@article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Zunmin}, title = {Exploring the Way Out of Freedom from the Views of Berlin and Fromm [伯林与弗洛姆的自由观探自由之出路]}, series = {Present and Future [今古文创], No. 3 (2022), pp. 44-46.}, journal = {Present and Future [今古文创], No. 3 (2022), pp. 44-46.}, abstract = {伯林与弗洛姆将自由区分为积极自由与消极自由。两人对积极自由与消极自由之基本含义界定大体一致,但是其含摄范围与致思路径并不相同,由此,其倾向性与侧重点也就全然不同。伯林从保障政治权利的立场出发,认为消极自由保证人的自由行动领域不被干涉,更值得争取;弗洛姆出于对人的本质力量发展的考量,认为实现积极自由才是目的。事实上,伯林的消极自由争取当下的政治权利,弗洛姆的积极自由则更关注人本质力量的长远发展和全面发展,而眼前目标和长远目标同样不可偏废。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Pan}, title = {Love Is a Special Ability - My Thoughts on Reading >Let Students See Your Love< [爱是一种专门能力——读《让学生看见你的爱》有感]}, series = {Jiangsu Education [江苏教育], No. 51 (2018), p. 80.}, journal = {Jiangsu Education [江苏教育], No. 51 (2018), p. 80.}, abstract = {《让学生看见你的爱》作者:沈丽新出版社:中国人民大学出版社弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》里说:>爱不是我们与生俱来的一种本领,而是需要我们后天习得的能力。<当我翻到沈丽新老师的新书《让学生看见你的爱》时,我再一次深刻地体会到了作为一名教师,爱是一门艺术,更是一门专业能力。…}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhong, author = {Zhong, Chunlian}, title = {Growing Up, Teaching, and Learning Again - Reflections on Erich Fromm's >Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem< [成长、从教、再次求学,摇橹而来——弗洛姆《作为一种心理学和道德学问题的不从》读后感}, series = {Literature and Education [文教资料], No. 30 (2008), pp. 112-114.}, journal = {Literature and Education [文教资料], No. 30 (2008), pp. 112-114.}, abstract = {笔者认真拜读了弗洛姆《作为一种心理学和道德学问题的不从》(《人的呼唤——弗洛姆人道主义文集》),发现自己的求学、从教、再求学的各个阶段经历,在文章中有充分的映衬,由此展开了一些教育感想。}, language = {zh} } @article{ZhengWang, author = {Zheng, Yiying and Wang, Lan}, title = {A Brief Analysis of Fromm's Theory of Escape from Freedom [浅析弗洛姆的逃避自由理论]}, series = {Master and Masterpiece [名家名作], No. 21 (2022), pp.:151-153.}, journal = {Master and Masterpiece [名家名作], No. 21 (2022), pp.:151-153.}, abstract = {弗洛姆是西方马克思主义的重要代表,也是法兰克福学派的主要成员。弗洛姆生活在20世纪,一生经历了两次世界大战,当时的社会充斥着种种矛盾,引发了他对自由问题的深刻思考。弗洛姆将马克思的自由观同弗洛伊德的精神分析学结合起来,从心理学层面对现代人的生存困境进行了分析,把自由分为积极自由和消极自由,指出逃避自由只会离自由越来越远,人要获得真正的自由,就必须通过爱、理性和创造性劳动确立积极自由。主要分析其历史生成语境,阐述主要内容,并进行总体评价。}, language = {zh} } @article{ZhengZheng, author = {Zheng, Shiyan and Zheng, Xinxiong}, title = {弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)的人格理論及其診療學說 [Erich Fromm's Theory of Personality and His Theory of Therapy]}, series = {思與言 [Thinking and Speaking], Vol. 11, No. 2 (1973).}, journal = {思與言 [Thinking and Speaking], Vol. 11, No. 2 (1973).}, language = {zh} } @article{Zheng, author = {Zheng, Li}, title = {A Study of Virtue Ethics in John Steinbeck's >The Winter of Our Discontent< [善恶之网的挣扎:斯坦贝克《烦恼的冬天》的美德伦理研究] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Contemporary Foreign Literature, [No. 3 (2014), pp.:120-131.}, journal = {Contemporary Foreign Literature, [No. 3 (2014), pp.:120-131.}, abstract = {This paper analyzes >The Winter of Our Discontent<, John Steinbeck's last novel, from the perspective of humanistic ethics as advocated by American psychologist Erich Fromm. Affected by corrupt social values, the protagonist Ethan fails to realize his primary potentiality for goodness at first. Touched by his untainted daughter Alan, however, Ethan eventually experiences an epiphany, gradually recognizes the importance of self-love, and overcomes alienation in his realization of active freedom. By tracking Ethan's moral development, Steinbeck gives voice to his own ethical concerns. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Zheng, author = {Zheng, Li}, title = {The Human Struggle between Darkness and Light: A Study of Virtue Ethics in John John Steinbeck's >The Winter of Our Discontent< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Steinbeck Review, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2017), pp. 164-176. [Online ISSN 1754-6087] [doi.org/10.5325/steinbeckreview.14.2.0164}, journal = {Steinbeck Review, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2017), pp. 164-176. [Online ISSN 1754-6087] [doi.org/10.5325/steinbeckreview.14.2.0164}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] With the American psychologist Erich Fromm's humanistic ethics as a point of reference, this article analyzes >The Winter of Our Discontent< (1961), John Steinbeck's final work of fiction. This novel focuses on protagonist Ethan Allen Hawley as he succumbs to the influence of corrupt social values and thereby fails to actualize his primary potentiality for goodness. At the novel's end, however, as he is on the verge of suicide, he thinks about the innocence of his daughter, Ellen, and experiences an epiphany of light that leads to a realization of love for self and others. Overcoming his sense of alienation from the good, he embarks on a course of active freedom that will enable him to go on with his life. Steinbeck's exquisite depiction of Ethan's moral development reflects his own ethical concerns about the well-being of his beloved America. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 9/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Zheng, author = {Zheng, Chang}, title = {A Social and Psychological Discussion on Erich Fromm's Escape Mechanism of Freedom and the Way towards Self-Realization}, series = {Canadian Social Science, Vol. 18, No. 3 (2022), pp. 74-77. [Online ISSN 1923-6697] [doi.org/10.3968/12577]}, journal = {Canadian Social Science, Vol. 18, No. 3 (2022), pp. 74-77. [Online ISSN 1923-6697] [doi.org/10.3968/12577]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] A personal character is determined by the historical era in which one lives. Erich Fromm is particularly concerned with the debated issue of freedom, especially the escape mechanism of freedom. As a member of the Frankfurt School, Erich Fromm believes that human beings are mainly social beings, not a self-sufficient enclosed system. After analyzing how the escape mechanism for freedom is produced, Fromm advocates that positive freedom should be the freedom to develop oneself freely, to fully tap and realize one's own potential, to pursue the ideal of truth, goodness and beauty, and to promote personal growth and happiness. Only when people actively play their own roles in the society can their sense of isolation and helplessness be overcome. Replacing authoritarian power with democracy and instilling to people the ideas about life, liberty and truth can they find a right path towards self-realization. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Yanfen}, title = {The Quality of Secondary School Teachers in the New Era [谈新时期中学教师的素质]}, series = {School Journal of Changchun Education Institute, No. 11 (2011), p. 150.}, journal = {School Journal of Changchun Education Institute, No. 11 (2011), p. 150.}, abstract = {振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。中学教育是我国基础教育的重要组成部分,教师的素质直接决定着教育的质量,没有好的教师就不会有好的教育。中学教师要想真正地适应新时期的教育,就应具备良好的师德、专业素质、科研能力及身心素质,以满足实施素质教育的需要。一、师德优良,具有责任意识美国著名心理学家弗洛姆说过:>责任并不是一种由外部强 …<}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Sikong}, title = {Review on the Development of Marxist Philosophy Discipline in Shanghai in 2014 [上海学术报告(2014)上海市社会科学界联合会专题资料汇编]}, series = {Shanghai Academic Report [上海市社会科学界联合会(2014) (Shanghai Federation of Social Science Circles Special Material, Conference year 12/2015).}, journal = {Shanghai Academic Report [上海市社会科学界联合会(2014) (Shanghai Federation of Social Science Circles Special Material, Conference year 12/2015).}, abstract = {一、回归经典由俞吾金教授、吴晓明教授和杨耕教授主编的>当代哲学经典<系列丛书于2014年由北京师范大学出版社出版。其中,《当代哲学经典·马克思主义哲学卷》分册由杨耕教授、吴晓明教授和仰海峰教授主编,分为上下两册,主要选编了当代国外马克思主义主要流派的经典文本。上册选编了卢卡奇、柯尔施、葛兰西、霍克海默、阿多诺、沃尔佩、萨特、科西克、施米特、弗洛姆、沙夫、汤普逊、马尔库塞和阿尔都塞的重。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Meiya}, title = {Sowing with Heart, Cultivating with Love [用心播种 用爱耕耘]}, series = {Primary School Teaching Research, No. 3 (2018), pp. 88-89.}, journal = {Primary School Teaching Research, No. 3 (2018), pp. 88-89.}, abstract = {爱,是一个非常熟悉的字眼,她是伴随儿童成长的动人旋律,她是联系队员心灵的纽带。在少先队活动中,以爱为主题的活动是必不可少的。德国著名思想家弗洛姆认为:爱是一门艺术,爱需要知识,爱需要努力。爱的基本要素是关心、责任、尊重和认识,并且这四个要素是有机融合,缺一不可的。那么,如何在少先队活动中实施爱的教育,更好地对少年儿童进行心灵的灌溉?}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yuexian}, title = {Exploring the Ethical Alienation of >The Cement Garden< [《水泥花园》的伦理异化探析] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {China National Exhibition, No. 2 (2023), pp. 16-18.}, journal = {China National Exhibition, No. 2 (2023), pp. 16-18.}, abstract = {麦克尤恩的小说《水泥花园》讲述了在冷漠的现代社会下兄妹四人在失去父母之后,心理逐渐扭曲,伦理逐渐异化的过程。以弗洛姆异化理论为基础,从家庭内部、兄弟姐妹之间和人与社会三个方面探讨其中存在的伦理异化现象,并揭露其背后的隐喻含义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Youkui}, title = {Refusing to >Abstract Matter<: Theoretical Approach of Western Marxism}, series = {Journal of Nantong University (Social Sciences Edition), No. 2 (2007), pp. 28-32.}, journal = {Journal of Nantong University (Social Sciences Edition), No. 2 (2007), pp. 28-32.