@misc{Xia, author = {Xia, Ying}, title = {The Happiness Theory and Its Contemporary Interpretation, Master thesis, Ethics, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012.}, abstract = {In all ages, whatever social economy and class structure change, happiness is always the pursuit goal of people from vary historical ages. Based on the social and historical reality, the philosophers have given a lot of judgments about happiness, and happiness problem is always a major task in ethnics study. However, the ideologists a tall times and in all countries have vary opinions about happiness unable to decide which is right. So, for the people in modern society it has important meaning to card happiness theory and discuss its signification and essence. Firstly this paper carded the tradition of Chinese happiness theory. In the view of history, Chinese ideologists' viewpoints of happiness can be divided into two parts, deontology and utilitarianism. Although these two parts have different contestations respectively, they also have an accordant viewpoint at happiness realization, that is, to achieve happiness by self-improvement.- Then this paper carded tradition of western happiness theory to classify it into two kinds, hedonistic eudemonism and consummate eudemonism. The hedonistic considered that happiness was based on people's feeling. They thought feeling pleasure was happiness with some representatives such as Locke, Bentham, Muller, Feuerbach etc. However the consummate was firstly mentioned by Aristotle. It considered that perfection was happiness with some other representatives such as Paulsen, Fromm etc.- The third part of paper summarized Marxist eudemonism including main structure, inscapes, social historical conditions, evolution rules and characters etc. Marxist eudemonism is based on criticism and self-reflection on hedonistic and consummate. Itis scientific to lead contemporary people to correctly realize and achieve happiness.- The last part of paper tried to give a contemporary interpretation on happiness. It considered that contemporary happiness mainly embodied in the people's livelihood. After clarifying meanings of people's livelihood and its problem, this paper discussed essence of people's livelihood happiness, gave an opinion that the government must be mainly responsible for people's livelihood happiness, and finally proposed a method to achieve happiness, that is, to establish a people oriented concept of happiness. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Woodall, author = {Woodall, Tony}, title = {Driven to excess? Linking calling, character and the (mis)behaviour of marketers}, series = {Marketing Theory, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2012), pp. 173-191. [Online ISSN 1741-301X] [doi.org/10.1177/1470593111418797]}, journal = {Marketing Theory, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2012), pp. 173-191. [Online ISSN 1741-301X] [doi.org/10.1177/1470593111418797]}, abstract = {We are presently at a point of unique circumstantial convergence where recession, an increased emphasis on business ethics, and marketer's reluctance to accept shifting social agendas have combined to identify the need for a new approach to marketing. Using concepts from the human resources, marketing and psychology literatures, and especially Erich Fromm's ideas concerning economic character, this paper posits that marketers - as a professional community - are driven to promote consumerist outcomes; victims of an automaton amalgam of calling and character. The analysis suggests the vulnerability of both marketer and consumer are mutually reinforcing and that we need, somehow, to break this damaging cycle of dependence. We know little, however, about how marketers think and feel about their discipline, so this paper also promotes an agenda for marketer behaviour research, as a countervailing balance to a currently disproportionate focus on the consumer.}, language = {en} } @article{Weinrich, author = {Weinrich, Harald}, title = {Sein und Haben radikal - mit und gegen Erich Fromm}, series = {Harald Weinrich: {\"U}ber das Haben: 33 Ansichten, M{\"u}nchen; Verlag C.H.Beck) 2012, 44-48.}, journal = {Harald Weinrich: {\"U}ber das Haben: 33 Ansichten, M{\"u}nchen; Verlag C.H.Beck) 2012, 44-48.}, abstract = {Auf dem Umschlag dieses Buches begr{\"u}ßt uns Diogenes von Sinope, der nichts haben will, nicht einmal von Alexander dem Großen. Er ist freilich eine Ausnahme. Die meisten Menschen haben gern, und deshalb mangelt es auch nicht an Gr{\"u}nden und Anl{\"a}ssen, sich {\"u}ber das Haben zu {\"a}ußern. In einer h{\"o}chst unterhaltsamen Reise durch die Sinnwelten des Habens er{\"o}ffnet Harald Weinrich, der Grandseigneur der europ{\"a}ischen Sprachwissenschaft, verbl{\"u}ffende Einsichten in unseren Gebrauch des W{\"o}rtchens Haben - und unser Haben-Denken, das sich darin offenbart.}, language = {de} } @article{Warren, author = {Warren, Bill}, title = {Revisiting Fromm's >The Sane Society< at the present time: Some implications for mental Health and mental health education when seen with a PCP eye}, series = {Personal Construct Theory \& Practice, No. 9 (2012), pp. 4-15. [Online ISSN 1613-5091] [pcp-net.org/journal/pctp12/warren12.pdf]}, journal = {Personal Construct Theory \& Practice, No. 9 (2012), pp. 4-15. [Online ISSN 1613-5091] [pcp-net.org/journal/pctp12/warren12.pdf]}, abstract = {This paper discusses the notion of mental health from the perspective of the social context in which such a notion has to exist, and has to be fostered or otherwise, by that key social activity in a democracy that is education. In particular, it considers this topic by way of reviewing a thoroughgoing analysis of 'society and sanity' presented over a half century ago by Erich Fromm in his >The Sane Society<. The links to and an implications for a PCP understanding of mental health in the light of the ideas of Fromm and some later thinkers are discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{WangZhang, author = {Wang, Li and Zhang, Jie}, title = {Respect Life, Enjoy the Joy of Growth, Learn Tolerance, Comprehend the Perfect Life [尊重生命,享受成长快乐 学会宽容,领悟完美人生]}, series = {New Curriculum (Part 2) [新课程(下)], No. 7 (2012), p. 173.}, journal = {New Curriculum (Part 2) [新课程(下)], No. 7 (2012), p. 173.}, abstract = {我们认为关爱学生,首先要尊重学生,尊重学生丰富的内心情感,尊重学生心理发展规律。以尊重为前提,以服务为宗旨的教育,才能使学校真正成为学生的花园、学园、家园、乐园,让学生享受成长的快乐。20世纪著名的心理学家、哲学家弗洛姆曾说:>尊重生命、尊重他人也尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中的伴随物,也是心。<}, language = {zh} } @article{WaleckaRynduch, author = {Walecka-Rynduch, Waleska}, title = {Erich Fromm: (ur. 23 marca 1900, zm. 18 marca 1980) [Erich Fromm: (born March 23, 1900, died March 18, 1980)], in: Wiesław Kozub-Ciembroniewicz et al. (Eds): Wsp{\´o}łczesne doktryny polityczne i prawne: tw{\´o}rcy, idee, interpretacje: podręcznik akademicki [Contemporary Political and Legal Doctrines: Creators, Ideas, Interpretations: An Academic Textbook], Krak{\´o}w (Academic Bookshop) 2012, Poland, pp. 82-90, Polish [ISBN: 978-83-7188-427-6]}, language = {pl} } @article{Veck, author = {Veck, Wayne}, title = {Reflecting on attention-deficient hyperactivity disorder and disablement in education with Erich Fromm}, series = {Disability \& Society, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2012), pp. 263-275. [Online ISSN 1360-0508] [doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2011.644935]}, journal = {Disability \& Society, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2012), pp. 263-275. [Online ISSN 1360-0508] [doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2011.644935]}, abstract = {Drawing upon the thought of Eric Fromm, this paper argues that efforts to understand and counter behaviour that causes difficulties in education should begin in a critical and reflective engagement with both the conditions of human freedom and the character of educational institutions and society as a whole. Fromm's critique of dominating ideas about good mental health within capitalistic societies is examined in relation to disablement and attention-deficient hyperactivity disorder. A study of a sixth-form college in the south of England elucidates connections between Fromm's insights into social psychology and disablement as a process of oppression.}, language = {en} } @misc{Terelmešova, author = {Terelmešov{\´a}, Dagmar}, title = {Teorie agresivity např{\´i}č obory [The Theory of Aggression across Disciplines], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 58 pp.}, abstract = {The aim of my paper is to introduce individual theories of aggression, which are divided according to the factors having influence on human aggressive behaviour and acting. Basically, the literature is chosen from the works of Erich Fromm, Sigmund Freud and Konrad Lorenz. This choice enabled to divide the issue into three basic areas, that is: biological, psychological and philosophical ones. All three areas are elaborated further by the issue of the child aggression origin, in subchapters. The impact of aggression on society is also emphasized by Hannah Arendt, who is trying to specify roots of social aggression, and is looking for individual and social responsibility for aggression. The theory, derived from those researches plus from subsequent modern psychological concept, attempts to reveal causes of aggression. Easier understanding of aggression causes would enable to influence or eliminate factors causing/strengthening aggression, either caused by society or by ourselves. Such understanding is the aim of all scientists, who sacrificed their lives to research of aggression, a phenomenon so dangerous for human beings.}, language = {pl} } @article{Taylor, author = {Taylor, Barbara}, title = {Enlightenment and the Uses of Woman}, series = {History Workshop Journal, Vol. 74, No. 1 (Autumn 2012), pp. 79-87.}, journal = {History Workshop Journal, Vol. 74, No. 1 (Autumn 2012), pp. 79-87.}, abstract = {In 1937 Theodor Adorno, in a letter to Erich Fromm, described women as exemplars of commodity fetishism, >agents of the commodity in society<. Adorno wanted Fromm to join him in a study of the invidious psycho-social effects of this phenomenon. Fromm did not respond to this invitation, possibly because his own views on women were diametrically opposed to Adorno's. To Fromm, women were not agents of capitalist corruption but avatars of altruism, their nurturing qualities providing models for socialist morality. These polarized images of women have their roots in Enlightenment gender theory. This essay outlines the myths of Woman promulgated by Enlightenment intellectuals, in particular the Janus-faced doctrine of 'female influence' that dominated eighteenth-century writings on women, which portrayed them simultaneously as acquisitive hedonists and as paragons of self-sacrificial benevolence.}, language = {en} } @article{Tang, author = {Tang, Daocheng}, title = {My Perspective on Taking over as a Substitute Homeroom Teacher at a Rural Junior High School [农村初中中途接替班主任工作之我见]}, series = {Policy and Scientific Consult, No. 12 (2012, p. 17.}, journal = {Policy and Scientific Consult, No. 12 (2012, p. 17.}, abstract = {笔者从事多年班主任工作,曾几次在八年级下期或九年级上期等接替班主任工作。接班时,我深知如果班主任工作艺术不略胜一筹,学生是很难服你。那么,我是如何做好这一接替工作的呢?通过实践和总结,下面谈谈我的几点看法。一、关爱是本,诚恳在心关爱是本:弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》中指出:>爱是对所爱对象的生命和成长的积极关心。< 哪里缺少这种积极关心,哪里 …}, language = {zh} } @misc{OPUS4-38235, title = {Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań) Poland 2012, 274 pp.}, editor = {Stelcer, Boguslaw and et. al.,}, abstract = {Monografia zostaje oddana do rąk czy telnika w szczeg{\´o}lnym momencie albowiem na marzec 2012 roku przypadły 90 urodziny wielkiego mentora polskich schweitzerowc{\´o}w prof. Henryka Gaertnera, zaś 2013 rok to czas obchod{\´o}w setnej rocznicy istnienia szpitala symbolu L'H{\^o}pital du Docteur Albert Schweitzer w gabońskim Lambar{\´e}n{\´e}. Prof. Henryk Gaertner, wieloletni pracownik klinik Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie, członek wielu Towarzystw Naukowych polskich i zagranicznych, działacz społeczny i kulturowy jest jednocześnie jedynym Polakiem, kt{\´o}r y dostąpił zaszczytu zasadania w prezydium Association Internationale Schweitzer Lambar{\´e}n{\´e} (AISL). Niespos{\´o}b zamknąć w kilku zdaniach obszar{\´o}w zainteresowań i działalności Profesora Henryka Gaertnera, aktywnego w sferach medycznej, psychosomatycznej, liter ackiej, historyczno medycznej, etyczno filozoficznej, kulturalnej, oświatowej czy społecznej. Z tym większym respektem książkę tę redaktorzy dedykują swemu ukochanemu Profesorowi z prośbą o życzliwe jej przyjęcie jako kolejnego głosu upominającego się o to, ażeby w życiu społecznymi, jak i na gruncie opieki medycznej były obecne wartości głęboko humanistyczne.}, language = {pl} } @article{StelcerStrzelecki, author = {Stelcer, Boguslav and Strzelecki, Wojciech}, title = {Erich Fromm (1900 - 1980)}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, pp. 21-23.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, pp. 21-23.}, language = {pl} } @article{Stelcer, author = {Stelcer, Boguslav}, title = {Miłość i jej formy w dziele >O sztuce miłości< Ericha Fromma [Love and Its Forms in the Book >The Art of Loving< by Erich Fromm] [Liebe und ihre Formen in Erich Fromms Werk >Die Kunst des Liebens<]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 258-267.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 258-267.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm in his short book >The Art of Loving< presents love as an attitude and feeling that can be learned. Love in Fromm's terms is beyond the scope of interest sexologists, is an attitude combining the ability to learn a second, respect for him and concern for his welfare. Love is not a recipe for a happy sex life but the essence of the attitude in which it is a centre place for the most subtle and for healthy human development kind of relationship. There is no health without mental health and full of expression capabilities inherent in the unit without the feeling of love. It is an expression of the full development of personality.