@article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {Зодчии нового поколения [Architect of the New Generation]}, series = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2012), pp. 4-9. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, journal = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2012), pp. 4-9. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, abstract = {Человек не является подобием машины, которая обладает набором разных свойств и характеристик. В бытии человека обнаруживаются экзистенциальные противоречия. Ведь он рождается в природе, а живет в обществе. Человек имеет инстинкты, но располагает и сознанием. Он животное и неживотное. Потомок Адама - природное создание, но он имеет и божественную природу. Человек, по определению Э. Фромма, едва ли не самое эксцентричное создание универсума.}, language = {ru} } @article{DrozdovaAI2010, author = {Drozdova_A_I_2010, A. I.}, title = {Дроздова А.И. >Здоровое общество< в истолковании Эриха Фромма [>Healthy Society< in Erich Fromm's Interpretation]}, series = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 1 (2010), pp. 64-72. [ISSN 2454-0722]}, journal = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 1 (2010), pp. 64-72. [ISSN 2454-0722]}, abstract = {Фромм в отличие от Фрейда пришел к убеждению, что лечить следует не пациента, а все общество. Основная идея статьи - характеристика здорового общества, основанного на здоровых человеческих потребностях. Анализируется положение о человеческой ситуации, как ее характеризует Э. Фромм. Значительное внимание уделено понятию >социального характера<}, language = {ru} } @article{Veniaminovna, author = {Veniaminovna, Sorina Galina}, title = {ДИАЛОГ СКВОЗЬ ВЕКА: ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ КОММУНИКАТИВНОЕ ПРОСТРАНСТВО [Dialogue Through the Ages: Educational Communicative Space]}, series = {Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 2015) [no page numbers].}, journal = {Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 2015) [no page numbers].}, abstract = {Working with text suggests a kind of dialogue between readers and authors, which is especially important in the educational process. Regardless of when the text was written, each new reading can create its new life. Regardless of the form of representation (on paper or digital) every time in the process of education, classic text (under careful reading) raises questions and creates the conditions of dialogue through the centuries, which is the main feature of educational environment. Texts on the same issue could be written in different times and can express different points of view. So, the task for both students and skilled researchers is the ability to correlate various positions, to join with them in an equal dialogue considering features of the epoch text writing and the era to which the reader belongs. It is important not only to learn and remember the text. Researchers should be able to form their own position by comparing all this discordance. The subject of my article is essence and methodology of questioning the text as a special kind of text-based communication in educational process of critical thinking development. For this purpose, I use the technique of analytic questioning, as well as methods of system and discourse analysis, formal and modal logic. Applying these methods, on the examples of creative works of Immanuil Kant, Erich Fromm, Osip Mandelshtam, Alexander Pushkin, and Marina Tsvetaeva, I show how the authors of classical humanitarian texts used the practice of questioning to establish and strengthen their communication with the readers (current and future). In my article, I analyze Mandelshtam's, Pushkin's and Fromm's approach to questioning and compare their way of questioning with the Kantian one. On the example of Marina Tsvetaeva's essay >My Pushkin<, I also show the effect of poetic questioning (questioning of the author of poetic text to its reader) on the young reader in the process of forming his own worldview. As a possible tool for dialogue with the text in the educational process, I propose to use the methodology of expert work that was developed by me earlier. This methodology is a tool of modern educational communications, the way to dialogue with author regardless of the time of writing the analyzed text. Under this methodology, the student fixes the results of text analysis in his analytical report, which is an analytical table (such tables initially presuppose consistent dialogue with the text). Analytical report (analytical table) contains the following sections: (i) List of the basic concepts presented in the text, and their most important characteristics; (ii) Questions to the text; (iii) Reflections and comments; (iv) Possible associations and analogies related to the professional activities of the author of the report. In the process of expert work, formulating questions, engaging in dialogue with the text, students gain a new vision of the investigated text and studied disciplines. This vision is refined in the process of group discussion influenced by questions of other participants of practical training. I conclude that this methodology allows the creation of conditions for the formation of a consistent dialogue with the text on a regular basis. [Taken from Scientific Library Cyberlenika: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/dialog-skvoz-veka-obrazovatelnoe-kommunikativnoe-prostranstvo]}, language = {ru} } @article{VolkovaPanchenko, author = {Volkova, Y. A. and Panchenko, N. N.