}, abstract = {Some successors of Marxists once insist that the >substanceabstract matter< of old materialism. Western Marxists who are the affirmative or negative of >substance< commonly demand re-understanding Marx's texts because they think that the judgment doesn't embody the real Marxist philosophical revolution. With the refusing to >abstract matter<, Luk{\´a}cs, Fromm, Schmidt and Gramsci etc.do their most to emphasize ontological significance of historical practice and the nullity of two-pattern of materialism and idealism to understanding Marxist philosophy. Though Western Marxism excessively emphasis on practice, their theoretical approach has important theoretical significance to the research of contemporary Chinese Marxist philosophy. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 6/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yingyin}, title = {Respect Others, Start from Yourself [尊重别人,从自己做起]}, series = {Middle School Student's Corner (Version B) [中学生天地(B版)], No. 6 (2017), pp. 30-31.}, journal = {Middle School Student's Corner (Version B) [中学生天地(B版)], No. 6 (2017), pp. 30-31.}, abstract = {姚远同学:你好!你在来信中探讨了>尊重<这个严肃而又重要的话题。你的问题提得好,提得 尖锐。我觉得你是一个会思考的学生,同时,也为你的正直感动。心理学大师弗洛姆曾经这样说:>尊重生命、尊重他人、也尊重自己,是生命进程中的伴随物,也是心理健康的条件。<可以说,人因尊 ...}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Xiaowei}, title = {Existence in the Practice of Love - Read Fromm's >The Art of Loving< [在爱的实践中存在——读弗洛姆《爱的艺术》]}, series = {The Teaching of Thought and Political Study, [思想政治课教学], No. 8 (2022), pp. 95-96.}, journal = {The Teaching of Thought and Political Study, [思想政治课教学], No. 8 (2022), pp. 95-96.}, abstract = {在写作《爱的艺术》时,社会批判思想家弗洛姆的弗洛伊德主义马克思主义理论体系已逐渐形成。弗洛姆结合马克思恩格斯在19世纪中叶创立的历史唯物主义思想,批判性地发展了弗洛伊德的精神分析学说,从人类生活实践出发考察人类生存状况。在《马克思论人》一文中,弗洛姆曾明确表述了他的观点:马克思的真实目的是人的精神解放,是让每一个个体的人都恢复其完整性。事实上,这也是弗洛姆在爱的实践中探寻人类生存问题答案的出发点与落脚点。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Xianghong}, title = {Analysis of Love Education for College Students [试析大学生的爱情教育]}, series = {Exam Weekly [考试周刊], No. 34 (2009), pp. 202-204.}, journal = {Exam Weekly [考试周刊], No. 34 (2009), pp. 202-204.}, abstract = {面对大学生的恋爱现状,高校应重视对大学生进行爱情教育,弗洛姆关于爱的理论对大学生的爱情教育有现实的借鉴意义。爱情教育的目的在于形成健康的爱情观,本文具体分析了大学生的爱情教育。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jie}, title = {A Brief Discussion on Fromm's Thought of Escaping Freedom and Its Relevance [浅论弗洛姆逃避自由思想及其现实意义]}, series = {Xinchu Culture [新楚文化], No. 7 (2023), pp. 69-72.}, journal = {Xinchu Culture [新楚文化], No. 7 (2023), pp. 69-72.}, abstract = {弗洛姆在马克思主义人学思想的基础上,结合弗洛伊德非理性潜意识理论,基于对法西斯主义产生的人性根源的分析,提出了个体在追求自由的过程中不可避免地面临自由和恐惧如影随形的生存困境。面对困境,人们用威权依附、破坏欲和机械趋同的逃避机制来掩盖困境,却在实践中给人类带来了巨大的灾难。为此,弗洛姆倡导人们通过创造性劳动和爱的实践来建立独立完整的精神结构,发展丰沛的自我,在追求自由的同时摆脱孤独的恐惧,走出困境实现自由。弗洛姆的逃避自由思想不仅为个体实现积极自由指明了方向,还为构建和谐社会提供了启示。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jie}, title = {On Fromm's Theory of >Love< [弗洛姆>爱<的话语理论]}, series = {Journal of Puyang Vocational and Technical College [濮阳职业技术学院学报], No. 4 (2022), 71-76.}, journal = {Journal of Puyang Vocational and Technical College [濮阳职业技术学院学报], No. 4 (2022), 71-76.}, abstract = {作为弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义者,弗洛姆深化弗洛伊德无意识领域学说,将此与马克思人道主义结合,积极探索社会改造方案。弗洛姆发现,爱是拯救病态社会的答案,爱的关系为当前病态的社会指明了方向,畸形的爱和爱的匮乏导致了人们逃避自由的心理机制,弗洛姆将爱作为一门艺术,在爱的可能上提出了诸多可行性建议。弗洛姆从个体>社会心理<出发,致力于重塑人的>社会性格<,憧憬健全社会愿景,打造充满爱的人道主义世界。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Hanxin}, title = {Fromm's Psychological Mechanism of Escape from Freedom and Its Practical Significance [弗洛姆逃避自由的心理机制及其现实意义]}, series = {Journal of Shangqiu Polytechnic, No. 6 (2022), pp. 5-8, 13.}, journal = {Journal of Shangqiu Polytechnic, No. 6 (2022), pp. 5-8, 13.}, abstract = {Fromm is a representative of >Freudian Marxism<. He combined some of Marx's guidance theories and Freud's seminars on the spirit level, and analyzed their mental orientation, their current plight, and revealed the profound psychological mechanism of modern man and the nature of the alienation of personality. He proposed a new theory of >escape from freedom< which was totally different from the former one. The only way to truly free yourself is to use love and creative work. His theory of escaping freedom not only provides insight and reflection to the people in the pursuit of real freedom, but also provide some reference for the construction of socialism in China's new era. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Ju, author = {Ju, Qi}, title = {Research on the Predicament of Network Social Communication from the Perspective of >Escape from Freedom< [逃避自由"视角下网络社会交往困境研究]}, series = {JinGu Creative Literature [今古文创], No. 33 (2022), pp. 123-125.}, journal = {JinGu Creative Literature [今古文创], No. 33 (2022), pp. 123-125.}, abstract = {随着互联网的不断发展,人类的交往形式日益趋向网络化。然而网络社会交往在给现代人进行社交提供便捷之际,也在一定程度上不可避免地带来交往难题。通过对网络社会交往困境表现分析的基础上,用弗洛姆的"逃避自由"思想来剖析网络社会交往困境的生成机制,并根据弗洛姆、马克思关于自由实现的理论探索走出网络社会交往困境的路径,力求对现代人走出网络社交困境以启迪。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yong, author = {Yong, An}, title = {What Authority Should You Obey? [你该服从怎样的权威?]}, series = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 33 (2009), pp.:10-11.}, journal = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 33 (2009), pp.:10-11.}, abstract = {权威的存在和对权威的服从是人类生活的普遍事实。但人们该服从什么样的权威?20世纪最著名的思想家之一、犹太哲人弗洛姆在其著作《超越幻象之锁链》中回忆了影响他的三个事件:第一个事件是,他的一个朋友在她父亲死后自杀了,并且要求和她父亲一起安葬。他非常不解,为什么会这样?人类的行为背后有什么样的心理奥秘?为什么这些奇怪的行为得以发生?}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Yang}, title = {Freud: In Search of Human Nature [弗洛伊德:探寻人性]}, series = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 12 (2007), pp. 56-57.}, journal = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 12 (2007), pp. 56-57.}, abstract = {心理学家弗洛姆曾经说:>先知 … 他是一位揭示那已被预先决定了的未来的预言者吗?他是一个坏消息而不是好消息或愉快消息的传播者吗?<在他的心里,他的老师、精神分析的鼻祖弗洛伊德就是这样一位先知。}, language = {zh} } @article{YangYang, author = {Yang, Shanqi and Yang, Xiaorui}, title = {Consumption Alienation in the Digital Economy Era: Roots, Manifestations and Return to Autonomy [数字经济时代的消费异化:根源、表现与回归]}, series = {Unity, No. 6 (2022), pp. 33-35.}, journal = {Unity, No. 6 (2022), pp. 33-35.}, abstract = {面对百年未有之大变局,>加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局<,消费已成为打通国内大循环生产、分配、流通、消费各个环节的重要突破口,作为劳动力再生产的必要手段,消费结构和质量更是关系到人民对美好生活的追求。数字经济时代人民消费的方式、内容和结构都发生了深刻的变革,消费主义文化在虚拟和现实世界交互中被放大,导致背离人本身需要的数字消费异化现象越来越成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。一、消费异化的根源消费异化理论可追溯到法兰克福学派埃里希·弗洛姆和赫伯特·马尔库塞的>消费领域的异化>和>虚假的需要<等概念。弗洛姆提到:因为消费成了目的本身因为消费不再是为了使用或享受买来的消费物品,所以购买和消费的行为成了强迫性的和非理性的目的。>同样,马尔库塞认为消费异化使人按照<虚假的需求>而消费,<>虚假的需求<是指那些在个人的压抑中由特殊的社 …}, language = {zh} } @article{YangWang, author = {Yang, Mingyue and Wang, Zhiyin}, title = {Briony's Self-redemption Process in >Atonement< Based on Social Personality Theory [社会性格理论下《赎罪》中布里奥妮的自我救赎过程] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Peony [牡丹], No. 20 (2023), pp. 95-98.}, journal = {Peony [牡丹], No. 20 (2023), pp. 95-98.}, abstract = {赎罪》是麦克尤恩的一部著名的长篇小说,小说中悲剧形成的背后显然存在着更复杂的因素。本文以弗洛姆的社会性格理论为理论依据,从社会经济因素、父母意识两个方面出发,对书中推动布里奥妮作出错误指认的因素进行分析,并借此研究深埋在悲剧之后的一系列阶级问题和腐朽思想,发现严苛的阶级观念和畸形的母爱是造成布里奥妮畸形性格的元凶,而成年之后的布里奥妮又通过道德意识的觉醒,实现自我救赎。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Liyin}, title = {The Marxist Viewpoint of the Frankfurt School [法兰克福学派的马克思主义观]}, series = {Marxist Philosophical Research [马克思主义哲学研究], No. 00 (2011), pp. 224-235.}, journal = {Marxist Philosophical Research [马克思主义哲学研究], No. 00 (2011), pp. 224-235.}, abstract = {在马克思主义批判理论的宏旨下,法兰克福学派从多种视角出发继承和发展了马克思主义。霍克海默将其理论阐明为一种>批判理论<;阿多诺提出了以连续否定为核心的否定辨证法;马尔库塞先后将海德格尔、黑格尔、弗洛伊德与马克思的思想结合起来,对当代资本主义社会以及苏联马克思主义进行了有力的批判;弗洛姆将马克思主义视为一种人学,将其与精神分析学结合起来提出了>社会性格<等新范畴,并力图以此揭示经济基础和上层建筑相互作用的微观机制;哈贝马斯在批判吸收历史唯物主义的基础上,运用其交往理论的解释框架提出了以主体间的互动为社会发展基本动力的理论。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Huinan}, title = {論禪宗公案中的矛盾與不可說 [On the Contradiction and the Unspeakable in Zen Koans]}, series = {國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153.}, journal = {國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153.}, abstract = {There are three types of Ch'an kung-an that often bewilder Buddhologists; namely, (1) the contradictory, (2) the inexpressible, and (3) mixture of the two. D. T. Suzuki and the scholars influenced by him, for example, E. Fromm, think that these three types of kung-an imply the truth realized by Ch'an masters, the truth which goes beyond daily language and logic. However, as the author points out, there are two traditions in Ch'an School: (1) the >Buddha-nature< tradition based on the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, and (2) the prajna tradition based on the Diamond Sūtra. Suzuki and Fromm's interpretation only emphasizes the first tradition and ignores the second one. According to the second tradition, the contradiction and inexpressibility of kung-an may seem to indicate the truth of non-existence-śūnyatā, not necessarily indicating the truly existing >Buddha-nature<.}, language = {zh} } @article{Yan, author = {Yan, Yan}, title = {The Concept of >Human Nature< in the Eastern European Neo-Marxist Perspective - A Review of Marcuse's Interpretation of Marx's Concept of >Human Nature< [东欧新马克思主义视域中的>人的本质<概念——评马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读]}, series = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, journal = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, abstract = {本文聚焦于东欧新马克思主义理论家马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读。在《马克思主义与人类学》中,马尔库什试图将马克思的>人的本质<概念与历史概念缝合在一起,进而阐明马克思的唯物史观。在有效区分>人的本性>和>人的本质<的基础上,他剖析了>人的本质<概念的三个要素:劳动、社会性和意识,并揭示出人的本质不是一切时代每个人类个体所必然具备的特性的总和,而是人类的真实的历史存在的那些特性,即自由、普遍性和主体性的实现。