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Stelceretal, author = {Stelcer, Boguslaw and et al.,}, title = {Przedmowa [Preface]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, pp. 12-15.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, pp. 12-15.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Štědronsky, author = {Štědronsk{\´y}, Josef}, title = {Teorie psychologie osobnosti (starš{\´i} a novějš{\´i}) [Theories of Personality Psychology (Older and Newer)], Bachelor thesis, Psychology, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 71 pp.}, abstract = {The bachelor´s thesis describes the philosophy of three important philosophers Erich Fromm, Victor Emanuel Frankl and Albert Camus. The work is divided into four chapters, in each of them I always deal with one specific problem from the point of view of all these philosophers. At the end of each chapter there is some conclusion and a summary of these thoughts as well as findings of similar characters of their philosophy. The first chapter is devoted to the problem of authentic way of the human existence. There are presented the basic features of Frankl´s, Fromm´s and Camus´ philosophy. The second chapter deals with the topic of freedom, primarily, whether the absolute freedom possible is or is not. The following chapter talks about the issue of human society and its impact on a human. The last chapter describes the problem of death and suicide. Whether these authors accept death as the end of the human life or whether they accept suicide as the solution of the human life. In conclusion, I tried to summarize the similar points of philosophy of these authors.}, language = {pl} } @article{Stachowski, author = {Stachowski, Ryszard}, title = {Ericha Fromma model zdrowia psychicznego [Erich Fromm's Model of Mental Health] [Erich Fromms Model der psychischen Gesundheit]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 226-233.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 226-233.}, abstract = {Fromm's approach to mental health is based on the neurophysiology principle that the brain has an innate tendency to preserve life. This principle implies a basic condition of psychic health: the concomitant of the process of life itself respect for life, that of others as one's own. According to Fromm, this universal criterion of mental health, inextricably linked to ethical issues, gives a satisfactory solution to the problem of human existence.}, language = {pl} } @article{Smith, author = {Smith, Jennifer}, title = {Pascual Duarte's Escape from Freedom: A Study of the Authoritarian Personality and the Rise of the Authoritarian State}, series = {Letras Hispanas, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012), pp. 5-19. [Online ISSN 1548-5633] [worldlang.txst.edu/letrashispanas/previousvolumes/vol8-1.html]}, journal = {Letras Hispanas, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012), pp. 5-19. [Online ISSN 1548-5633] [worldlang.txst.edu/letrashispanas/previousvolumes/vol8-1.html]}, abstract = {In a 2002 article that appeared in El Pa{\´i}s, the Spanish writer Javier Cercas allies himself with other scholars who have argued that during the time of its publication he Family of Pascual Duarte (1942) by Camilo Jos{\´e} Cela, served as an apologia for Franco's dictatorship. Following the ideas articulated by Erich Fromm in Escape from Freedom (1941) about fascism as a reaction against the effects of individual isolation in the modern era, I relate Cerca's political interpretation of the Family of Pascual Duarte with existential and psychological readings of the novel. I argue that the moral decline of Pascual Duarte is the result of his inability to live up to the existential burden of freedom in the seemingly uncaring, anarchical and meaningless universe associated, from the Nationalist perspective, with the political and social programs of the Second Republic. While Pascual tries to elude this responsibility through various mechanisms of escape, primarily through practices of submission and domination, the lack of any legitimate authority to submit to or of any sphere in which he can legitimately assert his own authority, leads Pascual to unwittingly present his meaningless and immoral life as a case for the reassertion of a dictatorial regime.}, language = {en} } @article{Sastawardani, author = {Sastawardani, Arinda}, title = {Perilaku hedonis tokoh lola dalam Novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah (melalui Pendekatan Psikologi Erich Fromm - The Hedonic Behavior of the Character Lola's in the Novel >Cewek Matre< by Alberthiene Endah (Through Erich Fromm's Psychological Approach)] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {UNESA - Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2012), 13 pp.}, journal = {UNESA - Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2012), 13 pp.}, abstract = {Dalam Novel Cewek Matre karya Alberthiene Endah, Lola sebagai tokoh utama memiliki perilaku hedonis yang juga dimiliki oleh sebagian besar masyarakat metropolitan di Indonesia. Perilaku ini membuat kehidupan Lola yang awalnya berjalan lancar tanpa masalah berarti menjadi penuh konflik yang berkepanjangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan (1) Bagaimanakah bentuk perilaku hedonis yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Lola dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? (2) Bagaimana latar belakang timbulnya perilaku hedonis pada diri Lola dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? (3) Bagaimanakah dampak perilaku hedonis yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Lola terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? berdasarkan teori psikologi humanistik Erich Fromm. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sosiologi sastra, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis isi atau content analysis dengan menggunakan metode tafsir sastra atau hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tokoh Lola memiliki perilaku hedonis yang berupa gemar menghambur-hamburkan uang, membeli barang-barang mewah, dan menjadi cewek matre. Perilaku hedonis ini bukanlah perilaku bawaan lahir Lola, melainkan bentukan dari lingkungan sosial Lola yang menstimulus Lola untuk memiliki perilaku hedonis.}, language = {mul} } @article{Reichardt, author = {Reichardt, Horst-Peter}, title = {Partisanen der Humanit{\"a}t [Partyzanci humanistyki] [The Partisans of the Humanities]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 68-75.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 68-75.}, abstract = {Tytuł rozdziału zaczerpnięty został z tekstu Hansa Jurgena Schultza ukazują-cego pięć jego zdaniem kluczowych w kontekście walki o godność człowieka i ludzkości postaci dwudziestego wieku. Są to Martin Luther King, Dietrich Bon-hoeffer, Reinhold Schneider, Albert Schweitzer i Erich Fromm. Dw{\´o}ch ostatnich, mimo tak odmiennych biografii i dziedzictwa rodzinnego połączyło szczeg{\´o}lnie dobitnie wyrażanie szacunku dla pełnego rozwoju wszelkich form życia. Erich Fromm wskazywał że człowiek może i powinien znale{\'{z}}ć poprzez własne nieza-leżne i krytyczne myślenie o sobie, wolne od manipulacji i interes{\´o}w politycz-nych, czy ograniczeń ekonomicznych ideał istoty biofilnej. Erich Fromm opisy-wał biofilność jako charakterologiczną podstawę swej analitycznej psychologii społecznej. Biofilność powoduje że człowiek jest przyciągany do innych istot żywych i potrzebuje kontaktu z naturą, aby być zdrowym, aby znale{\'{z}}ć sens swo-jego życia i realizować się w nim. Albert Schweitzer odnalazł kontakt z naturą w dżungli w Gabonie i w tym szczeg{\´o}lnym odległym od cywilizacji miejscu reali-zował w praktyce idee szacunku dla życia. Jego biofilność bardziej niż w przy-padku Fromma, wyrażała się czynem. Dla obu filozof{\´o}w życie jest podstawą ludzkiej egzystencji i gwarantem obecności najwyższych wartości kulturowych. Można ich traktować jak partyzant{\´o}w humanistyki chociażby dlatego, że podob-ni są do oddanych swej sprawie bojownik{\´o}w na rzecz szlachetnego człowieczeń-stwa. Fromm zwr{\´o}cił uwagę, że nie starczy życie zasobne, bogate, wolne od głodu, bez wewnętrznego rozwoju człowieka. Schweitzer z przekonaniem, że każdy ma swe własne Lamaberene, zwracał uwagę na praktyczne kształtowanie człowieka etycznego. Obaj ukazali że r{\´o}żne drogi prowadzą do wsp{\´o}lnego celu, odmienne światopoglądy wskazać mogą wsp{\´o}lny cel jakim jest poszanowanie życia.}, language = {de} } @article{Redžić, author = {Redžić, Saduša F.}, title = {ЛИЧНОСТ, ТЕМПЕРАМЕНТ И КАРАКТЕР У ТЕОРИЈИ ЕРИХА ФРОМА [Personality, temperament and character in Erich Fromm's theory]}, series = {Зборник радова Филозофског факултета [Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta u Prištini], Vol. 42, No. 2 (2012), pp. 391-410. [Online ISSN 2217-8082] [scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0354-3293/2012/0354-32931202391R.pdf]}, journal = {Зборник радова Филозофског факултета [Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta u Prištini], Vol. 42, No. 2 (2012), pp. 391-410. [Online ISSN 2217-8082] [scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0354-3293/2012/0354-32931202391R.pdf]}, abstract = {Сажетак. Интерпретација тумачења људског карактера Ериха Фрома. Анализа индивидуалног и друштвеног карактера, као и односа религије и карактера, симбиотичког одношења, повучености-деструктивности и љубави као односа социјализације. Истицање важности продуктивне и непродуктивне оријентације у односима асимилације. Осврт на типове непродуктивног карактера: прималачки, израбљивачки, згрталачки и тржишни карактер, као и ауторитарно садомазохистички и револуционарни карактер. Разматрање величине и значаја Фромове мисли са социолошког становишта: друштвени карактер за Фрома има етички и хеуристички значај. Људске страсти су укорењене у карактеру и представљају начин да се да смисао постојању, да се одговори на људску егзистенцијалну ситуацију. За Фрома, најважнији циљ друштава би требало да буде потпуни развитак човека.}, language = {mul} } @article{Pawlak, author = {Pawlak, Piotr}, title = {Działalność pokojowa Alberta Schweitzera w kontekście problemu terroryzmu atomowego [Albert Schweitzer's Peace Activity in the Context of the Nuclear Terrorism Problem] Albert Schweitzers Friedensarbeit im Kontext des Atomterrorismus]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 51-67.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 51-67.}, abstract = {The text considers the problem of Albert Schweitzer's fight to stop the development of nuclear weapons, in view of the problem of modern international terrorism. Special services in many countries for some time gains information about the efforts of various terrorist organizations to obtain nuclear weapons (or components and knowledge needed to produce it). To determine the risk there was establish a term: 'nuclear terrorism', and many actions (legal and operational) are taken in order to prevent this phenomenon. Currently no one questions the clear negativity of nuclear terrorism, so it's worth to think about its structure and causes - which arise from human destructiveness. The element of self-destruction, present in human nature manifested itself particularly strongly with the invention of weapon with such great power of destruction, which is a nuclear weapon. Albert Schweitzer noticed an element of self-destruction, calling it 'an inhuman way of thinking' and actively engaged in a worldwide campaign against nuclear armament. The main reason which cause the Doctor of Lambar{\´e}n{\´e} to take this activity, was to draw the attention of world public opinion on the negative effects of nuclear test-explosions. However, during the exploration of issues (in which he was supported by eminent specialists in the field of nuclear physics, with Albert Einstein headed), Schweitzer discovered a much more serious danger threatening all of humanity. This text is an attempt to answer the question about the topicality of peace appeals made by him in the 50's and 60's. The author reminds the risks associated with the development of nuclear weapons and technology in Schweitzer's times and at the present time, trying to outline the basic differences between them. Today, more and more The text considers the problem of Albert Schweitzer's fight to stop the development of nuclear weapons, in view of the problem of modern international terrorism. Special services in many countries for some time gains information about the efforts of various terrorist organizations to obtain nuclear weapons (or components and knowledge needed to produce it). To determine the risk there was establish a term: 'nuclear terrorism', and many actions (legal and operational) are taken in order to prevent this phenomenon. Currently no one questions the clear negativity of nuclear terrorism, so it's worth to think about its structure and causes - which arise from human destructiveness. The element of self-destruction, present in human nature manifested itself particularly strongly with the invention of weapon with such great power of destruction, which is a nuclear weapon. Albert Schweitzer noticed an element of self-destruction, calling it 'an inhuman way of thinking' and actively engaged in a worldwide campaign against nuclear armament. The main reason which cause the Doctor of Lambar{\´e}n{\´e} to take this activity, was to draw the attention of world public opinion on the negative effects of nuclear test-explosions. However, during the exploration of issues (in which he was supported by eminent specialists in the field of nuclear physics, with Albert Einstein at the helm), Schweitzer discovered a much more serious danger threatening all of humanity. This text is an attempt to answer the question about the topicality of peace appeals made by him in the 50's and 60's. The author reminds the risks associated with the development of nuclear weapons and technology in Schweitzer's times and at the present time, trying to outline the basic differences between them. Today, more and more.