}, title = {Деструктивность в политическом дискурсе [Destructiveness in Political Discourse]}, series = {Russian Journal of Linguistics], Vol 20, No 4 (2016), pp. 161-178. [Online ISSN 2686-8024] [doi.org/10.22363/2312-9182-2016-20-4-160-178]}, journal = {Russian Journal of Linguistics], Vol 20, No 4 (2016), pp. 161-178. [Online ISSN 2686-8024] [doi.org/10.22363/2312-9182-2016-20-4-160-178]}, abstract = {Деструктивность относится к числу фундаментальных дискурсивных категорий, которые играют значительную роль в организации коммуникативного взаимодействия и определяют прагматику дискурса; ее изучение способствует пониманию некоторых механизмов и принципов коммуникации, а также идентификации стратегий и тактик, используемых деструктивной коммуникативной личностью. Актуальность настоящего исследования определяется нарастающими проявлениями агрессивности в различных типах дискурса и, соответственно, необходимостью расширения знаний о деструктивном поведении коммуникативной личности. Исследование базируется на теории дискурс-анализа и теории деструктивности (Z. Harris, T. van Dijk, A. Buss, E. Fromm, D. Ponton, K. Hacker, R. Wodak, Н.Д. Арутюнова, В.И. Карасик, М.Л. Макаров, Е.И. Шейгал и др.). Развивая теорию деструктивности Э. Фромма (1973), авторы уточняют понятие >деструктивности< по отношению к политическому дискурсу и соотносят его с родственным понятием агрессивности. В статье на материале отрывков из выступлений кандидатов на пост президента 2016 г. анализируется категория деструктивности в современном политическом дискурсе США. Особое внимание уделяется доминирующей деструктивной интенции - нанести вред репутации оппонента и уменьшить его политические шансы, а также функциям вербальной агрессии: с одной стороны, дискредитировать оппонента, с другой, настроить аудиторию против него/нее и вызвать у аудитории ощущение опасности, исходящей от политического оппонента. Проводится анализ вербальных и невербальных средств выражения деструктивности в политическом дискурсе США. Делается вывод о том, что оскорбительные реплики политиков - результат не спонтанного эмоционального всплеска, а тщательно продуманной деструктивной стратегии, в которой агональная природа политического дискурса стимулирует использование средств инструментальной агрессии (Басс, 1971) ради борьбы за власть, понижения статуса оппонента и ухудшения его публичного имиджа.}, language = {ru} } @article{Frolova, author = {Frolova, M. I.}, title = {Деиндивидуализация как объект социально-философскои рефлексии [De-individualization as an object for social and philosophical reflection]}, series = {философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 68, No. 8 (2013), pp. 1069-1076 [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, journal = {философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 68, No. 8 (2013), pp. 1069-1076 [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, abstract = {В статье предпринята попытка раскрыть сущность, причины и формы процессов деиндивидуализации человека в ситуации глобального социально-антропологического кризиса. В современную эпоху человек попадает в зависимость от различных форм деиндивидуализации (политических, экономических, медийных, религиозных, бытовых). Многообразие экономического предложения или политический плюрализм не обеспечивают индивидуальную свободу выбора, а, скорее, маскируют несвободу. Мыслители, писавшие о деиндивидуализации человека, выделяли в качестве главной причины неспособность и нежелание ориентироваться на возвышающие ценности. В гонке за успехом человек не может найти себя. Ни гиперторофированное Я, ни растворённое Я не приносит человеку счастья. Подобная трагическая альтернатива лежит в основе многообразных девиантных проявлений, столь частых в современном обществе. Суть процессов деиндивидуализации состоит в том, что общество в массовом масштабе подталкивает человека превращать свою личность в средство достижения успеха. Саморазвитие личности становится в этом случае фактором побочным.}, language = {ru} } @article{Ezri, author = {Ezri, Grigoriy Konstantinovich}, title = {Грех как обман и игра: диалектика греха и надежды [A sin like deception and game: dialectic of sin and hope]}, series = {Nauka - rastudent.ru., Vol. 27, No. 3 (2016), pp. 10-20. [Online ISSN 2311-8814] [nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-51910-1]}, journal = {Nauka - rastudent.ru., Vol. 27, No. 3 (2016), pp. 10-20. [Online ISSN 2311-8814] [nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-51910-1]}, abstract = {В статье рассматривается грех как обман и игра в контексте диалектики греха и надежды. Избран философско-психологический аспект рассмотрения, лишь соотносящийся с религиозным. Исходя из модусов >бытия< и >обладания< Э. Фромма и >поток< М. Чиксентмихайи ведется полемика с постмодернистским мнением, согласно которому для уничтожения воли к власти требуется уничтожение субъекта и его сознания. Противопоставляются поток и потребительство, счастье и удовольствие, развитие личности и эгоизм.}, language = {ru} } @article{Gornostaeva, author = {Gornostaeva, Svetlana A.}, title = {Горностаева С.А. Психоаналитики первой четверти ХХ в. о >Преступлении и наказании< Ф. М. Достоевского [Psychoanalysts of the First Quarter of the 20th Century About >Crime and Punishment< by Fyodor M. Dostoevsky] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Вестник Костромского государственного университета / Vestnik of Kostroma State University, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2021), pp. 161-165. [ISSN 1998-0817] [doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-161-165]}, journal = {Вестник Костромского государственного университета / Vestnik of Kostroma State University, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2021), pp. 161-165. [ISSN 1998-0817] [doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-161-165]}, abstract = {В статье представлены взгляды представителей психоанализа начала ХХ в. на жизнь и творчество Ф.