马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读,秉承了卢卡奇人道主义马克思主义的基本思路,同时又有效避免了弗洛姆和阿尔都塞的理论缺陷,在一定程度上超越了西方马克思主义理论家的基本理路,对我们深入理解马克思思想具有重要的参考价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Mengyue}, title = {The Consciousness of Constructing Black Community in >A Raisin in the Sun< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Academic Journal of Humanities \& Social Sciences (Francis Academic Press, UK), Vol. 6, No. 15 (2023), pp. 29 - 34 [ISSN 2616-5783] [doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061505]}, journal = {Academic Journal of Humanities \& Social Sciences (Francis Academic Press, UK), Vol. 6, No. 15 (2023), pp. 29 - 34 [ISSN 2616-5783] [doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061505]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Lorraine Hansberry, the first black playwright and the youngest American to win a New York Critics' Circle award, her >A Raisin in the sun<, opens on Broadway with great success. This paper mainly adopts the Alienation Theory of Fromm to explore her consciousness of reconstructing an inclusive Black Community based on disclosing that the dreams of the black people are distorted into sublime objects constructed by the dominant ideology. Grounded on the three principles from Fromm's Alienation theory, this paper finds that Hansberry has not only suggested that the elimination of alienation can be achieved by the strong power of family bonds but also highlighted the essential role that the Black tradition plays in the construction of an inclusive Black Community where black people can traverse the ideological fantasy and develop their racial pride. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{XuZhang, author = {Xu, Linlin and Zhang, Sihui}, title = {Ethical Exploration of Short Video Alienation from the Perspective of Technology Humanization [技术人道化视域下的短视频异化问题伦理探究]}, abstract = {网络时代的信息化发展,使短视频APP成为人们日常娱乐的重要途径。短视频APP在给人们带来多种文化产品的同时也带来了一系列问题,如短视频制作及使用主体的异化,短视频技术及平台的异化、尤其是网络主体在异化技术的驱使下逐渐迷失自我等问题。文章从弗洛姆的人道主义视角出发,探讨了短视频技术所带来的异化问题,并提出了良性自我意识培养和建立合理机制等治理方法。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Jin}, title = {Happiness and Moral Education, Starting with Filial Piety [幸福德育,孝心入手]}, series = {New Head Teacher [新班主任], No. 6 (2016), p. 47.}, journal = {New Head Teacher [新班主任], No. 6 (2016), p. 47.}, abstract = {说到孝心,有的中学生误认为,孝心就是能考出好成绩,孝心是长大以后才操心的事情,或者,孝心就是给父母物质享受——这些其实都是对孝心的误解。作为教育工作者,该如何对中学生进行正确的孝心教育指导,并以此为基础来创建幸福德育呢?呼吁学生尊重生命我认为,在教导学生如何尽孝时,最主要的一点就是告诉他们要尊重自己的生命。弗洛姆曾说:>尊重生命,尊重他人也尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中 …<}, language = {zh} } @article{XuLi, author = {Xu, Jie and Li, Chunlin}, title = {Fromm's Escape from Freedom Theory [论弗洛姆的逃避自由思想]}, series = {Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报ersity], No. 5 (2023), pp. 1-6.}, journal = {Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报ersity], No. 5 (2023), pp. 1-6.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Fromm analyzed the spiritual predicament of modern people after the two World Wars through the combination of Marxism and Freudian psychoanalysis, and pointed out that the spontaneous individualization had to be subject to social conditions, resulting in the gap between positive freedom and negative freedom. In order to escape the burden brought by such negative freedom, people would rather lose their freedom than gain security and survival. In modern society, there is a common psychology of escape from freedom, which presents different forms of expression, and eventually results in totalitarianism and unsound society. Fromm tried to eliminate the ills of modern society by finding a way to realize positive freedom. The escape from freedom emphasized by Fromm is a prominent manifestation of modernity. At present, in the background of modernization and globalization, through the critical thinking of Fromm's thought of escape from freedom, it is still enlightening and useful for the development of Chinese modernization to pursue and surpass this kind of modernity. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 12/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Han}, title = {Alienated Society, Confused Little People - A Study of >Rabbit, Run< from the Perspective of Alienation Theory [异化的社会,迷惘的小人物——异化理论视角下的《兔子,跑吧》探究] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {English Square [期刊导航], No. 18 (2023), pp.72-75.}, journal = {English Square [期刊导航], No. 18 (2023), pp.72-75.}, abstract = {《兔子,跑吧》是厄普代克>兔子四部曲<中的第一部,主要讲述了不堪忍受平庸的生活以及家庭琐事的青年男性哈利想要逃脱原本生活的束缚,最后却又无法挣脱自己精神枷锁的故事。本文从弗洛姆的异化理论入手,从男女关系的异化与人与自我的异化两方面主题对《兔子,跑吧》探讨,指出异化是时代背景下政治经济地位不平等而演化出的不满导致的。唯有用爱,才能克服异化,消除社会的异化。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xin, author = {Xin, Xiaoming}, title = {Multi-dimensional Orientation of >Educational Freedom< from Fromm's View of Freedom [从弗洛姆的自由观看>教育自由<的多维取向]}, series = {Learning \& Education, Volume 10, Issue 4 (2021).}, journal = {Learning \& Education, Volume 10, Issue 4 (2021).}, abstract = {自由为人们提供了实现自我的机会和条件。同时,追求自由也是教育的价值诉求和终极理想。积极的教育自由意味着人类精神世界能够以健康、有价值的方式成长。弗洛姆的自由思想在西方学术界具有一定的影响,可以为深入探究教育与自由的关系提供新的理论视角。本文试图结合弗洛姆的自由理论,从认识论、心理学和伦理学三个方面对教育自由进行界定。[Automatic translation from English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022]}, language = {zh} } @article{Xie, author = {Xie, Tianhai}, title = {Psychologists across Borders: Erich Fromm and Mid-20th Century America (2022) [跨界的心理学家:埃里克·弗洛姆与20世纪中期的美国]}, series = {World Culture [世界文化], No. 7 (2022), pp. 10-15}, journal = {World Culture [世界文化], No. 7 (2022), pp. 10-15}, abstract = {在心理学界,埃里克·弗洛姆可谓是一名具有独特风格的学者,与西格蒙特·弗洛伊德、卡尔·荣格等前辈心理学者相比,弗洛姆的学术视野开阔,涉猎广泛,将心理学、神学、社会学、文化学熔为一炉。他不仅著作等身,而且将心理学引入了大众视野,从"二战"到20世纪五六十年代,他的作品不断成为社会关注的焦点,引领并改变着美国人乃至整个西方社会看待世界的方式。本文主要介绍弗洛姆的生平、著作以及其对美国社会生活产生的影响。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xie, author = {Xie, Linlin}, title = {To Get Rid of >Weeds<, We Must Plant >Crops< - Talking about How to Abandon Non-Love and Build True Love [欲除>杂草<,须种>庄稼<——谈如何摈弃非爱构建真爱]}, series = {Examination Weekly [考试周刊], No. 91 (2014), p. 172.}, journal = {Examination Weekly [考试周刊], No. 91 (2014), p. 172.}, abstract = {什么是非爱行为?师爱在教育理论中始终处于核心地位,被视为教育的灵魂和本质。夏丏尊认为:>教育之不能没有感情,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样。没有水,就不能称其为池塘,没有爱就没有教育。<安东尼·华尔士认为,爱意味着主动关心他人的幸福。弗洛姆认为,爱是给予、关心、责任感、尊重和了解。非爱行为是打着爱的旗号让爱的对象按照自己的意愿去做,是以爱的名义对爱的对象进行强制性束缚、限制和控制。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xie, author = {Xie, Donghua}, title = {Psychoanalytic Psychologists' View of the Female Psychology [精神分析心理学家的女性心理观]}, series = {Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University [南京晓庄学院学报], No. 4 (2023), pp. 74-79.}, journal = {Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University [南京晓庄学院学报], No. 4 (2023), pp. 74-79.}, abstract = {女性心理的发生、发展和变化规律及与男性心理的差异,是心理学的一项重要研究任务。然而,纵观科学心理学近一个半世纪的发展历程,女性心理并不是众多心理学家特意关注的显性主题。在众多心理学理论流派中,精神分析心理学家对女性心理的研究最多也最深入。弗洛伊德及其后继者从不同角度和层面对女性心理进行了探讨和揭秘。弗洛伊德强调性本能,其早期追随者荣格强调原型、阿德勒强调社会地位,其后期追随者霍妮强调社会文化环境、埃里克森强调社会经验、克莱因强调母女关系、弗洛姆强调社会心理氛围。精神分析心理学家在各自理论框架内提出和阐释自己的女性心理观,对后来女性心理学发展和女性心理研究具有重要意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{XiaoCao, author = {Xiao, Dawei and Cao, Guihua}, title = {Analysis of the Psychological Predicament of Contemporary College Students from the Perspective of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< (2022) [从弗洛姆《逃避自由》的角度分析当代大学生心理困境]}, series = {Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 5 (2022), 165-169.}, journal = {Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 5 (2022), 165-169.}, abstract = {进入高校的大学生们尚未完全成熟,同时面临着学习与就业过程中的种种问题。2020年至今,新冠肺炎疫情反复出现,中国是世界上控制疫情最好的国家之一,因此,中国大学生出国留学率降低,国内考研升学与考编竞争更加激烈,加剧了大学生学习与择业方面的心理困境。从弗洛姆的《逃避自由》为理论背景分析当代大学生>躺平<>内卷<心态与学习焦虑、内心空虚、择业迷茫、盲目从众的现象,对其进行积极正确引导,增强其自信心,帮助大学生树立正确的学习观及择}, language = {zh} } @article{Xi, author = {Xi, Lin}, title = {The China Model of Development as Solidarity}, series = {Chinese Political Science Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2020), pp. 31-49. [Online ISSN 2365-4252]}, journal = {Chinese Political Science Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2020), pp. 31-49. [Online ISSN 2365-4252]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] What is the unique feature of China's model of development? Upon reviewing the >dialectics of development< that draws on both Amartya Sen and Erich Fromm, this paper argues that the China Model may have a particular strength in reconstructing its Confucian tradition towards social solidarity. In China, like other countries with a rapid development, swift social transformation has brought to fore as many positive as negative consequences, on the basis of which a mixed record of development in modern society can be pathologically diagnosed. Following the Durkheimer's premise that these social ills may be cured by a shift from mechanical solidarity (characteristic of a traditional society) to its organic counterpart, this paper, drawing on both Fisk and Confucius, proposes the idea of >civitas hominicivitas homini<, when combined together, shall reach a stage of >res publica latium< (commonwealth) that ensures both individual liberties and social solidarity, with different communities entering into terms of intersubjective recognition, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. Through this >civitas homini<, we can rewrite the paradigm of development as one that aims at solidarity rather than purely individualistic freedom. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wu, author = {Wu, Guanjun}, title = {Love Revolution and Algorithmic Revolution: From Platform Capitalism to Post-humanism [爱的革命与算法革命——从平台资本主义到后人类主义]}, series = {Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), No. 5 (2022), pp.:11-23.}, journal = {Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), No. 5 (2022), pp.:11-23.}, abstract = {In the last decade we have witnessed the vast development of AI algorithm, which is perceived as a new approach to solve human problems. Meanwhile, within the humanist framework love is regarded as the answer to human survival as well as to the question of good life. However, love itself is in crisis today. AI (which is exactly how love is pronounced in Chinese/Mandarin), with its algorithmic revolution, is nonetheless powerless in coping with the crisis of love revolution. In the post-humanistic horizon, we are facing three different kinds of >black box<. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wei, author = {Wei, Zhangzhi}, title = {Treating and Carrying Forward Our DIY Culture - Economic Thoughts on Labor Culture (Part 4) Watching the Eternal Pursuit and Theme of Human Beings: >Love and Creative Work<—Approaching and Joining Hands with Our DIY Culture [善待与弘扬我们的DIY文化——关于劳动文化的经济学随想(之四) 守望人类永恒的追求与主题:>爱和创造性工作<——走近与携手我们的DIY文化]}, series = {Consume Guide, No. 2 (2008), pp. 29-30.}, journal = {Consume Guide, No. 2 (2008), pp. 29-30.}, abstract = {正如《我们的DIY文化》一文中所提到的,心理学家弗洛姆相信,>爱和创造性工作<是人自我实现的唯一出路;然而在一个快速消耗、需求暴涨的时代,如何寻找爱,做什么样的创造性工作,我们才能实现自我、不被外在的催促和内在的焦虑所吞噬呢?唯一的答案或许只能落脚于如何守望人类永恒的追求与主题:>爱和创造性工作<。>爱<和>创造性工作<本质上分别应该是人类劳动文化永恒的>精神内涵<和>物质反映形式<。这就要求我们既要繁荣>自己动手(DIY)<的物质文化,又要弘扬>自己动手(DIY)<的崇高精神文化。让我们在DIY文化下引领社会智慧健康成长与发展。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wei, author = {Wei, Huiying}, title = {>Sing, Unburied, Sing<: The Dual Lack and Pursuit of Love and Identity among Black People}, series = {International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 5, No. 11 (2022), pp. 87-95. [Online ISSN 2617-0299] [doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2022.5.11.10]}, journal = {International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 5, No. 11 (2022), pp. 87-95. [Online ISSN 2617-0299] [doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2022.5.11.10]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Jesmyn Ward's third novel, >Sing, Unburied, Sing<, however, is Ward's second work to have won the National Book Award for fiction. It was >Sing< that laid a solid foundation for Ward's reception from the American literary circle as a powerful new voice. Sing focuses on a black family in the American south, which was nearly torn apart by poverty, drugs, and racial discrimination; Apart from the estranged kinship in the black family, represented by ghost Richie, the black group in the novel also shows a seemingly strong desire for identity. Based on Erich Fromm's alienation theory and his theories of love, this paper gives an analysis of the alienation of the protagonist at the level of love and racial identity and focuses on the struggle of the black group to survive in the white mainstream society, which resulted in their dual lack and dual pursuit of love and identity. This paper aims to reveal Ward's fierce criticism of racist ideology that has caused the double dilemma of survival and spirit of black people in the American South and demonstrate her deep understanding as well as support for the ideals and actions of African Americans in terms of their eagerness to integrate into the mainstream society. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Zijuan}, title = {Modern People's Happiness under Fromm's >The Art of Loving< [弗洛姆《爱的艺术》下现代人的幸福感]}, series = {Journal: Literature Education, No. 10 (2022), pp. 24-26.}, journal = {Journal: Literature Education, No. 10 (2022), pp. 24-26.}, abstract = {现代社会的快速发展和消费主义横行,使全社会陷入一场幸福危机。缺乏幸福感,但同时又在努力追求幸福是现代人的生存状态。关于幸福的问题至今没有标准答案。对于现代人幸福感的研究,弗洛姆继承了并发展了马克思的实践理论,在《爱的艺术》著作中,通过阐述爱的途径引导人们学习爱的理论,建立爱的能力,去构建幸福生活和幸福社会。}, language = {zh} } @article{WangXu, author = {Wang, Yuqing and Xu, Jun}, title = {Analysis of Causes of Reception and Spread of Fromm's Social Psychology in China [弗洛姆社会心理学在中国的接受与传播原因分析]}, series = {Journal of Luliang University [吕梁学院学报], No. 6 (2021), pp. 27-29, 37.}, journal = {Journal of Luliang University [吕梁学院学报], No. 6 (2021), pp. 27-29, 37.}, abstract = {埃里希·弗洛姆的社会心理学有机结合弗洛伊德心理分析与马克思的社会问题分析,从心理学研究出发探讨社会问题,被称为心理分析领域的马克思主义。自从其社会心理学>走进<中国以来,对中国哲学、社会科学、文学、伦理学等领域产生了深远的影响。研究发现,弗洛姆社会心理学理论在中国的接受和传播既是中国文化吸收传统和出版界不断努力的结果,也符合中国社会发展和学术研究的需要。}, language = {zh} } @article{WangChen, author = {Wang, Yue and Chen, Yan}, title = {On the Phenomenon of >Buddhism< among College Students Based on Fromm's Theory of >Escape from Freedom< [从弗洛姆>逃避自由<谈大学生>佛系<现象]}, series = {Journal of Beijing City University, No. 1 (2023), pp. 65-69.}, journal = {Journal of Beijing City University, No. 1 (2023), pp. 65-69.}, abstract = {The >Buddhist< culture itself, as a subculture, is usually characterized by the coexistence of rationality and sensibility and the coexistence of aggressiveness and anxiety. The choice of "Buddhist" life for college students is an escape to a certain extent. They leave their families and come to a relatively free university. A sense of loneliness and powerlessness is generated, which leads them to defend themselves to relieve pressure, thus the psychological phenomenon of >escape from freedom< appears. However, there is a certain pragmatism while escaping. This seemingly free and easy >Buddha system< Mentality actually has a negative impact on the subjective well-being of college students. In Fromm's view, freedom has dual meanings. These college students who advertise as >Buddhist youth< are in the predicament of freedom. However, in reality, some college students choose to escape from negative freedom to overcome their inner loneliness. This paper analyzes this phenomenon based on Fromm's >Escape from Freedom<, and attempts to propose a path to achieve positive freedom and help college students pursue positive freedom. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Xiang}, title = {A New Perspective of Professional Ethics Education for Contemporary Medical Students Based on Fromm's Thought of Love [当代医学生职业道德教育的新视角——基于弗洛姆爱的思想]}, series = {Journal of Yangzhou College of Education [扬州教育学院学报], No. 3 (2021), pp. 86-89.}, journal = {Journal of Yangzhou College of Education [扬州教育学院学报], No. 3 (2021), pp. 86-89.}, abstract = {弗洛姆爱的思想为培育当代医学生职业道德提供了新的视角。爱的情感存在于医师职业道德的方方面面。通过进一步分析当代医学生职业道德教育的内在逻辑,能更易于把握当代医学生道德教育的内涵。培育当代医学生职业道德可以从对爱的认知入手,关注生命之爱、培养学生爱的态度、发掘学生爱的潜能等方面去引导当代医学生发现爱、追寻爱,以培育其职业道德。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Wenchang Wang}, title = {It's Aways better to give than to Take [给,永远比拿愉快]}, series = {检察风云 [Prosecutorial View], No. 13 (2022), p. 89.}, journal = {检察风云 [Prosecutorial View], No. 13 (2022), p. 89.}, abstract = {手上有一本弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》,李健鸣翻译,上海译文出版社出版。近日偶然阅读,里面的一段话让我记忆深刻:>'给'是力量的最高表现,恰恰是通过'给',我才能体验我的力量,我的'富裕',我的'活力',体验充满了快乐。我感到自己生气勃勃,因而欣喜万分。'给'比'得'带来的快乐更多,这不是因为'给'是一种牺牲,而是因为通过'给'表现了我的生命力。<}, language = {zh} } @article{WangZhang, author = {Wang, Shuyi and Zhang, Chunbo}, title = {Fromm's Diagnosis and Treatment of Social Alienation Syndrome and the Contemporary Evaluation [弗洛姆对社会异化症候的诊疗及当代评价] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2023), pp. 36-39.}, journal = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2023), pp. 36-39.}, abstract = {In modern industrial society, alienation has become a general problem existing in politics, economy, culture and other fields. For this reason, based on humanism Fromm's uses Freudian psychoanalysis to expose the symptoms of alienation in modern society. And in the perspective of Marxism, he ran through the analysis of human psychological mechanism to seek a solution to eliminate the symptoms of alienation. However, in essence, Fromm exaggerated the role of psychological factors in eliminating alienation, so it has inevitable limitation. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Mingan}, title = {Love as an Event [作为事件的爱]}, series = {Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition) [广州大学学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 5-15.}, journal = {Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition) [广州大学学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 5-15.}, abstract = {摘要爱对于两个人来说意味着结合。但是,这种结合有不同的方式和目标。巴迪欧有关爱的结合的观点和传统的爱的结合的观点存在差异。从阿里斯托芬到黑格尔到弗洛姆都强调爱的结合的目的是让两人达成一致,消除差异,从而克服孤独和分歧。但是,巴迪欧则强调爱的结合是一种事件,这样的爱的事件恰恰应该保持差异,肯定差异,只有差异才能让结合的两个人的视角更加丰富,更加多样化,从而获得对真理的新的理解}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Liping}, title = {Negative News and Emotional Management: A New Problem of Government Management [负面新闻与情绪管理:政府管理的一个新问题]}, series = {Democracy and Science, No. 5 (2011), pp. 52-56.}, journal = {Democracy and Science, No. 5 (2011), pp. 52-56.