}, language = {pl} } @article{Panciewicz, author = {Panciewicz, Pjotr}, title = {Poglądy Ericha Fromma zawarte w książce pt.: >Wojna w Człowieku< [Erich Fromm's Views Contained in the Book >War in Man<]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 206-211.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 206-211.}, abstract = {Dr. Pankiewicz's paper focuses on the depiction of Erich Fromm's character and views. The subject of the author's analysis is the work of Fromm entitled >War in Man< (the author is the initiator of the Polish edition of this book). The paper raises both the issues of the presented book, as well as Fromm's views, which can be found in reading the paper. Dr. Pankiewicz points out that >War in Man< is a very important voice of warning against nuclear threat, while pointing to the paradoxical fact that the main source of danger to humanity is currently man himself - that the element of self-destruction lies within us. The author introduces to the reader the universal issues of life and death, so characteristic for Fromm's thought, citing pessimistic thoughts about the dimensions of human destructiveness. And although (as stated by the author himself) the take on the paper's issues is not optimistic, the guide and popularization of Fromm's reflections on the global nuclear threat is nowadays one of the most current issues. The text help us to better understand what was happening and is still happening before our eyes: It approximates the structure of modern man's nature and the problems of interdependence of social and psychological factors, explains the essence of human aggressive behaviour, indicating the sources of these behav-iours.}, language = {pl} } @article{Omelchenko, author = {Omelchenko, Nikolay}, title = {Al-Ghazali on the Essence of Love}, series = {Reflections. Journal of Philosophical Anthropology, No. 1 (2012), pp. 9-18. [philpapers.org/archive/OMEAOT-2.pdf]}, journal = {Reflections. Journal of Philosophical Anthropology, No. 1 (2012), pp. 9-18. [philpapers.org/archive/OMEAOT-2.pdf]}, abstract = {In his paper, the author considers >the humans' love of themselves, of their perfection and self-preservation.< He shares Al-Ghazali's postulate >humans love the eternity of their being< and highlights the presence of this idea in the doctrine of Christianity, in the conceptions of Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872) and Erich Fromm (1900-1980).}, language = {en} } @article{Novichkova, author = {Novichkova, G. A.}, title = {Идеи Эриха Фромма о педагогическои антропологии [Erich Fromm's Ideas on Educational Anthropology]}, series = {Педагогика и просвещение [Pedagogy and Education], Vol. 7, No. 3 (Jul. 2012), pp. 57-68. [ISSN 2454-0676]}, journal = {Педагогика и просвещение [Pedagogy and Education], Vol. 7, No. 3 (Jul. 2012), pp. 57-68. [ISSN 2454-0676]}, abstract = {В своем творчестве Фромм придавал большое значение проблемам педагогической антропологии. Он поставил перед философией задачу формирования нового Человека, построившего общество, основанное на принципах гуманизма и свободы. Поставленную задачу может выполнить гуманная педагогика, которая способна гуманизировать индивидуальный, внутренний мир человека, его представления о добре и зле, расширить его идеалы, сделать его более совершенным и самодостаточным во благо себя и других людей.}, language = {ru} } @article{Litz, author = {Litz, Stefan}, title = {Global Risk Management: What has Love to do with it?}, series = {The International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review, Vol. 9, No. 7 (2012), pp. 147-164. [Online ISSN 1447-9559] [doi.org/10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v09i07/43275]}, journal = {The International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review, Vol. 9, No. 7 (2012), pp. 147-164. [Online ISSN 1447-9559] [doi.org/10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v09i07/43275]}, abstract = {Beck (1995) has outlined an influential social theory in which the role of modern risks has been highlighted. Modern societies are characterized as qualitatively distinct from premodern societies due to the self-generated new risks of annihilatory potential. Jonas (1979) has proposed an approach highlighting fear as a heuristic guideline for approaching further scientific research and technological development. According to this framework, imagining annihilatory risks inherent in a particular technology and research should make us forego the potential benefits of this technology, as the potential costs are too high. Mittelstraß (1992) argues exactly the opposite and claims that not less but more research and technological progress is necessary in order to enhance the survival chances of the human species. In order to reduce the possibility of deliberate action, which may trigger the annihilation of the human species, however, Mittelstraß (1992) calls for the development of a strong ethos of responsibility. The question, though, remains on what kind of rationale this ethos of individual responsibility may be grounded? It is suggested in this paper that Fromm (1947) provided the answer to the question of how such an ethos may be created and sustained.}, language = {en} } @article{Kowalik, author = {Kowalik, Stanislaw}, title = {Erich Fromm jako autorytet naukowy w świetle własnej kon-cepcji autorytetu [Erich Fromm as a Scientific Authority in Light of His Own Concept of Authority] [Erich Fromm als wissenschaftliche Autorit{\"a}t im Kontext seines Autorit{\"a}tskonzepts]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 212-225.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 212-225.}, abstract = {The collapse of authorities in society has been accompanied by the disappearance of the >master-student< relation, so significant for the development of young scientists. This paper presents the reasons behind this situation as well as its consequences. The discussion of the causes is based on Erich. Fromm's theory of authority. The result of the conducted analysis is as follows: excessive institutionalization of how scientific research is carried out does not allow real scientific authorities to function effectively at universities - they are replaced with impersonal authority which scientific institution is.}, language = {pl} } @article{Hou, author = {Hou, Zuozhen}, title = {暴力與謀殺的背後:論九把刀恐怖小說中的破壞性人格 [Behind the Violence and Murder: On the Destructive Personality in Jiuzhodao's Horror Novels] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {中國現代文學 [Modern Chinese Literature], Vol. 22 (2012), pp. 215-233.}, journal = {中國現代文學 [Modern Chinese Literature], Vol. 22 (2012), pp. 215-233.}, abstract = {恐怖小說向來被視作通俗文學的範疇,較少受到學界的關注,其實在近代西方文學中,恐怖小說佔有重要的位置;在台灣,恐怖小說也有它發展的歷史,並具有特殊的社會文化意涵。本文以台灣網路作家九把刀的恐怖小說為探討對象,他的小說常出現荒謬的謀殺和暴力的場景,而人物往往充滿病態暴力的特質,揭示了現代社會的各種破壞性人格,並以血腥顫慄為惡趣。本文試圖探討這些破壞性人格的塑造,除了挑戰想像力和感官刺激的極限,背後是否具有人類生存困境的指涉,以及對現代工業文明社會的諷喻?本文主要借用佛洛姆的「破壞性人格三階段說」,來分析這些作品所隱藏的深層涵意,並思索破壞性人格的塑造與台灣的政經現狀之間,可能有怎樣的關聯性。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Horynova, author = {Horynov{\´a}, Michaela}, title = {Pojet{\´i} člověka v d{\´i}le Ericha Fromma, [The Concept of Man in the Work of Erich Fromm], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 49 pp.}, abstract = {Bachelor thesis interprets Erich Fromm's view of man. A human being is determined by his nature. He has obtained and also inherited attributes. Everybody has his own character which is continuously formed by society which a human being lives in. Love is very important for a human. But it is hard to learn it, as we can see in present-day society and also in Fromm's society at that time. This thesis also deals with Fromm's differentiation of two modes of human being - mode to have, mode to be. Next chapter deals with destructiveness, as the opposite of love. Human is a creature who likes killing and enjoys his aggression. The freedom is also the main conception of Fromm's thoughts. It causes a man´s powerlessness and fear. When a human being doesn't have freedom then he feels relief and inner order. The last chapter deals with the suggestion of new society and new man by Erich Fromm. All is based on the mode to be which means a productive life.}, language = {pl} } @misc{HelmbergerFleckl, author = {Helmberger-Fleckl, Doris}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: {\"U}ber die Liebe zum Leben. Rundfunksendungen}, series = {Die Furche, Wien 16. Februar 2012}, journal = {Die Furche, Wien 16. Februar 2012}, abstract = {In seinen Texten geht Fromm verschiedensten Fragen und Problemen auf den Grund: Er fragt etwa nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen dem {\"U}berfluss, in dem unsere Gesellschaft lebt, und dem Gef{\"u}hl des Einzelnen, {\"u}berfl{\"u}ssig zu sein ... oder er beschreibt das 'Fiasko der Religion' ... Trotz komplexer Fragestellungen machen die Texte das Buch zu einem kurzweiligen und interessanten Lesevergn{\"u}gen. Dass auf die Frage 'Wer ist der Mensch? nur eine Ann{\"a}herung und keine eindeutige Antwort m{\"o}glich ist, wird man dabei verschmerzen. [Quelle: Buecher.de]}, language = {de} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {Зодчии нового поколения [Architect of the New Generation]}, series = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2012), pp. 4-9. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, journal = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2012), pp. 4-9. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, abstract = {Человек не является подобием машины, которая обладает набором разных свойств и характеристик. В бытии человека обнаруживаются экзистенциальные противоречия. Ведь он рождается в природе, а живет в обществе. Человек имеет инстинкты, но располагает и сознанием. Он животное и неживотное. Потомок Адама - природное создание, но он имеет и божественную природу. Человек, по определению Э. Фромма, едва ли не самое эксцентричное создание универсума.}, language = {ru} } @article{Grušovnik, author = {Grušovnik, Tomaž}, title = {Environmental Denial: Why We Fail to Change Our Environmentally Damaging Practices [{\"O}kologische Leugnung: Weshalb wir in der {\"A}nderung unserer umweltfeindlichen Praktiken versagen]}, series = {Synthesis Philosophica, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2012), pp. 91-106. [Online ISSN 1848-2317] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/139410]}, journal = {Synthesis Philosophica, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2012), pp. 91-106. [Online ISSN 1848-2317] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/139410]}, abstract = {Despite readily available facts and figures regarding human-caused natural degradation, a large portion of the public still refuses to believe that the environment is suffering because of our actions. This refusal to believe, paired with a lack of environmental motivation, has become so evident that it recently attracted the attention of scientists and psychologists attempting to account for it from various perspectives. The disbelief in, for instance, climate change, is hard to explain without referring to a mechanism best described as >environmental denial<. Analysis shows that people may be prone to deny anthropogenic environmental damage because their personal identity, as well as the quest for meaning in their lives, depends upon a consumerist modus vivendi. Consciously or unconsciously faced with the dilemma of either accepting that this lifestyle endangers the life of the planet (as well as their and their children's well-being), and thus accepting its consequences and the responsibility for change, or refusing to believe that the environmental degradation is occurring in the first place, they choose the latter option. This choice is also motivated by the lack of sound alternatives around which new, >greener< identities could be built. Thus any attempt at changing public opinion regarding anthropogenic environmental degradation, as well as any strategy that advocates putting an abrupt end to our environmentally damaging practices, is not likely to be successful if it neglects to provide new footing for identity building.}, language = {en} } @misc{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Spremma beseda}, series = {E. Fromm, Umetnost Zivljenja, Ljubljana (Mladisnka knjiga) 2012, pp. 195-202.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Umetnost Zivljenja, Ljubljana (Mladisnka knjiga) 2012, pp. 195-202.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @misc{OPUS4-37273, title = {Psychoanalityczne interpretacje literatury: Freud, Jung, Fromm, Lacan [PsychoanalyticInterpretations ofLliterature: Freud, Jung, Fromm, Lacan], Lublin (KUL Publishing House) Poland 2012, 352 pp., Polish. [ISBN: 8377024012, 9788377024010]}, editor = {Fiała, Edward and et al.,}, language = {pl} } @article{Fiała, author = {Fiała, Edward}, title = {Amor idolatricus w >Pornografii< i >Kosmosie< Gombrowicza. Perspektywa frommowska Amor [Idolatricus in >Pornography< and >Cosmos< by Gombrowicz. A Frommian Perspective]}, series = {Edward Fiała et al. (Eds.): Psychoanalityczne interpretacje literatury: Freud, Jung, Fromm, Lacan, Lublin (Wydawnictwo KUL) Poland 2012, Polish.}, journal = {Edward Fiała et al. (Eds.): Psychoanalityczne interpretacje literatury: Freud, Jung, Fromm, Lacan, Lublin (Wydawnictwo KUL) Poland 2012, Polish.