М. Достоевского и, в частности, его роман >Преступление и наказание<. Рассмотрены работы таких известных психоаналитиков и последователей психоанализа как А. Адлер. И. Нейфельд, З. Фрейд и Э. Фромм. В статье >Достоевский< Адлер, отмечая противоречивость характеров героев, указывает на общее для них направление движения в сторону обретения внутреннего покоя, в чем в свою очередь, проявляется сходство с натурой самого писателя. Особое внимание исследователя привлекает тема границ дозволенного и недозволенного в творчестве Достоевского. Нейфельд в работе >Достоевский< указывает, что в основе художественного изображения в творчестве Достоевского лежит эмоцио нальный опыт самого писателя, склад личности которого психоаналитик оценивает как истерический, что оказывается характерным и для его персонажей. Также исследователь отмечает, повышенное вниманиеписателя к категории бессознательного и выделяет ряд особенностей, характерных для поэтики Достоевского. В известной работе >Достоевский и отцеубийство< Фрейд указывает на влияние «бессознательных импульсов» в творчестве русского классика, на структуру и особенности сюжетных линий в произведениях. Основатель неопсихоанализа Фромм также обращает внимание на категорию бессознательного, однако в большей степени склонен интерпретировать поведение героев с учетом социальных и мировоззренческих факторов. В статье делается вывод, что в целом исследования психоаналитиков позволили переосмыслить особенности творчества Достоевского и романа >Преступление и наказание<.}, language = {ru} } @article{Bochkaev, author = {Bochkaev, A. R.}, title = {Воздействие на сознание индивидов в контексте этнокультурной идентичности [Impact on the Individual Consciousness of in the Context of Ethno-cultural Identity]}, series = {Гуманитарные науки. Вестник Финансового университета / Humanitarian sciences. Bulletin of the Financial University, Vol 11, No. 3 (2021), pp. 134-137. [Print ISSN 2226-7867] [doi.org/10.26794/2226-7867-2021-11-3-134-137]}, journal = {Гуманитарные науки. Вестник Финансового университета / Humanitarian sciences. Bulletin of the Financial University, Vol 11, No. 3 (2021), pp. 134-137. [Print ISSN 2226-7867] [doi.org/10.26794/2226-7867-2021-11-3-134-137]}, abstract = {Сознание отдельных индивидов и масс становится объектом воздействия со стороны как политических элит, так и политических технологов В данном контексте актуальной является тема групповой, в том числе этнокультурной, самоидентификации индивида Этническая самоидентичность является важнейшим аспектом человеческого самознания Однако ее ценность может иметь двойственный характер С одной стороны, индивид ощущает целостность своей личности, так как находится в культурном социуме, с другой - ему зачастую приходится руководствоваться этническими ценностями даже в том случае, если они не соответствуют его сематическим установкам Этот вопрос рассматривался в работах >Психология народов и масс< Густава Лебона и >Бегство от свободы< Эриха Фромма США сегодня стремятся слить воедино культурные паттерны путем глобализации Последним шагом к достижению данной цели служит контроль на Хартлендом, центром которого является Российская Федерация Одним из новейших трендов в воздействии на сознание индивидов и масс становится консциентальная война, т е война за сознание Групповое сознание приводит к деиндивидуализации отдельных людей.}, language = {ru} } @article{Brodetzkyi, author = {Brodetzkyi, Oleksandr Yevhenovych}, title = {Бродецкий А.Е. Этико-антропологический контекст религиозности и ее ценностные векторы в интерпретации Э. Фромма [Ethical and anthropological context of religiosity and its value vectors in E. Fromm's interpretation]}, series = {Studia Humanitatis, Vol. 2 (2015), 21 pp. [Online ISSN 2308-8079] [st-hum.ru/sites/st-hum.ru/files/pdf/brodetskyi.pdf]}, journal = {Studia Humanitatis, Vol. 2 (2015), 21 pp. [Online ISSN 2308-8079] [st-hum.ru/sites/st-hum.ru/files/pdf/brodetskyi.pdf]}, abstract = {В статье представлен анализ исследований Э. Фромма, посвященных религии и религиозности. Научная актуальность работы заключается в обосновании роли его концепции в поиске механизмов синергии гуманистических нравственных ценностей различных религиозных традиций, а также конвергенции религиозного и философского сознания как одного из условий противостояния современному кризису духовности. Идеи Э. Фромма относительно антропологических различий между гуманистическими и авторитарными формами религиозности рассматриваются в качестве продуктивной эвристической и методологической платформы для обновленной типологии доктрин религиозной этики. Исследование осуществлено на дисциплинарном пересечении этики, религиозной аксиологии и философии религии.}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurjevitch, author = {Gurjevitch, P. S.}, title = {Zelostnost tscheloweka kak problema}, series = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskau (Airis-Press) 2004, pp. 5-23.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskau (Airis-Press) 2004, pp. 5-23.}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Zdorovoe obshchestvo (Здоровое общество), Moskau (AST) 2019.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Zabytyy yazyk (Забытый язык), Moskau (AST) 2018.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Wo imja schisni}, series = {E. Fromm, Revoluzija nadeschde, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 358-380.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Revoluzija nadeschde, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 358-380.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Wo imja schisni}, series = {Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, No. 6, 1992, pp. 120-128.}, journal = {Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, No. 6, 1992, pp. 120-128.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Wo imja schisni}, series = {E. Fromm, Tschelovek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 480-511.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Tschelovek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 480-511.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Wklad Marksa i snanja o tscheloweke}, series = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 79-92.