@article{Hong, author = {Hong, Yingfen}, title = {從道德向度談文化關懷 - 由弗洛姆的觀點談起 [Cultural Care from a Moral Perspective - From Fromm's Perspective]}, series = {哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 27, No. 12 (2000), pp. 1147-1156, 1198.}, journal = {哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 27, No. 12 (2000), pp. 1147-1156, 1198.}, abstract = {文化是人類生活的所有表現,它包含了歷史洪流的縱向發展與社會型態的橫向延伸,它並非純物質世界的產物,而是精神內化於物質的展現,是精神生活的彰顯。每種文化都是人性的展現,在人性的自然情欲表現中,包含著喜、怒、哀、樂、愛、惡等種種情感,更簡單的區分,人有關懷、愛心與破壞、殘忍兩種相反的力量,它們雖然不是如食色等維生的基本欲望,但對人的影響卻常更甚之;因此,談道德不能抽離人性來討論,談文化不能脫離人性道德而論之。同樣,在今日我們要打造一個優質良善的環境,單從倫理道德本身來談是無法對症下藥,唯有通盤的把心理、社會文化等因素一併納入思考,方能窺探全貌。本文主要是從弗洛姆的觀點,以「人性需求與愛」以及「人性力量與文化進程」兩大角度切入,希望以此提醒人們開啟人性中道德力量對文化的強大影響力,並激發人們對文化永續課題的珍視。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yao, author = {Yao, Dazhi}, title = {The Ideology Theory of Western Marxism [方马克思主义的意识形态理论]}, series = {[Contemporary Foreign Marxism Research Conference], July 2000, Shanghai, China, in [Proceedings]: Contemporary Foreign Marxist Review (First Series), The Journal of the Center for Contemporary Marxism Abroad (Fudan University)[当代国外马克思主义评论(第一辑)], No. 1 (07.01.2000), 109-124, 344-345.}, journal = {[Contemporary Foreign Marxism Research Conference], July 2000, Shanghai, China, in [Proceedings]: Contemporary Foreign Marxist Review (First Series), The Journal of the Center for Contemporary Marxism Abroad (Fudan University)[当代国外马克思主义评论(第一辑)], No. 1 (07.01.2000), 109-124, 344-345.}, abstract = {This paper gives a summary of the ideology theory of Western Marxism. There are four main parts in this paper. The first, it is on the essence of ideology, the main thoughts of three representatives Althusser, Luk{\´a}cs, Habermas, are introduced . Both Althusser and Luk{\´a}cs oppose ideology to science, but Althusser affirms science and criticize ideology, and Luk{\´a}cs reverse it. Habermas' thought is different from them, he identifies the science with ideology. The second, as to the revolution of ideology, Luk{\´a}cs regards proletariat ideology as the precondition of revolution, and Gramsci regards ideology as an independent field in a society. It is important to control it. The third, the relation between ideology and legitimization, Poulantzas and Habermas pay more attention to the relation between legitimization of politics and ideology. Ideology is the foundation of legitimization of political order. The fourth, as to Critical ideology, Frankfurt School is the main representative, especially Marcuse's One Dimensional Man and Fromm's analysis of social psychology. It is very important to study ideology theory, ideology play a key role in social life.}, language = {zh} } @article{Yan, author = {Yan, Xiuping}, title = {On the Life of Wang Xifeng and Cao Qiqiao Misunderstanding [论王熙凤与曹七巧的人生误区] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Hulan Teachers College [呼兰师专学报], No. 3 (2000), pp. 46-51.}, journal = {Journal of Hulan Teachers College [呼兰师专学报], No. 3 (2000), pp. 46-51.}, abstract = {本文论述了王熙凤和曹七巧在金钱和性欲两方面的强烈欲望及其种种表现,指出她们都是被欲望异化的奴隶。本文还依据德国心理学家弗洛姆的性格理论分析了王熙凤的>剥削心向>与曹七巧的<囤积心向<及其带来的危害,并且指出是黑暗的封建社会造成了她们害人害己的病态性格。}, language = {zh} } @article{DanLiu, author = {Dan, Jigang and Liu, Wenjing}, title = {On the Humanistic Psychoanalysis and Historical Materialism Essential Difference - How Fromm and Marx Answer the Same Questions [论人本主义精神分析学与唯物史观的本质区别——弗洛姆与马克思如何回答同样的问题]}, series = {Journal of Jinan University (Philosophy \& Social Science Edition) [暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)] , No. 1 (2000), pp. 46-54.}, journal = {Journal of Jinan University (Philosophy \& Social Science Edition) [暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)] , No. 1 (2000), pp. 46-54.