}, language = {pl} } @article{Dorado, author = {Dorado, Juan}, title = {El juda{\´i}smo dial{\´e}ctico de Erich Fromm}, series = {Foro Interno - Anuario de Teor{\´i}a Pol{\´i}tica, No. 12 (2012), pp. 181-197. [Online ISSN 1988-2920] [doi.org/10.5209/rev_FOIN.2012.v12.40007]}, journal = {Foro Interno - Anuario de Teor{\´i}a Pol{\´i}tica, No. 12 (2012), pp. 181-197. [Online ISSN 1988-2920] [doi.org/10.5209/rev_FOIN.2012.v12.40007]}, abstract = {El psicoanalista y teorico social judeoaleman Erich Fromm (1900-1980) publico en 1966 una obra en la que se propuso interpretar la tradicion religiosa de su pueblo desde una perspectiva >radical<. Por >radical< este autor entendia su particular revision de las teorias psicoanaliticas sobre el individuo y la sociedad que le dieron fama mundial. Quiza podriamos leer Y sereis como dioses (You shall be as Gods) como una obra muy personal que conecta las vivencias pasadas, que tanto peso tendrian en el mundo interno de Fromm, con el presente de un autor que ya habia alcanzado su madurez intelectual y el prestigio academico como cientifico social. Este trabajo, centrado en la religiosidad judia, no ha gozado, sin embargo, de la popularidad que alcanzaron otras de sus obras como >El miedo a la libertad< (1941), >Psicoanalisis de la sociedad contemporanea< (1955) o >El arte de amar< (1956). Creemos, sin embargo, que merece la pena una relectura de este libro desde las tradiciones teorico politicas del sur de Europa, y comentar tanto sus hallazgos valiosos como sus grisaceas ausencias.}, language = {es} } @article{Deckeretal, author = {Decker, Oliver and et al.,}, title = {Erziehungserfahrung, politische Einstellung und Autoritarismus - Ergebnisse der >Mitte<-Studien<}, series = {Jahrbuch f{\"u}r P{\"a}dagogik (Peter Lang), No. 1 (2012), pp. 267-301. [ISSN 2199-7888] [doi.org/10.3726/262455_267]}, journal = {Jahrbuch f{\"u}r P{\"a}dagogik (Peter Lang), No. 1 (2012), pp. 267-301. [ISSN 2199-7888] [doi.org/10.3726/262455_267]}, abstract = {Am Anfang standen die Studien zu Autorit{\"a}t und Familie des Frankfurter Instituts f{\"u}r Sozialforschung. In diesen wurde zum ersten Mal auf empirischer Grundlage der Zusammenhang von Sozialisation und antidemokratischer Einstellung untersucht. Der Befund wurde begriffspr{\"a}gend und gab sowohl der noch in Deutschland durchgef{\"u}hrten wie auch der im Exil in Angriff genommenen Studie den Namen >The Authoritarian Personality< (vgl. Adorno et al. 1950), welche wiederum auf den weniger bekannten, aber richtungsweisenden Studien >Autorit{\"a}t und Familie< aufbaute (vgl. Horkheimer, Fromm \& Marcuse 1936). Die Autoren kamen in ihren Studien zu dem Ergebnis, dass die antidemokratische Einstellung in Deutschland weit verbreitet und in allen politischen Lagern anzutreffen war. Dieser Befund wurde mit einer Erkl{\"a}rung verbunden, die bis heute diskutiert wird: dem Konzept des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Dazu die beiden Exponenten der Kritischen Theorie, Theodor W. Adorno und Max Horkheimer, nach ihrer R{\"u}ckkehr aus dem Exil: >Diese Autorit{\"a}tsgebundenheit bedeutet ... die bedingungslose Anerkennung dessen, was ist und Macht hat, und den irrationalen Nachdruck auf konventionelle Werte ... und entsprechend auf konventionelles, unkritisches Verhalten. ... man verh{\"a}lt sich unterw{\"u}rfig zu den idealisierten moralischen Autorit{\"a}ten der Gruppe ..., steht aber zugleich auf dem Sprung, den, der nicht dazugeh{\"o}rt, ... zu verdammen.< Der autorit{\"a}re Charakter zeichne sich durch >Anerkennung jeglicher gegebener Ordnung<, verbunden >mit einer Schw{\"a}che des Ichs< aus. Er beurteile die Welt nach >zweigeteilten Klischees und ist geneigt, die unver{\"a}nderliche Natur oder gar okkulte M{\"a}chte f{\"u}r alles {\"U}bel verantwortlich zu machen.< (Horkheimer/Adorno 1952, S. 368) Adorno und Horkheimer konstatieren den >unbewußten Wunsch nach Zerst{\"o}rung<, den sich der autorit{\"a}re Charakter selbst nicht eingestehe, aber >in andere hineinsieht< und ihn dann als Verfolgung des Fremden, Abweichenden ausleben kann. >Immerzu phantasiert er von verbotenen und schlimmen Dingen, die in der Welt vorgehen, besonders auch von sexuellen Ausschweifungen<. Diese >projektive Identifizierung< sei die Kehrseite der >auff{\"a}lligen Beziehungslosigkeit, der Flachheit ihres Empfindens, auch den ihnen angeblich n{\"a}chsten Menschen gegen{\"u}ber< (ebd., S. 369).}, language = {de} } @misc{Chun, author = {Chun, In Kyoung}, title = {Invitation, Thesis, Master of Fine Arts, Arts and Design, Ernest G. Welch School of Art and Design, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2012, 25 pp. [scholarworks.gsu.edu/art_design_theses/106]}, abstract = {This thesis is a statement about a series of paintings based on an invented dollhouse object that conveys the artist's identity and placement in the world. Through this essay, the artist represents the home as a space that fosters the recovery and rebirth of invisible energy, >ki< and examines ideas of transience, interconnection, and rebirth in the mysterious flow of >ki< in the home. Also the artist will explain her own view about being an artist, the methodologies and specific techniques of her paintings, and her artistic direction for the future.}, language = {en} } @article{Chasse, author = {Chass{\´e}, Eric}, title = {D{\´e}sob{\´e}ir}, series = {P{\´e}dagogie Coll{\´e}giale, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2012), pp. 25-28. [Print ISSN 0835-8974] [eduq.info/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11515/21889/Chasse-26-1-2012.pdf?sequence=1]}, journal = {P{\´e}dagogie Coll{\´e}giale, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2012), pp. 25-28. [Print ISSN 0835-8974] [eduq.info/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11515/21889/Chasse-26-1-2012.pdf?sequence=1]}, abstract = {Les manifestations {\´e}tudiantes du printemps 2012 ont {\`a} tout jamais marqu{\´e} notre inconscient collectif et colorant encore aujourd'hui notre paysage m{\´e}diatique. Nous avons {\´e}t{\´e} soit {\´e}branl{\´e}s, soit choqu{\´e}s, emball{\´e}s ou inspir{\´e}s par toute cette agitation. Cette crise sociale historique a raviv{\´e} chez plusieurs des pr{\´e}occupations, des craintes ou encore de l'espoir et de l'exaltation. Au lendemain du d{\´e}p{\^o}t du projet de loi 78, j'ai tent{\´e} de faire le point sur mon r{\^o}le d'{\´e}ducateur et, plus largement, sur mes valeurs {\´e}ducatives. […]}, language = {fr} } @article{Bueva, author = {Bueva, L. P.}, title = {Механизм идентификации в культуре [Identification Mechanism in Culture]}, series = {Политика и Общество [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 11 (2012), pp. 41-49. [ISSN: 2454-0684]}, journal = {Политика и Общество [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 11 (2012), pp. 41-49. [ISSN: 2454-0684]}, abstract = {Одно из глубинных потребностей человека, отмеченное Фроммом, - это стремление к уподоблению, поиск объекта поклонения. Индивид, заброшенный в мир таинственных вещей и явлений, просто не в состоянии самостоятельно осознать назначение и смысл окружающего бытия. Он нуждается в системе ориентации, которая дала бы ему возможность отождествлять себя с неким признанным образцом.}, language = {ru} } @misc{Bošek, author = {Bošek, Martin}, title = {Psychoanalytick{\´e} v{\´y}klady mor{\´a}lky a svědom{\´i} [Psychoanalytic Interpretations of Morality and Conscience], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 50 pp.}, abstract = {Tato bakal{\´a}řsk{\´a} pr{\´a}ce se zab{\´y}v{\´a} psychoanalytick{\´y}mi v{\´y}klady mor{\´a}lky a svědom{\´i}. C{\´i}lem pr{\´a}ce je poskytnout stručn{\´y} n{\´a}stin mor{\´a}ln{\´i}ho v{\´y}voje a utv{\´a}řen{\´i} svědom{\´i} z pohledu psychoanal{\´y}zy. Pr{\´a}ce je koncipov{\´a}na jako srovn{\´a}n{\´i} několika autorů. Stěžejn{\´i}m bodem t{\´e}to pr{\´a}ce je vysvětlen{\´i} psychoanalytick{\´e} teorie Sigmunda Freuda, kter{\´a} je pot{\´e} kritizov{\´a}na z hlediska Ericha Fromma a Karen Horneyov{\´e}.}, language = {pl} } @article{BinnebeselNowicka, author = {Binnebesel, J{\´o}zef and Nowicka, Agniszka}, title = {Analiza wsp{\´o}łczesnych koncepcji zdrowia i choroby oraz opieki nad umierającymi w świetle rozważań Ericha Fromma [Analysis of Modern Concepts of Health and Illness, and Care for the Dying in the Light of Erich Fromm's Considerations] [Analyse gegenw{\"a}rtiger Konzepte von Gesundheit, Krankheit und F{\"u}rsor-ge f{\"u}r Sterbende im Kontext Erich Fromms Erw{\"a}gungen]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 234-257.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 234-257.}, abstract = {Health is a subject of reflection of many sciences: medical, social, and economic. It is a very difficult category to define, because it is multifaceted, multi-dimensional. Undoubtedly it is a value, which on the one hand, it may become aim of human activity (in this sense, health is the value of autotelic, that is valued for its own sake), on the other hand, health can be regarded as a value by which a person can function well into old age, deriving satisfaction from life and pursue differ-ent priorities in life (instrumental value). Health is a fundamental right of every man, and also a kind of social capital, because only healthy people can produce a variety of good material and cultural progress. Therefore extremely urgent task for modern education is for health education. Health and disease issues are often undertaken by living in the twentieth century American psychologist and philosopher of German origin - Erich Fromm, who was looking for recipes for >healthy society<. The aim of this paper is to present the biomedical and holistic model of health and illness, and then on this back-ground scratching E. Fromm views on human nature and determinants of health condition. The article will take a reflection on the meaning of love in the process of caring for terminally ill people, which Erich Fromm considered the fundamental question of human existence.}, language = {pl} } @article{Bazzo, author = {Bazzo, Walter Antonio}, title = {Cultura cient{\´i}fica versus human{\´i}stica: a cts {\´e} o elo? [Cultura cient{\´i}fica versus ciencias humanas, ?' la cts es el puente entre las dos?] [Scientific culture versus human sciences, is cts a bridge between the two of them?]}, series = {Revista iberoamericana de educati{\´o}n, No. 58 (2012), pp. 61-79. [Print ISSN 1022-6508] [rieoei.org/RIE/article/view/473/4354]}, journal = {Revista iberoamericana de educati{\´o}n, No. 58 (2012), pp. 61-79. [Print ISSN 1022-6508] [rieoei.org/RIE/article/view/473/4354]}, abstract = {Este artigo resulta das v{\´a}rias indaga{\c{c}}{\~o}es que fazem parte de minha atua{\c{c}}{\~a}o na {\´a}rea cient{\´i}fico-tecnol{\´o}gica. A pergunta-chave para iniciar o debate {\´e}: Afinal, o que {\´e} a >ctscts<, estamos >academizando< em demasia estes estudos e, de forma similar {\`a} ci{\^e}ncia convencional, deixando-os muito distantes da fun{\c{c}}{\~a}o educacional? Tal aspecto me preocupa principalmente em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o ao Ensino M{\´e}dio que, por ser o espa{\c{c}}o e o tempo da forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o da personalidade juvenil, enfrenta ainda diversas dificuldades em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\`a} forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos valores humanos. Com este dilema e com novas leituras, encontrei similaridade com minhas preocupa{\c{c}}{\~o}es em Erich Fromm, para desvendar esta quest{\~a}o do dissociamento da cultura cient{\´i}fica da cultura human{\´i}stica. Al{\´e}m dele, alguns outros importantes autores me serviram de suporte para essas reflex{\~o}es: Ellul, Mumford, Ortega y Gasset - mais recentemente, Barber, Diamond, De Masi, Herman, Klein entre outros. Para os meus prop{\´o}sitos de an{\´a}lise, fica evidente que difundir a cultura cient{\´i}fica apartada da cultura human{\´i}stica no Ensino M{\´e}dio pouco contribui para o desenvolvimento pleno do ser humano. E a >cts< - da forma que a concebemos atualmente - poderia ser, sim, o elo entre estas duas culturas. Palavras-chave: cultura cient{\´i}fica; cultura human{\´i}stica; ensino m{\´e}dio; >cts<}, language = {pt} } @article{An, author = {An, Seok}, title = {[성숙에 관한 기독교상담학적 연구 -정신분석 및 인본주의 심리학적 관점을 중심으로] [The Study on the Christian Counseling for Maturity - Based on the Perspectives of the Psychoanalysis and the Humanistic Psychology]}, series = {신학과 실천 [Theology and Praxis], No. 32 (2012), pp. 397-427.}, journal = {신학과 실천 [Theology and Praxis], No. 32 (2012), pp. 397-427.}, abstract = {본 논문은 인간의 성숙에 관한 기독교상담학적 연구로서, 정신분석 및 인본주의 심리학적 관점을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 연구자는 긍정심리학의 태동 이전부터 자기실현적 입장을 지닌 상담심리학 분야의 연구자들은 성숙한 인간의 특성을 밝히기 위해 노력해왔음을 밝혔다. 연구자는 프로이트가 성숙한 인간상으로서의 욕망의 절제를 설명하고 있는 성격의 삼원구조이론(tripartite theory of personality), 프롬의 성숙한 인간상으로서의 >생산적 인간(productive person)< 에릭슨의 인간의 근원적 힘으로서의 >덕(virtue)<을 살펴보았다. 그 후에 인본주의 심리학적 관점에서 올포트(G. Allport)의 건강한 성격으로서의 >성숙한 인격(mature person)<, 매슬로우(A. Maslow)의 성숙한 인간으로서의 >자기실현적 인간(self-actualizing person)<에 관해 살펴보았다. 그 후에 기독교상담적 측면에서 성숙에 대한 성서적 관점, 긍정적인 자기변화의 성숙을 위한 >희망(hope)<에 대해 살펴보았다. 특히 우리는 성숙에 관한 심리학을 기독교 전통에서 고찰하면서 성숙의 의미가 성서적 전통에 깊이 뿌리내리고 있음을 확인하였으며, 개인의 성숙을 위해 지속적으로 신앙 안에서 돌보는 자와의 관계 안에서 희망함이 절대적으로 필요하다는 점을 지적하였다. 연구자는 본 논문을 마무리 하면서, 인간의 성숙에 관한 일반상담심리학적 연구의 필요성을 제기하고 동시에 기독교상담학적 관점에서 평가하였다. 특히 기독교상담자들은 지속적이고 긍정적인 변화는 성령의 능력과 인도를 통하여 온다는 것을 인식하기에 기독교상담학적 관점에서 앞으로 다루어야 과제의 필요성을 제시하였다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Ahn, author = {Ahn, Joon-Suk}, title = {카를로스 히메네즈의>House and Studio<에 보이는 생장성(生長性)의 지역적 의미에 관한 연구 [Study on the Meaning of Architectural Growth in Carlos Jim{\´e}nez's >House and Studio<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {한국농촌건축학회논문집 [Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture], Vol. 14, No. 2, (2012), pp. 11-18.}, journal = {한국농촌건축학회논문집 [Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture], Vol. 14, No. 2, (2012), pp. 11-18.