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 79-92.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Sokolov, author = {Sokolov, E.}, title = {Wedenje w Psichoanalis, St. Petersburg (Isdatelstwo >Lan<) 1999, 318 pp. - chapter on Fromm pp. 267-316.}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Vy budete kak bogi (Вы будете как боги), Moskau (AST) 2015.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Omelchenkoetal, author = {Omelchenko, Nikolay and et al.,}, title = {Tschelowek w so{\"u}hretennech philosophkich konzepzniach, Documentation of the lectures given at a philosophical congress in Wolgograd September 19-22, 2000, Wolgograd (Isdatelstwo Wolgogradkowo) 2000, Vol. 1 (385 p.), Vol. 2 (359 p.)}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Tschelowek dlja sebja. Issledowanje psichologitscheskich proglem etiki, Minsk (Kollegium) 1992.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Tschelowek dlja sebja}, series = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 19-190.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 19-190.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurjevitch, author = {Gurjevitch, P. S.}, title = {Tschelowek b awantjure samoraswitija}, series = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika (1947a-039), Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1993, pp. 5-16.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika (1947a-039), Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1993, pp. 5-16.}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Tschelovek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstvo AST) 2006, 315p.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Tschelovek dlja sebja}, series = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 21-256.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 21-256.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {ru} } @article{Asmi, author = {Asmi, D. M.}, title = {The Social-Political Alienation of a Citizen in the Authoritarian Political System Russian Typoscript Moskwa 2000, 3 pp.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {ru} } @article{Eross, author = {Eross, C.}, title = {The Ideas of Erich Fromm (russian)}, series = {Voprosy Filosofic (UdSSR), No. 6 (1970), pp. 86-95.}, journal = {Voprosy Filosofic (UdSSR), No. 6 (1970), pp. 86-95.}, language = {ru} } @article{Komarov, author = {Komarov, V.}, title = {The Development of Associations and their Pecularities in one of the Poems of Vladimir Vysotsky (>From a Trvel Diary<)}, series = {D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and P{\´e}cs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 185-194.}, journal = {D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and P{\´e}cs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 185-194.}, language = {ru} } @article{Asmi, author = {Asmi, D. M.}, title = {The Conception of >Conscious< and >unconscious< in the Scientific Theories of S. Freud and E. Fromm Russian Typoscript Moskwa 2000, 15 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {ru} } @article{Asmi, author = {Asmi, D. M.}, title = {The Category of the Alienation in the Political-Iuridical Conception of E. Fromm Russian Typoscript Moskwa 2000, 29 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {ru} } @article{Asmi, author = {Asmi, D. M.}, title = {The Alienation of a Citizen in the Modern State Russian Typoscript Moskwa 2000, 20 pp.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {ru} } @article{Asmi, author = {Asmi, D. M.}, title = {The Alienation of a Citizen in the Modern State Russian Typoscript Moskwa 1999, 15 pp.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Teoriya Zigmunda Freyda (Теория Зигмунда Фрейда), Moskau (AST) 2019.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Teoriya Zigmunda Freyda (Теория Зигмунда Фрейда), Moskau (AST) 2019.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Teorija materisnskowo prawa u ee sootnotschenje}, series = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 120-145.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 120-145.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Tchelowetcheskaya situazija - kliutch k gymanistitcheskomy psichoanalisy [The Human Situation - The Key to Humanistic Psychoanalysis]}, series = {E. Fromm, Tchelowetcheskaya situazija [The Human Situation], Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Smesl<) 1995, pp. 7-70. [= 1955a, pp. 22-66.].}, journal = {E. Fromm, Tchelowetcheskaya situazija [The Human Situation], Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Smesl<) 1995, pp. 7-70. [= 1955a, pp. 22-66.].}, number = {partial reprint / Teilabdruck}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Tchelowetcheskaya situazija}, number = {partial reprint / Teilabdruck}, language = {ru} } @book{Dobrenkov, author = {Dobrenkov, V. I.}, title = {Soziologitscheskaja Konzepzija Ericha Fromma, Moskau 1969.}, language = {ru} } @article{Fedulow, author = {Fedulow, S.}, title = {Sozialnej psichoanalis i situazija w obschtschestwe}, series = {Russkaja Misle, Moskau No. 3879 (17. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3880 (24. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3881 (31. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3882 (7. 6. 1991) pp. 11.}, journal = {Russkaja Misle, Moskau No. 3879 (17. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3880 (24. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3881 (31. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3882 (7. 6. 1991) pp. 11.}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Sowromennoje poloschenje tscheloweka}, series = {E. Fromm, Tschelowek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 192-197.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Tschelowek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 192-197.