@article{Duda, author = {Duda, Beata}, title = {Wizerunek wsp{\´o}łczesnego humanisty w dyskursie prasowym i społecznym [An image of a modern humanist in the press and social discourse] [Das im sozialen Diskurs und im Pressediskurs aufgebaute Image des Humanisten von heute], in: B. Mitrenga (Ed.): Wizerunek wsp{\´o}łczesnego humanisty w dyskursie prasowym i społecznym (p. 123-141). Katowice (Publishing House of the University of Silesia) Poland 2013, pp. 123-141.}, abstract = {The author makes an attempt to reconstruct profiles of a modern humanist on the basis of statements entangled into the press and social discourse. The starting point is E. Fromm's conception related to the productive and mercenary orientation that constitute the reflection of the social context of the texts under investigation. While conducting an analysis, the author uses the tools of cultural linguistics such as perspective, point of view, profiling and a linguistic image of the world, as well as the assumptions of axiological semantics.}, language = {pl} }