}, abstract = {Carlos Jimenez's >House and Studio< was self-designed to fully function as both a home and workplace. Since its establishment in 1983, the installation has been continuously updated for almost 30 years solely under the guidance of the owner's life occurrences and routine needs. The additions and alterations succeeding the building's erection were executed to incorporate small yet symbolic fragments of the resident's memories and life episodes. The particularity of the >House and Studio< can be compared with other residential remodeling and expansion projects in regards to certain key aspects. These means of comparison include, but are not limited to, building strictly under the direction of a master plan of development vs. allowing natural adaptations that comply with the resident's needs, rapid development vs. gradual advancement, the ornamenting by exposing showy features vs. the enhancing by addition of modest natural components, sustainability vs. sustenance, systematic room divisions vs. ambiguous spatial organization, possession as a materialized asset vs. preservation as a recollection of memories, and finally the recognition as one example of signature architecture vs. the witnessing of a maturing animated shelter. The given propositions can be further explained with the comprehension of Erich Fromm's theory of the >Having< mode and >Being< mode, two mechanisms that categorize the essence of human life. The >Having< mode is described by the human greed for wealth, power, and influence, whereas the >Being< mode is comprised of compassion, joy, and productivity. Fromm's thesis applies to the general sense of human life, but the ideas can be narrowed to accommodate the architectural standpoint. In architecture, the >Having< mode can be translated to be the conspicuous form-oriented and self-contained object. The 'Being' mode, on the other hand, is transposed as the more natural form, incorporating the needs of the owner before commercialization. The growth of Jimenez's >House and Studio< can be perceived as an architectural suggestion to the overcoming of human indifference caused by fixation on the >Having< mode.}, language = {ko} } @article{KettlerWheatland, author = {Kettler, David and Wheatland, Thomas}, title = {>How can we tell it to the children?< A Deliberation at the Institute of Social Research}, series = {Thesis Eleven, Septembr 6, 2012.}, journal = {Thesis Eleven, Septembr 6, 2012.}, abstract = {To introduce an archival protocol of a >Debate about methods in the social sciences, especially the conception of social science method represented by the Institute<, held on 17 January 1941 at the Institute of Social Research in New York, the article focuses on certain conflicts in substance and terms of discourse among members of the Institute, with special emphasis on Franz Neumann's distinctive approaches, notwithstanding his professed loyalty to Max Horkheimer's theory. These are seen to arise not only from Neumann's assignment as bargaining agent for the Institute and his distinctive relations with American colleagues, but also from their different orientations to the conflicted legacies of Weimar.}, language = {en} } @article{Hao, author = {Hao, Hongcui}, title = {A Study on Parents' Response to Children's Love for Hero Type Cartoons and Suggestions [对家长就幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片所作出的回应行为的研究及相关建议]}, series = {Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 36 (2012), pp. 40-42.}, journal = {Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 36 (2012), pp. 40-42.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available.] This study, using questionnaires and interviews, investigates how parents respond to their children's love for the hero type cartoons such as Japanese cartoon >Ultraman<, analyzes the influence their education opinions may have on their response. Based on these, the researcher puts forward some related suggestions. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 8/2021]}, language = {zh} } @article{Fleming, author = {Fleming, T.}, title = {Fromm and Habermas: Allies for adult education and democracy}, series = {Studies in Philosophy and Education, Vol. 31, pp. 123-136.}, journal = {Studies in Philosophy and Education, Vol. 31, pp. 123-136.}, abstract = {The legacy of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research has been a powerful force for critically understanding social reality. Erich Fromm was one of the early and best known members of the Institute. Fromm emphasized the centrality of culture and interpersonal relations in the construction of the psyche. The unconscious was not only the location for buried repressed matter but also for the imaginative potential of the human person. He is a forgotten and neglected contributor to the story of the Institute having been written out of this history. This retrospective of his ideas explores his work in the light of the recent work of Juergen Habermas who is also an active but less controversial engager with the psychoanalytic tradition. The implications for adult education will be addressed. The paper outlines Fromm's radical reinterpretation of psychoanalysis emphasizing the importance of social existence as distinct from the impact of instincts; key concepts of the market, commodity fetishism and automaton conformity; The implications for adult education in the tradition of radical (Freire) and transformative learning theory (Mezirow) and addressed and make connections between Habermas and Fromm that further the project of critical theory. Both attempted in different times to identify and realize the potential of (though neither used the term) of lifelong learning as part of the process of bringing about a more just and caring society and a shared attention to the importance of having free conversations about how the emancipated life might be created and sustained.}, language = {en} } @article{BrunnerLohl, author = {Brunner, Markus and Lohl, Jan}, title = {>Außerdem w{\"u}rde ich gerne mal einen Orgon-Akkumulator bauen…<. Zu Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunftsperspektiven der psychoanalytischen Sozialpsychologie. Geschichts{\"u}berblick und Umfrageergebnisse}, series = {Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik, Vol. 36, pp. 31-60.}, journal = {Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik, Vol. 36, pp. 31-60.}, language = {de} } @article{BierhoffMichels, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard and Michels, Hans-Peter}, title = {Risks and Challenges. Introduction to Social Change Review Special Issue}, series = {Social Change Review, Winter 2012, Vol. 10, pp. 93-98. DOI: 10.2478/scr-2013-0013}, journal = {Social Change Review, Winter 2012, Vol. 10, pp. 93-98. DOI: 10.2478/scr-2013-0013}, language = {en} } @misc{Lue, author = {Lue, Si}, title = {Distortion and Loss of Love - Comment on the Family Relationship in Henry James's >Washington Square< [爱的扭曲和缺失 -评亨利•詹姆斯《华盛顿广场》中的家庭关系], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan, China 2012 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {亨利•詹姆斯(1843-1916)是美国19世纪后期三大现实主义大师之一,其多部作品历来倍受国内外学者的关注,其中的道德伦理主题引起了学者们的热烈探讨,然而其讨论却都相对忽略了詹姆斯早期作品中的道德伦理主题。本文拟从伦理批评的角度对其早期中篇小说《华盛顿广场》进行分析,探讨其作品所再现的家庭关系,挖掘出詹姆斯早期作品中的伦理思想。家庭关系是家庭成员间的人际互动或联系,属于社会关系的一种,是伦理批评的一个重要组成部分。家庭关系以主体为标准分为亲子关系、夫妻关系和其他家庭成员之间的关系。爱是处理家庭关系的核心原则,是维系婚姻和家庭的纽带。德国伦理学家爱利希•弗洛姆认为在家庭生活中,爱表现为亲子之爱、两性之爱和手足之爱三种形式,并认为爱包含了解、尊重、责任心和关心等基本要素。爱这一概念也因此体现了其伦理价值。《华盛顿广场》讲述了19世纪中叶纽约一个中上层阶级家庭的悲剧。本文以弗洛姆对爱的理论阐述为指导,分析《华盛顿广场》中的家庭关系及悲剧,试图揭示出19世纪三四十年代造成美国社会人性的扭曲和异化、道德的沦丧和滑坡的深层原因。全文共三章,第一章从作品的父女关系和母女关系入手,认为作品通过父亲对女儿的压制表现了一种扭曲的父爱,通过母亲对女儿的婚姻教导再现出错误的母爱,从而展示出一种亲子之爱的偏离,这种亲子之爱的偏离违背了老慈幼爱的伦理原则。第二章探讨两性之爱的缺失,认为未婚夫的贪婪表现出恋人间物化的爱,伪善表现出恋人间欺骗的爱,这两种爱都违背了男女互爱的原则。第三章则从弟弟的利己主义表现出的自私的爱,以及兄妹对婚姻的态度中传达出的相互矛盾的爱,分析了手足之爱的丧失,指出手足之爱的丧失违背了互谅互助的伦理原则。本文认为作品所体现的爱的扭曲和缺失是资本主义社会经济结构变化所带来的产物,是19世纪美国社会转型时期政治、经济、文化、历史多重社会因素造成的结果。詹姆斯在《华盛顿广场》这部早期作品中,就开始围绕爱的主题表达出对异化的家庭关系的批判,呼吁爱的社会的回归。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Liping}, title = {Research on Erich Fromm's Thought of Consumption Alienation [埃里希•弗洛姆消费异化思想研究], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China, 2012.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980),弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义(1)的主要代表人物,开业长达四十余年的心理咨询师。弗洛姆毕生致力于对>人<的生存境遇的关注,对造成人的异化的现代工业社会进行了无情地揭露和有力地批判,并积极探索实现健全人格和健全社会的途径。消费异化思想就是弗洛姆社会批判理论的重要组成部分。弗洛姆对消费异化的集中论述出现在《健全的社会》(1955)以及《占有还是生存》(1976)二书中。他在《健全的社会》中首先亮明一个观点:生活于现代西方发达工业社会中的绝大多数人的精神是不健康的。一个人的精神是否健康从根本上讲不是他个人的事情,而是取决于他所在的社会结构。弗洛姆认为>精神健康<不能被定义为人通过调整自身的行为来无条件地适应他所在的社会,相反,社会应该为人的精神健康负责,为人的全面发展创造有利条件。而且,社会经济结构与人的性格之间存在着相互作用的关系,社会经济结构塑造了人的性格,人的性格反作用于社会经济结构。因此,通过分析资本主义社会性格的非生产性(即放弃自身拥有的力量和创造性潜能,以异化的方式与外界发生关联),就能揭露资本主义社会的不健全。而>异化<正是弗洛姆用来分析这些非生产性社会性格的最核心概念;>消费异化<对应的正是从20世纪中叶开始在资本主义社会中占主导地位的接受取向和市场取向两种社会性格。在后期著作《占有还是生存》中,弗洛姆从国家、政府、消费者等方面提出了许多消除消费异化的具体措施。因此,根据弗洛姆消费异化思想提出和发展演进的过程,本文的行文脉络是:首先,梳理弗洛姆消费异化思想的理论根源,归纳概括出消费异化的涵义并交待该思想产生的历史背景;其次,从社会性格的功能入手分析消费异化的成因,这也是弗洛姆消费异化思想的特色所在,同时也是本文的主要创新之处;然后,分析弗洛姆消费异化的表现形式、危害和消除消费异化的途径;最后,对弗洛姆消费异化思想进行客观评价,彰显其消费异化思想对中国社会发展的启示意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Caling}, title = {The Research on Fromm's Freedom Thought and Its Present Enlightenment - Based on the analysis of >Escape from Freedom< [弗洛姆的自由思想及其当代启示 - 基于《逃避自由》的分析], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆受弗洛伊德的精神分析学说和马克思的社会理论的影响,致力于对人性和社会心理的思考,关注现实的人的生存状态,通过对弗洛伊德主义和马克思主义的结合,创立了在社会领域运用精神分析学说的独特视角。弗洛姆对自由思想的论述颇多,本文主旨在于以《逃避自由》一书为基础,对弗洛姆的自由思想进行梳理和评价,并结合中国的社会实践探讨其自由思想的理论和实践价值。文章首先介绍弗洛姆的生平,从他所处的社会环境家庭环境和个人生活经历出发来寻找弗洛姆思想形成的社会和理论根源。以《逃避自由》一书为基础,对弗洛姆的自由思想进行梳理。对《逃避自由》一书的产生、基本内容展开介绍,这本书揭示了现代人陷入自由的悖论,追求自由又逃避自由,实质上是不自由的生存状态,分析了逃避自由的心理机制,并找出了解决逃避自由问题的途径和理想的社会模式,这种对自由的探讨方法和视角是新颖的,有其独特的理论和实践价值。然后本文从马克思自由观的角度对其进行了评价,通过对马克思自由观的分析和与弗洛姆自由观的对比,来揭示弗洛姆的自由思想的可取之处和局限性。指出其在关于异化的概念、理想的社会模式、实现途径以及逃避自由的解决途径方面的主观主义的倾向,决定了他的自由观在理论高度上必将低于马克思,必将走向虚幻的乌托邦。最后,用宏观和微观相结合的方法,把弗洛姆的自由思想结合中国的社会实际,对现阶段中国民众的自由状态进行了具体的分析,力图从资本主义工业化进程中发现问题和解决问题的经验中探索出对中国社会转型期有益的启示,为构建和谐社会贡献一份力量。}, language = {zh} } @article{Chang, author = {Chang, Liwei}, title = {A Probe into Yu Dafu's Self-Maltreat Complex [向晚独寻孤店宿 —郁达夫自虐情结探微]}, series = {Journal of Zibo Normal College [淄博师专学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 35-39.}, journal = {Journal of Zibo Normal College [淄博师专学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 35-39.}, abstract = {根据心理学理论分析,自虐情结普遍存在于作家群体。郁达夫的自虐情结则更为显著和复杂。弗洛伊德和弗罗姆对自虐情结的产生原因有着不同的解释。弗洛伊德秉承一贯的性本能说,弗罗姆则在弗洛伊德性本能说的基础上,提出自我消灭说。两种关于自虐情结生发的解释,放诸郁达夫身上都契合无虞。郁达夫本人的自虐情结与性爱的焦虑、命运的放逐、快感的获取以及自我的救赎有着复杂关系。这种情结表现在文学作品中,则指向身份、悲剧、灵感、艺术等方面的探索。}, language = {zh} } @article{Brunneretal, author = {Brunner, Markus and et al.,}, title = {Critical psychoanalytic social psychology in the German speaking countries [= translation of Brunner_M_et_al_2012a by Nora Ruck]}, abstract = {The article traces the main stages of the history of psychoanalytic social psychology in German speaking countries. Beginning with Freud, it illuminates the Freudomarxists, Critical theory, the developments during the 1960ies and 70ies and of ethnopsychoanalysis, followed by an illustration of central topics of psychoanalytic social psychology (in- and exclusion, authoritarism and right-wing extremism, as well as the aftermath of the National Socialism and the fields of subject and gender). Reflections on a psychoanalytic-oriented empirical social research complete the text.}, language = {en} } @misc{Assmann, author = {Assmann, Carla}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: Marx's Concept of Man (1961b, German)}, series = {Marx 21, Nr. 28 (2012), pp. 80-81.}, journal = {Marx 21, Nr. 28 (2012), pp. 80-81.}, language = {de} } @article{Vlahaki, author = {Vlahaki, Irini}, title = {>Two in a body<: From the mother's anorexia to the daughter's bulimia}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 195-201.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 195-201.}, abstract = {The nature of the psychopathology of individuals with eating disorders always requires special understanding. In the case presented in this article, the psychodynamics of the patient's bulimia needed to be thought in relation to her mother's anorexia and the transgenerational transmission of her unmourned trauma. The article will focus on the pathological vampiric tie between mother and daughter, whose bulimia served to saturate the maternal void left by the traumatic losses, actualizing the illusion of their union through a common erotogenic zone, the belly. Special emphasis will be given to the powerful phenomena of bodily countertransference experienced by the analyst, who had to contain the patient's massive projections into her own body and to work through the raw inner tensions and sensations in order to create an intermediate space of thinking between them.}, language = {en} } @article{Ventimiglia, author = {Ventimiglia, Giancarlo}, title = {An investigation into the therapeutic dynamic of depressive states}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 082-093.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 082-093.}, abstract = {Through a historical survey of the psychoanalytical reflection on depression the author shows how, after the first works by Freud and Abraham on the topic, it has developed (at least at an implicit level) according to two basic explanatory orientations. By separative orientation, the therapeutic evolution of depression aims at the substantial abandonment of the investment (already impaired by affective ambivalence) in certain objects, or their internal representatives/derivatives, having high narcissistic value. According to restorative orientation, the overcoming of depression is connected, instead, to the possibility of maintaining or re-establishing that investment, at least at a level of internal derivatives. By referring to one of his clinical treatments, the author underlines the greater significance of the separative orientation, together with the necessity of considering the restorative dimension only as a partial and secondary function of the therapeutic dynamic of depression.