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Sowromennoje poloschenje tscheloweka}, series = {E. Fromm, Tschelovek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 258-265.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Tschelovek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 258-265.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Sowromennoje poloschenje tscheloweka}, series = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 89-96.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 89-96.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Zdravomyslova, author = {Zdravomyslova, E. A.}, title = {Sotsiologicheskie podkhody k analizu obshchestvennykh dvizheniy [Sociological Approaches to the Analysis of Social Movements],}, series = {Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 17 (No. 7, 1990), pp. 88-94.}, journal = {Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 17 (No. 7, 1990), pp. 88-94.}, abstract = {A review of the main theoretical approaches to the study of social movements in Western societies. The predominant models of the 1960s were the theories of collective behavior and mass society as conceptualized by Erich FROMM, U. Kornhauser, Herbert Blumer, S. M. Lipset, etc, which assume the empirical framework of a democratic society based on the consensus of various group inter-ests, but also the instability of primary social groups and social isolation of individuals. Criticisms directed toward these theories are discussed. Resource mobilization theory emerged in the 1970s, conceptualized by I. McCarthy, M. Zald, A. Oberschall, etc, and assuming that social movements are based on existing institutions that facilitate social change. Social organization for change adopts the goals of the institutions of the dominant culture, but attributes different values to them and seeks different means for their implementation. Both external (level of legal state development, financial and social potential) and internal (groups involved, time spent on organization, money) factors determine the success of social movements. Western social movments of the 1980s are characterized by larger groups with varied interests, reflecting the globalization of the society itself, and calling for new structural theoretical models.}, language = {ru} } @article{AradiBerkiLaslo, author = {Ar{\´a}di, I. and Berki, E. and Laslo, M.}, title = {Some Theoretical Correlations between Private Enterprises and the Proportion of Income}, series = {D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and P{\´e}cs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 173-184.}, journal = {D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and P{\´e}cs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 173-184.}, language = {ru} } @book{GarskijWessonowJakowlew, author = {Garskij, I. S. and Wessonow, W. G. and Jakowlew, M. W.}, title = {Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975.}, language = {ru} } @article{Popov, author = {Popov, V. D.}, title = {Social Psychoanalysis af Subjects of the Russian Market}, series = {Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 15 (No. 4, Sept.-Oct. 1994), pp. 30-43.}, journal = {Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 15 (No. 4, Sept.-Oct. 1994), pp. 30-43.}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Snatschenje teorii materinskowo prawa}, series = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 114-119.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 114-119.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Seks i charakter}, series = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 97-112.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 97-112.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Hajdi, author = {Hajd{\´i}, M.}, title = {Secularisation and Dialogues}, series = {D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and P{\´e}cs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 119-130.}, journal = {D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and P{\´e}cs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 119-130.}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Sdorowoje obschtschestwo, Moskau (Isdatelstwo AST) 2006, 541 pp.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Sdorowoje obschtschestwo}, series = {K. Horney and E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i kultura. Isbranne tryde Karen Chorni u Ericha Fromma, Moskwa (Iurist) 1995, pp. 275-596.}, journal = {K. Horney and E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i kultura. Isbranne tryde Karen Chorni u Ericha Fromma, Moskwa (Iurist) 1995, pp. 275-596.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Sabeitei jasek}, series = {Duscha Tscheloweka, ed. by S. S. Gurjewitsch, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Respublika' 1992, pp. 179-298.}, journal = {Duscha Tscheloweka, ed. by S. S. Gurjewitsch, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Respublika' 1992, pp. 179-298.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Popova, author = {Popova, M. A.}, title = {S. Freud and his religious interpretation today (Russian),}, series = {Vestnik Moskowkogo Universitate - Filosofija, Moskva No. 2 (1975), pp. 62-73.}, journal = {Vestnik Moskowkogo Universitate - Filosofija, Moskva No. 2 (1975), pp. 62-73.}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Revolyutsiya nadezhdy (Революция надежды), Moskau (AST) 2018.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Revolyutsiya nadezhdy (Революция надежды), Moskau (AST) 2014.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Revoluzionnei charakter}, series = {E. Fromm, Revoluzija nadeschde, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 197-209.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Revoluzija nadeschde, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 197-209.