziale Implikationen hat. Wichtig ist, Illusionen {\"u}ber das eigene Selbstbild zu verlieren und gesellschaftliche Zw{\"a}nge und Soziopathologien aufzudecken. Die Kategorie des Eigensinns legt nahe, dass die subjektive Logik von Erfahrung und Handeln nie vollst{\"a}ndig in gesellschaftlichen Sinnhorizonten aufgeht, sondern es einen freien Raum der Selbstorganisation gibt, der unvorhersehbar und unkontrollierbar ist. Dies gilt es zu erkennen und auszusch{\"o}pfen.}, language = {de} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Selbstorganisation und Eigensinn. {\"U}ber die Unverf{\"u}gbarkeit des Subjekts. Typescript of the paper presented at a conference in Basel, January 2020; 17 oo.}, language = {de} }