}, language = {en} } @article{Vaslamatzis, author = {Vaslamatzis, Grigoris}, title = {Object-related and intersubjective processes in psychoanalysis: A twofold perspective}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 167-172.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 167-172.}, abstract = {The author follows Bion's, Ogden's and the Barangers' formulations on the intersubjective field of analysis and begins with the hypothesis that, if the analytic situation aspires to mental growth and not just to insight, the new relationship becomes of particular importance. He presents the clinical case of a patient whose archaic relationship was experienced as a rather depriving one. The initial phase of analysis had periods of incomprehension but allowed for a certain degree of interpretive work. In the second phase, it seemed that the intersubjective relationship and interaction created a >field< towards growth.}, language = {en} } @article{Thanopulos, author = {Thanopulos, Sarantis}, title = {The mutually constitutive relationship between subjectivity and intersubjectivity and the responsible subject}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 154-158.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 154-158.}, abstract = {At the centre of subjectivity lies the interdependence between passion and sense of responsibility. Passion is nourished by misacknowledgment (possessive desire) and acknowledgment (hatred) of the other as a subject at the same time. In the crescendo of this contradiction, the subject discovers that he is the hated subjectivity of the object that makes him alive and desirable. He discovers that he loves the object for the same reason he hates it. He must protect the object of his passionate love if he wants to keep this love alive, and this is when the sense of responsibility for the others is born. The passage from passion (passionate subject) to responsibility (responsible subject) is neither automatic nor direct. The child has to gasp his mother's subjectivity in order to responsibly protect it. What makes this possible is hysterical identification, which is both identification and relation, with her. Hysterical identification allows the child to extend the boundaries of his existence in order to make it eccentric to the original, undifferentiated core of his own subjectivity. The other becomes co-constitutive of the subjectivity, and the particular of the subjective experience meets the universal of the intersubjectivity at the point where they constitute each other.}, language = {en} } @article{Sweet, author = {Sweet, Alistair D.}, title = {Black holes: Some notes on time, symbolization, and perversion in the psychodynamics of addiction}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 094-105.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 094-105.}, abstract = {Through a historical survey of the psychoanalytical reflection on depression the author shows how, after the first works by Freud and Abraham on the topic, it has developed (at least at an implicit level) according to two basic explanatory orientations. By separative orientation, the therapeutic evolution of depression aims at the substantial abandonment of the investment (already impaired by affective ambivalence) in certain objects, or their internal representatives/derivatives, having high narcissistic value. According to restorative orientation, the overcoming of depression is connected, instead, to the possibility of maintaining or re-establishing that investment, at least at a level of internal derivatives. By referring to one of his clinical treatments, the author underlines the greater significance of the separative orientation, together with the necessity of considering the restorative dimension only as a partial and secondary function of the therapeutic dynamic of depression.}, language = {en} } @article{SouzaSant'Anna, author = {Souza Sant'Anna, Anderson De}, title = {Psychoanalysis and contemporary subject-work-organizations relations}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 035-040.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 035-040.}, abstract = {What are the implications of the new management models, which are typical of contemporary organizations, on the subjects who depend on their work for a living? Which are the new symptoms and pathologies that define contemporary organizations? What could psychoanalytical studies contribute towards a greater understanding of the contemporary modes of subject-work-organizations relations? As answers, we should stress the relevance of deeper conversations between organizational studies and psychoanalysis, as in its extension it will offer significant potential with regard to new gazes and theoretical-methodological approaches that will allow broader visions with regard to the multiple facets that characterize the complexity of current of subject-work-organizations relations.}, language = {en} } @article{Solms, author = {Solms, Mark}, title = {Depression: A neuropsychoanalytic perspective}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 207-213.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 207-213.}, abstract = {As a psychoanalyst, I believe that conscious mental phenomena (such as feelings) are not epiphenomenal to the workings of the brain. Feelings evolved for good biological reasons; they make specific contributions to (unconscious) brain functioning. Notwithstanding all the philosophical complexities, the interactions between consciousness and unconscious brain functions are causal interactions. The tendency of modern neuroscientists (and biological psychiatrists) to marginalise consciousness in relation to how the brain works is likely to lead them badly astray. I illustrate this view by trying to address the question: why does depression feel bad?}, language = {en} } @article{Soares, author = {Soares, Ednei}, title = {Mother and woman between child and work: Report from a project with handicapped children}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 058-061.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 058-061.}, abstract = {This article presents research into the mother-child relationship according to psychoanalytic theory. It is based on data from groups of mothers who have children with special needs in the context of their experiences with inclusive education policies.}, language = {en} } @article{Sjoedin, author = {Sj{\"o}din, Christer}, title = {Psychoanalysis is becoming an impossible profession within the public welfare system in Sweden}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 046-052.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 046-052.}, abstract = {The preconditions for psychoanalytic practice within the Swedish public welfare system are analyzed in this article. Psychoanalysis remains a one-to-one treatment and relies on the analyst's capacity to use his or her own subjective response. The development of the psychoanalytic process is dependent on unconscious reality, making it impossible to work with a model that has a strict relation between diagnosis, treatment method, and result. Objectivity and the desire to predict treatment outcomes characterize the immanent logic in the complex system of laws and recommendations that affects most practices within the field of medicine. As a consequence of this development, psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapy are marginalized, since our treatment methods are not adapted to the present industrialization and economization of the medical health sector, with the result that the preconditions for psychoanalytic training have changed dramatically. The exclusion of psychoanalysis from the national health insurance scheme is a demanding challenge at a time when the Swedish welfare model is undergoing fundamental changes.}, language = {en} } @article{Sanchez, author = {S{\´a}nchez, Mar{\´i}a Eugenia}, title = {The reconfiguration of subjectivity and of intersubjective relations in migratory processes: A case study}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 159-166.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 159-166.}, abstract = {The time-space upheavals that characterise so-called globalization have been translated into virtual flows, the flow of objects, and population flows with differentiated impacts within the strata of the population. This paper studies a Mexico-United States migratory circuit in which the analysis focuses on the way in which subjectivities and social identities are destructured and reconfigured in a peasant population of indigenous origin that has been forming a transnational community with migrants established in Long Island, New York. The reconstruction of a structural framework and a transnational culture becomes a substratum that allows for the emergence of new social subjects such as grandmothers, autonomous women, and young people. The psychic dynamics of losses and appropriations, of unresolved ambivalences, interact with the sociostructural processes. The US-Mexico border, a cause of physical, emotional, and symbolic rupture, appears as one of the axes of comprehension for transforming the subjectivities and the intersubjective networks. A dialogue is attempted with a psychoanalytic and sociopsychoanalytic approach, which is vital in these contexts.}, language = {en} } @article{Rigas, author = {Rigas, Dimitrios}, title = {When interpretations are not enough: Interactions between the analytic pair, an intersubjective approach}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 182-188.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 182-188.}, abstract = {Psychoanalysis today is increasingly turning its sights on narcissistic and borderline states, in which archaic forms of defense predominate and accordingly burden the analytic setting. Mental function suffers, and psychic pain cannot be experienced as a mental emotional experience. As a result, the whole situation tends towards the direction of enactment. In such cases, interpretations are not enough, at least on a primary level. Instead, there should be a possibly lengthy period of containment of this archaic nonverbal communication within the psychic space of the analyst in order give it meaning and subsequently remit it into the potential space between the analyst and the analysand in the analytic setting. It has been increasingly accepted by the psychoanalytic community that the analyst's response towards the analysand's transference is likely to contain elements that come from the analyst's own mental and affective processes. Such a holistic view of countertransference is open to acknowledging, and even embracing, the subjectivity of the analyst in the analytic process. The analyst's affective reaction toward and involvement with his patients, which is absent from the classic description of countertransference, turns the latter concept into a valuable and reliable tool for understanding severe pathology within an intersubjective frame of interaction. This paper presents the clinical case of a middle-aged man with narcissistic disorder and an incapacity to mourn. It describes the course of the interaction within the analytic pair that, in a setting of intersubjectivity, worked toward reconstructing the patient's sense of loss and absence.}, language = {en} } @article{PereiraMendes, author = {Pereira Mendes, Eliana Rodrigues}, title = {Women behind the couch}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 062-064.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 062-064.}, abstract = {The author takes on the issue of women and work, over time, giving special emphasis to women psychoanalysts. Psychoanalysis comprises an important factor for the liberation of women in general who, at the same time, owe them so much: not just those lying on the couch, but also those behind it.}, language = {en} } @misc{PereiraMendes, author = {Pereira Mendes, Eliana Rodrigues}, title = {Psychoanalysis and work in contemporary times}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 001-002.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 001-002.}, language = {en} } @article{MitreBarbosaetal, author = {Mitre-Barbosa, Juliana and et al.,}, title = {Psychoanalysis and culture: A contemporary consideration}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 022-025.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 022-025.}, abstract = {Although Freud's theory was born from an observation of individual phenomena and psychological suffering, Freud did not fail to relate and apply it to culture, to the social, and even to the arts and religion. In many of his texts, he dealt with social issues from the psychoanalytic viewpoint. Reviewing these texts and Freud's theories, this paper intends to show evidence of the applicability of the psychoanalytic perspective in current society and in contemporary organizations. In other words, Freud's work remains as ever present and relevant.}, language = {en} } @article{MassaraRocha, author = {Massara Rocha, Guilherme}, title = {The Unconscious: Ideal worker?}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 017-021.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 017-021.}, abstract = {This article examines some consequences of Lacan's statement that defines the Freudian unconscious as the >ideal worker.< As this statement takes its fundaments from Marxist theory of the relations between capital and work, it becomes necessary to make explicit some Marxian concepts that Lacan seems to mobilise. The unconscious, as Lacan claims, >does not think, nor calculate, nor judge<: the unconscious just >works.