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Revoluzionnei charakter}, series = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 125-141.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 125-141.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Revoluzija nadeschde}, series = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 291-478.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 291-478.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Revoluzija nadeschde}, series = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 218-340.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1993, pp. 218-340.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Reviziya psikhoanaliza (Ревизия психоанализа), Moskau (AST) 2019, 224 pp.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurjevitch, author = {Gurjevitch, P. S.}, title = {Rasryschitelnoe b tscheloveke kak tajny}, series = {E. Fromm, Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1994, pp. 3-14.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1994, pp. 3-14.}, language = {ru} } @article{Telyatnikova, author = {Telyatnikova, E. M.}, title = {Radical Humanism of Erich Fromm}, series = {Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, No. 6, 1992, pp. 113-120.}, journal = {Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, No. 6, 1992, pp. 113-120.}, language = {ru} } @article{Slobodyanik, author = {Slobodyanik, A. D.}, title = {Psychotherapy, Suggestion, Hypnosis (russian), Kiew (Zdorovya) 1966.}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psychologija dlia nepsychologow}, series = {Eupeiskaja Gaseta. J{\"u}dische Zeitung, D{\"u}sseldorf, Nr. 4, 2012, p. 17.}, journal = {Eupeiskaja Gaseta. J{\"u}dische Zeitung, D{\"u}sseldorf, Nr. 4, 2012, p. 17.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psychoanalis i religija, Moskau (AST) 2010.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psychoanalis i religija}, series = {E. Fromm, Imeth ili beth?, Moskau rogress) 1990.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Imeth ili beth?, Moskau rogress) 1990.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psychoanalis i religija}, series = {Imet ili beth, Kiew (Serie >Posnanie<, Nika-Zentr) 1998.}, journal = {Imet ili beth, Kiew (Serie >Posnanie<, Nika-Zentr) 1998.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psychoanalis i Dsen-Buddism}, series = {D.T. Suzuki, E. Fromm and R. de Martino, Dsen-Buddism i psychoanalis, Moskau (Airis-Press) 2005.}, journal = {D.T. Suzuki, E. Fromm and R. de Martino, Dsen-Buddism i psychoanalis, Moskau (Airis-Press) 2005.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psychoanalis i Dsen-Buddism}, series = {D.T. Suzuki, E. Fromm and R. de Martino, Dsen-Buddism i psychoanalis, Moskau (Airis-Press) 2005.}, journal = {D.T. Suzuki, E. Fromm and R. de Martino, Dsen-Buddism i psychoanalis, Moskau (Airis-Press) 2005.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psikhoanaliz i religiya (Психоанализ и религия), Moskau (AST) 2018.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Lejbin, author = {Lejbin, V. M.}, title = {Psikhoanaliticheskaia traktovka struktury lichnosti i neofreidistskaia kontsepsiia samosti [The Psychoanalytic Treatment of the Structure of Personality and the Neo-Freudian Concept of Self]}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 31 (No. 6, 1977) pp. 148-158.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 31 (No. 6, 1977) pp. 148-158.}, abstract = {Biancoli presents a case study illustrating an application of E. FROMM's theoretical concepts to clinical work. The case ...is of a young woman torn between an unstable, aggressive, and impulsive attitude and a desire to form lasting and loving relationships; the case history takes us through the difficult steps that gradually lead the patient to a better understanding of the origin of this conflict and the transferential testing of the analyst. Biancoli points out that FROMM saw the role of ...psychoanalysis as articulating >real possibilities< or progressive change. This discovery of alternatives in the consulting room requires from analyst and analysand alike a realistic assessment of internal or external contraints--inherent in any specific situation--and a willingness to forgo illusory or unrealistic plans for change. A commentary by Ana Maria Barroso follows this chapter.}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psichoanalitischeskaja karakterologija i ee snatschenje dlja sozialisnoi psichologii}, series = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 172-195.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 172-195.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psichoanalis - nayka ili partitschnoe naprawlenje?}, series = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 113-124.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 113-124.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Mitin, author = {Mitin, M. B.}, title = {Problema >Gumanizatsii< Tekhniki i Sotsialny Progress [The Problem of the >Humanization< of Technology and Social Progress]}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Apr 1973) pp. 79-93.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Apr 1973) pp. 79-93.}, abstract = {An examination of the problem of the humanization of technological progress with an analysis of the main Western approaches to the problem and a presentation of the Marxist approach. The aspects of the problem considered include the role of technology in historical development, the positive and negative consequences of its utilization, changes brought about in living conditions by the scientific and technological revolution, limits and possibilities of revolutionary reforms of society on the basis of technological progress, the situation of the individual and the prospects for development of the personality in a technologized world. Ontological, epistemological and psychological difficulties arise when attempting to analyze the literature on the problem.