}, abstract = {早在五十多年前,美国心理学家弗洛姆就提出,现代社会是焦虑的时代;同时,他还将这种焦虑的产生归因于人们缺乏自我感,是人们寻求社会认同过程中发生异化的结果——因为>我是你所希望的我<,我就不是我了。今天,作为现代社会病症的焦虑情绪仍然在蔓延,但焦虑的产生却有着更为复杂的原因,从而使社会呈现复杂的心理结构和心理。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Ling}, title = {>The Unbreakable Umbilical Cord of Life< Group Teaching [>剪不断的生命脐带<群文教学] 剪不断的生命脐带]}, series = {Teaching Reference of Middle School Language [中学语文教学参考], No. 22 (2022), 28-30.}, journal = {Teaching Reference of Middle School Language [中学语文教学参考], No. 22 (2022), 28-30.}, abstract = {群文阅读能让学生的思维方式变得多元化,思维获得提升,让语文教学焕发新的活力。基于此,笔者设计了以《群文阅读高中读本》(高一)中>剪不断的生命脐带<为议题的群文教学。前置任务:学生运用浏览、默读、批读、细读等方法阅读,整体感知文本内容,并完成导学案。课堂探究:首先,通过分析《触龙说赵太后》(《战国策》)掌握劝说的艺术,懂得由>父母之爱子,则为之计深远<到>对一朵花的爱是欣赏与合理的浇灌<的关于真爱的哲学。其次,比较阅读《我的母亲》(胡适)《谢幕的教养》(刘心武)《母亲的力量》(孟鸿)《多年父子成兄弟》(汪曾祺)《父母与孩子之间的爱》(艾里希·弗洛姆),分析概括父母行为、性格和对孩子的影响,感受父母对孩子的爱,激起学生心灵的共鸣。}, language = {zh} } @article{WangZhang, author = {Wang, Li and Zhang, Jie}, title = {Respect Life, Enjoy the Joy of Growth, Learn Tolerance, Comprehend the Perfect Life [尊重生命,享受成长快乐 学会宽容,领悟完美人生]}, series = {New Curriculum (Part 2) [新课程(下)], No. 7 (2012), p. 173.}, journal = {New Curriculum (Part 2) [新课程(下)], No. 7 (2012), p. 173.}, abstract = {我们认为关爱学生,首先要尊重学生,尊重学生丰富的内心情感,尊重学生心理发展规律。以尊重为前提,以服务为宗旨的教育,才能使学校真正成为学生的花园、学园、家园、乐园,让学生享受成长的快乐。20世纪著名的心理学家、哲学家弗洛姆曾说:>尊重生命、尊重他人也尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中的伴随物,也是心。<}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Lei}, title = {Skills for Mastering the Art of Loving [爱的技巧]}, series = {Popular Psychology [大众心理学], No. 4 (2023), p. 28.}, journal = {Popular Psychology [大众心理学], No. 4 (2023), p. 28.}, abstract = {终其一生都在寻求爱与被爱。对于那些渴望建立>爱的关联<的人,精神分析学家弗洛姆提供了富有启发性的指导。弗洛姆认为,我们要把爱当成一门>艺术<,一种我们必须通过实践才能熟练掌握的东西。弗洛姆明确指出了三种基本的爱的技巧,以促进我们掌握爱的艺术。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Junling}, title = {>Moby-Dick<: A Classic Interpretation from the Perspective of Alienation Theory [《白鲸》:异化理论视角下的经典解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {New Documentary [新纪实], No. 8 (2022), pp. 53-56.}, journal = {New Documentary [新纪实], No. 8 (2022), pp. 53-56.}, abstract = {19世纪以来,卢梭、马克思、弗洛姆等人从多个角度丰富了异化理论的内容,这为文学作品的研究提供了新方向。《白鲸》是梅尔维尔笔下的一部结构宏大、意义深刻的现实主义小说。本文根据异化理论,立足小说故事情节与人物性格特点,从人与劳动生产之间的异化、人与人之间的异化以及人的自我异化三个方面解读《白鲸》,分析美国以>披谷德号<捕鲸船为代表的异化现象,从而得到现实意义上的思考。}, language = {zh} } @article{Tang, author = {Tang, Daocheng}, title = {My Perspective on Taking over as a Substitute Homeroom Teacher at a Rural Junior High School [农村初中中途接替班主任工作之我见]}, series = {Policy and Scientific Consult, No. 12 (2012, p. 17.}, journal = {Policy and Scientific Consult, No. 12 (2012, p. 17.}, abstract = {笔者从事多年班主任工作,曾几次在八年级下期或九年级上期等接替班主任工作。接班时,我深知如果班主任工作艺术不略胜一筹,学生是很难服你。那么,我是如何做好这一接替工作的呢?通过实践和总结,下面谈谈我的几点看法。一、关爱是本,诚恳在心关爱是本:弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》中指出:>爱是对所爱对象的生命和成长的积极关心。< 哪里缺少这种积极关心,哪里 …}, language = {zh} } @article{Suo, author = {Suo, Yina}, title = {A Brief Analysis of Fromm's Theory of Escape from Freedom and Its Contemporary Enlightenment [浅析弗洛姆逃避自由理论及其当代启示]}, series = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 24 (2021), pp. 254-256.}, journal = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 24 (2021), pp. 254-256.}, abstract = {自由是人类永恒的话题,古今中外无数思想家都对自由相关问题进行过深刻的思考。弗洛姆是西方马克思主义的主要代表人物之一,也是法兰克福学派的主要成员。弗洛姆将马克思的相关理论同弗洛伊德的精神分析学结合起来,从心理层面对现代人的生存困境进行了分析,把自由分为积极自由和消极自由,并认为逃避自由不能获得真正的自由,只会离自由越来越远,人要获得真正的自由,就必须通过爱和创造性劳动。弗洛姆的逃避自由理论对当代人追求真正自由及我国社会主义建设提供了重要启示。}, language = {zh} } @article{Sun, author = {Sun, Zhenzhong}, title = {An Analysis of the Existential Dilemma of Modern Man in >Seize the Day< from Fromm's Humanistic Theory [从弗洛姆的人本主义理论分析《勿失良辰》中现代人的生存困境] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {New Documentary [新纪实], No. 2 (2022), pp. 47-50.}, journal = {New Documentary [新纪实], No. 2 (2022), pp. 47-50.}, abstract = {索尔·贝娄是唯一一位拥有犹太背景的诺贝尔文学奖得主,在世界上享有很高的声望。1976年,他获得诺贝尔文学奖,其作品《勿失良辰》(Seize the Day)被认为是他最好的作品,该作品描述了主人公威尔姆痛苦但具有重要意义的一天,穿插着对过去经历的回忆,生动地展现了荒诞世界中现代人的生存困境。本文尝试从弗洛姆的人本主义理论分析《勿失良辰》,旨在分析小说中主人公的悲惨生活状况,探讨这一生存困境的形成原因,并揭示其最终的救赎之路,以便读者能更好地理解贝娄的人文思想。}, language = {zh} } @article{Su, author = {Su, Die}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Consumer Alienation and Its Meaning Today [弗洛姆的消费异化理论及其当代思考]}, series = {Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 7 (2022), pp. 109-112.}, journal = {Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 7 (2022), pp. 109-112.}, abstract = {消费作为一种现象存在于人类的日常生活中,是人类生存需要使用的手段。随着科学技术的进步、生产能力的不断提高,人们在消费过程中其消费方式、消费目的不断发生着变化,甚至说是发生了某种程度上的异化。西方是最早进入消费社会的国家,消费异化现象较为突出,弗洛姆作为法兰克福学派的代表人物之一,他在认真分析并借鉴马克思的劳动异化理论和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说的基础之上,又借鉴于卢卡奇的物化理论及马尔库塞的单向度理论,把社会批判理论作为其立足点,从社会心理学这样的全新视角诠释了他的乌托邦救赎之路。他针对20世纪资本主义社会的现实情况,剖析出消费异化的表现、危害、根源及其消除路径,指出消费不能仅仅是对消费品的消耗和浪费、占有和享乐,而是要在消费的过程中充分展现人的主体性,体现生命的价值和意义。消费应该是理性的、适度的,而不是盲目的、无止境的占有。在中国,伴随着全球化的发展,西方社会的生活方式、文化、价值观念等逐渐渗透到我国日常生活领域,因此,面对如今不同于20世纪的新的时代,弗洛姆的消费异化理论给我们带来了哪些思考,这是本课题的研究目的所在。}, language = {zh} } @article{SongGu, author = {Song, Ybing and Gu, Xuefeng}, title = {A Study on the Value of Fromm's >The Art of Loving< in Promoting the All-round Development of College Students in the New Era [弗洛姆《爱的艺术》对促进新时代大学生全面发展的价值研究]}, series = {PR World [公关世界], No. 4 (2022), pp. 142-143.}, journal = {PR World [公关世界], No. 4 (2022), pp. 142-143.}, abstract = {弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》中明确指出>爱<是关乎人类生存问题的重要要素。他分析了现代人对于爱的误区,对人类克服分离意识的方式进行了论述和分析,并给出了实现爱的艺术实践的要求。他认为掌握真正爱的方法才能使人脱离异化状态。立德树人,培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的新时代大学生是我国高校的根本任务。弗洛姆关于爱的理论强调每个个体对于其他个体的爱,对于培养新时代大学生形成健全的人格和心理具有重要参考价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{SongYuan, author = {Song, Maoan and Yuan, Hua}, title = {A New Theory of Ideology: New Findings from Theoretical Exploration based on the Party's 100 Years of Theoretical and Practical Achievements [意识形态新理论:基于党百年理论和实践成就的理论探索新发现]}, series = {New West [新西部], No. 10 (2021), pp. 62-65, 75.}, journal = {New West [新西部], No. 10 (2021), pp. 62-65, 75.}, abstract = {意识形态新理论的发现和自觉运用,能够使人们对于坚持党的根本宗旨、加强党的建设的认识,由政治自觉上升到理论自觉,有利于更好地维护我国发展权,提高国际话语权,并在坚持中国道路同西方国家的意识形态对抗中取得比较优势,掌握斗争主动权。>意识形态<这一概念从被法国哲学家特拉西(即托拉西)首次提出到现在,已有二百多年的历史。[1]期间,包括马克思、齐泽克、汤普森、弗洛姆以及中国从事政治理论研究的专家、学者及哲学家们}, language = {zh} } @article{Ren, author = {Ren, Sizhong}, title = {Humanization of Technology: Observing Digital Integration of the Elderly Group by Erich Fromm's Humanistic Theory [术的人道化:由弗洛姆的人道主义理论看老年群体的数字融入]}, series = {Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, No. 9 (2022), pp. 51-54.}, journal = {Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, No. 9 (2022), pp. 51-54.}, abstract = {Entering the 14th Five-Year Plan period, accompanied by significant trend of China's population aging, the digital integration of the elderly group has become the core concern in academic circles. In view of this, taking Erich Fromm's humanistic theory and his philosophy for considering China's reality, open the interface between the elderly and technology from three top-level designs of understanding needs, stimulating creativity, and strengthening education support, which could help the elderly group to adapt to digital life and enjoy its dividends smoothly. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Qiu, author = {Qiu, Xuexian}, title = {弗洛姆的人生論及其在教育上的意義 [Fromm's Theory of Life and Its Significance in Education]}, series = {臺南師院學報 [Journal of Tainan Teachers College], Vol. 25 (1992), pp. 123-134.}, journal = {臺南師院學報 [Journal of Tainan Teachers College], Vol. 25 (1992), pp. 123-134.}, abstract = {本研究旨在探討弗洛姆的人生論,並闡釋其在教育上的意義。本研究主 要採用理論分析法。 本文共分四部分,首先,探討人究竟是什麼;其次,分析當前的社會環境;再次, 指出人類的新希望;最後,詳述弗洛姆的人生論在教育上的意義。}, language = {zh} } @article{PengCui, author = {Peng, Jiayu and Cui, Dan}, title = {Who is the Ultimate Dream Weaver in John Keats's >The Eve of St. Agnes?< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Communication, Society and Media, Vol. 4, No. 3 (2021), pp. 24-39. [Online ISSN 2576-5396] [doi.org/10.22158/csm.v4n3p24]}, journal = {Communication, Society and Media, Vol. 4, No. 3 (2021), pp. 24-39. [Online ISSN 2576-5396] [doi.org/10.22158/csm.v4n3p24]}, abstract = {Chinese abstract not available] This article aims to interpret dreams in John Keats's narrative >The Eve of St. Agnes< from different perspectives: the Beadsman's, Porphyro's, Madeline's and John Keats's, the poet. We will analyze their functions respectively, and then draw a conclusion of Keats's purpose in structuring such a way of weaving dreams. After summarizing studies and theories on dream and soul from the perspective of psychoanalysis and scholars' views on >The Eve of St. Agnes<, we will continue to illustrate the ways in which John Keats constructs three layers of dreams with the pertinent approaches by Freud, Fromm, Lacan, Rank, Žižek, etc. so as to reveal John Keats's viewpoints on life and death, dream and reality, and pleasure and pain. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Ou, author = {Ou, Yangqian}, title = {弗洛姆的規範人本主義及其生命倫理學 - 兼評現代西方人本主義哲學 [Fromm's Normative Humanism and its Bioethics - A Review of Modern Western Humanist Philosophy]}, series = {哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 23, No. 1 (1996), pp. 1233-1243.}, journal = {哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 23, No. 1 (1996), pp. 1233-1243.