< In order to verify the consistence of this thesis, Freud's The interpretation of dreams, and more specifically aspects of what can be called the potential of expression of the dream, is revisited. Condensation, displacement, and consideration of representabilty are the concepts used by Freud in order to explain, in his own words, the >dream work.< Here, I intend to demonstrate the applicability of the concept of work to Freud's metapsychological arguments, and how the unconscious works to adapt the processes of representation and presentation of the desire in molds that are, simultaneously, imagistic and verbal.}, language = {en} } @article{Martens, author = {Martens, Willem H. J.}, title = {Healing dynamics of psychosis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 068-081.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 068-081.}, abstract = {The healing dynamics of psychosis are examined in this article. It is concluded that psychosis might have the following positive and compensating functions: a satisfaction of urgent needs and a realization of urgent goal settings that previously appeared unattainable; the avoidance of and coping with unbearable reality, harmful influences and stress, and/or trauma; the upgrading of social-emotional and cognitive capacities/awareness and effectiveness; the enhancement of self-realization and authenticity; and intrapsychic maturation. The therapeutic implications of these findings are also discussed; in addition, an outline for integrative theory of constructive functions in psychosis and a clinical vignette are presented.}, language = {en} } @misc{Kyriazisetal, author = {Kyriazis, Dimitris and et al.,}, title = {Editorial: The Intrapsychic and the Intersubjective in Contemporary Psychoanalysis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 125-129.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 125-129.}, language = {en} } @article{Kyriazis, author = {Kyriazis, Dimitris}, title = {Transformations and the rebirth of the true unconscious subject: An intersubjective perspective}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 173-181.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 173-181.}, abstract = {The transformations that lead to the rebirth of the true-unconscious-subject-as-I (TUs-as-I) in the unconscious of the patient's mind is discussed. The TUs-as-I is the vehicle and main exponent of self-realization, the basis of the intention for freedom of will, for creative motive, and for the construction of meaning. The unconscious ego is the representative of the TUs-as-I, and in cases where it has been devitalized, the patient's unconscious ego/me is lost, broken, or has become >dead.< It is suggested that, in the analytic situation, apart from serving as an external object available for the patient's unconscious imaginary identification, the analyst as the Other also functions as an external Subject, who invites the analysand to respond to his discourse/logos as a supposed-to-be Subject and to identify with his symbolic call. If the patient accepts the call and responds, transformations of his ego/self structures take place that lead to rebirth of the TUs-as-I, to a regenesis of new ego structures, and to a catastrophic change of the >dead imaginary ego-object formations.< The present work discusses certain factors and issues that facilitate the regenesis process, the emergence of a >live true self,< and offers clinical material for the issues discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{Kouvelas, author = {Kouvelas, Elias D.}, title = {Unconscious and plasticity: Bridges between psychoanalysis and neuroscience}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 214-217.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 214-217.}, abstract = {The recent developments in brain science research suggest that terms such as >consciousness< or >unconscious< can be discussed not only on a psychological or psychoanalytic basis, but also on a neurobiological one. The work of several investigators indicates that, through the mechanisms of brain plasticity, an unconscious internal reality can be formed that probably plays a key role in the determination of the subject. The functions of the amygdala can be a good example for visualizing this type of mechanism. Mirror neurons may also play a key role in human development during the prelinguistic stages of life.}, language = {en} } @article{Kostopoulos, author = {Kostopoulos, George K.}, title = {Recent advances in sleep physiology of interest to psychoanalysis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 229-238.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 229-238.}, abstract = {Evidence from recent electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic sleep studies is reviewed in relation to consciousness and dreams, two fundamental issues in psychoanalytic theory and practice. The rich dynamics of the macro- and microstructure of human sleep indicate specific brain disintegrating mechanisms as underlying the loss and alteration of consciousness in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and REM sleep, respectively. Transient state changes and dynamic interactions between elements of sleep graphoelements (i.e. K-complexes and spindles) are described; these, beyond their involvement in controlling consciousness level, may support the consolidation or modification of therapeutic experiences. Higher powers than in awake-state gamma-band electrographic activity (known to underlie cognitive processes), which we observed in specific medial prefrontal cortical areas, are proposed to support content in dreaming (REM) and mentation (NREM). These areas lie in remarkably close proximity to the >default system< and >theory of mind< areas, which may be parts of the neural correlates of intrapsychic and intersubjective processes. Specific activations of limbic circuits were observed in REM sleep in consistency with the emotional content of dreams. Current brain imaging technology in sleep studies offers new opportunities to explore the mechanisms underlying consciousness and dreaming, a unique area of convergence between biology and psychology.}, language = {en} } @article{Karamanolaki, author = {Karamanolaki, Hara}, title = {The difficulty of being together without being the same: Identifications and differentiations in countertransference}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 189-194.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 189-194.}, abstract = {The psychoanalytic encounter (Begegnung) is the starting point of the analyst's and analysand's journey. For this journey to be productive, it is necessary for the analyst to be able to identify with the analysand, thus being able to feel and understand what he or she feels. Both analyst and analysand contribute to this mostly unconscious identification. Sometimes, however, a merging relationship can be created as a result of traumatic traces and unresolved transference conflicts in the mind of the analyst. This merging, excluding any >third< between the analyst and the analysand, can provide shelter from the psychic pain of mourning the loss of the other, but can also hinder development and creativity. This is when the working-through of the analyst's countertransference can allow the analytic thought to be the >third< and the merging relationship to be interrupted. The differentiation of the analyst is the necessary precondition for the subsequent differentiation of the analysand. This paper discusses this situation based on a clinical case in which a dream of the analyst initiated her reflective process and, by working through the countertransference, the analytic process was facilitated.}, language = {en} } @article{Hinshelwood, author = {Hinshelwood, R. D.}, title = {On being objective about the subjective: Clinical aspects of intersubjectivity in contemporary psychoanalysis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 136-145.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 136-145.}, abstract = {This paper attempts to set out the conceptual history of countertransference and intersubjectivity. I will attempt to show the different histories that have occurred within British object relations compared with the developments in the post-ego-psychology era in North America.}, language = {en} } @article{Gonzaga, author = {Gonzaga, Lucas}, title = {Work and perversion}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 030-034.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 030-034.}, abstract = {Recent theories and practices in human resources management indicate the possibility of the complete control of man over his environment as well as himself. Analysis of this new concept from a psychoanalytical viewpoint shows a close relationship between control strategies that are part of some management practices and perversion, generating research elements for managers and other professionals in the mental health field.}, language = {en} } @article{Frie, author = {Frie, Roger}, title = {Psychoanalysis, religion, philosophy and the possibility for dialogue: Freud, Binswanger and Pfister}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 106-116.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 106-116.}, abstract = {This article considers the longstanding disciplinary tensions between psychoanalysis, religion, and philosophy. It argues for a cross-disciplinary understanding of human experience by examining the relationship of Sigmund Freud to his two Swiss colleagues, Ludwig Binswanger and Oskar Pfister. In contrast to Freud's avowed atheism and pronounced ambivalence on philosophy, Binswanger and Pfister both professed a strong religious sensibility and philosophical outlook. The article juxtaposes their theoretical divergences on religion and philosophy with personal interactions and correspondence. The relationship of Freud to Binswanger and Pfister is instructive for understanding the historical and contemporary interaction of psychoanalytic theory and practice with other disciplines and diverse viewpoints. The dialogical spirit that connects the three protagonists constitutes a critical engagement with learning and is essential to psychoanalysis today.}, language = {en} } @article{FlordellisKyriazis, author = {Flordellis, Christodoulos S. and Kyriazis, Dimitris}, title = {Brain plasticity as a convergence of intrapsychic and intersubjective}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 218-228.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 218-228.}, abstract = {Contemporary neuroscience has demonstrated the radical plasticity of the brain - its ability to change with experience at the synaptic, circuitry, and whole-brain levels - which has profound implications for neuroscience, psychoanalysis, and their interrelationship. With the concept of neural plasticity as an ongoing mobilization of neural form, neuroscience converges with psychoanalysis, which has built its theory and therapeutic practice on the flow of forms in the unconscious. We have attempted to integrate evidence and ideas from contemporary neurobiology, neurophysiology, psychopharmacology, and post-Freudian psychoanalytic theory, mainly based on Lacan, Bion, and Winnicott, and we suggest that the recovery of form, as a tool of investigation in these fields, may promote a neuroscientifically informed psychotherapy. We also suggest that plasticity captures the primacy of the dynamic, interactive surface of both intrapsychic and intersubjective processes and allows a conceptualization of the unconscious, facilitating a new understanding of psychic trauma. It is also compatible with the idea of the subject versus the ego of the unconscious, unconscious transformations, intersubjectivity, and freedom of will. We conclude that a new area of research has been identified at the interface between neuroscience and psychoanalytic theory, with promising epistemological, scientific, and therapeutic implications.}, language = {en} } @article{Falaras, author = {Falaras, Vassilis}, title = {Notes on intersubjectivity and the psychoanalytic field}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 202-206.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 202-206.}, abstract = {In this paper, it is argued that the psychoanalytic situation can be considered as an intersubjective field of interactions (psychoanalytic field) involving both patient and analyst. These interactions constantly transform the psychoanalytic field. The dream paradigm of the psychoanalytic session is also discussed. The theoretical arguments are illustrated with clinical vignettes.}, language = {en} } @article{Ermann, author = {Ermann, Michael}, title = {The intersubjective perspective and the change of psychoanalytic identity}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 150-153.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 150-153.}, abstract = {Psychoanalytical identity is more like a process than a state, reflecting the balance between the self and the expectations of the reference group. But what is the common ground where psychoanalysts can refer to facing changes in psychoanalytic theory and practice, especially in the direction of the intersubjective paradigm? In this paper, the traditional psychoanalytic attitude of an objective interpretation of the inner world of the patient is contrasted to the position that is the result of the intersubjective conception of the psychoanalytic process. The latter assigns the role of a co-player to the analyst. This has far-reaching consequences for the concept of abstinence, which are developed in this paper against a background of a short clinical vignette.}, language = {en} } @article{EliasPinheiro, author = {Elias Pinheiro, Maria de Lourdes}, title = {The worker in postmodernity}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 026-029.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 026-029.