}, language = {ru} } @misc{Panok, author = {Panok, W. G.}, title = {Predislowie}, series = {E. Fromm, Imet ili beth, Kiew (Serie >Posnanie<, Nika-Zentr) 1998, pp. 3-8. [Russian by N. Petrenko and O. Iwantschuk].}, journal = {E. Fromm, Imet ili beth, Kiew (Serie >Posnanie<, Nika-Zentr) 1998, pp. 3-8. [Russian by N. Petrenko and O. Iwantschuk].}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurjevitch, author = {Gurjevitch, A. T.}, title = {Posleslowje}, series = {K. Horney and E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i kultura. Isbranne tryde Karen Chorni u Ericha Fromma, Moskwa (Iurist) 1995, pp. 597-610.}, journal = {K. Horney and E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i kultura. Isbranne tryde Karen Chorni u Ericha Fromma, Moskwa (Iurist) 1995, pp. 597-610.}, language = {ru} } @book{Tschepnenko, author = {Tschepnenko, W. A.}, title = {Polititscheskaja philosophija i ekonomitscheskije bsgljage Erika Fromma [Politische Philosophie und {\"o}konomische Ansichten Erich Fromms, Moskau 1969.}, language = {ru} } @article{Asmi, author = {Asmi, D. M.}, title = {Political and Iuridical Views of E. Fromm: >Alienated-bureaucratic< and >humanistic< methods of Administration. Russian Typoscript Moskwa 2000, 3 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {ru} } @book{Omelchenko, author = {Omelchenko, Nikolay}, title = {Perwije prinzipe philosophskoi anthropologii, Wolgograd (Isdatelstwo Wolgogradskowo) 1997, 195 p.}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurjevitch, author = {Gurjevitch, P. S.}, title = {Partitura bessosnatelowo i uroki istorii}, series = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 7-14.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 7-14.}, language = {ru} } @book{Omelchenko, author = {Omelchenko, Nikolay}, title = {Opet philosopgskoj anthroplogii, Wolgograd (Isdatelstwo Wolgogradskowo Rosidarstwennowo Universiteta) 2005, 216 p.}, language = {ru} } @article{Golobics, author = {Golobics, P.}, title = {On Some Economic Aspects of the Soviet Mixed Company Law}, series = {D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and P{\´e}cs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 145-160.}, journal = {D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and P{\´e}cs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 145-160.}, language = {ru} } @article{Erjos, author = {Erjos, Rainer}, title = {Ocherk kontseptsii E. Fromma [Essay on the conceptions of E. Fromm]}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 24 (No. 6, 1970) pp. 86-95.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 24 (No. 6, 1970) pp. 86-95.}, language = {ru} } @article{Ivanov, author = {Ivanov, V. D.}, title = {O Vidakh i Formakh Otchuzhdeniia [On Types and Forms of Alienation]}, series = {Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Filosofiya, Vol. 27 (No. 1, Jan-Feb. 1972), pp. 2-30.}, journal = {Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Filosofiya, Vol. 27 (No. 1, Jan-Feb. 1972), pp. 2-30.}, abstract = {The concept of a >form of alienation< is used by current Soviet philosophers in 2 different senses: (1) as relating to various aspects of social activity (social, political, ideological, religious, etc), and (2) as relating to different historical stages. Alienation has existed under all class-antagonistic social orders, but alienation under capitalism possesses a number of distinctive characteristics. Under this social order, all other >forms of alienation< existing in particular spheres of social activity, arise from the alienation of labor. The mechanisms of alienation are analyzed in highly-developed capitalist society from the perspectives of such Western thinkers as E. FROMM, and from the views of Marx and Engels.}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {O predelach i opasnostjach psichologii}, series = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 159-167.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 159-167.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Metod i funkzija analititscheskoi sozialnoi psichologii}, series = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 146-171.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 146-171.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Medizina i etitscheskaja problema sobretennowo tscheloweka}, series = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 142-158.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 142-158.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fedoseyev, author = {Fedoseyev, P. N.}, title = {Kultura i Moral [Culture and Morals,}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Spring 1973), pp. 23-41.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Spring 1973), pp. 23-41.}, abstract = {An essay on the correlation of culture and morals, presented from the Marxist standpoint, with a critique of contemporary bourgeois philosophical theories; intuitivist ethics (G. E. Moore, C. D. Broad, E. S. Ewing, B. Blanchard, E. Hall); logical postivism and linguistic analysis (C. Stevenson, A. Ayer, P. G. Nowell-Smith); existentialism (J.