}, language = {zh} } @article{Niu, author = {Niu, Qing}, title = {Growing up in Solitude - An Interpretation of >La solitudine dei numeri primi< from the Perspective of Fromm's Alienation Theory [在孤独中成长——从弗洛姆的异化理论视角解读《质数的孤独》牛晴] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Mangzhong Literature [芒种], No. 3 (2023), pp. 110-112.}, journal = {Mangzhong Literature [芒种], No. 3 (2023), pp. 110-112.}, abstract = {小说《质数的孤独》是意大利80后作家、粒子物理学博士保罗·乔尔达诺的处女作。小说描述了两位主人公马蒂亚和爱丽丝在孤独中成长、逐渐发现自我的故事。本文运用弗洛姆的异化理论,从人的自我关系的异化和人际关系的异化两个方面来解读小说《质数的孤独》中的人物异化,并通过分析小说主人公身上的异化现象,进一步探讨消除异化的方式。}, language = {zh} } @article{Mao, author = {Mao, Yuchen}, title = {On the Interpretation of Love in >The Art of Loving< [论《爱的艺术》中爱的诠释]}, series = {Youth Literature [青年文学家], No. 17 (2022), pp. 104-106.}, journal = {Youth Literature [青年文学家], No. 17 (2022), pp. 104-106.}, abstract = {《爱的艺术》是德裔美籍心理学家和哲学家、法兰克福学派重要成员艾里希·弗洛姆最著名的作品。本文将对弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》中的爱进行分析,从爱的错误认知、爱的组成因素、爱的实践三个角度阐释对爱的理解与感悟,个人需要爱的能力,社会也需要爱的能力,这样人与人之间的关系会构成新的秩序,而拥有爱的能力的人才称得上是一个健全的人,而拥有爱的能力的社会才称得上是一个健全的社会。}, language = {zh} } @article{Mao, author = {Mao, Rong-gui}, title = {Love is an Art [爱,是一门艺术]}, series = {English Salon, No. 6 (2008), pp. 21-22.}, journal = {English Salon, No. 6 (2008), pp. 21-22.}, abstract = {迄今,对于>爱<的诠释,其新意,其深度,其广度,空前(未必绝后)者,当属Erich Fromm(埃里希?弗洛姆,1900-1980;美国哲学家、心理学家)。本文(节选自他的The Art of Loving第二章第一节The Theory of Love)虽短,却告诉我们,>爱<无异于艺术。学习爱,就要像学习别的任何一门艺术一样,需要理论元素的介入,还需要洞察力和理解力。大而言之,弗洛姆认为爱不是>获取<,而是>给予<。爱,是以自己的生命力去激发对方的生命力,以自己全身心的爱的能力去引发对方的爱的能力。}, language = {zh} } @article{Mao, author = {Mao, Liyun}, title = {Achievment of Love Education [成就爱的教育]}, series = {Hunan Education (C Edition), [湖南教育(C版)], No. 8 (2023), pp. 28-29.}, journal = {Hunan Education (C Edition), [湖南教育(C版)], No. 8 (2023), pp. 28-29.}, abstract = {如果要从目前的阅读经历中选择一本书作为我的人生之书,最先撞进我脑海的一定是艾里希·弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》。自2018年至今,我不知多少遍翻开又合上这本书,内心跟随文字时而平静,时而激越。弗洛姆的写作既带着对复杂人性的冷峻刻画与清醒认知,又蕴藏着启迪智慧的强烈感情与深厚力量。每个人都渴望爱与被爱,都尝试通过各种途径与他人建立联结, …}, language = {zh} } @article{Ma, author = {Ma, Ziting}, title = {>El amor en los tiempos del c{\´o}lera< from Erich Fromm's Viewpoint on Love [从艾瑞克·弗洛姆对爱的观点看《霍乱时期的爱情》] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {China Youth Years, No. 5 (2023), pp. 59-61.}, journal = {China Youth Years, No. 5 (2023), pp. 59-61.}, abstract = {《霍乱时期的爱情》是哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯的长篇小说。小说讲述了一个跨越半个多世纪的爱情故事。女主角费尔明娜·达萨和男主角阿里萨经历了一系列事情最终走到了一起,从中反映出了两人对爱的不同观点;同时,两位主人公的亲人也展现出了不同形式的亲人之爱。本文将基于艾瑞克·弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》对小说中出现的不同形式的爱进行分析。一、作品介绍《霍乱时期的爱情》一书被誉为>人类有史以来最伟大的爱情小说<,更是20世纪最重要的经典文学巨著之一。该故事发生在十九世纪八十年代至二十世纪二、三十年代的南。}, language = {zh} } @article{Ma, author = {Ma, Huanie}, title = {Loneliness and Redemption——An Interpretation of >God Help the Child< from the Perspective of Fromm's View of Freedom [孤独与救赎——弗洛姆自由观视域下的《上帝救助孩子》解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 100-104.}, journal = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 100-104.}, abstract = {《上帝救助孩子》是托妮·莫里森以美国当代社会为创作背景的文学作品,展示了美国当代社会各年龄、各阶层、各族裔民众孤独、焦虑的生存图景。文章以弗洛姆的自由观为理论视角,通过对比分析文本中人物逃避消极自由带来的自我救赎失败及追求积极而成功自我救赎的差异,揭示了创造性的爱与劳动是现代人重获自由,不必牺牲自我的完整性而恢复与自然及他人联结的唯一途径。}, language = {zh} } @article{LuoChen, author = {Luo, Songtao and Chen, Keyu}, title = {From Labor Alienation to Criticism of Existential Alienation - Based on Fromm's Thoughts on Marx's Humanism [从劳动异化到生存异化批判——基于弗洛姆对马克思人学思想的思考]}, series = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 3 (2021), pp. 72-79.}, journal = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 3 (2021), pp. 72-79.}, abstract = {作为西方马克思主义中新弗洛伊德主义的代表,弗洛姆强调在西方人道主义传统中理解马克思的人学思想。在《马克思关于人的概念》一文中,弗洛姆深入解读了马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的>人的本质<和>异化劳动<这两个关键问题。针对现代西方资本主义社会中人的生存异化困境,弗洛姆沿着马克思批判异化劳动的思路,着重揭批了自由异化、爱的异化、消费异化等三种异化状况。弗洛姆的生存异化批判虽然发人深省,却仍带有非历史的抽象人性论色。}, language = {zh} } @article{Luo, author = {Luo, Dongmei}, title = {The Complex Historical Context of Marx's Concept of Man [马克思关于人的概念的复杂历史脉络]}, series = {Theory Research [学理论], No. 3 (2022), pp. 22-24.}, journal = {Theory Research [学理论], No. 3 (2022), pp. 22-24.}, abstract = {以弗洛姆为代表的西方学者认为马克思人的概念是>本真性<的人自我演化的同一性过程,但是马克思关于人的概念是复杂的,它从>人的自我意识<的问题式转换为>人的社会类本质>的问题式,最后转换为一定历史的<现实的个人<的科学阐释。因此,在这种差别转换中,不存在始终如一的>本真性<的人的概念,也就是说这一概念在马克思那里不应简单当作某种自我深化、自我演化的同一性过程,而应理解成在特定历史交互语境之下不同问题式和话语实践的差异性转换。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lu, author = {Lu, Yuting}, title = {從心理學觀點看人及宗教 [Man and Religion from a Psychological Perspective]}, series = {哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 26 (1999), pp. 1116-1130;1187-1189.}, journal = {哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 26 (1999), pp. 1116-1130;1187-1189.}, abstract = {心理學普通不設宗教信仰這一問題,因為兩者的研究對象各有不同之故。但由於心理學所討論的人,是「整體性」的,生理與心理固然不能分離,肉體與精神現象也很難完全分開處理;因此自五十年代以來,某些研究「人之所以為人」之特徵的心理學家,已開始對宗教信仰這一問題發生了興趣。心理學家討論信仰問題,不管他們的背境是什麼,藉通不強調、更不執著某種特定的宗教系統,如佛教、基督教、或天主教,雖然這些心理學家也有他們自己的特定信仰。本文收集了五位較有代表性的心理學家,並計劃從他們不同的立場來討論人與宗教之問題:(一)從成熟的人格觀點來看人之宗教信仰對人之人格成熟有何關連。這裡介紹了兩位心理學家,即亞爾伯之人格理論及梵岡之信仰健康觀。(二)從人生意義之探索看信仰問題。並以意義治療學之創始人以弗蘭克為代言人。(三)從追求道德及靈魂之實有看宗教,以新精神分析學權威佛洛姆為主。(四)從人之自我實現論談宗教信仰,並以此理論之創始人馬斯洛為主要依據。輔大以全人教育為宗旨,並以真善美聖為師生共同追求的目標,但全人教育不設宗教這一問題又如何能成為「全人」。真善美聖的實際內涵又脫不了終極關懷的問題。我們不願以自己的信仰談宗教,雖然我們也有此權利及責任,但畢竟易引起誤會及反感。本各完全以人自己的立場來說信仰,似乎應該易於接受。}, language = {zh} } @article{Luetal, author = {Lu, Liqing and et al.,}, title = {Psychoanalytic Interpretation of the Origin of Religious Ideas from the Ontogenetic Perspective [精神分析视域下个体宗教观念形成的心理根源]}, series = {Studies in World Religions [世界宗教研究], No. 6 (2023), pp. 23-31.}, journal = {Studies in World Religions [世界宗教研究], No. 6 (2023), pp. 23-31.}, abstract = {诸多精神分析学家从个体发生的视角对宗教观念形成的心理根源做了解释。弗洛伊德将宗教视为神经症,而上帝则是理想化的父亲;荣格把集体潜意识置于上帝的位置,认为宗教是集体潜意识的自然生命;客体关系学派认为良好的母婴关系是宗教体验的源头,亲子关系直接影响个体心目中的上帝形象;弗洛姆将宗教视为人性的基本需求,根植于生而为人无法摆脱的生存处境;乔治.弗兰克尔强调宗教观念是心理世界外部化的产物。精神分析学派的上述观点在宗教学领域产生了重要影响,但因过分强调潜意识的作用,颠倒了社会存在和社会意识的关系,科学研究反而为神在现代社会的存在提供了>栖身之所<}, language = {zh} } @article{Lu, author = {Lu, Jian}, title = {Reread >Amusing Ourselves to Death< [重读《娱乐至死》]}, series = {World Affairs, No. 19 (2010), p. 65.}, journal = {World Affairs, No. 19 (2010), p. 65.}, abstract = {在我看来,尼尔·波兹曼(已故美国著名媒体文化研究者和批评者)的《娱乐至死》,已不仅仅是一本传媒学或文化批判学的研究著作,而成了一本哲学著作,它涉及到人们的世界观、价值观和对人自身生活方式的看法。尼尔·波兹曼在页首说>人们由于享乐而失去了自由<,也让我想起弗洛姆的《逃避自由》。其实波兹曼和弗洛姆的共同点就是,人在社会中越来越自由,又在 …}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Yuxuan}, title = {[Fromm's Theory of Love for Contemporary Women [弗洛姆爱的理论对当代女性的启示 ]}, series = {Writer's World [作家天地 ], No. 21 (2023), pp. 165-167.}, journal = {Writer's World [作家天地 ], No. 21 (2023), pp. 165-167.}, abstract = {20世纪以来,消费主义的迅猛发展使现代人对爱产生了偏颇理解,人生观发生畸变,弗洛姆爱的理论是建立在人道主义的理解上产生的新的概念,通过其理论试图唤起当代青年一代对女性理性认识的自觉,从弗洛姆爱的理论的视角为陷入困境的女性提供有效自我重建方式,启发女性通过爱和创造性的劳动以追求积极自由来摆脱自身的困境,实现自我救赎。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Yixiao}, title = {The Alienation and Awakening of Women in Saul Bellow's >A Theft< [索尔·贝娄《偷窃》中女性的异化与觉醒] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Literature Education [文学教育], No. 1 (2023), pp. 45-47.}, journal = {Literature Education [文学教育], No. 1 (2023), pp. 45-47.}, abstract = {《偷窃》是美国著名犹太作家索尔·贝娄于1989年发表的中篇小说,以易西尔送给克拉拉的定情戒指两次丢失及找回为主线,讲述了现代职业女性克拉拉失败的婚姻和艰难的两性关系。本文将以弗洛姆的异化理论为视角,分析现代社会中随意的两性关系、物质主义等对女性的异化,探讨女性如何对抗时代带来的空虚感,以及如何在文化崩溃的社会中生存。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Yi}, title = {Interpretation of Solomon's Tragedy in >Twelve Years a Slave< according to Fromm [《为奴十二载》中所罗门悲剧的弗洛姆式解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Shanxi Institute of Energy [山西能源学院学报], No. 5 (2021), pp.76-78.}, journal = {Journal of Shanxi Institute of Energy [山西能源学院学报], No. 5 (2021), pp.76-78.}, abstract = {《为奴十二载》是所罗门·诺瑟普在1983年出版的一部自传小说,文章从弗洛姆的社会性格和社会无意识理论出发,分析书中主人公所罗门在黑奴社会与自由社会中所体现出的不同的社会无意识与社会性格,可见其社会性格和社会无意识对社会成员有着重要影响,启示我们,人和社会的关系密不可分,只有在健全的社会里才产生健全的人!}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Yangnuo}, title = {The Interpretation of Love in >The Veil< and >Normal People< [《面纱》和《正常人》中爱的解读]}, series = {Overseas English [海外英语], No. 5 (2022), pp. 193-194.}, journal = {Overseas English [海外英语], No. 5 (2022), pp. 193-194.}, abstract = {爱是一门需要知识和努力的艺术,据弗洛姆观之,爱的艺术包括爱的对象、爱的能力和爱的状态,他所指的爱并不局限于情爱,而是从人类的生存问题出发审视爱的真谛,爱是《面纱》中的背叛与救赎,爱也是《正常人》中的治愈与成长,对此,可以从父母之爱、两性之爱和自爱三个方面纵向探究不同世纪的爱情观,管窥现代爱情的特质的同时,也试图深化我们对爱的认知。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Xing}, title = {A Brief Analysis of Fromm and Marcuse's Consumption Alienation Theory [弗洛姆与马尔库塞消费异化理论浅析]}, series = {China Economist, No. 1 (2023), pp. 239-240.}, journal = {China Economist, No. 1 (2023), pp. 239-240.}, abstract = {弗洛姆和马尔库塞是法兰克福学派的两位批判哲学家,二者都曾对消费异化现象进行过批判。消费社会是病态的社会,消费异化带来了环境恶化、人际关系消费化、人成为单向度的人等诸多问题,使西方资本主义社会极权化、病态发展。通过对弗洛姆与马尔库塞的消费异化理论进行分析,可以倡导人们健康消费,促进我国经济健康、可持续发展。