}, abstract = {The author takes a historical approach to the concept of work in an effort to clarify the place and function that, in contemporaneity, capitalism delegates to the worker. She takes into account the fact that the use of the word in question is restricted to the category of wage-earners and/or the unemployed. As a reference, she adopts Freud's structural theory which, from the beginning, has supported the civilizing and acculturation processes. Starting from that point - the structure, which necessarily implies the use of identifications as the foundation of the subject - this leads to a review of the difference between the worker's health and illness.}, language = {en} } @article{CottadeCarvalho, author = {Cotta de Carvalho, Matheus}, title = {Psychoanalysis and job-related dilemmas in the post-modern era: A way out or a pact with the Devil?}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 041-045.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 041-045.}, abstract = {This paper aims to study the subject-work-organization relationship from the viewpoint of psychoanalysis. Modern organizations now demand a new professional profile. The subject struggles to deal with this new scenario, which offers him new possibilities to articulate enjoyment and desire. Which role does psychoanalysis play with regard to new challenges brought to the contemporary era? Is it possible to think of psychoanalysis as a way out of job-related dilemmas of Post-Modernity, or would psychoanalysis be risking establishing a pact with devil?}, language = {en} } @misc{Conci, author = {Conci, Marco}, title = {Editorial: Meeting the clinical and therapeutic challenges of our patients}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 065-067.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 065-067.}, language = {en} } @article{Borgogno, author = {Borgogno, Franco}, title = {Ferenczi and otherness: Notes for an >ideal lesson<}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 249-254.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 249-254.}, abstract = {This paper presents a bird's eye view - almost a >table of contents< - of >Ferenczi and otherness<, and will do so by first suggesting, right from the beginning, that Ferenczi himself as author represents a symbol of >otherness< in the history of psychoanalysis.}, language = {en} } @article{Bonomi, author = {Bonomi, Carlo}, title = {Freud, Ferenczi, and the >disbelief< on the Acropolis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 239-248.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 239-248.}, abstract = {Ferenczi's 1929 claim that >no analysis can be regarded … as complete unless we have succeed in penetrating the traumatic material< resonated deeply in Freud, influencing his last works. According to the author, it reactivated in Freud the same traumatic memories that were at the heart of his self-analysis, letting them resurface in the 1936 essay >A disturbance of memory on the Acropolis,< in the striking simile of the Loch Ness monster. The image of >the sea-serpent we've never believed in< is then analyzed and used as a sounding lead for Freud's self-analysis. The transformation of the love-object into an attractive monster, which is found as a recurrent pattern in Freud's life and work, hints at the centrality of the combined figure of woman and serpent in mythology, in psychoanalysis, and in Freud's self-analysis. Finally, the background of the >memory disturbance< on the Acropolis is traced back to the woman patient who had dreams of gigantic snakes. It is suggested that the patient might be Emma Eckstein and that a still unexplored thread exists, which runs through the foundation of psychoanalysis, connecting the surgical operation of Emma, the Irma dream, and the Acropolis incident.}, language = {en} } @article{Bichi, author = {Bichi, Estela L.}, title = {Countertransference: A contemporary metapsychological view on its intrapsychic, interpsychic, intersubjective, and objective aspects}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 146-149.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 146-149.}, abstract = {In her contribution, the author first deals with the general characteristics of the countertransference process and then sets forth her metapsychological hypotheses, which aim to describe the different psychic stages and movements in the analyst's mind during such process. This exploration intends to encompass its intrapsychic, interpsychic, intersubjective, and objective aspects. Her proposal aims to fulfill a twofold purpose. First is to place the countertransference process as a sort of theoretical-technical >hinge< between Freud's lines of thought imbued with the features of the modern age, and those trends influenced by postmodern ideas that put forward the opposition between the analyst's >objectivity< and his >subjectivity,< casting doubt on any possibility of being objective in our clinical practice. Her second aim is to appeal to the >witch metapsychology< and go deeper into the understanding and description of the constituent psychical movements of the process mentioned. In this case, countertransference is also suggested as a theoretical-clinical >hinge< that may help to overcome the >intrapsychic-intersubjective< opposition, based on the assumption of the predominance of one or another of these approaches during the course of an analytic therapy. This contribution attempts to add to those theoretical comprehensive trends that go beyond certain extremely confrontational positions that frequently arise in contemporary psychoanalytic discussions.}, language = {en} } @article{BellicoFonseca, author = {Bellico Fonseca, Maria Carolina}, title = {Psychoanalytic listening to a company's employees: A work that is possible?}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 053-057.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 053-057.}, abstract = {The present paper reports on a study carried out over three years in two companies in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. It aimed to give employees an opportunity to talk over and rethink their difficulties and present problems, usually associated with other people who interfered in their professional and personal relationships. We believe that, through acknowledging their issues and accepting the responsibilities assigned to them, a greater quota of creative power could be released in them, generating wellbeing and positive results, both at home and at work. Our intervention was not psychotherapy. However, we gave time for reflection, which in turn gave personal meaning to the problems presented by the employees and thereby lessened their suffering.}, language = {en} } @article{Baranger, author = {Baranger, Madeleine}, title = {The intrapsychic and the intersubjective in contemporary psychoanalysis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 130-135.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 3-4, 2012), pp. 130-135.}, abstract = {This text discusses the evolution that has taken place since the beginning of psychoanalysis and that continues into contemporary practice. It focuses specifically on the causes and modalities of this evolution and its possible assessment in relation to the teachings of Freud. Addressed to a consulting patient, early psychoanalysis was constructed around successive discoveries in the research process, and the importance of the analyst's personality for the therapeutic process has been increasingly recognized. Due to the discovery of transference and countertransference, as well as the study of the analyst-analysand pair, current psychoanalytic practice can be described as intersubjective. Contemporary psychoanalysis entails no longer the study of a specific subject, but rather that of the relationship between the two participants and their joint work as a means to deduce and ultimately change the modalities of the analysand. This is a more and more common and widespread treatment model, although there are differences in terms of the conception of intersubjectivity. This paper cites analysts and groups of analysts involved in this subject, and the nuances of their approaches reflect differences in ideology. Baranger's >field theory,< for instance, is discussed in general terms. Its known origins and consequences for the practice of each member of the analytic pair are discussed, along with their common work and eventual changes.}, language = {en} } @article{Appelbaum, author = {Appelbaum, Jerome}, title = {Science and theory in modern physics and psychoanalysis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 117-124.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 2, 2012), pp. 117-124.}, abstract = {Today, much of psychoanalysis has moved beyond Freud, both methodologically and theoretically. I understand Freud to have been always either explicitly or implicitly committed to the view that psychoanalysis is a science, if only at times as an aspirational goal. The question I intend to raise in this article is not whether psychoanalysis is scientific, but rather whether it should still consider itself so in the light of contemporary theoretical physics' ever greater dependence on mathematical assertions that have not to date been validated by experimental conformation. Bestowing the appellation of science to superstring theory, >the theory of everything,< is at present a self-crowing by its adherents taken as a hereditary birthright. I view the relation between psychoanalytic theory and contemporary theoretical physics as a parallelism - a parallelism between approaches to conceptualisation rather than a reduction of disciplines.}, language = {en} } @article{AntunesLima, author = {Antunes Lima, Maria Elizabeth}, title = {The role and the meaning of work in Freud's cultural writings}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 003-016.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 21 (No. 1, 2012), pp. 003-016.}, abstract = {The purpose of this essay is to consider the role and the meaning attributed to the concept of >work< by an analysis of Freud's cultural writings. It concludes that there are important deficiencies in Freudian theorization about this topic which have led to the naturalization of man and society and, as a result, to an ahistorical view of social processes. These deficiencies have been frequently pointed out in the criticism made of Freud's work.}, language = {en} } @article{Angelov, author = {Angelov, Rose}, title = {Krizata na akademichnata psihologiya (The Crisis of the academic psychology). - Afterword to >The Crisis of Psychoanalysis<}, series = {E. Fromm, Misylta na Froid - velichie I ogranicheniya. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 4), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 558-587.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Misylta na Froid - velichie I ogranicheniya. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 4), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 558-587.}, language = {mul} } @article{Angelov, author = {Angelov, Rose}, title = {Misiyata na vseki edin ot nas (The mission of each of us). - Afterword to >Sigmund Freud's Mission<}, series = {E. Fromm, Misylta na Froid - velichie I ogranicheniya. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 4), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 531-557.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Misylta na Froid - velichie I ogranicheniya. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 4), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 531-557.}, language = {mul} } @article{Angelov, author = {Angelov, Rose}, title = {Ludostta na Bylgaria-nqkoi izmereniya na bylgarskiya duh (The madness of Bulgaria-some dimensions of the Bulgarian spirit) - Afterword to >Greatness and Limitations of Freud's Thought<}, series = {E. Fromm, Misylta na Froid - velichie I ogranicheniya. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 4), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 491-530.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Misylta na Froid - velichie I ogranicheniya. (Suchineniya v 11 toma, Tom 4), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 491-530.}, language = {mul} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jingyu}, title = {Am I a Devil? - A Look at the Sadistic Personality of the Protagonist in >Wonderland< from the Perspective of Erich Fromm's Theory [我是魔鬼吗?——以弗洛姆的理论解读《奇境》主人公的虐待狂人格] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Nanyang Normal University [南阳师范学院学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 80-83.}, journal = {Journal of Nanyang Normal University [南阳师范学院学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 80-83.}, abstract = {以弗洛姆关于虐待狂的理论,分析《奇境》一书中的主人公杰西虐待狂人格的形成原因,以及他行为中表现出的受虐特性与施虐特性。反映了>原始关系<的断裂使人产生孤独无力感;通过服从或控制外界这种消极的方式获取安全感,导致了人格的异化。}, language = {zh} } @article{Whitehead, author = {Whitehead, Clay C.}, title = {Renaming the Journal: Viability of the Psychodynamic Metaphor}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 635-644.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 635-644.}, language = {en} } @article{Turco, author = {Turco, Ronald}, title = {Review Vamik D. Volkan: Psychoanalytic Technique Expanded:  A Textbook on Psychoanalytic Treatment}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 364-365.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 364-365.}, language = {en} } @article{Stone, author = {Stone, Michael H.}, title = {Dream Analysis in the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of Borderline Patients}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 287-302}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 287-302}, language = {en} } @article{Stone, author = {Stone, Michael H.}, title = {Disorder in the Domain of the Personality}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 023-046.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 023-046.}, language = {en} }