-P. Sartre, K. Jaspers); abstract humanism (Erich FROMM and Charles Reich); neoprotestantism (K. Barth, R. Niebuhr, P. Tillich, and others). These theories take a nonhistorical, nonclass approach to culture and civilization. An awareness of the alienation of man in present-day capitalist society and of the pernicious effects of industrialization and scientific and technological advances on human beings and their environment has produced deep pessimism among many bourgeois philosophers. The most vivid negative concepts of culture and civilization have been set forth in the works of Y. Ellul and L. Mumford. While all of the above authors have produced excellent exposes of capitalist society, they have reached an impasse and see no way out except rejection of scientific and technological progress. The Marxist approach to the interrelation of culture and morals is a concrete-historical one. Marxism does not reject universal moral criteria in human relations. On the contrary, he stresses their significance, but objects to the blurring of the class nature of morals, and to regarding abstract moral principles as the magic solution to all problems. Considerable attention is given to the meaning and development of culture in socialist and communist societies, where the socioeconomic conditions foster the harmonious development of man. Assertions that communists believe in moral nihilism, that the end justifies the means, and that moral values are relative are vigorously denied, and Lenin, Marx, and Engels are quoted to prove that positive ends must be achieved by positive means. Maoist practice is termed as an example of the end justifies the means policy.}, language = {ru} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Kto est Tschelowek?}, series = {E. Fromm, Tschelovek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 511-521.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Tschelovek dlja sebja, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Republika') 1998, pp. 511-521.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{RostovtsevaVolk, author = {Rostovtseva, N. D. and Volk, S. S.}, title = {Krizis sotsiologii Frankfurtskoi shkoly [The Crisis of Sociology of the Frankfurt School,}, series = {Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Ekonomika-filosofiya-pravo Vol. 30 (No. 4 (23), 1975), pp. 144-147.}, journal = {Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Ekonomika-filosofiya-pravo Vol. 30 (No. 4 (23), 1975), pp. 144-147.}, language = {ru} } @article{VolkRostovtseva, author = {Volk, S. S. and Rostovtseva, N. D.}, title = {Krizis sotsiologii Frankfurtskoi shkoly [The Crisis of Sociology of the Frankfurt School,}, series = {Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Ekonomika-filosofiya-pravo Vol. 30 (No. 4 (23), 1975), pp. 144-147.}, journal = {Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Ekonomika-filosofiya-pravo Vol. 30 (No. 4 (23), 1975), pp. 144-147.}, abstract = {A review of Sotsialnaia filosofiia Frankfurtskoi shkoly: kriticheskie ocherki ( The Social Philosophy of the Frankfurt School: The Critical Essays, Moskva-Mysl, Praga-Svoboda, 1975). This is the first fundamental attempt in Soviet philosophical literature to analyze one of the most influential schools in modern bourgeois philosophy. H. Marcuse, E. FROMM, T. Adorno, Horkheimer, Habermas, and K. Offe are the main representatives of this school. The chronological identification of the school, consisting of three phases in its development, is considered to be successful. Criticism of Czechoslovak and Jugoslav revisionists is praised. The criticism of left rebel H. Marcuse is overly simplified. His revolution, changes in his views, and the substantial contradiction in his last works should have played a more important part in the book. The main success of the book is in its ability to demonstrate the small bourgeois character of the Frankfurt school, the subjective and idealistic principles of its theories, and total bankruptcy of its guidelines.}, language = {ru} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Krizis psikhoanaliza (Кризис психоанализа), Moskau (AST) 2018.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @book{Wertschenow, author = {Wertschenow, L. H.}, title = {Kritika sozialnoi teorii Erika Fromma [Kritik der Gesellschaftstheorie Erich Fromms, Moskau 1969.}, language = {ru} } @book{Dobrenkov, author = {Dobrenkov, V. I.}, title = {Kritika neofreidistskoi kontsepsii Ericha Fromma, Moskau 1972.}, language = {ru} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskau (Airis-Press) 2004}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Krisis psichoanalisa}, series = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 27-60.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskua (Airis-Press) 2005, pp. 27-60.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Kredo}, series = {E. Fromm, Tchelowetcheskaya situazija [The Human Situation], Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Smesl<) 1995, pp. 229-239. [= 1962a, pp. 174-182.].}, journal = {E. Fromm, Tchelowetcheskaya situazija [The Human Situation], Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Smesl<) 1995, pp. 229-239. [= 1962a, pp. 174-182.].}, number = {partial reprint / Teilabdruck}, language = {ru} } @article{WessonowGarskijJakowlew, author = {Wessonow, W. G. and Garskij, I. S. and Jakowlew, M. W.}, title = {Konzepzija tscheloweka w filosofii Ericha Fromma}, series = {Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229.}, journal = {Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229.}, language = {ru} } @article{JakowlewWessonowGarskij, author = {Jakowlew, M. W. and Wessonow, W. G. and Garskij, I. S.}, title = {Konzepzija tscheloweka w filosofii Ericha Fromma}, series = {Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229.}, journal = {Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229.}, language = {ru} } @article{GarskijWessonowJakowlew, author = {Garskij, I. S. and Wessonow, W. G. and Jakowlew, M. W.}, title = {Konzepzija tscheloweka w filosofii Ericha Fromma}, series = {Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229.}, journal = {Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229.}, language = {ru} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Konzeptija tscheloweka y K. Marksa}, series = {Duscha Tscheloweka, ed. by S. S. Gurjewitsch, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Respublika' 1992, pp. 375-414.}, journal = {Duscha Tscheloweka, ed. by S. S. Gurjewitsch, Moskau (Isdatelstwo 'Respublika' 1992, pp. 375-414.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} }