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liuetal, author = {Liu, Wenxin and et al,}, title = {The Formation and Consolidation of Scientific Paradigm in American Psychology after World War II: Analysis Based on Social Character [二战之后美国心理学科学主义范式的形成与巩固——基于社会性格的分析]}, series = {Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理学报], No. 10 (2023), pp. 1729-1744. [Print ISSN 0439-755X] [doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1041.2023.01729]}, journal = {Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理学报], No. 10 (2023), pp. 1729-1744. [Print ISSN 0439-755X] [doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1041.2023.01729]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] The flourish development of scientific psychology in America was often understood as the necessary subsequence of the evolution of intellectual history in psychology, in which psychology separated itself from philosophy and gradually found its own scientific methods during the past centuries. However, as one of categories of culture, the history of psychology could not be understood without the considering of societies and people who live in it. According to Fromm's social psychological studies, social change may form the social character of a given society, and the social character will initiate new thoughts or ideas which constitutes new culture and ideology. This new kind of culture and ideology will be easy to be accepted by the society, and solidify its social character in turn. So it will be interesting if we explore the process in which psychology in America committed to scientism from the perspective of social change and social character after World War II. There were a lot of changes after World War II in America society in terms of politics, economics, industrial structure, population, education, and belief. On the material level, America reached the so-called advanced industrial society and consumer society. On the mental level, the worship of knowledge gradually replaced the worship of god in America society. These changes formed the social character of America after World War II through pragmatism and individualism that were parts of American culture. The key trait of this kind of social character are one-dimensionality, pursuing of instrumental rationality, and individual priority. What this kind of social character looking forward in terms of psychology as a part of culture and ideology is the disenchantment of inner world, or we can say the secularization of mind, which will offer some kind of certainty for the working of American society.- World War II promoted the development of psychology on general, and also left abundant of problems for America society, such as psychic trauma of veteran, the need for mental health, how to avoid the reviving of totalitarianism, how the collective affect the behavior of individual, and how to train more scientists, professors, and engineers for America and finally win the competition with Soviet Union. All these needs from society led to the boom of clinical psychology, social psychology, developmental and educational psychology, and psychometrics in America. Not only the numbers of APA members and journals, but also the number of PHD in American psychology surged during three decades after World War II. The schools of psychology in America also changed during that time. New behaviorism declined after Hull and Skinner's time due to its neglect of psyche. Psychoanalysis used to affect American psychology and evolved to ego psychology which could be seen as the product of Americanization. However, psychoanalysis was finally marginalized by scientific psychology in America because of the rise of evidence based medicine. The Third Force Psychology once made a noise in America, but it finally faded due to its attempt to connect psychology and philosophy again, and its complicated methods. It was cognitive psychology that became most popular and the main paradigm of American psychology. In a nutshell, the history of American psychology expressed its social character after World War II which called for the secularization of mind. The scientific psychology in America also plays its ideological role in maintaining the efficient work of American society in turn. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{LiuFu, author = {Liu, Mo and Fu, Jingchuan}, title = {The Game of >Freedom< in >The Adventures of Augie March< [《奥吉·马奇历险记》中的>自由<博弈] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of University of Jinan (Social Science Edition) [济南大学学报(社会科学版)], Online First Publishing Date: 2022-05-25 16:19:28.}, journal = {Journal of University of Jinan (Social Science Edition) [济南大学学报(社会科学版)], Online First Publishing Date: 2022-05-25 16:19:28.}, abstract = {《奥吉·马奇历险记》中鹰蛇相争的情节往往被评论家们所忽略。作为耗费颇多笔力刻画的章节,奥吉和西亚的墨西哥之行显然值得重视。从小说中鹰蛇相争的情节入手,挖掘埋藏于文字之下的隐喻内涵,反观和解构奥吉的人生选择,进而从艾里希·弗洛姆和罗洛·梅人文主义社会心理学的视角展开分析,讨论奥吉寻找继发纽带、>逃避自由<的现实抉择与其追求独立自主的人生目标之间的反差和博弈。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Liping}, title = {An Analysis of the Characters of the Main Characters in >The Moon and Sixpence< Using Fromm's Character Theory [探析《月亮和六便士》中主要人物性格——运用弗洛姆性格理论] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位·经典], No. 19 (2022), pp. 5-8.}, journal = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位·经典], No. 19 (2022), pp. 5-8.}, abstract = {根据弗洛姆的性格理论分析,认为查理斯·思特里克兰德夫人具有接受取向,思特里克兰德具有剥削取向以及疏远关系中的破坏倾向,戴尔克·施特略夫具有共生关系中的受虐倾向,而施特略夫的妻子则具有囤积取向,麦克安德鲁夫妇以及社会中的大部分其他人的社会性格具有市场取向等非生产性的性格取向,是病态的社会性格,而健康的社会性格则是具有生产性的爱。同时,分析弗洛姆提出的混合类型的性格取向,运用理论结合实际的研究方法,有助于理解弗洛姆的社会性格理论以及掌握现代人的性格倾向。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Chuanlei}, title = {A Brief Analysis of the Application of Fromm's Humanism to Contemporary Social Problems}, series = {Social Values and Society (SVS), Vol. 1, No. 1 (2019), pp. 1-4. [Online ISSN 2682-7964] [doi.org/10.26480/svs.01.2019.01.04]}, journal = {Social Values and Society (SVS), Vol. 1, No. 1 (2019), pp. 1-4. [Online ISSN 2682-7964] [doi.org/10.26480/svs.01.2019.01.04]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] In Fromm's thought, the most important one is humanism. The socialization problem in modern human society is not only the problem of social system, but also the problem of human personality and psychology. Therefore, in order to reduce the occurrence of social destructive phenomena, it is necessary to reduce human destructive behavior. Through psychological analysis and theoretical study, we can improve people's psychological potential and optimize their sociality, so as to create and maintain good social forms. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{LiuLiang, author = {Liu, Anqi and Liang, Yan}, title = {An Interpretation of >Atonement< from Fromm's Theory of Alienation [从弗洛姆的异化理论解读《赎罪》]}, series = {English Square [英语广场] No. 6 (2022), pp. 61-63.}, journal = {English Square [英语广场] No. 6 (2022), pp. 61-63.}, abstract = {《赎罪》是英国作家伊恩·麦克尤恩创作的一部长篇小说。小说描述了主人公布里奥妮因为感情上的挫折而做出伪证,造成了一生难以挽回的后果的故事。本文通过结合弗洛姆异化理论下的自我异化和人际关系异化角度,围绕>赎罪<这一主题,分析布里奥妮犯下滔天罪过的原因。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lin, author = {Lin, Jinbo}, title = {The Self and the Other - From the Perspective of Fromm [自我与他者——从弗洛姆的视角切入]}, series = {Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University [佳木斯大学社会科学学报], No. 3 (2022), pp. 15-18.}, journal = {Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University [佳木斯大学社会科学学报], No. 3 (2022), pp. 15-18.}, abstract = {个体自由是自文艺复兴以来不断被探讨的一个问题,传统的人与人的依赖关系逐渐被剥离,个体呈现出了>原子化<的特征,也因此,个体与个体之间的矛盾与冲突逐步加剧。针对这一问题,弗洛姆作为西方马克思主义和弗洛伊德主义的一位结合者,基于他对于人本主义和精神分析心理学的多重分析,从人道化社会的角度阐述了社会对于人的重要作用。而其思想路径也彰显了探索人与社会关系动态平衡的新角度。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lin, author = {Lin, Jinbo}, title = {Fromm's Discussion and Development of Marx's >Alienation< [弗洛姆对马克思>异化<的探讨与发展]}, series = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 22 (2021), pp. 191-193,155.}, journal = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 22 (2021), pp. 191-193,155.}, abstract = {弗洛姆作为法兰克福学派的重要成员,在思想上继承法兰克福学派的重要观点,认为批判性是马克思主义的灵魂,而同时,其推崇弗洛伊德的相关学说,也由此具有较为浓厚的人道主义色彩。他在对社会现实的考察当中继承了马克思的一系列思想,特别是在对资本主义社会的批判上,多次采用马克思对于异化的批判,逐步构建自己的理论体系。随着资本主义社会的发展,异化现象开始走出经济领域,迈向了更广阔的空间,弗洛姆也注意到了这一点,从多个角度入手进行了一定的批判。同时,弗洛姆也非常欣赏弗洛伊德,在分析的过程中也融入了弗洛伊德的精神分析学说,提出了社会性格学说。本文将重点分析其对资本主义文化现象的一系列批判,从中汲取一定的宝贵经验。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liang, author = {Liang, Zhifeng}, title = {Cultivation of Sound Personality of Primary School Students [小学生健全人格的培养]}, series = {Journal of Educational Development [教育导刊], No. 12 (2007), p. 58.}, journal = {Journal of Educational Development [教育导刊], No. 12 (2007), p. 58.}, abstract = {完整的人格是指实现了知、意、情统一的人格。弗洛姆认为,只有把人的情感与智力相结合,才能培养出健全完整的人格。小学生人格是一个复杂、多侧面、多层次的统一体,小学生人格教育的得失关系到他们的身心健康、学习效率以及社会适应能力的发展。因此人格教育必须坚持全面整体、持续统一、个体特色和社会化的原则。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiLi, author = {Li, Yuyan and Li, Jia}, title = {>Having< is not >Being<: Fromm's Theory of Alienated Consumption and Its Sublation}, series = {Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University (Social Sciences), No. 2 (2022), pp. 75-81.}, journal = {Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University (Social Sciences), No. 2 (2022), pp. 75-81.