}, abstract = {本文试图通过对弗洛姆的>人本主义精神分析学<和马克思的>唯物史观<在人的本质、人的需要、意识形态和理想社会等问题的共同关注和不同回答的比较 ,指出虽然前者对后者如何在新形势下进一步完善进行了有益的探索 ,但它的拼凑性质决定了其中蕴含着不可克服的矛盾 ,并非后者的合逻辑的发展 ,也没有达到后者那样的高度 ,它们之间的相同或类似只是表面性的}, language = {zh} } @article{Chen, author = {Chen, Ning}, title = {Marcuse's >Needs Theory< Analysis Review [马尔库塞>需要理论<析评]}, series = {Journal of the Graduates Sun Yat-Sen University (Social Sciences) [中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)], No. 2 (2000), pp. 89-94.}, journal = {Journal of the Graduates Sun Yat-Sen University (Social Sciences) [中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)], No. 2 (2000), pp. 89-94.}, abstract = {法兰克福学派的著名代表人物马尔库塞通过对弗洛伊德思想的哲学探讨完成了他的>需要理论<。它表达了对当代工业文明社会下人的困境的关注,同时,马尔库塞的>新需要观<与弗洛姆的>人性需要<以及马斯洛的>需要层次论<之间既有其内在联系,也有其显见的不同。本文在析评马尔库塞>需要理论<的基础上也兼评了三者之间的关系。}, language = {zh} } @article{Sun, author = {Sun, Yifei}, title = {Holden and Art of Love (in English) [霍顿与爱的艺术(英文)] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Beijing Union University (Natural Sciences) [北京联合大学学报(自然科学版)], No. S2 (2000), pp. 138-144.}, journal = {Journal of Beijing Union University (Natural Sciences) [北京联合大学学报(自然科学版)], No. S2 (2000), pp. 138-144.}, abstract = {利用德国心理学家弗洛姆的著作《爱的艺术》中的理论分析了美国作家J•D•塞林格的小说《麦田守望者》的主人公霍顿的性格特征。霍顿陷于人类的共同困境———孤独之中。他尝试了种种解脱的办法,却都没有成功。摆脱孤独的唯一途径就是爱———作为一门艺术的爱。霍顿虽然并不完全具备爱的四个重要因素,然而对小说文本的细致分析表明小说的结尾是一个蕴含着希望的结尾:霍顿是有希望走出自我,融入社会的。不是向社会中的虚伪屈服,而是学会怎样去爱,学会包容和接纳}, language = {zh} } @book{Wan, author = {Wan, Junren}, title = {Fo luo mu 佛洛姆 [Fromm], Hong Kong: Zhonghua shūju 中华书局 [Chung Hwa Book Company.}, language = {zh} } @article{Ying, author = {Ying, Guoliang}, title = {Comments on Fromm's Language Filter Function Theory [评弗洛姆的语言过滤功能论]}, series = {Inner Mongolia Social Sciences [内蒙古社会科学(汉文版)], No. 3 (2000), pp. 20-23.}, journal = {Inner Mongolia Social Sciences [内蒙古社会科学(汉文版)], No. 3 (2000), pp. 20-23.}, abstract = {弗洛姆对语言的认识有一个新颖的视角 ,这就是他十分重视语言对社会意识的过滤功能 ,提出人们的经验要成为社会意识是有条件的 ,即必须经过社会过滤器的过滤。语言是社会过滤器的重要组成部分 ,具有重要的意识过滤功能。他的这一研究是源于法兰克福学派的理论传统 ,即社会批判的需要。本文作者认为 ,弗洛姆所揭示的语言的社会意识过滤理论 ,有助于更深入地理解马克思主义语言学 ,有助于具体地理解语言与思维的密切关系 ,语言对思想和社会意识的筛选作用 ,以便我们正面地、积极地运用语言的这一功能}, language = {zh} } @article{Kong, author = {Kong, Wenqing}, title = {An Individual above Isolation - Fromm's Idea of the Relationship between Group and Individual [超越孤独的个人——弗洛姆的群己关系论]}, series = {Journal of Yunyang Teachers College [郧阳师范高等专科学校学报], No. 4 (2000), pp. 14-18.}, journal = {Journal of Yunyang Teachers College [郧阳师范高等专科学校学报], No. 4 (2000), pp. 14-18.}, abstract = {Basing, on the 20 century western Individualism of the problems brought about by the deep-rooted in the west, the From puts up his theory on the relationship between group and individual The human nature in his theory is On an advanced concept, which stresses that an individual needs both personal independence and contact with the group so as to overcome spiritual isolation.}, language = {zh} } @article{ChenLiang, author = {Chen, Zhi and Liang, Wei}, title = {A Comment on Fromm's >Human Nature< Theory [弗洛姆人性论评析]}, series = {Journal of Inner Mongolia University (Humanities and Social Sciences) [内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 3 (2000), pp. 23-28.}, journal = {Journal of Inner Mongolia University (Humanities and Social Sciences) [内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 3 (2000), pp. 23-28.}, abstract = {弗洛姆自称自己的人性论超越了马克思主义人学理论 ,使人学理论达到了一个新的高度。实际上 ,由于不懂实践 ,弗洛姆把人的本性看成是天生固有的东西 ,把人的精神、意识看作是人与动物的本质区别 ,把社会性排斥在人的本性之外 ,这就造成了他的人性论的三个致命缺陷 :唯心性、非历史性和片面性 ,从而使他的人性论在根本上仍然停留在传统的资产阶级人性论的基础上 ,远未迄及马克思主义人性理论的高度}, language = {zh} } @article{Chen, author = {Chen, Sheng}, title = {>Card Square< Love Story [爱情故事·卡片·方巾]}, series = {Economy [经济], No. 11 (2000), p. 25.}, journal = {Economy [经济], No. 11 (2000), p. 25.}, abstract = {著名学者弗洛姆曾说过:>没有了信仰,人能够生活吗?<每一个优秀企业的发展与其理念之间,也在叙说着同一个内容:理念之于企业就如同信仰之于人类本身,生活之于艺术一样,失去了理念的积淀,企业的生存就形同无源之水,无本之木。}, language = {zh} }