}, abstract = {Fromm divided the value orientation of human beings into two kinds: emphasis on >having< and emphasis on >being<, and distinguished the essence of the two. He pointed out that alienated consumption is a way of existence of emphasis on having, which leads to the alienation of human beings and nature, between people and people as well as individual human beings, so that people are more and more far away from the >being<. He believes that only by changing the value orientation of people can we abandon the alienated consumption and return to the nature of human existence. Under the influence of western consumer society, alienated consumption is also spreading in our country. At this critical time, Fromm's criticism of alienated consumption is of great significance for us to cultivate the correct consumption concept, imple¬ment the correct consumption behavior, and realize the sustainable utilization of resources, social harmony and the all-round development of human beings [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Wenli}, title = {[Fromm's Theory of Consumption Alienation and Its Contemporary Value [弗洛姆消费异化理论及其当代价值]}, series = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位经典], No. 6, (2022), pp. 22-25.}, journal = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位经典], No. 6, (2022), pp. 22-25.}, abstract = {第三次工业革命以来,消费不仅成为生产的首要指向,也早已成为工业社会人们共同认可的生存价值,进而导致现代人的人生价值沉浸于消费编织的虚假美梦,以为人生的幸福是对于消费的实现。弗洛姆提出消费异化理论直指消费社会的虚假和卑劣,主张人要恢复爱、理智和创造力,意图通过经济、政治、文化的民主手段推动人本质的回归,推进社会发展。弗洛姆的异化理论虽有乌托邦性,但能够正视社会发展存在的资源浪费和人的消费心理问题,能够吸收国外社会发展的经验教训为社会主义的社会发展提供借鉴。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Wei}, title = {>Alienation< in a >Highly Developed Capitalist Society< - On Haruki Murakami's Novel >Dansu dansu dansu<. The Social Criticism of Haruki Murakami's Novel [>高度发达的资本主义社会<中的>异化<—论村上春树小说《舞!舞!舞!》的社会批判思想] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Aesthetics, No. 2 (2023), pp. 89-93.}, journal = {Aesthetics, No. 2 (2023), pp. 89-93.}, abstract = {村上春树的小说《舞!舞!舞!》对20世纪80年代的日本社会进行了生动的描述,在小说描写的这幅后现代全景图中,人们经历着城市空间、异化劳动以及消费带来的异化,从而逐步丧失自我的主体性,沦为单向度的表征符号。基于哲学家列斐伏尔及法兰克福学派学者埃里希·弗洛姆等人的社会批判理论,解读小说中的异化现象。面对日本高度发达的资本主义社会,村上春树不仅展现了一位有责任感的作家对社会的批判精神,也为异化下的人们指出了一条>村上式<的内在革命之路。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Shuang}, title = {>Terrible Compassion<: On the Destructive Power of Scobie's Compassion on Individual Freedom [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Masterpieces Review, No. 17 (2023), pp.:22-24.}, journal = {Masterpieces Review, No. 17 (2023), pp.:22-24.}, abstract = {格雷厄姆·格林的《问题的核心》塑造了一个备受争议的怜悯者形象,格林认为斯考比的怜悯>是一种近乎可怕的骄傲的表达<,具有"灾难性和破坏力"。弗洛姆的逃避自由理论为解读怜悯的破坏力提供了一把钥匙,斯考比的怜悯是对自由的逃避、对权威的服从,个体化力量的丧失也令斯考比成为一个同性趋同、暴力扭曲的恶的人物。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Qun}, title = {Analysis on Fromm's Thought of Escape from Freedom and Its Contemporary Value [浅析弗洛姆的逃避自由思想及其当代价值]}, series = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位经典], No. 22 (2021), pp. 26-29.}, journal = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位经典], No. 22 (2021), pp. 26-29.}, abstract = {埃利希·弗洛姆从心理学的角度指出逃避自由的形成是一个历史过程,对自由作出了全新的解释,认为在现存的社会条件下,没有能够实现真正的自由,只是一种虚假的自由。人们越自由也就越孤独,因为渴望逃避自由便逐渐建立起来了权威主义、破坏欲和机械趋同三种主要机制。弗洛姆的逃避自由思想虽然过于强调心理因素的作用,但其逃避自由的思想在当代仍具有一定价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Qiuxian}, title = {從弗洛姆《愛的藝術The Art of Loving》析論《三國演義》的親情書寫 - 以蜀漢後主為中心 [From Fromm's >The Art of Loving<, an Analysis of the Affectionate Writing of >The Romance of the Three Kingdoms<, with the Latter Lord of Shu Han as the Center]}, series = {問學 [Asking about Learning (Kaohsiung City: National Kaohsiung Normal University Chinese Literature)], Vol. 19 (2015), pp. 113-129.}, journal = {問學 [Asking about Learning (Kaohsiung City: National Kaohsiung Normal University Chinese Literature)], Vol. 19 (2015), pp. 113-129.}, abstract = {弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)愛的理論中認為,愛包括一些元素:照顧、責任、尊重及瞭解,其中母親與小孩的關係最密切,她代表著溫暖和安全的狀態,兒童從胚胎起便與母親相互依戀著,縱使日後脫離母體向世界探索,也是相當緊密的。值得注意的是,父親之愛與母愛最大的差別在於,母親是無條件的,而父愛是有條件的。《三國演義》對於劉禪親情的書寫,從三十四回出生到四十一回趙子龍單騎救主、四十二回摔阿斗、六十一回截江奪阿斗、甚至到後來八十五回的託孤事件、及後主登基之後劉禪與諸葛亮的關係等,在在都是於親情的軌跡上書寫。是故,本文欲從現代西方心裡學家弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)《愛的藝術 The Art of Loving》中對於親情剖析的觀點析論《三國演義》中劉禪為中心的敘述,期以重新理解作者在情節段落中的安排和更貼近真實人心的心理狀態,重要的是期盼能梳理出後主人格缺陷部分始是造成蜀國敗亡的真正原因,再從弗洛姆的父親之愛、母親之愛再推而影響人類成年後的父性良知和母性良知,以釐清日後造就出後主如此懦弱無能的主因,竟和童年的親情脈絡有著密不可分的關係。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Jing}, title = {The Value Choice and Transcendence of the View of a Better Life under the Changing Times - The Value Dimension of Fromm's Philosophy of Life and Its Contemporary Enlightenment [时代变局下美好生活观的价值选择及超越——弗洛姆生活哲学的价值向度及其当代启示]}, series = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 2 (2022), pp. 157-164.}, journal = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 2 (2022), pp. 157-164.}, abstract = {面对20世纪的两次世界大战、冷战及核战争危机等教训,什么样的生活才是美好生活?人们有没有可能及如何实现美好生活?这是主导弗洛姆学术思想的重要主题。弗洛姆回归人本主义,构建了一套完整的、以人本主义伦理学为理论基础的美好生活理论,并主张对资本主义制度进行全面改革,以实现美好生活。显然,弗洛姆的人本主义已经超越了伦理学人本主义的范畴,具有政治哲学意蕴。从政治哲学视阈剖析弗洛姆的美好生活观,厘清其背后蕴含的价值选择,有助于探寻当前时代变局下美好生活的本质要义和实践路径。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiTan, author = {Li, Huaizheng and Tan, Yan}, title = {Fromm's Critique of the Having-oriented Culture and Its Contemporary Value [弗洛姆对"重占有"文化的批判及其时代价值]}, series = {Journal of Mudanjiang University, No. 7 (2023), pp. 17-22.}, journal = {Journal of Mudanjiang University, No. 7 (2023), pp. 17-22.}, abstract = {Fromm points out in his theory of living mode that the having-oriented culture is caused by the market-oriented social character and it manifests itself as the abstraction of social culture, the unhindered desire and the utilitarianism of education. Fromm's Critique of the having-oriented culture has offered us great inspiration with respect to the construction of socialist culture in China in the new era that we must uphold the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, build cultural confidence and strength, and promote the development of socialist spiritual civilization. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 8/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{LiJiao, author = {Li, Huaizheng and Jiao, Man}, title = {The Contribution of Fromm's Social Character Theory to Historical Materialism}, series = {Journal of Harbin University. No. 12 (2022), pp. 6-11.}, journal = {Journal of Harbin University. No. 12 (2022), pp. 6-11.}, abstract = {On the basis of Freud's character theory, Fromm introduced Marx's historical materialism and creatively put forward the social character theory, which not only broke through the limitations of Freud's character theory, but also improved Marx's historical materialism. With the help of social character theory, Fromm elaborated the concrete operation mechanism between social existence and social consciousness. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 11/2022]}, language = {zh} } @article{LiGao, author = {Li, Huaizheng and Gao, Meng}, title = {Fromm's Critique of the >Having-oriented< Consumption and Its Contemporary Enlightenment [弗洛姆对"重占有"消费的批判及其当代启示]}, series = {Journal of Mudanjiang University, No. 7 (2023), pp. 17-22.}, journal = {Journal of Mudanjiang University, No. 7 (2023), pp. 17-22.}, abstract = {In the theory of living mode, Fromm points out that bartering with money provides the preconditions for the emergence of the having-oriented consumption, building an external sense of self is the essence of the having consumption, and never being satisfied is the consequence of the having-oriented consumption. Fromm's critique of the having-oriented consumption has important enlightenment significance for China to prevent and resolve the adverse effects of consumerism in the new era. We should vigorously cultivate and practice the core socialist values, strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and guide people to establish a correct concept of consumption. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Di}, title = {A Blossoming Tree - Love Education Series, Class Meeting No. 2 [一棵开花的树——爱情教育系列班会之二]}, series = {Class Adviser, No. 10 (2010), pp. 29-33.}, journal = {Class Adviser, No. 10 (2010), pp. 29-33.}, abstract = {活动背景世人都认识到了爱情的重要性,但是人们并不知道爱是一门需要学习的艺术。弗洛姆曾说:>再也找不出一种行为或一项行动,像爱情那样以如此巨大的希望开始,又以如此高比例的失败而告终。<如果是别的事情,人们可能会永远洗手不干。但是人们不可能永远放弃爱情,所以我们只有一条可行的道路——分析爱情受挫的原因,并去探究爱情的真谛。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lai, author = {Lai, Yanjun}, title = {Analysis of the Neurotic Image of the Main Character of >A Clockwork Orange< [《发条橙》主人公的神经症形象分析] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {JinGu Creative Literature [今古文创], No. 10 (2023), pp. 19-21.}, journal = {JinGu Creative Literature [今古文创], No. 10 (2023), pp. 19-21.}, abstract = {《发条橙》(1962)是英国作家伯吉斯的代表性作品。本文通过文本细读的方式,从主人公亚历克斯的神经症人物形象入手,重点运用卡伦·霍尼和弗洛姆的神经症人格等理论,揭示青年主人公激烈反叛的成长历程,这在《发条橙》研究中是新尝试,为小说文本提供新的解读空间。《发条橙》是20世纪中期西方现代小说的现象级作品,分析其主人公的神经症形象的塑造,既是对当时社会文化的反思和批判,也能为当下个体自由和健康发展提供启示,以人文关怀的视角观照当代文化的建构。}, language = {zh} } @article{Jin, author = {Jin, Yuanpu}, title = {The Revival of Critical Theory - A New Generation of Western Marxist Critical Theorists and Their Theories [批判理论的再兴——新一代西方马克思主义批判理论家及其理论]}, series = {Research on Marxist Aesthetics, No. 00 (2004), pp. 324-331.}, journal = {Research on Marxist Aesthetics, No. 00 (2004), pp. 324-331.}, abstract = {当代世界的社会科学与人文科学研究,从来就没有,将来也不可能与马克思主义完全斩断联系。在当今西方,马克思主义依然在迅猛发展,成为近年来西方学术中最具活力的推动力量之一。20世纪80年代以来,西方马克思主义特别是法兰克福学派的理论在我国得到了全面的译介。其译介和研究可以分为两个阶段。20世纪80年代初到20世纪90年代初为第一阶段。在这一阶段,卢卡奇、布洛赫、布莱希特、萨特、麦舍雷、戈德曼、安德森、伊格尔顿、弗洛姆、马尔库塞、阿尔都塞、本雅明、阿多诺、霍克海默 …}, language = {zh} }